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Section Warming Up & Reading-Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.update vt.更新;使现代化2.acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到3.assess vt. 评估;评定4.meanwhile adv. 其间;同时5.case n. 情况;病例;案例6.accuse vt. 指责;谴责;控告7.deliberately adv. 故意地8.dilemma n. (进退两难的)困境;窘境9.demand n. 需求;要求vt. 强烈要求10.publish vt. 出版;发行;发表;公布11.thorough adj. 彻底的;详尽的12.gifted adj. 有天赋的.拓展词汇1.photograph n照片 vt.给照相photographer n摄影师photography n摄影2.delighted adj.快乐的;欣喜的delight vt.使高兴delightful adj.令人愉快的3.admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的admire vt.钦佩admiration n钦佩;赞赏4.unusual adj.不同寻常的;独特的usual adj.寻常的;通常的5.assist vt.帮助;协助;援助assistant n助手;助理;售货员assistance n帮助;协助 6.profession n职业;专业professional adj.专业的;职业的 n专业人员7.concentrate vi.&vt.集中;聚集concentration n专心;专注8.inform vt.告知;通知information n信息9.guilty adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的guilt n怀有负罪感10.technical adj.技术(上)的;技巧方面的technically adv.技术上;工艺上1.journalist n记者;新闻工作者同义reporter联想(1)媒体从业者editor n编辑chief editor n主编photographer n摄影师 host/hostess n主持人(2)媒体类型daily n日报 weekly n周刊journal n杂志 mass media大众传播媒体2.deadline n最后期限词块meet the deadline 赶上最后期限;按时完成联想headline n新闻标题;内容提要3.amateur n业余爱好者 adj.业余的联想professional n专业人员 adj.专业的;职业的4.colleague n同事联想companion同伴;伙伴 teammate队友deskmate同桌 classmate同学5.meanwhile adv.其间;同时同义at the same time; in the meantime6.deliberately adv.故意地同义by design; on purpose反义by accident7.publish vt.出版;发行;发表;公布同义come out出版;发行(为不及物动词短语)8.gifted adj.有天赋的同义talented词块be gifted/talented at music在音乐方面有天赋a gifted/talented musician一位有天赋的音乐家联想“ed”结尾的形容词一览coloured adj.加颜色的limited adj.有限的curved adj.弯曲的 canned adj.罐装的9.以“able”为后缀的高频形容词小结suitsuitable合适的 valuevaluable宝贵的enjoyenjoyable令人愉快的 acceptacceptable可接受的二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.concentrate_on集中;全神贯注于2have_a_nose_for 对敏感3inform_sb.of/about_sth. 通知某人某事4keep_in_mind 记在心头;记住5depend_on/upon 依靠;依赖6accuse_._of 因指责或控告7so_as_to_(do_sth.) 为了(做)8look_forward_to 盼望;期望1.work experience工作经验2good communication skills 良好的沟通技能3an experienced journalist 一名有经验的记者4cover a story 进行新闻采访5take an amateur course 参加业余课程6tell the whole truth 说出全部真相7miss the deadline 延误任务规定的期限8a trick of the trade 行业诀窍三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.他同新上司胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生重大的影响。be to do在句中表示后来发生的事,常译为“注定会;一定”。The students trust her very much; as a result, her advice is_to_influence_their_decision.学生们十分信任她,因此她的建议一定会影响他们的决定。2.Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还选修过业余摄影课来更新我的摄影技术。not only . but (also) .连接两个并列分句时,not only放于句首,其后接的分句需用部分倒装语序。Not only is_papercutting_a_traditional_art_form in China, but has a history of more than 1,500 years.(2017全国卷书面表达)剪纸不仅是中国传统的艺术形式,而且有1 500多年的历史。3.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有提很多不同的问题,你才能获得你需要的信息。“Only状语从句”放于句首,主句使用部分倒装句式。Only if we deal with and overcome large numbers of difficulties in a correct way will_we_achieve_our_dreams.只有我们用正确的方式处理和克服大量的困难,我们才会实现梦想。4.Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?where引导定语从句,修饰抽象地点名词a case,在从句中作状语。Have_you_ever_had_a_case_where you could not get along well with reading with much grammar?你有没有过这样的情况:语法知识很丰富,阅读却不好?1(教材P26)Were delighted youre coming to work with us.非常高兴你来和我们一起工作。delighted adj.快乐的;欣喜的(1)be delighted to do sth.乐意/很高兴做某事be delighted that . 乐意/高兴be delighted at/by/with 对感到高兴(2)delight nU 快乐;高兴C 令人高兴的事;乐事vt. 使高兴;使愉快to ones delightto the delight of sb.令某人高兴的是take delight in (doing) . 以(做)为乐I am delighted that you succeeded. I am delighted at/by/with your success. I am delighted to_hear (hear) that you succeeded.我因你的成功而感到高兴。To_our_delight,_he won a gold medal again at the Olympic Games.令我们高兴的是,他在奥运会上又获得了一枚金牌。2(教材P26)Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested.你将发现你的同事们会很热情地帮助你,因此如果你对摄影感兴趣,也许以后你可以集中精力去研究它。eager adj.渴望的;热切的be eager to do sth.渴望做某事be eager for/about sth. 渴望得到Given the chance, I would make donations to orphans eager to gain future success through learning.(2014广东高考满分作文)如果有机会,我想向通过学习渴望未来成功的孤儿提供捐助。 