



新目标八年级英语下学期3月份月考试题(unit1-unit3)第一卷(选择题,共75分)第一部分:听力(20分)IListen and circle(听句子,圈出你所听到的单词或短语。每句读一遍) 1Aargument Bargue Cart Daunt 2Awalk Block Ctalk Dpork 3Aown Bowe Cour Donly 4A1ook Bloose Clost D1ose 5Astyle Bstill Csmall Dsmell 6Ateacher Btutor Ctill D. talk 7Agrow Bright Cwrong Dwrite 8Aexcept Bexpert Cexpect Dexhaust 9Akeep out B.leave out Cgo out Dbreak out 10.Alook up Bget up Ccall up Dring upListen and choose(听句子,选出与你所听到的句子意思最接近的选项。每句读一遍)11AYoud better do your homework carefully BYou don t do your homework carefully CYou wont do your homework carefully DYou could do your homework carefully12AMy friend borrowed some money from Tom BTom borrowed some money from my friend CMy friend asked me to borrow some school things from Tom DMy friend said I should borrow some money from Tom13A1 wear the same shoes as my classmate does B1 wear new clothes,but my classmate doesnt CMy classmate wears nicer clothes than I do DMy classmate and 1 wear the same clothes14AI find it easy to learn English well BI find it difficult to learn English well CI find it hard to talk with English teacher DI find it easy to use English15AYou could do nothing at home BThere are a lot of things you could eat at home CThere are lots of things you could do at home DYou could do your homework at schoolListen and choose(听短文,选出与短文内容相符的选项。短文读三遍)16.Where did Mike go last summer?_ AEngland BChina CThe USA DFrance17. How long did Mike stay there ?_ AFor two months BFor two weeks CFor three hours DFor one day18. What did Mike do when he stayed there?_ A. He learnt English BHe taught English CHe learnt Japanese DHe taught French19.Why did the owner of the shop have to learn English?_ ABecause his wife asked him to do so BBecause he wanted to go to the USA CBecause he had many American customers(顾客) DBecause he wanted to go to England for his holiday20.Who gave Mike three meals and a little pocket money?_ AThe owner of the shop BMikes parents CMikes friend DThe writer第二部分:英语知识应用(共两节,25分)第一节:单项填空(15分)( ) 21I fell in 1ove_the beautiful city of Shanghai while 1 was_ vacation there. A .with ; on B. on; with C. to, in D. to ; for( ) 22There will be_ buildings in our city,Im sure Amore tall beautiful Bmore beautiful tall Ctall more beautiful D .tall beautiful more( ) 23I think there_ any paper money in the future Awill be Bwill have Cwont be Dwont have( ) 24 -How will students study in the future? - _home_ computers. AIn;in BAt;in CAt;with DAt:on( ) 25If you compare your English_ mine,youll find yours is much_. Awith;good Bwith;better Cand;good Dand;better ( ) 26.-What do you think of these students?-I find them interested_English and Chinese Ato learn B.1earning C.in learning D.with learning ( ) 27.They need time to play or think,_? Aneednt they Bdont theyCneed they D.do they ( ) 28.-Look !There are some monkeys_ the tree -Are they eating the apples_ the tree?Aon;on Bin;in C.0n;in D .in;on ( ) 29.You can hardly imagine _strange the alien was!Awhat Bhow Cwhich Dwhy( ) 30.-What _ you doing when the UFD landed? -I_ a souvenir Aare;was buying Bwere;was buying Cwas;was buying Ddid;bought( ) 31. If it _ tomorrow, we .wont go to the park.A. will rain B. rains C. rain D. rained( ) 32. Beckham earns more than 10 million pounds _ year.A. a B. the C. one D. last( )33.Mr Li is very famous _ a teacher _ his interesting way of teaching.A. for; as B. for; for C. as; as D. as; for( ) 34.-Why are your clothes so dirty, Mike? -Because I _ the classroom.A. have cleaned B.have been C.cleaned D. was cleaning( ) 35. Its really important _ us to know that its not polite _ us to eat from each others plates in a country like Britain. A. for; of B. of; for C. of; of D. for; for第二节:完型填空(10分)The marathon is a popular Olympic event. It is a very 36 race 42.2 kilometres , and good 37 finish it in about two hours. Marathon is the name of a place in Greece ( 西腊) .There is an old 38 about an important battle (战斗) at Marathon 2500 years 39 . The Greeks won the battle and their leader(领袖) was very excited and proud(自豪). He shouted,We must 40 a message to Athens(雅典) at once. It s a long way to Athens. 41 can take our message home to our people? Pheidippides said, I can ! I want to do it. I can run 42 than all the other men! Pheidippides ran as fast as he could to Athens. He shouted the 43 news to the Athenians, We won ! We won the battle ! Then he 44 to the ground. He was too exhausted ( 疲惫) and died a short time later. He was the 45 Marathoner() 36. A. dangerous B. interesting C. short D. long() 37. A. players B. runners C. doctorsD. workers() 38. A. subject B. result C. story D. book() 39. A. ago B. before C. after D. later()40. A. answer B. pass on C. send D. take()41. A. What B. Who C. Where D. When()42. A. slower B. higherC. furtherD. faster()43.A. good B. sad C. lucky D. safe()44. A. jumped B. wentC. fellD. moved()45. A. last B. firstC. bestD. real 第三部分:阅读理解(30分) ATom s father bought him a small shop,and Tom sold milk,butter,cheese,eggs and other things in itHis shop was in a small town,and it was open on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and on Sunday morning,but it was closed on Sunday afternoon and on Monday Tom went to some farms on Monday and bought their best butter,cheese and eggs from the farmers,but he brought his milk in the townA truck brought them to his shop in the morningTom and his wife worked in the shop,and they sold a lot of food because it was good and clean Once a fat woman came into the shop on SaturdayShe bought some eggs and some butter,and she said to Toms wife“Your eggs and your butter are dear todayWhy are they dearer on Saturday and Sunday than on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday?” Toms wife was unhappyShe looked at the fat woman and then she looked at Tom.But she did not give any answerThen Tom smiled and said,“Our food is not dearer on Saturday and Sunday! It is cheaper on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday!”( ) 46Toms shop was open_ a week Afor seven days Bfor five days Cfor five days and a half Dfor six days( ) 47What did Tom buy on Monday? AButter,cheese and eggs BMilk CMeat and fish DBoth A and B( ) 48Why could Tom sell a lot of food in the shop? ABecause they were kind to others BBecause their food was good and clean CBecause they got a lot of money DBecause they liked selling food( )49Toms wife was unhappy because _ Aa fat woman said their eggs and butter were dearer on that day Bthe eggs and the butter were not good on that day Cshe didnt know how to answer the fat womans questions DTom was not with her when the fat woman came( )50We can see from the text that Torn is very_.Akind Bslow Cclever D.happyBOnce upon a time (从前) in Greece (希腊) there lived a clever man. His name was Aesop. One day, when Aesop was taking a walk in the country , a man on the road stopped him. He said, Kind sir, can you tell me how soon I can get to town? Go, Aesop answered.Of course I know I must go, said the man, But I want to know how soon I can get to town. Go, