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Unit 2 The United Kingdom.阅读理解ABring any group of business owners or managers together,ask them the best way to promote their organizations,and youll get different answers.That comes as no surprise.When it comes to promoting a business,trying to find the single choice is rarely wise.Youll see business owners and managers try radio advertising.When that doesnt produce the results they want,theyll change to sending direct mail.When that doesnt create a jump in sales,theyll buy TV commercials.When that falls short of their expectations,theyll try a new online strategy.and it goes on and on.For most companies,the best approach is a mix of different channels,organized in ways that allow each to build upon the others.The channel that will work best in a given situation depends on a lot of factors,including the company itself,its audience,the message being conveyed,the environment,and many more.Just that radio worked well for a companys last effort doesnt mean that TV advertising wouldnt be a better choice this time.Or maybe the right channel is direct mail.Theres no simple answer,because there are so many variables. If your audience is broad,then maybe radio or newspaper advertising is the right choice.If youre targeting a carefully defined group, such as former customers,direct mail or email will probably perform better.There are two important lessons here.The first is not to concentrate on trying to find a single channel that will serve all of the companys needs,because it just doesnt exist.The second lesson is that before you spend the first dollar to promote your business,you need to do more than a little learning.Youll really need to understand your customers,your marketplace,your competitors,and the environments in which you do business.And you need a good understanding of what makes one marketing channel right for one situation,but not another.语篇解读本文为一篇说明文。作者介绍了公司常用的促销策略。1According to Paragraph 1,there are no .Acheap adsBunsuccessful adsCperfect adsDallpurpose ads解析:推理判断题。根据第一段可知,如果把公司老板或经理们聚在一起问他们促销的最佳方法,他们会有不同的答案。这不足为奇。为了达到他们预想的促销效果,公司不断采取不同的方式做广告。由此可推出:没有完美的广告,故答案为C项。答案:C2What is the best way to promote a business?AUsing a channel that serves all of your budget.BPutting ads on various channels at the same time.CCreating an ad that appeals to all your customers.DAdvertising on a channel available to consumers.解析:事实细节题。根据第二段第一句可知促销的最好方法是:同时使用不同的方式做广告。故答案为B项。答案:B3When it comes to choosing an ad for a business,we should .Astay away from TV advertisingBchoose it based on the specific situationCadvertise on the radio or on the newspaperDchoose it according to your customers budget解析:推理判断题。根据第三段可推知:在选择广告形式时要具体情况具体分析,不能一概而论。故答案为B项。答案:B4Before deciding on a marketing channel,you need to .Aask for your customers adviceBcompare different advertisingCrealize the problems with your businessDmake research on all related factors解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第二句及最后一段第三、四句可推知:在决定营销方式前,要对所有相关要素进行研究,故答案为D项。其他选项均未被提及,故被排除。答案:DBCrying is the sign of the rawest of human emotions.We cry when we cant hold inside what we feel any more.We cry when were at our best,and when were at our worst.By the way,I mean all of us.Men included.But we never see other men cry.In no western culture has it ever been acceptable for men to shed (流泪) more than a single tear,and even then its reserved for grand victories,defeats and deaths.Dutch research suggests that women cry between three and five times more than men.Generally men and women cry over the same thingsdeaths,breakups and homesickness,primarily,but researchers believe that men cry more often than women when it comes to positive events.I want to admit Im a bit of a cryer.However,having never really experienced deaths in my life,a few weeks ago I experienced what it means to really,truly,pour my heart out in tears.See,my dogand 24/7 companionwas killed by a car right outside my house.Being a witness to this painful event left me in shock for a good hour,but then the floodgates opened.Over the next 48 hours,I might have cried 20 times.Once or twice I crouched(蹲) on the floor with my head in my hands and tears were the only outlet.It is suggested in the book Adult Crying:A Biopsychosocial Approach that theres certain pleasure in crying.It helps ease stress when there is no other way to express ourselves.In those days after my dogs death,I remember thinking,“Ive got to stop this crying”It felt unmanly.It felt like a sign of weakness.Ive since realised that tears are for everybody;theyre not genderspecific.They show we have sympathy,allow us to get rid of stress and just feel.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者的狗遭遇车祸,作者痛哭不已,伤心欲绝。后来作者意识到哭泣是释放压力的一种方式。5What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?ACrying is a raw human emotion.BCrying is an emotion beyond control.CCrying is an emotion showing sadness.DCrying is an emotion showing happiness.解析:段落大意题。通读该段可知,该段第一句“Crying is the sign of the rawest of human emotions.”为该段的主题句。结合该段其他内容可知,该段主要论述“哭泣是人类最自然的情感流露”,故A项正确。答案:A6Whats the difference between men and women in crying according to Dutch research?AThey cry over different matters.BThey cry at different times of life.CWomen cry more often over deaths.DMen are more likely to have tears of joy.解析:细节理解题。由题干关键词“Dutch research”定位至第二段,根据第二段的“but researchers believe that men cry more often than women when it comes to positive events.”可知,男女哭泣的区别是男人对于积极事物的哭泣频率要比女人高,故D项正确。答案:D7What did the author think of his crying over his dogs death?AA sign of strength.BA sign of weakness.CBehavior of being womanish.DA way of reducing emotional stress.解析:细节理解题。根据第六段,尤其是最后一句“They show we have sympathy,allow us to get rid of stress and just feel.”可知,作者意识到哭泣是减轻情感压力的方式,故D项正确。答案:D8Whats the best title for the text?AMen,never cry like womenBMen,its OK to cry sometimesCCrying solves psychological problemsDCrying explains differences between men and women解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者首先指出哭泣是人类最自然的情感流露,接着作者又以亲身经历点明主题哭泣无性别之分,可以缓解压力。由此可知,B项“男人哭泣也无妨”概括了文章主旨。适合做文章标题。答案:B.完形填空Tenyearold Riley Christensen and her mother,Lynn,sat in front of the family computer,checking out models and prices of bikes.“Lets 1 one out for Dads birthday present,”Lynn suggested to her daughter.As Riley surfed the home page of the Bike Rack,a 2 in their town caught her eye.She clicked it out of curiosity.The 3 told how Bike Rack owner Hal Honeyman had created an organization to 4 specially engineered bicycles for people with disabilities.It also showed the 5 faces of those who were riding them, 6 Hals own son,who had been born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫)“Im going to 7 a bike for one of those kids,”Riley told her mother.Two days later,she showed her mother a 8 she had written asking for donations.Lynn was encouraged by her daughters effort, 9 doubts quickly came.The 10 of just one of those special bikes could be as much as $ 4,000.Riley could never raise the money.However,her letter went out to 75 relatives and friends.Within 3 days,checks and cash began 11 .Then word 12 about Rileys 13 ,and as Christmas drew near,more and more donations rolled in.The teen 14 raised more than $ 12,000,enough to pay for three bikes.Last Christmas Eve,Riley delivered the bicycles to three of the 15 disabled kids: Ava,Jenny and Rose.“This is the 16 Christmas I have ever had,”said Ava.Since then,Ava and Jenny have 17 together.“When I ride,I like to go fast,get sweaty,and feel the 18 ,”Jenny says.“So does Ava.She rides the bike with her arms,not her feet,but she really feels she is 19 .”Riley is 20 to keep her campaign going every holiday season.“I want kids to feel the wind in their faces,”she says.语篇解读本文为一篇记叙文。本文讲述了10岁女孩儿Riley Christensen募集善款给残疾人买自行车的故事。1A.pickBgiveCsellDsend解析:根据上下文可知Lynn建议女儿为父亲的生日挑选礼物。pick out精心挑选;give out分发;sell out卖完;send out发出。答案:A2A.school BbuildingCshopDrestaurant解析:要在店铺(shop)里挑选生日礼物,故答案为C项。答案:C3A.sight BlinkCideaDmodel解析:根据上文中的surfed the home page及clicked等,可知本空应为“链接”(link)。答案:B4A.show BchooseCrepairDprovide解析:从下文可知车行老板Hal Honeyman创建组织的目的是免费提供专门为残疾人设计的自行车。show展示;choose选择;repair修理;provide提供。答案:D5A.sad BspecialChappyDbeautiful解析:残疾人能骑上专门为自己设计的自行车一定会非常高兴(happy)。答案:C6A.except BwithoutCconcerningDincluding解析:其中包括Hal患先天性脑瘫的儿子。except不包括;without没有;concerning关于,就而言;including包括。答案:D7A.buy BfindCkeepDdesign解析:受到网站内容的启发,Riley决定也给一名残疾孩子买一辆那种自行车。buy买;find发现;keep保留;design设计。答案:A8A.sign BletterCbookDpicture解析:根据下文的“However,her letter went out to 75 relatives and friends.”可知答案。答案:B9A.but BsoCifDas解析:前后为转折关系,故答案为but。答案:A10A.order BneedCcostDaccount解析:根据“as much as $4,000”可知本题答案为cost。答案:C11A.moving BarrivingCdroppingDdisappearing解析:3天之内,支票和现金就到了。move移动;arrive到达;drop下降;disappear消失。答案:B12A.got out Bgot inCgot aroundDgot off解析:后来有关Riley的消息就传开了。get out离开,出去;get in收获;get around(消息)传开;get off脱下,下车。答案:C13A.campaign BlifeCdreamDfeeling解析:根据最后一段中的“campaign”可知答案。答案:A14A.patiently BwillinglyCespeciallyDeventually解析:最终这个十多岁的孩子募集到了12,000多美元,足以买3辆自行车。patiently耐心地;willingly乐意地;especially尤其;eventually最终。答案:D15A.lucky BlovelyCcleverDhonest解析:得到资助的3名残疾孩子是幸运的(lucky)。lucky幸运的;lovely可爱的;clever聪明的;honest诚实的。答案:A16A.funniest BheaviestCbiggestDbest解析:Ava说:“这是我有生以来度过的最好的圣诞节。”funniest最可笑的;heaviest最沉重的;biggest最大的;best最好的。答案:D17A.ridden BhelpedClivedDstudied解析:根据常识及下句中的“ride”可知答案为A项。答案:A18A.warmth BpowerCbreezeDsound解析:warmth温暖;power权力;breeze微风;sound声音。答案:C19A.smiling BflyingCcryingDchanging解析:Ava骑自行车时,用的是双臂而非双脚,可她却感觉像在飞。smile微笑;fly飞翔;cry大哭;change改变。答案:B20A.aimed BallowedCdeterminedDforced解析:be determined to do sth.决定做某事。答案:C.短文改错When Mr.Mill was young,his purpose in learning was to be teacher.Now he is a learning professor


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