



前厅部 FRONT OFFICE 部门/区域: DEPARTMENT/ AREA: FD 接待处接待处 FD RECEPTION 服务内容/工作职责: SERVICE/ TASK: FD-SOP-038 现金结账现金结账 FD-SOP-038 CHECK OUT CASH PAYMENTS 标准: STANDARD: 宾客期望宾客期望 Guest expectation 工作职责工作职责 What to do? 工作标准工作标准 Standard of Performance 结账迅速而高效 To get a prompt and efficient check-out 询问宾客姓名,在 Fidelio 系统中确认房号 Ask the guests name and confirm the room number in FIDELIO 询问宾客是否需要为其运送行李 Ask the guest if he/she needs his/her luggage to be collected 根据宾客需求打电话叫行李员 Call the bell desk accordingly 致电房务中心,查房及检查小酒吧 Call the room service and check the mini-bar 询问宾客昨晚过后是否消费过小酒吧的物品 Ask the guest if he consumed from Mini Bar since the previous night 询问宾客住店期间的满意度 Check for customer satisfaction during his/her stay 进入电脑系统宾客账单 Enter the guests bill in FIDELIO 打印一份信息副本 Print an information copy 递交账单给客人,请其核实。准备好解释任何 一笔费用。为客人结账 Present the bill, facing the guest and ask him/her to check it. Be prepared to explain any charges. Perform the check out 确保从宾客处收取准确的现金 Make sure you take the proper amount from the guest as well the correct cash is taken for settlement. 重复收取的金额,以避免任何争议 Repeat the amount to the guest you are taking to avoid any disputes 确保递交给宾客正确的零钱数目和发票 Make sure you give the guest the correct change back as well as the copy of the invoice of the bill 保存一份由宾客签名的帐单以供财务部核查 Keep a copy of the bill for our references signed by the guest 把现金帐单交给夜审员,以备核查 Forward the information cash bill to the night auditor for future checking 确保电脑系统中结帐的正确性,将发票送至财 务部 Make sure you close the amount in the system in order for us to send the invoices to the Accounts Department 宾客期望宾客期望 Guest expectation 工作职责工作职责 What to do? 工作标准工作标准 Standard of Performance 宾客核对帐单时核查宾客资料 Take the guests file while the guest is checking his bill 将下列物品装在一起(放在一个文件夹内) Attach together (and file in the envelope provided): 入住登记表副本 *Hard copy of the Registration Card 护照复印件 *Passport copy 小帐单 others bills 输入宾客已付现金金额 Enter the amount the guest has paid by cash 按 1 结账 Press 1 in FIDELIO to check out the bill as mentioned 把帐单及发票交给宾客,以作


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