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Module 6 The Tang PoemsTODAY IS A NEW DAYDonna LevineYour tomorrows are as bright as you want to make them.There is no reason to carry the darkness of the pastwith you into today.Today is a wonderful new experience, full of every possibility to make your life exactly what you want it to be.Today is the beginning of new happiness,new directions and new relationships.Today is the day to remind yourselfthat you possess the powerand strength you needto bring contentment, love and joy into your life.Today is the day to understand yourselfand to give yourself the loveand the patience that you need.Today is the day to move forwardtowards your bright tomorrow.,阅读障碍词remind v提醒possess v占有,持有contentment n满足.Match the word with its meaning.1acquaintanceA扩张2farewell B分手;分离3part C影子,阴影4expansion D分享,共享5tolerant E进步;进展6shadow F(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难7altitude G商人8share H腐败;堕落9advance I倒影10failure J告别11suffering K不规则的;无规律的12corruption L失败者13merchant M高度;海拔14irregular N宽容的;容忍的15reflection O相识的人;泛泛之交答案:15OJBAN610CMDEL1115FHGKI.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.1Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 密切相关2She wanted to take hold of the butterfly, but failed. 抓住3To be parted from him even for two days made her sad. 与分离4As far as I know, many thousands of tourists from the mainland have been to Taiwan.就而言1Do you know any poets in and out of China?参考答案:Du Fu;Wang Wei;Meng Haoran;Shu Ting; Shelley; William Shakespeare and so on.2Do you know who the poet is in this picture and some of his famous poems? _参考答案:Li Bai.To Wang Lun, Leaving White Dragon City at Dawn and In the Quiet Night, etc.FastreadingSkim the text and match each part with its main idea.Part 1(Paras.13)ATang poetry and two famous poets Du Fu and Li Bai.Part 2(Paras. 46) BThe Tang Dynasty and the culture, technology and progress of its time.答案:Part 1B; Part 2A.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.1What did trade with foreign countries result in?ATechnological progress.BThe Tang poetry.CA Chinese culture which was tolerant and cosmopolitan.DOther religions like Buddhism passing into China.2Why was Tang poetry so great?ABecause the Tang Dynasty was powerful.BBecause it had beautiful images and a wide range of topics.CBecause many government officials liked it.DBecause the Tang rulers wrote poetry.3Lots of people in the Tang Dynasty became interested in poetry because they wanted to _.Abe famous poetsBget a good job in the governmentCmake more moneyDwin much respect4From the passage we learn that _.ALi Bai was successful when he was youngBLi Bai painted a realistic picture of the problems of his ageCDu Fu and Li Bai didnt live in the same timeDLi Bai didnt do well in the Civil Service Examination答案:14CBBD.StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws, and to keep their traditional forms of entertainment such as music and dance, which influenced the development of Tang culture.句式分析本句是一个复合句。主句中,由and连接的两个并列不定式作主语补足语,其中governed by their own laws 为过去分词短语作communities的定语,which引导一个非限制性定语从句,代指前面的内容。尝试翻译他们都获准生活在由自己的法律管辖的区域内,他们还可以保留自己传统的诸如音乐和舞蹈等娱乐形式,这些都对唐文化的发展有一定的影响。2As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his time in the Civil Service Examination to become a government official, he began a life of travel and poetry, writing more than a thousand poems.句式分析 尝试翻译因为不像同时代的其他一些年轻人一样在科举考试中那么顺利成为一名入朝官员,他便开始了游历和诗歌创作的生涯,写了一千多首诗。对应学生课下能力提升(二十一)阅读理解AUrban poetry is a literary art form in which poetry is used to express feelings or to share experiences that are related to living in urban areas. Common themes include poverty, social injustice, stress, struggles and survival. As with many other forms of poetry, it is common for the lines of an urban poem to rhyme, but it is not necessary all of the time. Urban poetry also can be different in length and rhythm.Although many people consider the term “urban” refers to modern cities full of brick and steel structures, flashing lights and hundreds of thousands of people, forms of urban poetry have sprung out of cities for centuries. Although cities have become more modernized, many of the conditions that inspire urban poets are much the same as they were hundreds of years ago. One of the most important themes of urban poetry is the condemnation of social injustice. Modern urban poets tend to focus on problems that have bad effects on the lives of minorities.Rather than express an opinion about a problem, many urban poems would tell the story of someone living in a city to allow the reader to gain a better idea about an urban problem by learning about the storytellers personal experiences dealing with this problem.Although urban poetry might be not real, it typically settles a situation that the poet has personally experienced. The motivation for settling unfair or difficult situations that the poet has experienced often leads to powerful feelings on the part of both the poet and the audience, particularly during a live performance. Some people believe that urban poetry is more appropriate as a spoken art form than as literature. Therefore, this type of poetry frequently can be found as audio recordings rather than in books or other printed material.1What characteristic does urban poetry have?AIts length is strictly fixed.BIts lines rhyme all the time.CIt can be found in printed material frequently.DIt is about feelings or experiences of living in cities.