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牛津英语5B Unit 4 Phrases & sentences,头发 眼睛 耳朵 鼻子 嘴 脸 头 脖子 手臂 手,hair (an)eye (an)ear nose mouth face head neck (an)arm hand,Spelling,手指 腿 脚 脚趾 后背 头痛 耳朵痛 背痛 牙痛,finger leg foot toe back a headache an earache a backache a toothche,Spelling,发烧 咳嗽 感冒 感觉 任何东西 应该 不应该 检查 睡觉时间 长颈鹿,a fever a cough a cold feel anything should shouldnt=should not check bedtime giraffe,Spelling,Phrases,1.刷我的牙 2.喝水 3.吃许多糖 4.休息一下 5.多多休息 6.好好休息 7.吃药 8.让我检查,brush my teeth drink water eat a lot of sweets have a rest have a lot of rest have a good rest take some medicine let me check,Words,tooth foot复数 a lot of 同义词 bench 复数 brush三单 take + ing 6. cool反义 7. feel cold/have a cold两种意思 8. Im ill. I feel ill.两种意思 9. here同音词 10. there同音词,teeth feet lots of/ many benches brushes taking warm 冷/感冒 病了/不舒服 hear their,Phrases,9. 感觉冷 10. 感觉饿 11. 感觉累 12.太多 13.在三月 14.坐在一张长凳上 15.帮助我 16.我的手臂受伤了,feel cold feel hungry feel tired too many in March sit on a bench help me my arm hurts,Phrases,17. 指着 18. 长颈鹿来了 19.来医院 20.高兴做某事 21.他的长脖子 22.在睡觉前,point at giraffe comes come to the hospital be happy to .(动原) his long neck before bedtime,重点句子:,1. 你怎么了? Whats wrong with you?=Whats the matter with you? with后面接宾格: 举一反三: 我怎么了? 他怎么了? 他们怎么了? 2.你感觉怎样?How do you feel? 我感觉不错。I feel good. feel后面还可以跟:hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, warm, cool, ill, tired, happy, sad,.,Whats wrong with me? Whats wrong with him? Whats wrong with them?,重点句子:,3. 三单问法:他感觉怎样?他感觉饿了。 她感觉怎样? 她感觉热。 How does he/she feel? He / She feels. 4. should 我应该做什么? 你应该每天刷牙。 What should I do? You should . 5. can 我能做什么?你能帮助Bobby. What can I do ? You can.,1、We should visit the zoo on Sundays.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ on Sundays? 2、I shouldnt see the toy ship on the bookshelf. _ _ _ on the bookshelf? 3、I feel thirsty.(划线部分提问) you ? 4、Mike feels hungry and thirsty.(一般疑问句) Mike hungry _ thirsty? 5、I have a high fever.(提问) _ _ _ you? = Whats the matter with you?,Exercise,What,do,What,How,do,Does,feel,Whats,wrong,see,feel,with,should,shouldnt,you,or,1. My mother feels tired. (对划线部分提问) 2. He has a toothach. (对划线部分提问) 3. You should take some medicine. (改为否定句) 4. She has a bad cough. (否定句),How,does,your mother feel ?,Whats wrong with him ?,She doesnt have a bad cough.,You shouldnt take any medicine.,改句子:,1. 海伦得了感冒,躺在床上。 Helen has a _. She is in _. 2. 你怎么啦? 我生病了 _ wrong _ you? Im _ 3.刘涛,你现在感觉怎么样? Liu Tao, _ do you _ now? 4. 放学了,我们高兴的去踢足球。 School is _. We are very happy _ _ football 5.长颈鹿的脖子受伤了,它想去看医生。 The giraffes neck _, he _ _ _ the doctor. 6. 我们应该在午饭前洗手。 We _ _ the _ before lunch. 7. 你的堂弟怎么了?他生病了。 _ _ _ with your _? He _ ill.,翻译句子:,cold,bed,Whats,with,ill,how,feel,over,to,play,hurts,wants,to,see,should,wash,hands,Whats,the,matter,cousin,is,( )1. Whats in the fridge, Mum? There _ any juice or two chocolate cakes. A. are B. is C. isnt ( )2.How many _ are there in your school? About 985. A. students B. doctors C. student ( )3. Its time to have lunch. _ watch TV now. All right. A. Not B. Dont C. Lets ( )4. _, can you tell me the way to Hongxing Cinema? Yes. Its next to the supermarket A. Sorry. B. Excuse C. Excuse me ( ) 5.Where are you? . A Im at home. B I have some trees. C No, I cant.,选择:,C,A,B,C,A,( )6. We dont have bikes. A.a B.an C.any ( )7. You can see the park your left. A. on B. to C. in ( ) 8. Why are you so sad? _ I dont have any nice clothes. A.Because B.Because of C.So ( )9. Miss Li looks sad. Whats wrong with ?. She has a fever. A . she B he . C her. ( )10. shoe do the girls try on? Su Yangs. A.Whose B.Who C.Whos,选择:,C,A,A,C,A,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. I (feel) cold. I should (see) the doctor. 