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Module 1 课下能力提升(三).根据提示写出单词的正确形式1What an amazing coincidence (巧合)! I was thinking about my cousin Lily when she phoned me.2Nowadays, smart cellphones have a lot of functions (功能), but I dont know how to use them.3Johnson decided to acknowledge him as his son anyhow(不管怎样)4Mary is one of the acquaintances (熟人) of mine and we have known each other for some time.5Li Gang was painfully aware of his own_shortcomings (短处) after that.6In the absence (absent) of the manager, I shall be in charge of the company.7Im cautious (caution) about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt ones feelings. 8Well, if youre interested, please fill in our application (apply) form where you will also find our list of prices. 9In the speech, the headmaster required that the Japanese government should make an apology (apologize) to us.10We have been very successful (success) in attracting young graduates to the company.选词填空as a consequence,leave out,be aware of,take the lead,show off,cheer sb. up,be cautious about,on purpose1Susan left_out three words when she copied the sentence so it was nonsense.2We must be_aware_of_the importance of protecting the environment and come up with solutions to it.3The player got injured in the training yesterday. As_a_consequence,_he cant take part in the match next weekend.4With our manager taking_the_lead,_we all worked hard and finished the task ahead of time. 5Sometimes a piece of music can cheer ourselves up.6Mothers all like to show_off_their daughters and Mrs Yang is no exception. 7The manager is_cautious_about taking on new staff.8Was it a mistake or did you kick it on_purpose?.完成句子1有人建议由于缺钱这项工作应该推迟。It_is_suggested_that this work (should)_be_put_off for lack of money.2互联网用户们被警示要拒绝接受任何要求发送现金或个人信息的消息,不管这些消息有多正规。The Internet users have been warned to reject any messages that ask you to send cash or personal information, no_matter_how_formal_they_are.3我每次去北京,都会去参观长城。Every_time_I_went_to_Beijing,_I would visit the Great Wall.4他不在时我决定看看他桌上有什么东西。In_his_absence I decided to see what was on his desk.5这个公司在手机质量方面处于领先地位。The company takes_the_lead in the quality of mobile phones.完形填空When my husband and I got married, he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 am. However, I worked during the _1_. So as he came home from work each morning, I was getting ready to _2_.We had very little _3_ then, so when Valentines Day came around that first year, I knew we couldnt _4_ anything for each other. After he left to go to work the night before Valentines Day, I decided to _5_ and make a Valentines Day card for him. I _6_ wrote a poem on the front of the card. When he came home the next _7_,I felt foolish as I handed him the card, _8_ that he wouldnt laugh at it. When he had finished _9_ it, he slowly raised his head and looked at me. Then he reached down into his pocket. When he pulled his _10_ out, he was holding _11_. He told me that he had _12_ it for me during his lunch hour, but he had been _13_ to give it to me because he thought I might think it was _14_,and that I might laugh at it.It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝). _15_ I had stayed up all night making him a valentine card, he had been cutting out a _16_ for me. I still have the aluminum heart, and I _17_ it in my desk. Every time I see it, all those _18_ come flooding back to me. Over the years, weve been able to buy each other very nice, _19_ presents for Valentines Day. But none has ever been as dear or _20_ as much as those handmade gifts made from our hearts the first year that we were married.语篇解读:本文讲述的是结婚第一年,作者和丈夫由于经济拮据都没有钱给对方买情人节礼物,于是他们决定自己动手做礼物。1A.dayBnightCweekend Dholiday解析:选A根据文章第一句“When my husband and I got married, he worked as a mechanic (机修工) from midnight to 8 am.”及however可知作者应是在白天工作。day“白天”;night“夜晚”;weekend“周末”;holiday“假期”。2A.cook BleaveCrest Dhelp解析:选B丈夫在午夜到八点之间工作,而作者在白天工作,因此可推知丈夫每天下班回家时作者正准备离开。leave“离开”;cook“做饭”;rest“休息”;help“帮助”。