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中考英语信息押题试题(时间90分钟满分110分)一、选择填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,共15 分)1. Many teachers dont go out very often astheirworkall theirtime.A.takesawayB.takesinC. takesoverD. takesup2. You can write your name on one side of the card and write your address onside.A.anotherB.otherC.othersD. theother3. Shes alreadywell again,she?A.hasntB. wasntC. isntD. doesnt4. ?This is Jimmyspeaking.A. May I speaktoLilyB. Who areyouC.WhosthatD. Are you Jimmyspeaking5 .What a pity! You missed the beginning of themovie.Itfor 20minutes.Oh, a traffic jam!A. beganB. startedC .has beenonD. has beenoff6. The picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.Why?Itsthan the pictures I have everseen.A. farmore beautifulB. much lessbeautifulC. nomorebeautifulD. any lessbeautiful7. I will miss my friends when I go abroad for further study thiswinter. Dont worry.Youcanthem bye-mail.A. come upwithB. get alongwithC. makefriendswithD. keep in touchwith8. Has your father completed his design?Notyet.Heon it lastnight.A.workedB.hasworkedC.isworkingD. was working9I want to go to Yun Long Park. How can I getthere?there, just go along this street and turn left at the secondcrossing.A.TogetB.GettingC.GetD. Gets10. sunshine! Shall we take a walk in thepark?A. Whata beautifulB.WhatbeautifulC. HowabeautifulD. Howbeautiful11. Idontunderstand.Im busy. I was doing my homework.A. why you didnt watch the footballmatchB. why didnt you watch the footballmatchC. why you dont watch the footballmatchD. why dont you watch the footballmatch12. Shall we go boating at six oclock tomorrowmorning?. Will seven oclock beOK?A. Sure, its upto youB. Sure, noproblemC. Sorry, I cantmakeitD. Sorry, Im not availabletoday.13. WeChats popularity has grown quickly since 2011. But my neighbor Lily is out of style and doesnt know beans about WeChat.(chose the meaning of thissentence)A. knows wellaboutWeChatB. knows a little aboutWeChatC. knows nothingaboutWeChatD. does well inWechat14. I havent been to Xuzhou foryears.You really need to pay a visit, and youll find changesthereareimagination.A.beyondB.withC.withoutD. for15. My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work.Great! A. One tree cant makeaforestB. Where there is a will, there is awayC. Many hands makelightworkD. A friend in need is a friendindeed二、完形填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,共15 分)Awisemanwaswalkingfromonetowntoanotherwithafewofhisfollowers(随从), and they happened to pass a lake. So they stopped there to 16 for a while, and the wise man said to one of his followers, “I am very 17 . Could you please get me some water from the lake?”The follower walked to the 18 as the wise man requested. Some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several bikes started crossing the lake. 19, the water became very muddy atonce.Thenthefollower20 . He told the wise man that the water was very muddy and not 21 todrink.Aftertheyhadrestedforabouthalfanhour,thewisemanagainaskedthe22 follower to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. As requested, the follower went to the lake. This time he found that all the mud had gone down to the 23 . The water in the lake was very clear and looked fit to drink. So he 24 his water bottle and took it to the wiseman.The wise man took the water bottle and drank, then looked up at the follower. “See what you did to make the water 25 ?” he said. “You let it be for a 26 and the mud settled down on itsown,27you could get some clear drinking water. Your mind can also be like that lake when it is 28by something. If you just let it be and give29a little time, it will most likely settle down onits own30putting in any effort at all to calm it.”So we should find some time to calm down when we are stressed or angry next time.16. A. restB.stayC. watchD. see17. A. hungryB. thirstyC. fullD. sad18. A. lakeB.riverC. bottleD. sea19. A. ButB. InsteadC. In additionD. As a result20. A. refusedB. requiredC. returnedD. replied21. A. fitB. ableC. importantD. easy22. A. differentB. sameC. otherD. young23. A. topB. middleC. bottomD. right24. A. gotB. fellC. fullD. filled25. A. dirtyB. clearC. freshD. sweet26. A. yearB. monthC. minuteD. while27. A. so thatB. even thoughC. because ofD. when28. A. brokenB. foundC. disturbedD. given29. A. thisB. itC. thatD. us30. A. withoutB. beforeC. afterD. like三、阅读理解(共l2 小题;每小题2 分,计24 分)AI dont know how I did it. While the airplane was climbing, I was asking myself a lot of questions. For example, what would my parents think of me if the parachute didnt work? The master jumper looked at me and said, “Dont worry. Well be withyou.Then, I looked at my altimeter. We were at 10,000 feet. I looked at the door, and the light had turned green.