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績效評核案例手冊Performance Management ToolkitTable of Content績效評核範例Section 1 MechanicalPageCase: M 11-3Case: M 24-6Section 2 HardwareCase: H 17-9Case: H 210-12Section 3 SoftwareCase: S 113-15Case: S 216-18Section 4 TestingCase: T 119-21Case: T 222-24 I. Annual Objectives and Accomplishments 年度目標及達成 Year_2005_Rating Scale: 5: Far exceed objective, 4: Exceed objective, 3: Meet objective, 2: Below objective, 1: Far below objective評分: 5: 遠超出目標, 4: 超出目標, 3:達成目標, 2:低於目標, 1: 遠低於目標Annual Objectives AccomplishmentsMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評年度目標實際成果Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核1. Manpower efficiency improvement by 12% Make clear job definition and goals for tooling team and check the results quarterly from Q2 Reduce mistake and failure through team work- QCI and TCC tooling team. Meet biweekly to discuss project status and to improve it together before Jun2. Increase schedule control efficiency Set up a tooling design review and mass production process review system by end of Q1 Set up QCI tooling team with TCC tooling team 同步工程 and 接力工程 system in Q33. Cost management Reduce molding cycle time by 10% to reduce multiple tooling amount before Q41.Manpower efficiency improvement by 10%2. Schedule efficiency review system completed and has been used in production 2.1同步工程 and 接力工程 need more communication and cooperation to complete3. Low cost process/material study completed by end of Jun. Tooling team reduced molding cycle time by 5%Overall Rating on Accomplishments: 實際成果綜合評分:1II. Behaviors and Attributes 行為與特質Rating Scale: 5: Usually exceed expectation, 4: Exceed expectation at times, 3: Meet expectation, 2: Need improvement at times, 1: Usually below expectation 評分: 5: 遠超出要求, 4: 有時超出要求, 3:符合要求, 2:有時低於要求, 1: 遠低於要求Expected Behaviors/AttributesRemarksMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評行為與特質說明Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Company Values 公司價值(適用全體員工)1. Innovation 創新2. Speed 速度稍慢,以致若干project 未能於期限內完成3. Flexibility 彈性4. Customer Orientation 客戶導向對客戶的要求會盡力滿足。運用各項資源,設法滿足客戶specifications5. Team Work 團隊合作樂於跟同仁的合作,並能維持良好關係Management管理能力(適用主管或全體員工,依職務需要選填) 1. Business Acumen 經營知識NA2. Deliver Results 交付成果3. Work Quality 工作品質永遠超越工作標準。每次工作方法都有改善,不滿意目前成果4. Process Improvement 流程改善能提出改進方案5. People Management 人員管理Specific Functional/Job Requirements 工作職能(依單位/工作特殊要求選填)1. Planning & Organizing計劃行動不錯,但安排事務上不夠熟練,偶出狀況2.3.Overall Rating on Behaviors/Attributes: 實際成果綜合評分:2III. Performance Appraisal Summary 績效綜合考評Areas for future Development 未來能力發展項目Focus on (please tick)重點強調 (請勾選)Enhancement加強Improvement改進 1. Project Scheduling & Follow UpV 2. Teamwork & CommunicationV 3. Speed & Deliver ResultsV 4. 