解析:选D细节理解题。由第一段的第一句可知,城市诗歌主要描述人们生活在城市中的感情和经历。2Which of the following is the most important theme of urban poetry?AStrong disapproval of social unfairness.BThe struggle for survival against illness.CContinued efforts to fight urban poverty.DGreat social stress under modernization.解析:选A细节理解题。由第二段的“One of the most important themes of urban poetry is the condemnation of social injustice”可知,城市诗歌最重要的主题之一是抨击社会不公。3Why do many urban poems tell stories instead of expressing opinions?ATo reduce the audiences strong feelings.BTo give common readers access to urban poems.CTo help readers better understand urban problems.DTo make storytellers experiences seem more personal.解析:选C细节理解题。由第三段可知,城市诗歌往往采用讲述故事的写作手法,目的是让读者更好地理解城市问题。4What would be the best title of the text?AWhat is urban poetry?BHow does urban poetry develop?CWhy might urban poetry be unreal?DIn what forms does urban poetry appear?解析:选A标题归纳题。综合全文可知,文章主要介绍了城市诗歌的概念、常见主题、写作方式和表现形式等,故A项最为全面。BGwendolyn Brooks was born on June 17, 1917 in Topeka, Kansas. Her family moved to Chicago when Brooks was four. At the age of seven, Brooks began learning how to write poems, and by the young age of thirteen she had her first poem published.She wrote hundreds of poems during her lifetime. She had more than twenty books published. She was known around the world for using poetry to increase understanding about black culture in America. Gwendolyn Brooks wrote many poems about black people during the 1940s and 1950s. Her poems described living conditions of the poor, racial inequality (种族不平等) and drug use in the black community. She also wrote poems about the struggles of black women.But her skill was more than her ability to write about struggling black people. She was an expert at the language of poetry. She mixed traditional European poetry styles with the AfricanAmerican experience. She once said that she wrote about what she saw and heard in the street. She said she found most of her material looking out of the window of her secondfloor apartment house in Chicago, Illinois. In her early poetry, she wrote about the South Side of Chicago. The South Side of Chicago is where many black people live. In her poems, the South Side is called Bronzeville. It was A Street in Bronzeville that gained the attention of literary experts in 1945. They praised her poetic skills and her powerful descriptions about the black experience during the time.Gwendolyn Brooks won her first major award in 1943 at the Midwestern Writers Conference. Brooks was the first AfricanAmerican writer to win the Pulitzer Prize and to be given a job in the American Academy of Arts and Letters.5Gwendolyn Brooks paid more attention in her poems to _.Aculture differencesBdrug use in African countriesCthe life of the black in AmericaDthe life of her own family解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段第三句话可判断出,布鲁克斯的很多诗歌描述的是黑人生活。6From the passage we can learn that _.Aat seven, Brooks parents found that she had a gift for writing poemsBBrooks poems made black people gain freedomCsome of Brooks early poems were set in the South Side of ChicagoDthe poem A Street in Bronzeville made Brooks become rich解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段第六句话可知,布鲁克斯早期的诗歌主要描写芝加哥南部的生活。7Which of the following statements about Brooks is NOT true?AShe is an AfricanAmerican writer.BHer first poem was published in 1930.CShe was good at the language of poetry.DShe was the first American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize.解析:选D细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句话可知,布鲁克斯是第一位获得普利策文学奖的美国非洲裔作家。D项说法与原文不一致。8It can be inferred from the passage that _.ABrooks spent her childhood in a poor black communityBmost of Brooks writing was based on what she saw and heardCall of Brooks books have been publishedDBrooks didnt receive college education解析:选B推理判断题。根据第三段第四、五句话可判断出,她的大部分作品以自己的所见所闻为基础而写成。CWhen I was in the fifth grade and Mr. Gardner asked a question, my hand would shoot up with great enthusiasm. After giving me a few chances, he would try to give other students a chance. My hand, though, would remain in the air, and after some time, Id start waving it around. Then, there was the time when I entered drumming classes. But all we were allowed to do in the first class was practise one beat over and over again. I never went back.I would have done terribly in the Stanford Marshmallow (果浆软糖) Experiment. In this classic study, researchers gave children a choice between one marshmallow right away and two later. The results showed that those who could wait 15 minutes ended up scoring 210 points higher on the SAT, an examination that American high school students take before they go to college.So clearly, delaying gratification or bearing up under pain has its benefits. It needs patience. Patience keeps us from being stuck to ideas formed previously, and helps us let go of our strong interest in outcomes. We come to accept that we dont always or immediately know what is best, and learn to recognize that our reality is in constant changes. Patience improves our understanding of deeper truths and helps us expand our views.The journey of patience is rooted in knowing that our present reality will finally give way to changes. But changes wont always happen when we think they should, and patience with ourselves comes from accepting that there are things we can control and things we cant. And though we must make great efforts to keep pushing the boundaries of our awareness and to improve our ability to rest comfortably in the present moment, how fast we develop isnt up to us.That same fifth grader who couldnt wait to speak out answers now sees the importance of meeting questions with a heart of patience.9Why did the author wave his hand in class?ATo entertain himself.BTo show his impatience.CTo give other students a chance.DTo let others know he was clever.