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课时跟踪练(一)Warming Up & Reading Prereading.阅读理解ABrian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, has created an online science education platform. He tries to “build a bridge” with things you know about, and then “bring you across that bridge to the strange place of modern physics”Recently I had a chance to ask Greene about wormholes (a hole which some scientists think might exist, connecting parts of space and time that are not usually connected), time travel and other mysteries of the universe. I asked him a milliondollar question: What if I went through a wormhole and prevented my parents from meeting? “Most of us believe that the universe makes sense,” Greene said. Although there are several interesting theories about time travel, he added, the laws of physics would probably prevent something so illogical from taking place. The good news is that the time paradox (悖论) is open for future physicists to solve.When asked how physics could become more exciting for kids, Greene said that books by Stephen Weinberg, Leonard Susskind, and other physicists, “make it a great time for people who want to learn about big ideas but arent yet ready, perhaps, to learn math.”When I pointed out that some students still might find physics boring, Greene said that the key is to teach them about things that are strange. “The basic stuff is important,” Greene said. “But I think its really important to also describe the more modern ideas, things like black holes and the Big Bang. If kids have those ideas in mind, then at least some of them will be excited to learn all the details.”Greene has followed Albert Einsteins lead in trying to solve the mysteries of the universe. Now he wants kids to do the same. As Greene said, physics is “not just a matter of solving problems in an exam”. Its about experimenting, showing an interest in strange phenomena (现象) and having fun!语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。物理学家Brian Greene希望更多的孩子可以对现代物理学感兴趣。1A milliondollar question is probably very _.AdirectBdifficultCpersonal Dlong解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段Greene对这个问题的解释以及他说需要未来的物理学家去解决可知,作者提出的这个问题非常难。2The books by Weinberg and Susskind _.Aare boring to readBare mainly about mathCare popular science booksDare only popular among kids解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段的“. books by . make it a great time for people who want to learn about big ideas but arent yet ready, perhaps, to learn math”可知,Greene认为Weinberg和Susskind等物理学家写的书浅显易懂,适合普通大众阅读,故这些书属于科普读物。3According to Paragraph 4, which of the following does Greene agree with?AModern physics is a boring subject.BInterest plays an important role in studying.CIt is not necessary to learn all about physics.DIt is easy to describe black holes and the Big Bang.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第四段可知,当作者指出一些学生觉得物理无聊时,Greene说重要的是向孩子们讲述一些稀奇古怪的事,并描述一些诸如黑洞和宇宙大爆炸的现代物理现象,如果孩子们知道了这些,他们就愿意了解更多详细的内容。因此他认为兴趣在学习过程中起着非常重要的作用。4In the last paragraph, Greene hopes that _.Akids can love science and physicsBkids can do well in physics examsCkids can have fun with experimentsDkids can find more strange things in life解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Greene has followed Albert Einsteins lead in trying to solve the mysteries of the universe. Now he wants kids to do the same.”可知,Greene希望孩子们可以像他一样对科学和物理感兴趣,去探索宇宙的奥秘。BSir John Gurdon, a British scientist, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2012, said he had predicted at the time of his frog experiments that the successful cloning of a mammal would happen within 50 years, and that “maybe the same answer is appropriate” for the step to human cloning. Parents who lose children in accidents may be able to clone “copies” to replace them then.Although any attempt to clone an entire human would raise complex moral issues, the biologist claimed people would soon overcome their concerns if the technique became medically useful. Cloning was regarded with extreme doubts when it was first developed but became widely accepted after the birth of Louise Brown, the first “testtube baby”. He said, “When my first frog experiments were done, an American reporter asked how long it would be before these things could be done in mammals or humans. I said, Well, it could be anytime between 10 years and 100 years how about 50 years? It turned out that it wasnt far off the mark as far as Dolly was concerned. Maybe the same answer is appropriate.” Sir John added that cloning a human being effectively means making an identical twin, and doctors would therefore simply be “copying what nature has already produced”The average vote on allowing parents of deceased children, who are no longer fertile (能生育的), to create another by using the mothers eggs and skin cells from the first child, thinking the technique was safe and effective, is 60 percent in favor. The reasons for “no” are usually that the new children would feel they are some sort of replacements for something.语篇解读:诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主、英国科学家约翰格登爵士称,那些在事故中失去子女的父母将能在未来50年内借助克隆技术,让他们的子女得到“重生”。