5.Employees Comments 員工評語Managers Comments 主管總評語 Acknowledged by Employee:員工認知考評結果:Date 日期:Appraised by Manager/Supervisor:直屬主管評核:Date 日期:Concurred by 2nd level Manager/Supervisor:再上層主管覆核:Date 日期:3 I. Annual Objectives and Accomplishments 年度目標及達成 Year_Rating Scale: 5: Far exceed objective, 4: Exceed objective, 3: Meet objective, 2: Below objective, 1: Far below objective評分: 5: 遠超出目標, 4: 超出目標, 3:達成目標, 2:低於目標, 1: 遠低於目標Annual Objectives AccomplishmentsMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評年度目標實際成果Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核1. Work with M company on A BC project, and modify the design concept to Quanta befor Sep2. Research for a simplified design to reduce the cost in the future, make it into mannuel by end of Dec3. Monitor BV1 project on schedule plan and improve ME issue on each stage4. Enhance people development 4 At least 10 experience sharing to team members in technical and skill learning4 Conduct prevention meeting biweekly from Feb5. Simply assembly procedure by 7% less and maintain same quality 1. ABC project will be completed in next Q1 as per schedule. Improved and changed the design to our own process in mid of July2. Provided experience and proposed to coworkers to solve desige or working issue, mannuel will be done by mid Dec3. Met BV1 project DV, SIV, SIT stage schedule and improvde ME issues on each stage4. Arranged 8 sharing and prevention meetings on time.5. Changed 10 portions with design to meet our assembly requirement.Overall Rating on Accomplishments: 實際成果綜合評分:1. Finished the BV1 each stage ME design work, teacking ME team working quality and to solve ME design, relibility test issue, improve the project quality.4II. Behaviors and Attributes 行為與特質Rating Scale: 5: Usually exceed expectation, 4: Exceed expectation at times, 3: Meet expectation, 2: Need improvement at times, 1: Usually below expectation 評分: 5: 遠超出要求, 4: 有時超出要求, 3:符合要求, 2:有時低於要求, 1: 遠低於要求Expected Behaviors/AttributesRemarksMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評行為與特質說明Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Company Values 公司價值(適用全體員工)1. Innovation 創新Improve and create new design in current process 2. Speed 速度Meet customer changing requirement3. Flexibility 彈性Can change our plan to meet customer requirements4. Customer Orientation 客戶導向5. Team Work 團隊合作Can smoothly coordinate ME team to workManagement管理能力(適用主管或全體員工,依職務需要選填) 1. Business Acumen 經營知識With ME design experience and specialty2. Deliver Results 交付成果Can control and track the project plan3. Work Quality 工作品質Proactively improve ME design4. Process Improvement 流程改善5. People Management 人員管理Coordinate team work togetherSpecific Functional/Job Requirements工作職能(依單位/工作特殊要求選填)1. Oral Communication Can express self efficient and effective2. Team Leadership Coordinate project team issue3. Work Quality Overall Rating on Behaviors/Attributes: 實際成果綜合評分:5III. Performance Appraisal Summary 績效綜合考評Areas for future Development 未來能力發展項目Focus on (please tick)重點強調 (請勾選)Enhancement加強Improvement改進 1. Enhance English communication written and spoken V 2. Coordinate team and customer on design issues.V 3. 4. 