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,unite,reunite,united,reunited,union,reunion,v. adj. n.,Student Union the United Nations the United States Our great aim is to reunite our country. People go home on the Spring Festival for reunion.,the UK,Europe,France,English Channel,The Atlantic Ocean,What does “UK” stand for?,the United Kingdom,It lies _ the northwest of Europe. It lies _ the north of France.,in,to,How many countries does the UK consist of ? A. two B. three C. four,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,Lets have a quiz,the UK,Northern Ireland,Great Britain,Scotland,England,Wales,be divided into,be made up of consist of make up be divided into,our class,2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport? about six hours about ten hours about sixteen hours,a direct flight,a quiz,3. Who rules the country? A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. both,Elizabeth ,a quiz,David Cameron,英国女王是名义上的国家元首,是“临朝 而不理政”目前英国女王保佑的权利是接 受磋商权、警告权和奖励权。磋商权是指 首相就某些事务征询女王意见,但决顶权仍掌握载内阁和首相手中。警告权是指女王对政府的某项行为认为不妥而发出警告,但这种情况极少发生。奖励权是指女王接受政府的建议,册封贵族和对有贡献的人受勋的权利。但是,君主在礼上、形式上仍是至高无上的,在国内、国际的国事活动中,享有荣誉和尊崇。,4. What are the provinces called in England? counties departments states,a quiz,kaunti :郡,5. Which is the longest river in England? B. C.,Avon,Severn,Thames,a quiz,338 km long in _,length,Thames,Severn,Avon,The River Thames and Severn are very similar in length but River Thames is slightly longer. The River Thames is 338 km and the River Severn is 290 km. The River Avon is much shorter.,6. Which is the national flower of the UK? B. Cherry Rose C. Maple,a quiz,7. Which is the national animal of the UK? B. Beaver C. Redbreast Bald eagle,海狸,知更鸟,秃头鹰,a quiz,8. Which is the bank note of the UK ? A. U.S. Dollars $ B. Euros C. Pounds ,Sports:,Population:,Climate:,Area:,Language:,About 240,000 sq km,About 60 million,mild &wet,football/soccer,English, Welsh, Scottish,(official language),changeable,pleasant,Sports:,Population:,Climate:,Area:,Location:,About 240,000 sq km,About 60 million,mild &wet,football/soccer,English, Welsh, Scottish,(official language),changeable,pleasant,Language:,1.The UK consists of 2.How did the UK come into being(形成)? (P2) 3.In what ways are the four countries similar and different? (P3) 4.What three zones is England divided into? (P4) 5.What attract visitors in England? (P4) 6.Why did Landon become the cultural centre? 7.What effect did the invaders have on the UK? (P5),Prevision,P 10,Unit2 The United Kingdom,consist of be made up of make up be divided into ,Geography,Puzzles in,( Para 1 ),First only_ The 13th century, _was linked to England. The 17th century, England and Wales were joined to _to become _. The early 20th century, Great Britain got connect -ed with _to become_ _ .,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,England,Great Britain,the United,Kingdom,( Para 2 ),1.England is considered to include England and Wales as well. 2.King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales by war. 3.Northern Ireland became part of the UK while Southern Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.,T / F,find Wales included as well,Scotland,Ireland,England,the Union Jack,+,+,=,Which country is left out? Why?,Wales,It is usually considered to be part of England.,1.England is considered to include England and Wales as well. 2.King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales by war. 3.Northern Ireland became part of the UK while Southern Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government.,T / F,find Wales included as well,be accomplished without conflict / in a _way,peaceful,1.澄清一个问题 2.被连接 3.所指; 参考 4.也 5.完成一个任务 6.毫无冲突 7.以和平的方式 8.不愿意 9.脱离,clarify a question,be linked to / be joined to,refer to,as well,accomplish a task,without conflict,in a peaceful way,be unwilling to,break away (from),How the UK _,came into being,如果你学过英国历史,你就能弄清楚这个问题。 威尔士于十三世纪同英格兰联合了起来。 如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。 令人高兴的是这三个国家没有经过冲突就实现了联合。 然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿意而分离了出去,并建立了自己的政府。,clarify a question,be linked to / be joined to,refer to,as well,break away (from),accomplish a task,without conflict,in a peaceful way,be unwilling to,break away (from),( Para 3 ),To their credit the four countries have some similarities in _ and _ _, but they still have some differences in _.,currency,international,relations,institutions,educational system legal system football teams,1 值得赞扬的是 2 教育和法律制度 3 和一样,to ones credit,educational and legal systems,as well as,Most population settled in _. Most of the large industrial cities are in _. Nationwide, many cities have world-famous _.,England is divided into 3 zones.,the South of England,the North and the Midlands,football teams,What attracts visitors?,( Para 4 ),Historical architecture (older but smaller towns) built by the Romans,attractive,charming,absorbing,breath-taking/ amazing,beyond words/ description,1.为了方便 2. 很遗憾 3.吸引 v. n. adj. 4.吸引某人的注意 5.历史性建筑,for convenience Its a pity that attract, attraction, attractive attract / draw ones attention historical architecture,很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。,_ the industrial cities _ in the nineteenth century do not _ _.,historical treasures (museums, art collections, theaters, parks and buildings) national government and its administration the oldest port the oldest building the oldest castle,Why did capital London become the cultural center of England?,( Para 5; 6 ),London Tower,British museum,Big Ben,In the England history, there are four sets of invaders. They are: _, _, _, _.,the Romans,the Anglo-Saxons,the Vikings,the Normans,What did they leave?,Why are there so many historical treasures in London?,2)Anglo-Saxons:,towns and roads,language and government,1)Romans:,3)the Vikings:,influ


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