2. How many (lesson) does he (have) on Monday? 3, Whats wrong with (she)? She (have) a headache. 4. Why (be) Nancy so sad? Because the new shoes dont (fit) her. 5. Bobby (like) (ride) a bike in the park.,feel,see,lessons,have,her,has,is,fit,likes,riding,1 I have a headache .(提问) Whats _ _you ? 2 I feel cold .(提问) _ do you _? 3 You should have a rest.(提问) _ should _ do ? Whats wrong with him?(同义句) What s _ _ with him?,wrong with,How feel,What I,the matter,5 I can eat nothing .(同义句) I _ eat _. He can eat something .(一般问句) _ he eat _ ? 7 You should take some medicine.(改成否定句) You _ take _ medicine. 8 You should brush your teeth before bedtime.(提问) _ _ I brush _ teeth?,cant anything,Can anything,shouldnt any,When should my,选出下列每组单词划线部分字母发音与其余两个不同的选项,( )1. A. chair B. much C. lunch D. school ( )2. A sheep B. fish C. supermarket D. shiny ( )3. A. see B. feel C. head D. teach ( )4. A. drink B. traffic C. tree D. train ( )5. A. ship B. she C. shoes D. chat,C,C,C,A,D,用所给单词的适当形式填空.,1. Turn left at the (three) traffic light. 2. Who _ (help) you with your English? 3. Su Yang is ill. She goes _(see) the doctor. 4. Why _ (be) your sister so sad? 5. The boxes _ (be) too full. 6. Let her _ _ ( take ) the bus to the park. 7. Lily likes (sing). She (sing) there every morning. 8. -How does Mike _ (come) to schoo1? -Mike often (come) to school by taxi. 9. We want (have)a picnic. 10 Whats wrong with _ (they)?,third,helps,to see,is,are,take,singing,sings,come,to have,comes,them,完成对话.,Dr: Whats _ _ you ? Su Hai: I have a h_ . I f_ cold. Dr: let me c_ . You have a f_. Su Hai: What s_ I d_ , Doctor? Dr: You should have a r_ at home. You should take some m_ and drink some w_ water. Su Hai : _ you ,Doctor.,wrong,with,eadache,eel,heck,ever,hould,o,est,edicine,arm,Thank,完成对话.,A: Whats wrong w_ you, Betty? B: I h_ a fever, Mum. A: Oh, you have a c_ and a bad cough. You should t_ some medicine, drink a lot of warm w_ and have a r_. B: OK, Mum. A: How do you f_ now? B: I still f_ ill. A: You s_ go to see the d_. B: OK, Mum.,ith,ave,old,ake,ater,est,eel,eel,hould,octor,( )31.-What should I do? -You should take_. A. a medicine B. lot of medicine C. some medicine ( )32.-Whats _ with your dog? -Its hungry. A. matter B. wrong C. time ( )33. The water is_. The baby can drink it. A. too cold B. too hot C. just right ( )34.-How do you feel now? -I feel_. A. a cold B. a fever C. hungry ( )35.-I feel hot. What should I do? -You should_ your coat. A. put on B. turn off C. take off,C,B,C,C,C,( )36.-My foot hurts. _ you? -My arm hurts. A. Who are B. What about C. Thank ( )37.-What _ he do? -He_ drink more water. A. can, is B. should, should C. is, is ( )38.-Mum, my teeth hurt. -You shouldnt _ take some medicine


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