5.Employees Comments 員工評語Managers Comments 主管總評語 Acknowledged by Employee:員工認知考評結果:Date 日期:Appraised by Manager/Supervisor:直屬主管評核:Date 日期:Concurred by 2nd level Manager/Supervisor:再上層主管覆核:Date 日期:6 I. Annual Objectives and Accomplishments 年度目標及達成 Year 2005 Rating Scale: 5: Far exceed objective, 4: Exceed objective, 3: Meet objective, 2: Below objective, 1: Far below objective評分: 5: 遠超出目標, 4: 超出目標, 3:達成目標, 2:低於目標, 1: 遠低於目標Annual Objectives AccomplishmentsMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評年度目標實際成果Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核1: H/W work H/W design precision over 95% H/W bug handle efficiency. Decrease response time by 10%. System function test efficiency.labor time less by 5% in one case2: Schedule controlEnhance discussion and communction frequency to reduce rate of exception under 5%.The differece between plan and actual result is under 3%.3: Document & procedure Complete 98% procedure Response and suggestion,Tracking report4: Build up new engineers in their first 6 month through on job training system 5: Submit new technology study summary every month1: H/W work Design precision over 98% Response time decreased by 15%. Labor time reduced by 6% in one case2: Schedule control Eexception rate reduced to 3%. Plan Vs actual under 4%.3: Document & procedure Complete 99% procedure. Response and suggestion report has been tracked on an on-going basis4: Worked with HR in new engineer training orientation program, completed and delivered in July.5: New technology study reports send out for 9 monthsOverall Rating on Accomplishments: 實際成果綜合評分:7II. Behaviors and Attributes 行為與特質Rating Scale: 5: Usually exceed expectation, 4: Exceed expectation at times, 3: Meet expectation, 2: Need improvement at times, 1: Usually below expectation 評分: 5: 遠超出要求, 4: 有時超出要求, 3:符合要求, 2:有時低於要求, 1: 遠低於要求Expected Behaviors/AttributesRemarksMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評行為與特質說明Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Company Values 公司價值(適用全體員工)1. Innovation 創新對重覆性的工作,都會嘗試新的方法。2. Speed 速度均能按時或提前完成3. Flexibility 彈性4. Customer Orientation 客戶導向5. Team Work 團隊合作溝通略顯不足,與同仁的合作良好。Management管理能力(適用主管或全體員工,依職務需要選填) 1. Business Acumen 經營知識對客戶及產業的知識可予再加強2. Deliver Results 交付成果如期交付3. Work Quality 工作品質不斷嘗試新方法,創造新標準。4. Process Improvement 流程改善不斷挑戰已完成的工作.找出更專業的程序完成工作。5. People Management 人員管理能協助新人完成訓練Specific Functional/Job Requirements工作職能(依單位/工作特殊要求選填)1. Technical/Professional Proficiency 專業知識足以應付目前工作,但不確定對未來的持續發展。2. Tolerance For Stress3. Analysis Overall Rating on Behaviors/Attributes: 實際成果綜合評分:8III. Performance Appraisal Summary 績效綜合考評Areas for future Development 未來能力發展項目Focus on (please tick)重點強調 (請勾選)Enhancement加強Improvement改進 1.管理專案的能力。V2.多了解最新知識及技術發展以加強個人之專業能力。V 3. 4. 5.Employees Comments 員工評語Managers Comments 主管總評語 Acknowledged by Employee:員工認知考評結果:Date 日期:Appraised by Manager/Supervisor:直屬主管評核:Date 日期:Concurred by 2nd level Manager/Supervisor:再上層主管覆核:Date 日期:9 I. Annual Objectives and Accomplishments 年度目標及達成 Year 2005 Rating Scale: 5: Far exceed objective, 4: Exceed objective, 3: Meet objective, 2: Below objective, 1: Far below objective評分: 5: 遠超出目標, 4: 超出目標, 3:達成目標, 2:低於目標, 1: 遠低於目標Annual Objectives AccomplishmentsMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評年度目標實際成果Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核1: Project management and team work 4 六月底完成C公司LE2 series project EE design,並轉移到NB量產4 七月起擔任P公司ZC1 project EE leader, 並於開發過程中指導兩位新人,熟悉開發流程4 工作妥善分配,讓專案進度差異少於3%4 定期跨部門溝通與協調,減少錯誤發生至5%以下2: Knowledge / Skills 4 培養技術與專業知識,並指導資淺同事盡快熟悉開發流程。