In the meantime, those volunteers hold the opposite view that they are fed up with the earth life and eager for living on the Mars.同时,那些持相反观点的志愿者认为,他们已经厌倦了地球上的生活,渴望到火星居住。辨析比较eager, anxiouseager强调“对成功的期望”或“进取的热情”,含有积极向上的意思anxious强调“担心”或“焦虑”,对结果感到不安Zhou Yang is anxious to know the result of the exam, for hes eager to be admitted into the university.周阳急切地想知道考试结果,因为他渴望被大学录取。assist vt.帮助;协助;援助帮助某人做某事(2)assistance n. 援助;帮助come to ones assistance 帮助某人(3)assistant n. 助手;助理;售货员I am willing to assist you with your Mandarin.I am willing to assist you to_learn (learn) your Mandarin.I am willing to assist you in learning (learn) your Mandarin.我乐意帮助你学习普通话。The charity aims to provide assistance (assist) to people in need.这个慈善组织旨在为那些处于困难中的人提供帮助。concentrate vi.& vt.集中;聚集(1)concentrate on/upon (doing) sth.专心(做)某事concentrate ones mind/attention/energy/efforts on集中注意力/精力于;专心于(2)concentration n. 集中精力;专心She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. (2017全国卷)为了专心学习,她已经几次拒绝了演出邀请。I cannot concentrate_my_attention_on my book with all that loud music going on.吵闹的音乐声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力看书。Some people take dancing lessons or exercise classes to improve their concentration (concentrate) and coordination.一些人参加舞蹈课程或健身课程来提高他们的注意力和协调性。3(教材P26)Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有提很多不同的问题,你才能获得你需要的信息。acquire vt.获得;取得;学到acquire the habit of doing sth.养成做某事的习惯acquire a (good) knowledge of得到知识;精通It is by learning that we can acquire the habit of thinking logically.正是通过学习,我们才能养成缜密思考的习惯。 He acquired_a_good_knowledge_of English by careful study.他通过认真学习掌握了英语。4(教材P26)They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.他们必须通过调查研究来获悉被遗漏的那部分情况。inform vt.告知;通知(1)inform sb. of sth.告知某人某事inform sb. that/wh .通知某人(2)informed adj. 有知识的;见闻广的keep sb. informed (of .)使某人随时了解()(3)information n. 消息;资讯It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.迈克尔考虑很周全,(及时)通知我们他的延误以防我们担心。 Hes_been_informed_that he doesnt qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background. (2017江苏高考)他已经被通知,由于他的学术背景,他没能获得奖学金资格。The boss asked his secretary to keep him well informed (inform) of the programmes progress. 老板要求秘书随时向他报告计划的进展情况。5(教材P26)Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.同时,你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。depend on/upon依靠;依赖;指望Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter, you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.(2015全国卷)根据你打算参加的不同比赛,你可以在比赛开始前的几个周设置一个时间表。depend on/upon sb. to do sth.依靠某人做某事depend on/upon sb.s doing sth. 相信/指望某人做某事depend on/upon sb. for sth. 靠某人供给某物depend on/upon it that . 相信/指望Not having a car or knowing the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to_get (get) me from A to B.由于没有车,而且对这座城市也不熟悉,所以我依靠公交车来往于A、B两地。You can depend on it that such a boring thing will never happen again.放心好了,这种无聊的事绝不会再发生了。6(教材P26)Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?case n情况;病例;案例;容器;箱子in case万一;以防;以免in case of 如果发生;假设;万一in any case 无论如何in no case 决不;在任何情况下都不(放在句首时,用部分倒装)in that/this case 假使那样/这样的话as is often the case (with .)对来说是常有的事Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow in case I forget.请明天再提醒我关于会议的事,以免我忘了。In_that_case,_ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry. (2017天津高考)假如是那样,请亲自(向对方)说出并表示歉意。As_is_often_the_case,_he is ready to help others.他乐于助人,这是常有的事情。accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 控告/指责某人(做了)某事He was accused of cheating and was sentenced to ten years in prison.他被控告犯有欺诈罪并被判处十年监禁。Accused (accuse) of stealing money, the man was brought to the court. 由于被指控偷钱,这个人被带到了法庭。辨析比较accuse, charge, blameaccuseaccuse (指控/指责) sb. of (doing) sth.chargecharge (指控) sb. with (doing) sth.blameblame (指责) sb. for (doing) sth.He was accused of theft.Gibbons has been charged with murder.The report blames poor safety standards for the accident.7(教材P26)It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.这陷入了一个窘境,因为如果我们错了,这位足球运动员就可以向我们索要赔偿。demand n需求;要求 vt.强烈要求(1)demand (of sb.) to do sth.要求(某人)做demand that .(should) do sth.要求做某事(从句用虚拟语气)demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要某物(2)in demand 非常需要;急需meet/satisfy ones demand 满足需要The manager demanded that Tom (should) fly to Paris at once. 经理要求汤姆立刻飞往巴黎。The teacher demanded that the students (should) go to school on time. The teacher demanded of the_students_to_go_to_school on time. 这位老师要求学生们准时到校。Soft drinks are much in_demand in this hot weather.这么热的天气,软饮料的需求量很大。1Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅只是感兴趣,在大学里我还选修过业余摄影课来更新我的摄影技术。“Not only am I interested in photography”是一个倒装句,其正常语序为:I am not only interested in photography。(1)not only . but (also) .连接两个并列分句时,not only放于句首,其后接的分句需用部分倒装语序。Not only can the technique be used to predict major diseases, but it also enables people to foresee the examinees food preference.这项技术不仅可以用来预测主要疾病,它也能使人们预见受测者的食物偏好。(2)not only . but (also) .不但而且,连接两个并列成分。The traffic issue is a hard nut to crack. It not only affects our everyday life, but may also threaten peoples lives.(2015江苏高考书面表达)交通问题是一个棘手的问题。它不仅影响着我们的日常生活,而且还可能威胁到人们的生命。(3)not only . but (also) .连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。Not only the students but also their teacher likes (like) playing football.不仅是学生,老师也喜欢踢足球。2Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?你有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?该句中case表示“情形;状况”,作主句谓语had的宾语。定语从句“where someone . the stick”修饰先行词case。定语从句中缺状语,因此该定语从句应该用关系副词where引导。当case, situation, point, stage, occasion等表示抽象地点含义的名词作先行词时,如果定语从句中缺少表示地点的状语时,则要用关系副词where;若定语从句中缺少主语、宾语或表语时,则用which或that引导。I can think of many cases where students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.我能想出很多这样的情况:很明显学生认识许多英语单词和短语但写不出一篇好作文。Shes in a hopeless situation, which we will keep a very close eye on.她处在一种无助的境地,我们将对此密切关注。Her illness has developed to the point where nobody can cure her.她的病已经发展到了没人能治的地步。.单句语法填空1On one hand, people are more than eager to_share (share) ideas with others.2He assisted the old man to_fill (fill) in the forms.3How can such a large quantity of knowledge be_acquired (acquire)?4Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?I am afraid you must, in case he comes late for the meeting.5Its the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration (concentrate)6That his friends accused him of not being honest made Jack very angry.7My father came down and demanded to_know (know) what was going on.8He knew that he could depend on his parents to_deal (deal) with the situation.9Not only the parents but also the child is (be) enjoying the film now.10He got into a situation where it is hard to decide what is right and wrong.选词填空in great demand, not only . but also, in that case, concentrate on, be eager for, depend on, to ones delight, keep . informed of1To_my_delight,_I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.2She is new here so naturally she is_eager_for friendship.3The manager concentrated_on his job, so he did not hear the loud noise outside his office.4(2015安徽高考书面表达)I would really like to interview him because he is not_only the first Chinese to go to space but_also one of the greatest astronauts in the world. 5You must keep us informed_of how things are going here.6It is said that well have to do extra work on Sunday. In_that_case,_we cant go to the movies.7Money is neither good nor bad, but all depends_on what use is made of it.8The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in_great_demand in this city.一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1The governor said all applications must be submitted (递交) by Monday.2(2017江苏高考)This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer, and her colleagues(同事)3A good dictionary will assist (帮助) you in understanding English.4After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire (获得) confidence.5Teenagers should concentrate (集中) on their studies though there are a lot of attractions around them.6I believe the house was deliberately (故意地) set fire to.7The incomes of skilled workers went up. Meanwhile (同时), unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.8I am rather sceptical (怀疑) about the full marks that he got in the recent English test, because he never studies.9The teacher demanded (要求) an explanation for his absence from class.10The newspaper keeps us informed (告知) of what has happened during the day.