3A.time BchanceCmoney Denergy解析:选C根据下文“After he left to go to work the night before Valentines Day, I decided to _ and make a Valentines Day card for him.”可知作者夫妇当时没有什么钱,所以他们买不起情人节礼物。money“钱”;time“时间”;chance“机会”;energy“精力”。4A.buy BchooseCfind Dborrow解析:选A因为作者夫妇当时没有什么钱,所以他们买不起情人节礼物。buy“买”;choose“选择”;find“找到”;borrow“借”。5A.look out Bcall backCslow down Dstay up解析:选D根据文章最后一段“_ I had stayed up all night making him a valentine card, he had been cutting out a _ for me.”可知作者决定熬夜给丈夫制作一个情人节卡片。stay up“熬夜”;look out“当心”;call back“回电话”;slow down“减速”。6A.still BonlyCeven Dagain解析:选C除了卡片之外,作者甚至还写了一首诗。even“甚至”;still“仍然”;only“仅仅”;again“再,又”。7A.morning BnoonCafternoon Devening解析:选A前文讲的丈夫上夜班,故此处指清晨他下班回家。8A.imagining BhopingCguessing Dnoticing解析:选B作者递给丈夫卡片时觉得自己很愚蠢,所以希望丈夫不会觉得卡片很可笑。hope“希望”;imagine“想象”;guess“猜测”;notice“注意到”。9A.studying BreadingCexamining Dplaying解析:选B根据上文“I _ wrote a poem on the front of the card.”可知,丈夫在阅读上面的诗。10A.hand BfootCarm Dleg解析:选A根据上句“Then he reached down into his pocket.”和下句中的holding可知能伸进口袋并能握东西的是手(hand)。11A.everything BanythingCnothing Dsomething解析:选D根据最后一段“It was a small heart made out of aluminum (铝)”可知。12A.written BdrawnCmade Dinvented解析:选C根据文章最后一段“But none has ever been as dear or _ as much as those handmade gifts made from our hearts the first year that we were married.”可知。13A.surprised BhappyCangry Dafraid解析:选D联系上下文可推知,此处表明作者夫妇的担心是一样的,都害怕对方认为自己的礼物很傻,笑话自己。afraid“害怕的”;surprised“惊讶的”;happy“高兴的”;angry“生气的”。14A.wrong BdifficultCdangerous Dsilly解析:选D根据上文“I felt foolish as I handed him the card, _ that he wouldnt laugh at it.”可知。silly“愚蠢的”;wrong“错误的”;difficult“困难的”;dangerous“危险的”。15A.Before BThoughCWhile DIf解析:选C此处指当作者熬夜给丈夫做卡片时丈夫也在为她做桃心。while“当的时候”;before“在之前”;though“尽管”;if“如果”。16A.heart BcardCtoy Dbook解析:选A根据上句“It was a small heart made out of aluminum”可知。17A.change BkeepCcut Ddivide解析:选B根据下文“Every time I see it, all those _ come flooding back to me.”可知作者把这颗桃心放入书桌中保存。keep“保存”;change“改变”;cut“砍”;divide“分开”。18A.problems BpainsCmemories Dchoices解析:选C根据下文“Over the years, weve been able to buy each other very nice . our hearts the first year that we were married.”可知上文是作者的回忆。memory“记忆”;problem“问题”;pain“疼痛”;choice“选择”。19A.strange BspecialCexpensive Dsatisfying解析:选C这里是将多年后与作者夫妇婚后第一年进行对比,说明现在已经能够给对方买昂贵的情人节礼物了。expensive“昂贵的”;strange“奇怪的”;special“特殊的”;satisfying“令人满意的”。20A.meant BprovedCinfluenced Dexplained解析:选A根据全文不难判断,作者夫妇婚后第一年自己制作的情人节礼物对他们意味着很多。mean“意味着”;prove“证明”;influence“影响”;explain“解释”。.阅读理解ANobody likes feeling lonely, and isolation (孤立) isnt only a psychological problem. Loneliness increases a persons risk of death by 26 percent, an effect comparable to the health risks posed by obesity.So some researchers are investigating what it is, exactly, that makes lonely people stay lonely. One longheld theory has been that people become socially isolated because of their poor social skills as they spend more time alone, the few skills they do have start to fail from lack of use. But new research suggests that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the socially isolated. Its just that when theyre in situations where they need those skills the most, they choke.Professor Megan L. Knowles and her team tested the social skills of 86 undergraduates, showing them 24 faces on a computer screen and asking them to name the basic human emotion each face was showing:anger, fear, happiness, or sadness. In the end, the lonelier students did worse than the nonlonely students on the emotionreading task but only when they were told they were being tested on their social skills. When the lonely were told they were just taking a general knowledge test, they performed better than the nonlonely.So the lonelier people are, the better they are at accurately reading facial expressions and decoding tone of voice. Lonely people may be paying closer attention to emotional cues (暗示) precisely because of their willingness to belong somewhere and form interpersonal connections, which results in technically superior social skills.This presents a fairly new way to think about lonely people. Its not that they need to improve the basics of social skills, which theyve likely already shared. Instead, lonely people may need to focus more on getting out of their own heads, so they can actually use the skills theyve got to form friendships and begin to find a way out of their isolation.