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阅读表达,阅读表达题是学业水平考试中新增加的一种新的测试题型,要求考生在阅读所给短文,然后按照题目要求回答文后的五个问题,每个问题2分,总分10分。该题型的测试目的是从多方位多角度考查考生通过阅读获取信息、处理信息并进行书面表达。新题型的出现对学生能力的要求又有了进一步的提高。此题考查学生通过阅读获取信息、处理信息并进行书面表达的能力。除了考查学生阅读理解的能力,又增加了对书面表达能力的考查。既考查学生的语言输入也考查其语言输出能力。,阅读表达题型 1、主旨概括 2、同义句替换 3、填空 4、翻译句子 5、封闭性问题 6、开放性问题 7、其他类型,1、主旨概括:主要考查考生对文章内容的整体把握能力。要想答好该题,考生必须有很强的概括能力或归纳能力,要善于寻找能够概括全文的主题段落或者主题句,剔除文中的细节事实或者作者所用的论据,即要分清主旨和细节,概括出来的中心意思一定要能够覆盖全文或整个段落,绝对不可太笼统离题太远或者以偏概全;文中标题格式可以是完整的句子,简洁的短语,也可以用问题的形式,同时要注意字数要求。具体的表达可以先根据文章内容找出关键词,再在此基础上确定文章标题或者文章的main idea。一般采取以下的出题方式如: Whats the purpose of the writer writing this passage? Whats the main idea of the article? What does the passage mainly talk about? Whats the best title of the passage?,2、同义句替换:要求根据所给的英文释义句子,在短文中寻找相同的句子。此类试题较简单,相当于传统阅读理解中的转换理解,答案较固定。只有准确理解所给句子的意义,才能准确快速地找出原文中意义相同的句子。,3、句子填空:要求结合上下文将短文中的空白处用适当的词语补充完整,使短文通顺。在处理此类试题上,一定要高屋建瓴,在把握全文大意的基础上,弄懂所填句子与上下文之间的逻辑关系,如:因果、递进、并列、对比、转折等。此类试题虽有一定的难度,但字数要求一般较少,语言力求简练。完成后可仔细通读上下文,看是否通顺,恢复了作者本来想表达的意思。回答此类问题时,一定首先注意弄清楚上下文的逻辑关系,如递进、转折、并列、对比、因果等等;然后根据上下文的含义搞清楚空白处该填句子还是短语或者单词,再读上下文,最后确定答案。,4、翻译句子:要求将短文中指定的句子翻译成通顺的汉语,在着手翻译之前,首先要分析把握句子的结构,在准备理解原文的基础上进行翻译。译文一定要遵循忠实通顺的原则,符合汉语表达习惯。在该类题目中要求翻译的句子往往是结果较为复杂或者包括一些特定习语的句子。因此再翻译之前一定要先分析句子结构,并结合文章中心思想以及上下文弄清句子所在的语境,同时还要注意英、汉两种语言及其问题特征的差异,最后在忠实于原文的基础上,把画线部分的句子翻译成符合汉语表达习惯的句子。,5、封闭性问题:封闭性问题是指答案是固定或唯一的问题,一般可在文章中找到明确的答案或依据,也可称为close-ended questions:结合文中的具体依据进行回答,一般采用以下出题方式: wh-questions based on the passage.,6、开放性问题:开放性问题是阅读表达中主观性最强的试题,要求考生结合个人的观点、经验来回答相关问题。此类问题要求考生依据自己的看法结合原文理解作出回答: what would you do if you were ? What do you think ? Which of do you think is the best for you, why?,7、其他类型:该题是结合文章的不同题材和体裁给出的除以上6种类型以外的类型的题。比如设计图表题,推理判断题等。,阅读表达题型,要求考生阅读短文后,书面回答问题。因此,该题型既考查了考生的阅读理解能力,又查了考生的书面表达的能力,综合性强,难度较大新增加的阅读表达对我们来说是一个新题型,虽然新,但从根本上将还是考查学生的阅读理解能力。只要我们在平时多加训练,摸清规律,沉着应考,一定会轻松胜任。,阅读表达做题要求 (1)快速的浏览题目,做到心中有数,带着题目进行速读。 (2)准确理解文章的大意、细节,把握作者的观点、态度、语气等,捕捉与题目有关的信息,为回答问题作好准备。 (3)答题之前认真审题,弄清问题的要求,回答应具有针对性,紧扣题目,认真推敲语言,既要完整又要简洁。同时还要注意语言运用的准确性、得体性。 (4)主旨大意题,要求词数比较少,所用语言要精辟、简洁。答案应符合标题要求,能概括出文章大意或作者的意图。这类题目大多是要求给出文章的题目。文章的标题可以是一个完整的句子、简洁的短语或者是一个问题,书写时要特别注意字母的大小写和字数问题。,(5)英文释义题,也可称句子替代题,要求从文章中找出与所给的句子含义相同的句子来,一般读懂了文章,弄清了所给句子和文中相应句子的意思即可答出,该题是阅读表达中相对比较简单的一个题。 (6)对于句子填空,要充分利用文章中表示对比、转折、因果、递进、条件等关系的连接词,结合上下文语境,来搞清楚需要填的究竟是什么含义的句子。 (7)在做翻译题的时候,一定要结合句子所在的情景进行理解和翻译,并且把握好句子结构。既要符合句子原意,又要注意汉语句子的通顺和大意。表达简洁、准确、到位,不可罗罗嗦嗦、颠三倒四、词不达意。 (8)有的问题可以在文中找到答案及其依据,但是对于开放性问题,考生要结合自己的观点回答。 (9)要注意问题后的字数要求,切忌超出各个题目所要求的字数范围。要保持书写清楚,工整;卷面整洁、干净。,阅读表达难度题目之一 -主旨概括,删细节,找主题句 不可太大或以偏概全 注重各种体裁题目积累,答题技巧,What Is The Passage Mainly About?,Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do before a fire breaks out can save a life. For example, people should know the safety measures to take before opening a hall door during a fire. Also, make sure every-one knows how to unlock doors that may be in the escape path. At times, a key is needed to unlock a door from the inside. So, keep the key in the lock. Or, you can put the key on a key ring and put it where it can be found easily.,Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do before a fire breaks out can save a life. For example, people should know the safety measures to take before opening a hall door during a fire. Also, make sure every-one knows how to unlock doors that may be in the escape path. At times, a key is needed to unlock a door from the inside. So, keep the key in the lock. Or, you can put the key on a key ring and put it where it can be found easily.,Escaping a fire,safety measures,How to Escape from a Fire,Discussion: Safety Measures?,Safety Measures During A Fire,Title ?,说明文: Ways to deal with stress How to deal with stress Suggestions/Tips/ Advice on how to deal with stress 议论文: The advantages and disadvantages of having an only child Arguments on whether to have only one child,For Your Reference,Title ?,A lot of time is spent trying to find how the Internet works and how it will change our lives in the future, but sometimes we forget just how far this revolutionary technology has take us already. Here is a look at four ways the Internet has made an impact on us of a practical level in the past decade. *Everybody can get any information they want if they know how to look for it *Everyone can get breaking news *Everyone can be an expert *Cheap, near-instant communication ,Four advantages of the web,Practice,阅读表达难度题目之二 -补全句子,答题技巧,弄清逻辑 语言简练 表达规范,“The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer(战胜)himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful.” says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses(冲动)and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom Self-control is mans last greatest victory. _means one lacks everything. Without it he can have no patient, no power to govern himself; he can have no self-confidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling.,Read the passage trying to complete it.,Lacking self-control,Practice,Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads in their free time. In fact, _ if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you work hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking car of you and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you;,happiness is always around you,阅读表达难度题目之三 -句子翻译,答题技巧,把握关键词的翻译 注意英汉表达习惯,While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it cant be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.,虽然生活中不可能没有压力, 但是当压力无法避免的时候, 我们可以预防它或减轻它带来的影响。,Practice,Practice,Chinas space achievements head our countrys top-ten achievements in science and technology in 2003, according to results released on Tuesday based on votes of the 582 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).,根据周二颁布的中国科学院和中国工程院582名院士的投票结果, 2003年中国在太空领域所取得的成就位于我国十大科技成就之首。,1. What is the best title of the passage? ? (Please answer within 10 words.) 2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? If you dont buy a drink for everyone in your group, you are socially wrong. 3. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.) 4. If you are in a pub, what would you like to drink? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.) 5. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.,An American friend of mine who was high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of handling a flood of e-mails before most of us had even heard of the concept. If any information he was sent was vital enough, his lack of response would ensure the sender rang him up, if the sender wasnt important enough to have his private number, the communication couldnt be that important, my friend is now even more senior in the same company so the strategy must work. Almost every week now there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of e-mail. If this is the case, its only because we havent developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it. _. Firstly, you junk nothing with an exclamation mark or a string of capital letters, or from any address you dont recognize or feel confident about. Secondly, e-mails dont all have to be answered. Because e-mailing is so easy, theres a tendency for correspondence to carry on for ever, but it is permissible to stop an endless discussion or to accept a point of information sent by a colleague without acknowledging it. Thirdly, a reply e-mail doesnt have to be the same length as the original. We all have e-mail pals who send long, chatty e-mail, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply. The charm of e-mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence, totally regardless of the format of the letter sent by post. You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a better reply.,答案与解析: 1Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails 1. 答案:If this is the case, its only because we havent developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it. 解析:该题为同意句替换题,细读所给句子,不难得出其意义“这些令人恼火的情况之所以存在,是因为我们没有对电子邮件进行分类的能力”。然后对照原文,就很容易找到其同意句了。,2Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(within 10 words ) 2. 答案:E-mail(s) can be handled in the following ways. / Here are the ways to deal with e-mail(s). / handling e-mail(s) is an art. 解析:该题为填空题。做该类题目首先要根据上下文搞清楚所填内容是句子还是短语或单词。从该题要求来看我们可以知道此处要填入合适的句子。联系上下文可知,下文所列三条都是处理电子邮件的方法,那就不难知道,此处所填句子内容应该是一个概括性较强的topic sentence,这样我们就不难知道该填什么内容了。,3Wh


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