4 改良設計流程3: 創新能力4 透過團隊討論,激發創意4 應用創意於產品開發,並申請專利 1: Project management and team work(1)上半年度完成LE2 series project EE design,並順利轉移到NB量產。(2)七月底起擔任ZC1 project EE leader,於開發過程 中指導兩位新人開發流程。(3)專案準時導入量產,進度差異低於2%。(4)每季定期跨部門溝通與協調,錯誤率6.1%。2: Knowledge / Skills(1)藉由定期部門內部/外部vendor技術討論,曾經三次分享開發經驗與技術。(2)指導部門三位資淺同事,熟悉開發流程。(3)擔任內部訓練講師,傳授專業知識與經驗。3: 創新能力(1)參加公司舉辦創意課程8小時,吸收產業新技術與創意,應用於產品STU開發。(2)定期參觀新產品展覽,從中獲取創意。Overall Rating on Accomplishments: 實際成果綜合評分:10II. Behaviors and Attributes 行為與特質Rating Scale: 5: Usually exceed expectation, 4: Exceed expectation at times, 3: Meet expectation, 2: Need improvement at times, 1: Usually below expectation 評分: 5: 遠超出要求, 4: 有時超出要求, 3:符合要求, 2:有時低於要求, 1: 遠低於要求Expected Behaviors/AttributesRemarksMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評行為與特質說明Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Company Values 公司價值(適用全體員工)6. Innovation 創新不斷的吸收新穎的技術,並能將創意應用於產品開發。7. Speed 速度快速有效率完成工作,並確保正確性。8. Flexibility 彈性增加個人能力, 勇於接受各種挑戰。9. Customer Orientation 客戶導向充分了解客戶需求,達成客戶的要求。10. Team Work 團隊合作培養領導統御的能力,有效的激勵同事,發揮團隊戰力。Management管理能力(適用主管或全體員工,依職務需要選填) 6. Business Acumen 經營知識7. Deliver Results 交付成果8. Work Quality 工作品質隨經驗增加亦在改善工作品質9. Process Improvement 流程改善不斷找改善方法並有效執行10. People Management 人員管理Specific Functional/Job Requirements工作職能(依單位/工作特殊要求選填)1. Personal/Motivation積極主動與工作投入態度。2. Knowledge/Skills增加技術與專業熟練度。3. Analysis培養專業的分析能力,縮短解決問題時間。4. Training指導資淺與新進同事,提升專業能力。5. 執行力主管的要求,能夠正確準時完成。Overall Rating on Behaviors/Attributes: 實際成果綜合評分:11III. Performance Appraisal Summary 績效綜合考評Areas for future Development 未來能力發展項目Focus on (please tick)重點強調 (請勾選)Enhancement加強Improvement改進 1. 培養領導統御的能力,有效的激勵同事,發揮團隊戰力。V2. 對專案管理有更多磨練與發揮的機會, 追求自我成長。V 3. 提升與其他部門溝通協調能力。V 4. 提升英語溝通能力。VEmployees Comments 員工評語Managers Comments 主管總評語 Acknowledged by Employee:員工認知考評結果: Date 日期:Appraised by Manager/Supervisor:直屬主管評核: Date 日期: Concurred by 2nd level Manager/Supervisor:再上層主管覆核:Date 日期: 12 I. Annual Objectives and Accomplishments 年度目標及達成 Year_2005_Rating Scale: 5: Far exceed objective, 4: Exceed objective, 3: Meet objective, 2: Below objective, 1: Far below objective評分: 5: 遠超出目標, 4: 超出目標, 3:達成目標, 2:低於目標, 1: 遠低於目標Annual Objectives AccomplishmentsMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評年度目標實際成果Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核1: BIOS Firmware Qualityn Reduce defacts caused by operation mistake to 1% or belown Unsolved issues reduced to 5 or below in 2 weeksn Managing track numbers New chipset platform: under 60 others under 302: Schedule Controln Over 95% functions finished before DVT Test startsn Release BIOS schedule on time3:Customer Relationshipn Feedback to customer requests within 24 hours, failure rate less than 3%1: BIOS Firmware Qualityn Defacts reduced to 2.3%n Issues reduced to 4 in two weeksn Track numbers: Chipset platform 58, Others 342: Schedule Controln 97% finishedn 91% met schedule3:Customer Relationshipn 100% feedback to customer in 24 hoursn failure rate kept 4%1: BOverall Rating on Accomplishments: 實際成果綜合評分:13II. Behaviors and Attributes 行為與特質Rating Scale: 5: Usually exceed expectation, 4: Exceed expectation at times, 3: Meet expectation, 2: Need improvement at times, 1: Usually below expectation 評分: 5: 遠超出要求, 4: 有時超出要求, 3:符合要求, 2:有時低於要求, 1: 遠低於要求Expected Behaviors/AttributesRemarksMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評行為與特質說明Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Company Values 公司價值(適用全體員工)1. Innovation 創新2. Speed 速度能符合工作時程要求3. Flexibility 彈性4. Customer Orientation 客戶導向每次開始工作前,都先了解其他部門同仁的要求。