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完形填空专题集训-健康环保类1、From my early career as a doctor and now as an author and leadership expert, I help people learn about the power and happiness that come with the correct mindset (心态). To teach this mindset, I first teach people the effect of making excuses, which will 1 them to believe the external (外部的) false 2and keep them from stepping into the power they have to3happiness and success.Take me and my4to lose weight for example. When I was 25, I weighed 150 pounds. To make the5of my weight become smaller, I seemingly did whatever I could in a few months, but I6saw good results. So I started whole-heartedly believing I had a thyroid(甲状腺)problem. Later I went to my doctor, and she7a series of tests carefully. Then she shared with me the8news that my thyroid was perfectly9. While she was excited, I was a bit 10 . You see, Id told myself that I had done 11 I could to lose weight. But only when my doctor helped me accurately 12 my habits did I realize that I was only making a half-hearted 13 . I was dieting from morning until afternoon, however, after 3 pm, I 14 myself some chocolate for my hard exercise. I didnt make enough to lose weight, 15 I wrongly contributed it to a medical 16 .A lot of us live our lives in the same way. We 17 see external inexact reasons and believe our half-hearted efforts were real. We should 18 making excuses and change our mindset to live actively in reality. Now I have 19 my mistake and I look slim. You should also20to turn your excuses into good results.1.A.warnB.informC.causeD.invite2.A.lessonsB.methodsC.eventsD.phenomena3.A.createB.believeC.recoverD.ignore4.A.choiceB.curiosityC.desireD.response5.A.effectB.improvementC.standardD.number6.A.fairlyB.hardlyC.mainlyD.partly7.A.foundB.confirmedC.ranD.designed8.A.greatB.strangeC.ridiculousD.false9.A.unusualB.painfulC.seriousD.healthy10.A.pleasedB.depressedC.shockedD.scared11.A.somethingB.everythingC.anythingD.nothing12.A.analyzeB.changeC.formD.develop13.A.taskB.projectC.decisionD.attempt14.A.broughtB.boughtC.rewardedD.offered15.A.forB.butC.orD.as16.A.problemB.treatmentC.accidentD.skill17.A.evenB.onlyC.yetD.also18.A.take away fromB.take up withC.get out ofD.get rid of19.A.madeB.correctedC.repeatedD.acknowledged20.A.learnB.agreeC.affordD.promise2、In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The _1_ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of _2_ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.How did we _3_ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to _4_ an object than to spend time and money to repair it. _5_ modern manufacturing(制造业)and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and _6_.Another cause is our _7_of disposable(一次性的)products. As _8_ people, we are always looking for _9_ to save time and make our lives easier. Companies _10_ thousands of different kinds of disposable products:paper plates, plastic cups, and cameras, to name a few.Our appetite for new products also _11_ to the problem. We are _12_ buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that _13_ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we _14_ useful possessions to make room for new ones.All around the world, we can see the _15_ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To _16_ the amount of rubbish and to protect the _17_, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. _18_, this is not enough to solve(解决)our problem.Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions _19_ throwing them away. We also need to rethink our attitudes about _20_. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.A. key B. problem C. project D. reason A. rubbish B. gifts C. debt D. productsA. face B. observe C. become D. changeA. hide B. control C. withdraw D. replace A. As to B. Thanks to C. Except for D. Regardless ofA. safe B. cheap C. funny D. powerfulA. prevention B. lack C. love D. divisionA. sensitive B. kind C. brave D. busyA. friends B. places C. jobs D. ways A. produce B. receive C. donate D. preserveA. adapts B. returns C. contributes D. responds A. addicted to B. tired of C. worried about D. ashamed forA. higher B. stronger C. newer D. largerA. throw away B. pay for C. hold onto D. pick up A. advantages B. purposes C. functions D. consequencesA. show B. decrease C. record D. measureA. technology B. brands C. consumers D. environmentA. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. MeanwhileA. instead of B. in favour of C. after D. byA. repairing B. collecting C. spending D. advertising3、 We have all heard of giant pandas, and know that they are endangered. When one bears babies, it makes national 1 news, and the pictures of the panda babies are 2 circulated. But it now seems that the giant panda is not 3 of itself. The lovely animals have 4 a classic test of self-awareness. They cannot 5 themselves in the mirror. Researchers use the mirror recognition test to 6 whether children or animals have a 7 of self-awareness. In the test, an animal is presented 8 a mirror. Researchers then watch to see 9 it notices a mark on its face,which is only 10 in the mirror. If the animal notices the mark, it often 11 it. Human children often pass the test when they are only two years old. Many other animals have passed the mirror test, including monkeys, Asian elephants and even pigeons. But when researchers tested pandas, 12 of them did the same thing as those animals did. 13 , each panda behaved as if its 14 in the mirror were another panda altogether. They acted as if they were 15 by what they saw in the mirror, scratching their feet and walking 16 The 17 of this research will help design better areas for animals in captivity(圈养). For ex-ample ,one-directional glass sometimes used in the areas may 18 pandas to feel stressed when they see their own images in the 19 .Thats because they might believe it to be another panda, 20 themselves.1.A.paperB.coverC.headlineD.page2.A.widelyB.popularlyC.especiallyD.completely3.A.shyB.fondC.consciousD.confident4.A.failedB.ignoredC.facedD.refused5.A.observeB.discoverC.recognizeD.understand6.A.believe inB.find outC.pick outD.take in7.A.senseB.questionC.opinionD.thought8.A.forB.withC.inD.before9.A.howB.whenC.whyD.whether10.A.touchableB.seeableC.sensibleD.possible11.A.dismissesB.admitsC.feelsD.moves12.A.allB.mostC.oneD.none13.A.ThusB.HoweverC.InsteadD.Still14.A.reactionB.reflectionC.operationD.imagination15.A.trappedB.amazedC.threatenedD.teased16.A.backwardsB.aloneC.forwardsD.along17.A.failureB.outcomeC.successD.review18.A.causeB.prepareC.accelerateD.urge19.A.eyesB.cagesC.zooD.glass20.A.other thanB.regardless ofC.because ofD.rather than4、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Imagine that youre a whale, about 25 feet long and weighing thousands of pounds. You can 1 as fast as 35 miles per hour and may travel 100 miles in a day. The entire 2 is your home. Now picture yourself as the 3 whale living alone in a small pool. You cannot dive 4 or swim great distances. There is nothing much to do 5 circle the small pool day after day. Now imagine you are an elephant living in a close family group. Members of the family 6 each other while traveling long distances to find the large quantities of food needed to 7 the family. Now picture yourself 8 in a trailer(拖车) or train moving from city to city. You are 9 to perform tricks like standing on your head - things youd 10 do in the wild. For many years, people watched the whales and elephants 11 in circuses(马戏团) and marine(海洋的) parks. But now people are speaking up for the 12 . They are saying that they deserve to live a more 13 life and not be used for entertainment. And people - and some companies - are beginning to 14 . In March 2015, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey 15 that they would no longer use elephant acts in their circuses. And on May 1, 2016, the elephants performed their last 16 . One year later, SeaWorld Theme Parks announced that it would gradually 17 using shows featuring whales performing silly 18 . The announcements by Ringling Bros and SeaWorld are first steps in putting an end to using wild animals for 19 . These decisions were made as a result of many people speaking out loud and clear that 20 animals deserve to live free.1.A.runB.swimC.walkD.sail2.A.worldB.houseC.oceanD.pool3.A.sameB.lastC.nextD.real4.A.firstB.deepC.quicklyD.carefully5.A.soB.orC.andD.but6.A.watch out forB.keep up withC.look forward toD.break away from7.A.helpB.saveC.trainD.feed8.A.restingB.sleepingC.standingD.travelling9.A.encouragedB.advisedC.forcedD.reminded10.A.stillB.onlyC.neverD.seldom11.A.practicingB.performingC.celebratingD.competing12.A.circusesB.parksC.animalsD.people13.A.colorfulB.meaningfulC.naturalD.healthy14.A.listenB.lookC.examineD.review15.A.predictedB.imaginedC.explainedD.announced16.A.dutyB.functionC.showD.operation17.A.denyB.considerC.discussD.stop18.A.tricksB.mistakesC.gamesD.rules19.A.educationB.entertainmentC.explorationD.experiment20.A.livingB.rareC.trappedD.wild5、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Eating healthy is important to your overall health. Therefore, adding some specific food to your1 will help you stay healthy and fit. Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are2 to find in other food. Also, vegetables generally3 lower amounts of calories. The key4 eating vegetables is to eat vegetables that are rich and deep in5 like tomatoes. Generally, the deeper vegetables are in color, the6 vitamins and minerals they contain. When choosing vegetables, be sure to7 too many vegetables high in starch content(淀粉), such as potatoes. They can make you put on weight. However, sweet potatoes can8 your nutrition(营养). Besides, whole grain are filled with fiber9 is important for keeping your digestive system(消化系统) 10 properly. Also, whole grain can11 you with large amounts of energy. Whole grain can be added to meals12 rice, bread and so on. You can also eat whole grain at13 time in the form of popcorn and salt cookies. Getting enough14 is also important for a healthy diet. If people 15 enough protein in their diet, they will develop more slowly, have a weaker heart and so on16 , regular protein is important to keep your fitness. It can also be 17 to your health to take in plant-based proteins. 