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词汇:大州continent大洋ocean海洋sea海湾bay,gulf海峡strait半岛peninsula山脉mountain ranges河流river湖泊lake高原plateau平原plain盆地basin沙漠desert群岛islands丘陵 hill,knap峡谷canyon间歇泉 geyser华表cloud pillar 角楼watchtower 御花园imperial garden 烽火台beacon tower 中华世纪坛China millennium monument 老城隍庙town Gods temple 外滩 the bund 孙中山故居 Former residence of Dr San Yat-sen 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Mausoleum of Qingshihuangs terracotta sculpture legion (军团) 象鼻山elephant trunk hill 孔林Forest of Confucius 苏堤春晓Su causeway snow on the broken bridge 三潭印月three pools mirroring the moon 平湖秋月autumn moon on the calm lake 乐山大佛Leshan Grand Buddha 敦煌莫高窟Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes珠穆朗玛峰Peak Everest 白宫white house 自由女神像statue of liberty 帝国大厦empire state building 洛克菲勒中心Rockefeller center 唐人街 麻省理工学院Massachesetts Institute of Technology 金门大桥Golden Gate Bridge 大峡谷国家公园 化石林国家公园 Petrified Forest National Park彩色沙漠 painted desertGods temple,Terracotta,Grotto,Peak everest, , Shadow play ,Above sea level ,Wax house Crag,Cave,Peaks,Causeway,Terminal, Delta,Lower reaches,Boast It tears and boils along turbulently, through the mountains and, at some place, flows on quietly with a sedate appearance and glistening ripples.Reconstructed ,Ravage,Supreme harmony.地理位置的表达法总结be located in, lies in , situated at, link up with,by the coast of ,face. across the sea, borders on, the forefront of 前方, Adjacent to ,Link to, Next to ,Face to ,Opposite to ,On the other side of2.表示地理位置的句型Washington DC lies between Virginia and Maryland on the Potomac River.哥伦比亚特区华盛顿位于弗吉尼亚和马里兰州之间波多马克河之滨。Chengde, a notable chinese city morth of the Great Wall, is located in northeastern Hebei Province,more than 200km from the Capital,Beijing.承德是中国塞外的一座名城,位于河北省东北部,距首都北京200多公里。Dunhuang, located in the western section of Hexi Corridor in northwestern Gansu Province in China, is an oasis on the eastern edge of Taklamagan Desert nourished by the melting rice and snow from Qilian Mountains.敦煌位于中国西北部省份甘肃境内河西走廊的西端,是塔克拉玛干沙漠东部边缘的一块绿洲,受到了祁连山脉融化冰雪的滋养。Yellow stone National Park is a national park established in 1872. Located in northwestern Wyoming and extending into Montana and Idaho, the park is known for its spectacular geysers, hotsprings,canyons and fossil forests.黄石公园建于1872年,位于怀俄明西北部,延伸到蒙大拿和爱达荷。他以蔚为壮观的天然喷泉,温泉,峡谷和化石林著称。Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture of Tai Nationality, located in the south of Yunnan Province along the Lancang River, borders on Burma,Cambodia and Vietnam through the Lancang River and Meigong River. Its total area is .西双版纳傣族自治州,位于中国云南生南端澜沧江畔,与缅甸、老挝接壤,经由澜沧江湄公河又与泰国、柬埔寨,越南等东南亚国家沟通联系,总面积达19185平方公里。海峡西岸经济区东与台湾地区一水相隔,北承长江三角洲,南接珠江三角洲, 是我国沿海经济带重要组成部分,在全国区域经济发展布局中处于主要位置With the Yangtze River Delta to its north, the Pearl River Delta to the south, facing Taiwan Island to the east across the Taiwan Strait, the Economic Zone is an important part of Chinas coastal economic belt, with a strategic significance in nationwide regional economic development.3.四字格翻译Sparklin


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