



课下能力提升(九)阅读理解AWith the appearance of fast food chains from the West such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut, the Chinese are being introduced to a diet that increases the death rate from certain diseases in any population.The main killers in NorthAmerica, the diseases such as heart attack and stroke as well as colon cancer, will become a way of death in this country if the Chinese do not act quickly and compete with these healthdestroying food chains. Scientific studies from all over the world show that a diet high in animal foods such as pork, beef, including sugar, white flour, white noodles and even white rice, undermines ones health. Deposits of animal fat cling to the walls of arteries (动脉), blocking the blood supply to various organs. This causes diseases in almost every organ, but in particular it damages two of the most vital ones, the heart and brain.Compare these problems with the excellent health one may enjoy if one consumes good Chinese food. The cook goes out every day, procures greattasting, fresh vegetables, then cooks them for just a few minutes so that their nutritional value is preserved and afterwards serves them in a most artistic and elegant fashion. Please cling to your traditional ways of eating. They are far superior to those of the West.How the Chinese could patronise (光顾) these fast food places when Chinese cook such delectable (美味的) food, not just in this country but over the entire world, is beyond my comprehension. Western restaurants are clean and tastefully decorated. Moreover, these restaurants also do indeed have “good service and an inviting dining atmosphere”. However, Chinese food chains could do likewise if they would organise themselves as the Western chains do.These lessons in management and decoration are the only ones worth learning from the invasion of this country by the Western fast food chains. In other words, only imitate the style of the restaurants, not the content of the food or the menus in any way, shape or form.Do not let the desire for money destroy the wonderful tradition that China has established in producing absolutely fantastically tasty as well as healthful food.语篇解读:西方快餐虽然在很多方面有优势,但是从健康角度来说还是中餐最好,我们要传承中国优良的传统饮食文化。1A diet high in animal foods is unhealthy, because especially it will damage _.Athe heart and brainBthe walls of arteriesCall organs Dthe nerves解析:选A推理判断题。文章第二、三段讲述动物食品的缺点,这样的食物会导致各种疾病,尤其是心脏和脑部疾病。故选A项。2The Chineses preferring fast food to Chinese delectable food makes the writer feel _.Apleased BpuzzledCcalm Dfunny解析:选B推理判断题。根据第五段内容,特别是关键词“beyond my comprehension”可推断出,作者对中国人喜欢西方快餐感到不理解。puzzled意为“困惑的,茫然的”。3What we should learn from the Western fast food chains is _.Athe content of the foodBthe attractive menusCthe management and decorationDthe form of the food解析:选C细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段第一句话可得出答案。4What is the writers opinion in the passage?AChinese shouldnt learn from Western fast food.BChinese should say no to Western fast food.CWestern fast food is better than Chinese food.DChinese food is better for our health.解析:选B主旨大意题。从整篇文章来看,作者是告诉我们西方快餐虽然在很多方面有优势,但是从健康角度来说还是中餐最好。故选B。此题容易误选D项。仔细读文章可知作者对西方快餐是否定的,是要我们不要吃西方快餐。BTurning the lights out or wearing a blindfold while eating could be a quick way to lose weight, according to scientists. The simple trick works because it stops diners eating for pleasure rather than for calories. It also triggers (引发) a part of the brain that is worried that unseen food may go bad.An experiment by the University of Konstanz, in Germany, found that people who were blindfolded consumed nine percent fewer calories before they felt full, compared to those who could see.They also vastly overestimated how much they had eaten because they could not see how much was left on the plate. Blindfolded volunteers estimated they had eaten 88 percent more than they actually had.Scientists believe that not seeing food on the table also allows the body to know when it is full in real time rather than remembering past experiences where it might have taken a full plate to feel full.In the experiment, 50 people were blindfolded and 40 were allowed to see their food. All were told not to eat within two hours of the experiment. They were then given three 95g bowls of chocolate icecream and invited to eat for 15 minutes. Their bowls were taken away and the remaining icecream weighed, while the participants were quizzed on how much they thought they had eaten.On average the group who could see ate 116g while the blindfolded groups ate 105g. However, the blindfolded group believed they had eaten 197g while compared with 159g for the nonblind volunteers. They were also asked how pleasant the icecream tasted and the blindfolded group rated lower than those who could see.