语篇解读:本文是说明文。一项研究表明孤独的人更擅长解读人的情感。1.According to the traditional point of view, why do lonely people stay lonely?AThey are happy to stay alone.BThey are difficult to get along with.CThey have few chances to practice social skills.DThey are likely to misunderstand others opinion.解析:选C细节理解题。由第二段中的“One longheld theory .the few skills they do have start to fail from lack of use”可知,传统观点认为,孤独的人之所以孤独是因为他们缺少与人交往的机会,导致社会技能退化。2In the test mentioned in Paragraph 3, the lonely performed better when they_.Afelt not very lonelyBwere under great pressureCwere told it was a test on social skillsDdid not know the real purpose of the test解析:选D细节理解题。由第三段末句“When the lonely were told they were just taking a general knowledge test,they performed better than the nonlonely”可知,当孤独的人不知道测试的真实意图时,他们在测试中的表现更好。3Compared to nonlonely people, lonely people_. Acan better control their emotionsBcan better express their emotionsCcan better read peoples emotionsDcan better handle peoples emotions解析:选C推理判断题。由第三段中的实验结果及第四段首句“So the lonelier people are, the better they are at accurately reading facial expressions and decoding tone of voice”可推断,孤独的人更擅长解读人们的情感。4What inspiration may lonely people get from the text?ABe brave to make friends.BShow sincerity in friendship.CFind ways to learn social skills.DMake good use of your lonely time.解析:选A推理判断题。由最后一段中的“lonely people may need to focus more on getting out of their own heads, so they can actually use the skills theyve got to form friendships .”可推断,孤独的人应该勇敢地交友。 BNot all awards are as noble as the Nobel Prize, which is worldfamous for giving prizes to people who made progress in literature, science, economics and perhaps most importantly peace. Even though most countries have a system for recognizing, honoring and rewarding people who have done something good in their countries, there are now hundreds of awards and awards ceremonies for all kinds of things.The Oscars are probably the most famous, a time for the film industry to tell itself how good it is. The awards are not only for films Now there are also Grammies, Brits, the Mercury Prize and the MTV and Q awards for music. In Britain, a writer who wins the Booker prize can expect to see their difficult, literary novel hit the bestseller lists and compete with The Da Vinci Code for popularity. The Turner Prize is an award for a British contemporary artist each year it causes controversy by apparently giving lots of money to artists who do things like displaying their beds, putting animals in glass cases or this year building a garden shed.Awards dont only exist for the arts. There are now awards for Sports Personality of the Year, for European Footballer of the Year and World Footballer of the Year. This seems very strange sometimes awards can be good to give recognition to people who deserve it, or to help people who are on tight budget carry on their work without worrying about finances, but professional soccer players these days are_not_shy_of_fund!Why have all these awards and ceremonies appeared recently? Shakespeare never won a prize, nor did Leonardo Da Vinci.Most awards ceremonies are now sponsored by big organizations or companies. This means that not only the person who wins the award benefits from it but also the sponsors. The MTV awards, for example, are great for publicizing not only music, but also MTV itself!On the surface, it seems to be a “winwin” situation, with everyone being happy, but let me ask you a question how far do you think that publicity and marketing are winning here, and how much genuine recognition of achievement is taking place?语篇解读:本文作者对种类越来越多的奖项及颁奖庆典提出了自己的疑问和看法。5Why does the writer write Paragraphs 2 and 3?ATo show the importance of giving awards to people.BTo sh


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