5Sir John predicted the human cloning would be a reality in _ at most.Aabout 100 yearsBabout 60 yearsCabout 50 years Dabout 10 years解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,格登爵士表示,在未来50年内,那些在事故中失去孩子的父母将有可能通过克隆技术得到孩子的“复制品”。故选C项。6According to the text, which statement is NOT true?ALouise Brown is the first “testtube baby”BHuman cloning is still a controversial topic.CSir John is positive about the future of human cloning.DHuman cloning is creating something that didnt exist before.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“after the birth of Louise Brown, the first testtube baby”可排除A项;文章尾段说明赞成者占6成,故排除B项;根据第二段中格登爵士的话可知,他对克隆人充满了希望,故排除C项;根据第二段的尾句可知,D项表述不正确。7The underlined word “identical” probably means “_”Asame BspecialCnew Dclear解析:选A词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“twin”和文中的“doctors would therefore simply be copying what nature has already produced”可知,A项正确。8It can be inferred from the passage that _.Amost people cast doubt on Johns experimentsBhuman cloning is and will be only a dreamCfew children love to be cloned in the futureDhuman cloning may be realized someday解析:选D推理判断题。根据文章第二段的第一句可知,虽然克隆人类的尝试将引起复杂的道德问题,但是生物学家声称如果克隆技术变得有医学价值,人们很快就会消除他们的担心,因此可推断D项正确。CElizabeth Blackwell was born on February 3, 1821 in England. While she was growing up, two of her brothers and six of her sisters died. Elizabeth decided to become a doctor.Her father was a sugar businessman. He encouraged equality (平等) between boys and girls so, unlike most girls, Elizabeth had the same education as boys.One night, when Elizabeth was eleven, a fire destroyed her familys business. The family became so poor that Mr. Blackwell decided to go to America. When the family reached New York, Mr. Blackwell tried to start a new business, but failed. In 1837, he died.After being refused several times by medical schools, Elizabeth was finally accepted by Geneva Medical College in New York, largely as a joke. People there, even women, thought she was indecent (下流的) and asked her to leave. But with great determination, Elizabeth graduated with high honors. After graduation, Elizabeth went to Paris to learn more about medicine. Elizabeth returned to America in 1851. There she helped other women become doctors and opened a medicine store. Then, she begged her rich friends to give money to build a hospital.Elizabeths dream came true in 1857 when the New York Infirmary For Women and Children opened its doors. It was the first true hospital for women, run by women doctors in the world. In 1868, the hospital opened a medical college for women. After that, Elizabeth received a letter from Europe asking her to come to her homeland and do for the women of Europe what she had done in America. She returned to England in 1869. There she served for forty years, which made her a hero.语篇解读:本文介绍了美国首位取得医学博士学位的伟大女性Elizabeth Blackwell。9What made Elizabeth want to be a doctor?AHer poor family.BHer fathers advice.CHer family members early death.DThe inequality between girls and boys.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,Elizabeth年幼时她的兄弟姐妹相继死亡,这让她产生了当医生的想法。10Why did Elizabeths family move to America?ATo sell more sugar.BTo look for chances to live.CTo open a hospital for women.DTo help Elizabeth study medicine.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第三段的内容可知,Elizabeth一家搬到美国是为了寻找生存的机会。11It can be inferred from Para.4 that in America _.Ahardly any women studied medicineBstudying medicine was considered decentCwomen were not allowed to receive educationDwomen and children suffered a lot from poor health解析:选A推理判断题。文章第四段讲到Elizabeth一开始遭到很多家医学院的拒绝,在她被纽约的一家医学院录取后,当地的人们甚至是妇女都认为她学医很下流,都斥责她让她离开,由此可知当时几乎没有女性学医,因为在人们看来女性学医是一件下流的事情。12Which is the right order of the following events about Elizabeth?aShe opened the first hospital for women.bShe opened a medicine store in America.cHer family moved to New York.dShe graduated from a medical school.eShe returned to England to serve.fHer familys business was destroyed.gShe went to Paris to study medicine.Acfdgbae BfcdgbaeCfcgdbae Dfcgdbea解析:选B事件排序题。根据文章内容可知所列事件的正确顺序是:Elizabeth家的生意因火灾而破产她全家搬到纽约谋生她从医学院毕业她到巴黎进修她在美国开了一家药店她开了第一家妇幼医院她返回家乡做贡献。.阅读七选五How teens can stay fitAny type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health. _1_Exercise should be a regular part of your day, like brushing your teeth, eating and sleeping. It can be in gym class, joining a sports team, or working out on your own. Keep the following tips in mind:_2_ A good attitude is important. Find an activity that you think is fun. You are more likely to stick with it if you choose something you like. A lot of people find its more fun to exercise with someone else, so see if you can find a friend or family member to be active with you.Take it one step at a time. _3_ For example, walk or ride your bike to school. Get on or off the bus several blocks away and walk the rest of the way. Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator.Get your heart pumping (跳动). Whatever you choose, make sure it includes aerobic (有氧的) activity that makes you breathe harder and increases your hear


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