“The experienced pleasure of eating was significantly lower in the blindfolded group.Not seeing the food might have decreased the appetite. Sight plays an important role in the eating experience and in the overall dining experience.”Previous studies have shown that the visual influence of food plays a large part in the taste. While restaurants that allow diners to eat in the dark state that it triggers other senses, in fact eating in darkness is likely to taste far milder than usual.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。科学家通过研究发现人们在熄灯或者戴着眼罩时用餐可以减肥。5With the lights out, diners eat less partly because.Athey want to quickly finish their mealsBthey trust their feelings more than everCthey focus more on fun than the caloriesDthey worry about the quality of the food解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,当关灯后,饮食者可能会担心食物的质量。故答案选D。6We can learn from the passage that the blindfolded group_.Aspent a much longer time eating the same foodBbelieved they ate more than they really didCdepended on past experiences to feel fullDthought the food tasted better than usual解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句以及实验过程可知,戴眼罩的志愿者们相信他们比实际上吃得更多。故答案选B。7The last two paragraphs tell us that_.Adiners are likely to lose their appetite eating in darknessBsenses rather than sight play an important role in the tasteCfindings of this experiment differ from the previous studiesDrestaurants benefit a lot from allowing diners to eat in the dark解析:选A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二句并结合最后两段可知,最后两段主要讲的是在黑暗中吃东西,饮食者可能会降低食欲。故答案选A。8The main purpose of the passage is to _.Aprovide statistics related to eating in the darkBoffer reasons for people to eat in the dark areasCinform the readers of the result of an experimentDpersuade the readers to lose weight in a new way解析:选C 写作意图题。纵观全文可知,本文主要是通过叙述实验过程来告知读者实验结果。A、B两项是文章具体讲到的内容;D项在文章中没有体现。故答案选C。CWhen Andrew was born in Jiangsu, China, his father opened Panda Inn, a sitdown restaurant in Pasadena, California, serving family foods fast and hot.Andrews father had taught him to take on a new challenge only after mastering the previous one.It took ten years before Andrew felt he was ready to deal with the allAmerican challenge:the fastfood industry.The first Panda Express opened in a Southern California mall in 1983.As Pandas began to increase, Peggy, who has a PhD in electrical engineering, gave up her career to join the company fulltime, first as president, then as CEO.Today, Peggy and Andrew share the title of chairman.They are big fans of Stephen Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a book they require all job applicants to read before their interview.“Success is a byproduct of our habits,” says Andrew.“Were very focused on learning how to do the right things well and completely so that what all of us do actually makes an impact.” Doing the right thing includes paying more than the minimum wage and part of health care for all 17,300 employees, including parttimers.Some warned that this would cause financial problems.But not for the Panda Express.“If youre too focused on the results and try to develop shortcuts, youre going to have to pay it back later somehow,” Andrew says.They take seriously the concept that to lead is to serve.It means helping employees improve their livelihood and, in the process, learn to live a fuller life.In the end, Andrew says, “They are better off financially, but theyre also smarter because theyre curious and learning.They take care of themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.When all of us do these things well, theres a better chance that we will treat the customers better.”语篇解读:熊猫快餐自1983年在美国建立第一家店以来,发展迅速,成为美国知名快餐店。那么熊猫快餐的经营理念是什么呢?文章为我们作了详细介绍。9The writer mentions Peggy, who has a PhD, in order to show that Panda Express _.Aneeded support from AmericansBwas increasing very rapidlyCneeded wise leadersDattracted a lot of talented people解析:选D推理判断题。根据第三段中的“As Pandas began to increase, Peggy, who has a PhD in electrical engineering, gave up her career to join the company fulltime .”可知,佩姬作为一名电子工程专业的博士,放弃了自己的事业,加入到这家公司,证明熊猫快餐对高素质人才来说非常有吸引力。故选D项。10We may infer from the passage that _.Afocus on doing the right things and the results will take care of themselve


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