5. Team Work 團隊合作樂於跟同仁的合作,並保持良好關係。Management管理能力(適用主管或全體員工,依職務需要選填) 1. Business Acumen 經營知識專業知識足以應付目前工作,但不確定未來的持續發展。2. Deliver Results 交付成果3. Work Quality 工作品質工作都盡力做好,標準達成。但並沒有細想工作方法。4. Process Improvement 流程改善改善目標可達80%以上5. People Management 人員管理Specific Functional/Job Requirements工作職能(依單位/工作特殊要求選填)1. Stress tolerance 壓力承受專案管理比較弱,不懂怎樣控制資源及時間管理。2. Questioning skills 經由發問找出問題的能力為顯現具體能力3. Analysis 分析力仍可增進Overall Rating on Behaviors/ Attributes: 實際成果綜合評分:14III. Performance Appraisal Summary 績效綜合考評Areas for future Development 未來能力發展項目Focus on (please tick)重點強調 (請勾選)Enhancement加強Improvement改進 1. 英語溝通能力V 2. 時間管理V 3. 專案管理VEmployees Comments 員工評語Managers Comments 主管總評語 Acknowledged by Employee:員工認知考評結果: Date 日期:Appraised by Manager/Supervisor:直屬主管評核:Date 日期:Concurred by 2nd level Manager/Supervisor:再上層主管覆核:Date 日期:15 I. Annual Objectives and Accomplishments 年度目標及達成 Year 2005 Rating Scale: 5: Far exceed objective, 4: Exceed objective, 3: Meet objective, 2: Below objective, 1: Far below objective評分: 5: 遠超出目標, 4: 超出目標, 3:達成目標, 2:低於目標, 1: 遠低於目標Annual Objectives AccomplishmentsMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評年度目標實際成果Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核Self員工自評Mgr 主管評核1. Transfer testing team to TFC and complete translation by end of 20052. Recruit 2 BIOS engineers and ready to solve production issues before Q23. Improve tester technical skills through providng systematic on job training, at least 8hrs per month.4. Enhance customer satisfaction by 10% 5. Review OTS biweekly to reduce complaints of XYZ company 6. Increase communication meeting between TFC/QCI, twice per month from Feb7. Build BIL and TAG TFC test team before Sep.1. 85% test job has been transferred to TFC.2. Recuuited 2 new staffs in April and made them productive in Q33. Provide on job coaching and training courses average 10hours per month from March4. Commented by HP Scorecard “Good performance from D & E company QA teams” in 2Q 20055. OTS report number improved from 80 to 906. Communication meeting had been conducted 2 times/month regualrly 7. BIL, TAG and NB2 test team in TFC have been setup and worked wellOverall Rating on Accomplishments: 實際成果綜合評分:16II. Behaviors and Attributes 行為與特質Rating Scale: 5: Usually exceed expectation, 4: Exceed expectation at times, 3: Meet expectation, 2: Need improvement at times, 1: Usually below expectation 評分: 5: 遠超出要求, 4: 有時超出要求, 3:符合要求, 2:有時低於要求, 1: 遠低於要求Expected Behaviors/AttributesRemarksMid year review年中考評Year end review 年底考評行為與特質說明Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Self員工自評Mgr主管評核Company Values 公司價值(適用全體員工)1. Innova


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