“Are you ready?” the master jumper ask me. “Yes, I am.” I answered him.We walked to the door. There were two master jumpers who would jump with me. One was on my left, and the other was on my right I followed all the steps, and then we jumped.I was flying! I looked at my master jumpers. They were with me, and they were smiling. I felt relaxed. I had to wait until was at 6,000 feet to pull the rope.Things were working without problems. There was no noise except the sound of the wind. I looked at my altimeter. It was at 6,000 feet. And I pulled the rope with my right hand. I almost stopped in the air. The harness (背带)was holding me. I was at 4,000 feet. I could see the airport and the place where I had to land. I was going to land in four minutes. When I arrived on the ground, I thought I had done it.31. The underlined word altimeter in Paragraph2meansinChineseA血压计B侧风计C高度计D气压计32. The writer jumped down from theheightof.A.2,000 feetB.4,000feetC.6,000feetD. 10,000feet33. Was the writer safe atlast?A.Nobodyknows.B. I dont thinkdo.C. Yes, he arrived on thegroundsafely.D. No, he hadnt finished. BWorld War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. Life changed for everybody, including women and children because of the war. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. The Diary of a Young Girl was a record of that time. The book was written by a girl named Anne Frank.Anne Frank was born in Germany in June 1929. Because the German Nazis hated theJews(犹太人)and wanted to kill them, her family had to move to another country. In July 1942, they went into hiding in a secret place in her fathers office. During that difficult time, Anne kept writing diaries until she and her family were discovered by the Nazis in August 1944. They were caught and sent to a Nazi camp. The next year, her mother died. In the same year, she and her elder sister died of illness, before the war ended.After the war, her father collected her diaries and the book The Diary of a Young Girl came out in 1947. It has been put into over 30 languages since then. The book has been read by people all over the world. In her diary, Anne wrote down her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her dreams for the future, I want the diary to be my friend, and Im going to call this friend Kitty.” “I cant spend all day complaining becauseits impossible to have any fun!Every day, I feel the beauty of nature and the goodness of the people around me. With all that, why should I be sad?The Diary of a Young Girl has also become a symbol of the greatness of the human spirit. It is called one of the wisest and most moving records onwar.34. InwhichyeardidAnneeldersisterdieofillness?A.In 1939.B.In 1942.C.In1944.D. In1945.35. According to the passage, In fact,KittyisA.herdiaryB. hereldersisterC.hermotherD. her friend36. Which of the following istrue?A. Anne was crazy, sad and complained allday.B. The diary is mainly about Annes familylife.C. Anne loved life though she was in hardtime.D. The book has been put into nearly 30languages.37. Fromthepassage,wecaninfer(推断).A. Anne was bornin GermanyB. Anne was aJewC. Annes father collectedthediariesD. Anne was a symbol of thewarCHave you noticed the number of people listening to music very loudly on the trains and buses? Their music is so loud that you can even hear clearly what the singers are singing. The problem is that the music is coming out from their earphones!Doctors warn young people about the dangers of listening to music from earphones so loudly for a long time. In the United States, studies show that musicians and people who work at performance halls have experienced hearing problems after exposure ( 暴露) to loud music for just up to 30 minutes a day. These people slowly lose their hearing and need to turn up the music even more loudly to hear it properly, possibly causing further damage to it.As we know, the ear has several parts 一the outer part, the middle ear and the inner ear. There are tiny hairs in the inner ear. It is the tiny hairs that receive the sound-waves and then change them into what the brain can understand. Exposure to loud noise can damage the tiny hairs and this causes hearing loss. Usually, this kind