单句改错1They were delighted to the news that their team had won.toat/by/with2In the rush hour, hiring a taxi for you to do what you are eagerly to do may be a better choice in our city.eagerlyeager3(2017全国卷)Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. informationsinformation4Leave your key with your neighbor in case of you lock yourself out one day.去掉of5The monitor came in and demanded all the students present there must finish the task in two hours.去掉_must_或_mustshould6Not only the citizens but also the expert were against the plan.werewas7You may depend on that Tom will help you with your English.on后加it8The people wanted to accuse him stealing their purses. him后加of.补全句子1I am_delighted_to_receive_an_email from you. As for the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.我很高兴收到你的电子邮件。关于7月1日的聚会,我将很乐意参加。2It is important to read regularly if you are_eager_to_improve_your_English.如果你渴望提高英语,经常性的阅读是很重要的。3Your future depends_on_many_things,_but mostly on you.你的未来取决于很多东西,但是主要在于你。4(2014全国卷满分作文)In_that_case,_I shall direct many good movies for the audience. 那种情况下,我将为观众导演很多好电影。5Concentrate_on_your_study,_and you will make greater progress. 集中精力学习,你就能够取得更大的进步。6The manager promised that they would try to meet/satisfy_their_customers_demands.经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。7(2015浙江高考书面表达) By doing so, I can not_only_share_good_ideas_with others_but_(also)_learn_to express_myself_clearly.通过这样做,我不仅能够和别人分享我的好的观点,还能够学会清晰地表达自己。8(2014天津高考书面表达) Only_by_understanding_and_learning_from_each_other_can we spend those days together happily.只有通过相互理解彼此学习我们才能一起开心地度过那些美好的日子。.课文语法填空It is Zhou Yangs first day at the office of a popular English newspaper. He is excited and eager to go out 1.on a story on his own, but he cant because he isnt 2.experienced (experience) enough. His new boss, Hu Xin, is sharing with him 3.how to be a good reporter.To be a good reporter, one needs to be curious, which 4.enables (able) one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides, its important for a reporter to have a “nose” 5.for a story, 6.knowing (know) if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people, a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the 7.detailed (detail) facts and prepare the next question 8.depending (depend) on what people say. If possible, a reporter can 9.record (recorder) the interview in case he 10.is_accused (accuse) of printing lies.串点成篇微表达今天早上,老师通知(inform)汤姆去他的办公室,责备(accuse)他在最近的这次考试中作弊;并要求(demand)汤姆集中精力(concentrate)学习,依靠(depend on)自己来获得(acquire)丰富的知识。汤姆说再也不会(in no case)在考试中作弊了。This_morning,_the_teacher_informed_Tom_to_go_to_his_office,_where_he_accused_Tom_of_cheating_in_the_latest_exam._He_demanded_that_Tom_should_concentrate_his_attention_on_learning_and_depend_on_himself_to_acquire_rich_knowledge._Tom_said_that_in_no_case_would_he_cheat_in_the_exam.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空I often remember those good old days when life was relatively simpler, and people were much more humane (有人情味的) and _1_. Recently, to my surprise, I got the _2_ to experience that same _3_ that I thought had disappeared from the world.I was out shopping the other day with my husband, two daughters and one granddaughter. It was very hot, and we were all obviously _4_ and hungry. We entered a restaurant, looking for some _5_ and comfort.To our _6_, all the tables were occupied (占用) and no one seemed in a hurry to get up. We waited, tired, hungry and _7_. After quite some time, one table was vacated (腾出), but that could _8_ only two of us. My daughter made me sit along with her father, _9_ she and my other daughter stood alongside.My granddaughter sat on my lap as we _10_ us, waiting for another table to be vacated soon. At the next table, two young girls were sitting at a tabl


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