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段可知,作者不停地挥舞手臂是因为举了一段时间手后,老师还不让他回答问题,他这样做是因为不耐烦了。10Whats the purpose of the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment?ATo test childrens concentration levels.BTo test how children like marshmallows.CTo test patience and its potential advantages.DTo test the bond between patience and desire.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段中的最后一句可知,这个果浆软糖实验的目的是为了测试耐心在孩子们的后期智力发展中可能存在的优势。11Which of the following can replace the underlined word “gratification” in Paragraph 3?AProgress.BPatience.CJudgement. DSatisfaction.解析:选D词义猜测题。根据该词前的delaying可知,该词的意思与第二段中的“In this classic study, researchers gave children a choice between one marshmallow right away and two later”有关,根据该句可知,延迟的是满足感,故gratification的意思与satisfaction相近。12What is the main reason for people to have patience according to the text?APresent reality.BConstant changes.CA lack of selfcontrol.DA strong interest in outcomes.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“learn to recognize that our reality is in constant changes”和倒数第二段中的“The journey of patience is rooted in knowing that our present reality will finally give way to changes”可知,不断变化是我们需要有耐心的原因。The Golden Age of Chinese PoetryA great dynastyThe Tang Dynasty (618907) was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history. It was a time of expansion. At its high point, the country reached as far as Siberia (now part of Russia) in the north, Korea in the east and Vietnam in the south. The Tang rulers also controlled the trade route known as the Silk Road well into presentday Afghanistan.An exciting cultureTrade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture. Persians, Arabs and Jews came to live in Chinese towns, bringing with them their own religions and customs. They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws, and to keep their traditional forms of entertainment such as music and dance, which influenced the development of Tang culture. But perhaps the biggest foreign influence came from Buddhism, whose origins were in India. At the same time foreigners who were educated at the Tang court took the Chinese culture home with them. Soon Japan and Korea were organised on the Tang model, while Chinese influence extended throughout Southeast Asia.Technology and progressCultural development went hand in hand with technological progress. New discoveries were made in astronomy, geography and medicine. In 724 Seng Yixing measured the length of the suns shadow and the altitude of the North Pole. Under Emperor Taizong (627649) the government opened medical schools where specialist subjects were studied. The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before. But it was not just scientific knowledge that could now reach a wider audience. Printing also marked the beginning of the golden age of literature and literature, in the Tang Dynasty, meant poetry.Tang poetryIn the beauty of its images and the range of topics, Tang poetry was better than everything that had come before it. But how did this happen? There is no single answer to the question. An explosion of talent, and the appearance of new forms were both important. In the “New Style Verse” which appeared during the Tang period, each line has five or seven syllables, and there are lots of rules which govern the tones. But being able to write poetry was also an important qualification for people who wanted to become government officials. A good poet had a better chance of getting a good job. So lots of people became interested in poetry.Du FuOne of the greatest of the Tang poets was Du Fu (712770). As a young man he travelled a lot and enjoyed painting and music, as well as writing poetry. But during his lifetime he never became famous; in fact, he thought of himself as a failure. It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognised. Sometimes he is called the “poet of history” or “the mirror of his time” because he paints a realistic picture of the problems of the age in which he lived. These include the sufferings of the poor, and the corruption of the rich. He also writes about his own problems, including his sons death. Du Fu is also known for his friendship with Li Bai (701762), another great poet of the age. The two men met in 744, and although very different, they became friends. They each wrote poems to the other. Li BaiLi Bai, the son of a wealthy merchant, grew up in Sichuan Pro


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