18 some plant-based proteins will generally reduce your overall fat. These 19 will help to low your 20 of some conditions, such as heart disease. Plant-based proteins can be taken in at meals in the form of beans, tofu or soy products.1.A.lifeB.dietC.soupD.drink2.A.curiousB.importantC.easyD.hard3.A.belongB.gainC.containD.include4.A.ofB.toC.onD.in5.A.amountB.areaC.squareD.color6.A.moreB.lessC.betterD.longer7.A.acceptB.avoidC.chooseD.admit8.A.loseB.lowerC.increaseD.decrease9.A.whichB.whereC.whenD.what10.A.developingB.workingC.studyingD.running11.A.catchB.sendC.offerD.provide12.A.in the habit ofB.in the middle ofC.in the charge ofD.in the form of13.A.snackB.mealC.sleepD.lunch14.A.proteinB.grainC.mineralD.fiber15.A.leaveB.lackC.addD.achieve16.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.MeanwhileD.Besides17.A.thankfulB.hopefulC.helpfulD.successful18.A.EatingB.DependingC.DoubtingD.Enduring19.A.nutritionB.fatC.equipmentD.reductions20.A.hurtB.harmC.riskD.benefit6、 With the development of industry, factories produce large amounts of 1 chemicals. These chemicals go into the atmosphere and flow into the water, making many plants and animals 2 and large areas of the world damaged. 3 , the worlds population 4 to 7 billion. Some people suggest cutting back on production, thinking more about recycling and teaching people about environmentally 5 ways of living. While some people say that a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time. They dont think the economy development is bad for the environment, saying there are many factories and industries 6 control the amount of pollution they produce and spend money 7 any damage they cause. They are concerned 8 the environment. The way to 9 the environment may be recycling, and making more effective laws to control the numbers of trees 10 and fishes caught. Factories should have to pay higher taxes. And many people are willing to pay higher prices for environmentally friendly things.1.A.uselessB.goodC.poisonousD.harmless2.A.dieB.diesC.dyingD.died3.A.In additionB.In allC.In timeD.In the end4.A.is grownB.is growingC.had grownD.grow5.A.friendB.friendsC.friendlyD.friendship6.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.who7.A.repairB.repairedC.repairingD.to repair8.A.withB.aboutC.inD.to9.A.damageB.buildC.preserveD.ruin10.A.cut downB.cut offC.cut upD.cut in7、 People often fall ill because of me. 1 , they can hardly blame me; it is largely their own 2 .A tired person may get 3 , especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. A sudden change in 4 is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily. My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though 5 , he still went to the cinema .Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately. I seized this golden chance to 6 him .He reacted ,trying to 7 me , but I was already 8 deep in his throat. He kept sneezing(打喷嚏) and his nose was running. 9 he put on some warm clothes, it didnt work, for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept 10 him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but 11 . The next day he couldnt go to 12. He had lost his appetite and was not as 13as before. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his 14 . For two days he was 15 by his mother. As he rested more, his defense strengthened and I began to feel the 16 . I knew I had to 17 him before long. But I am not the one who gives up easily, and I made every effort to fight back. 18 , it was my turn to feel 19 now, for his defense system was starting an all-out attack against me. I became 20 and finally my time was over. Do you know what I am?1.A.ThereforeB.BesidesC.HoweverD.Then2.A.businessB.responsibilityC.excuseD.fault3.A.punishedB.blamedC.caughtD.killed4.A.temperatureB.seasonC.placeD.condition5.A.excitedB.hurtC.lateD.tired6.A.injureB.botherC.attackD.destroy7.A.get on withB.get rid ofC.put up withD.take hold of8.A.reproducingB.waitingC.hidingD.disappearing9.A.SinceB.OnceC.WhetherD.Although10.A.remindingB.upsettingC.comfortingD.influencing11.A.escapedB.succeededC.regrettedD.failed12.A.bedB.workC.schoolD.hospital13.A.peacefulB.afraidC.activeD.happy14.A.recoveryB.developmentC.studyD.affected15.A.protectedB.nursedC.scoldedD.affected16.A.lossB.operationC.pressureD.movement17.A.leaveB.catchC.forgetD.beat18.A.UncertainlyB.UnsuccessfullyC.UnusuallyD.Unfortunately19.A.painfulB.disappointedC.nervousD.ashamed20.A.biggerB.weakerC.smallerD.stronger8、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. 1 , whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the g


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