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国际商务合同的文体与翻译,Style and Translation of International Business Contract,Chapter 2-4,Contents,Section 7 Rescission of Contract,Section 8 Termination of Contract,1,2,Rescission and Termination,合同解除和合同终止的区别: 1.合同解除是单方法律行为(one-sided act in law)由于主客观情况的出现,导致不可能或不必要履行合同时,当事人一方根据法律或约定,通知另一方解除原合同法律关系。 2.合同的终止是基于合同履行完毕,生效裁决或合同当事人合意(meeting of minds)等法律事实,而导致合同法律关系归于消灭。,Rescission of Contract,合同的解除是指合同未履行或未完全履行前 (has not or wholly been performed),由于发生 导致合同履行成为不必要或不可能的主客观情 况,当事人一方通知另一方(the notice by the other party)解除原合同法律关系的法律行为。 合同解除是一种单方法律行为(one-sided act in law)。只要法定或约定的合同解除原因发生,当 事人一方有权通知另一方解除合同。,Rescission of Contract,A contract may be rescinded after unanimity among the parties is reached through consultation. The parties to a contract may work out conditions for one party to rescind the contract. When the conditions for rescinding the contract are ripe, the party with the right may rescind the contract,当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。当事人可以 约定一方解除合同的条件。解除合同的条件成 就时,解除权人可以解除合同,For example,Should the party B fail to meet the agreed sales quantity within six(6)months, the Party A shall give a written notice to the Party B to rescind this Contract.,如果乙方在6个月内不能销售双方同意的数量, 甲方有权书面通知乙方解除本合同,商业代理合同(Commercial Agency Contract),Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract:,1. If the objective of a contract cannot be reached due to force majeure,因不可抗力致使不能实现合同目的,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract:,2. If a party, before the expiration of the performance term, expresses explicitly or expresses by its action that it shall not perform its main debt obligations,在履行期限届满之前,当事人一方明确表示 或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract:,3. If a party has delayed the performance of the main debts, and fails to perform them within a reasonable time limit after being urged to do so,当事人一方迟延履行主要债务,经催告后在 合理期限内仍未履行,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract:,4. If the objectives of a contract cannot be realized because a party delays performing its debts or commits other actions in breach of the contract,当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为 致使不能实现合同目的,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract:,5. If other conditions specified by law are present,法律规定的其他情形,After the rescission of a contract, the performance of the part that has not been performed shall be suspended; with regard to the part that has been performed, one party may ask the other party to restore it to the original state or adopt other remedial measures, and shall have the right to demand compensation,Have a try,Should the Joint Venture Company be unable to continue its operation or achieve the business purpose stipulated in the Contract due to the fact that one of the contracting parties fails to fulfill the obligation prescribed by the contract and articles of association, or seriously violate the stipulations of the contract and articles of association, that party shall be deemed as unilaterally terminates the Contract.,由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务,或严重违反 合同、章程规定,造成合资公司无法经营或无法达到 合同规定的经营目的,视作违约方单方面终止合同。,Have a try,The other party shall have the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract after being approved by the original examination and approval authority as well as to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B to the Joint Venture Company agree to continue the operation, the party who fails to fulfill the obligations shall be liable to economic losses thus caused to the Joint Venture Company.,对方除有权向违约方索赔外,并有权按合同规定报原 审批机构批准终止合同。如甲、乙双方同意继续经 营,违约方应赔偿合资公司的经济损失。,Termination of Contract,国际商务合同的终止是基于合同履行完毕、仲裁 裁决或法院判决或者合同双方当事人合意等法律 事实,导致合同法律关系归于消灭。需要指出的 是:“合同的终止”(termination of a contract)和 “合同的中止”(suspension of a contract)是不同的。 前者是完全结束双方当事人的合同法律关系;后 者是指合同在履行期间因故暂时停止正在进行的 合同权利义务关系,待造成中止的原因消除后, 恢复合同的履行。,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,A debt has been performed according to the agreement by the parties,债务已经按照约定履行,E.g. The validity period of the contract shall be five (5) years from the effectiveness of the contract and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the validity period of the contract.,本合同有效期为合同生效以后五年,有效期满以后, 该合同即自动失效,Rescission of Contract,If one party is willing to extend the validity of the contract, the party shall inform the other party before the expiry and the term of extension shall be discussed and fixed by and between both parties.,合同期满后如一方想延长合同 的有效期,应在合同期满以前 通知另一方。延长的条件由双 方协商决定,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,2. Contracts have been rescinded 合同解除,合同解除有两种:一为约定解除;二为法定解除。 约定解除是当事人通过行使约定的解除权或者双方 协商决定而进行的合同解除。法定解除是解除的条 件由法律直接规定,当这种条件具备时,当事人可 以将合同解除。,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,3. Debts have mutually offset 债务相互抵销,抵消是指二人互负同种类债务时,各以其债权 (creditors rights)充当债务(debts)之清偿,而使其债 务与对方的债务在对等额内相互消灭。抵销既消灭 了当事人互负的合同债务也消灭了当事人互享的 合同债权,所以抵销是合同权利义务终止的原因。,Rescission of Contract,债务相互抵销应当具备以下条件: (1)必须是当事人双方互负债务、互享债权。抵销发生的基础在于当事人双方既互负债务,又互享债权,只有债务而无债权或者只有债权而无债务,均不发生抵销。 (2)当事人双方互负的债权债务,均须合法,其中一个债为不法时,不得主张抵销, (3)按照合同的性质或者依照法律规定不得抵销的债权不得抵销。,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,4. A debtor has withdrawn and deposited items according to laws 债务人依法将标的物提存,提存是指由于债权人的原因而无法向债务人交付合同 标的物时,债务人将该标的物提交给提存机关而消灭债 务的一项制度。债务人提存后其债务归于消灭,合同即 为终止。提存涉及三方主体,即提存人(债务人)、提存 部门和债权人。,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,5. A creditor has remitted a debt 债权人免除债务,债权人免除债务,传统民法上也称免除,是指债权人 抛弃债权,对债务人为一方意思表示从而发生债务消灭 效力的单独行为。因债权人抛弃债权,债务人得以免除 其清偿义务,所以免除是使合同的权利义务绝对终止的 一种方法。,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,6. The rights and debts belong to the same person,债权债务同归于一人。债的关系须有债权人和债务 人同时存在方能成立。当债权人和债务人合为一人 时,债权债务就当然消灭。法律上将这种情形称为 混同(merger)。,Rescission of Contract,In any of the following situations, the rights and obligations under a contract shall be terminated:,7. Other conditions according to provisions of laws and agreed by both parties,法律规定或者当事人约定终止的其他情形,在起草终止条款时,还应考虑有关合同终止后一些 善后问题的处理。,Have a try,The liquidation of the Joint Ventures assets and creditors fights and settlement of the Joint Ventures debts shall be conducted by the Joint Venture Company immediately after the early termination or expiration of this Contract. The liquidation shall be based upon fair and responsible principles and shall be carried out in accordance with the liquidation methods .,本合同提前终止或终止后,公司应立即对其资产、债权 和债务进行清算。在清算时应本着公平负责的原则,按 合同规定的清算方式执行。,Have a try,In case of inability to fulfill the contract or to continue operation due to heavy losses in successive years as a result of force majeure, the duration of the cooperative venture and the contract shall be terminated before the time of expiration after being unanimously a


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