of hearing loss can be treated if the noise isnt very sudden and loud. Exposure to loud noise for too long a time can cause lasting damage. Peoplewithserioushearinglossmayneedtohaveanoperation,butevenaftertheoperationthey may not hear as well asbefore.You know you have been listening to loud music too long when you start hearing ringing noises in your ear. They may be signs that the tiny hairs in your inner ear have been damaged.So next time you listen to music using your earphones, make sure it is not loud enough for others to hear. Remember that once hearing loss sets in,there is no turning back.38. How many parts are there in theear?.A.oneB.twoC.threeD. four39. What s the meaning of the underlined wordsound-waves?A.声线B.声调C.声波D.声亮40. When you hear ringing noises in your ear,itmeans.A. the music is coming out from theearphonesB. you must stop listening to loudmusicC. your hearing has turnedbackD. you need to have an operation on yourear41. The writer of the passage is trying to advisepeopleto.A. useearphonesproperlyB. listen to musicloudlyC. learn abouthearingproblemsD. understand the hearingloss42. If people have an operation on the ear, can they hear as well asbefore?A.ofcauseB. No, theymay notC. WedontknowD. Sure四词汇运用(共16 小题,每小题1 分,满分16 分)(A) 选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。43. Thein the natural disaster are in great need ofhelp.44. Most of the food for the homeless is providedbyvoluntary.45. People in Switzerland recycle many thingstoreduce.46. Thisplacebe a palace. Now it is open to the public as apark.47. Please tellmethetelephone numbers. I want to interview them some day.(B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。48. Can you givemethe(dance) names? I need to fill in thisform.49. The player the school teamgaveup(accept) by a basketball club atlast.50. Nobody will believe you since youareso.(honest)51. Mr Smithspenthisbirthday the other day. (forty)52. She hasgainsmuchbecause she keeps eating but never exercises.(weigh)(C) 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。Our environment is getting worse and worse with the increase of the world population , which affects the environment in two ways. Firstly, the limited energy resources will be used up much53.(fast) . Secondly, the increasing population creates more pollution, another serious problem thatneeds54.(solve). Both problems are long-term ones because actions55.(take) now show theirresult56.(slow) over many years. Theyarealsourgent(严重的)becausedelaysinactioncanleadtogreatsufferingandsocial problems. Thequestionseems57.(be) difficult to do with for most people. However, a personcanbeprotectorofenvironmentineverydaylifeifhetakesactions58.(save) the environment rightnow.五、任务型阅读(满分20 分)A) 阅读填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)(每空限填一个单词)A speaker was giving a speech to his student on what to do with stress. He held up a glass of water and asked the students, “How heavy do you think this glass of water is?” The students answers were different,from 20g to500g.“It does not matter on the exact weight. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will send me to the hospital. It is the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.”“If we carry our burdens all the time, we will not be able to carry on, because the burden is becoming heavier and heavier. What you have to do is to put the glass down, have a rest for a while and then hold it up again.”We have to put down the burden sometimes, so that we can cheer up and are able to carryon. So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Dont carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can. Life is short, enjoy it!TitleHowto59ourselvesThe speakers questionWhatsthe 60of the glass ofwater?The 61answersFrom 20g to 500gThe speakers explanationsThe weight of the glass of water depends on the timeof 62it. Hold it for a moment, you will feelOK.If you hold it for an hour, your rightarmwill63You have tosee a64if you hold it for aday.If we carry the burden too long, we willbe 65to carry on.The ways to relaxTo relax, you must put the glass 66Have a rest before holding the glass up again.The writers 67Dont carry your work back home and pick it up tomorrow.68yourlife.B) 阅读短文,回答问题(共5小题,每小题2 分,满分10分)Now students English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If not, here are four steps that really work!Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the righ


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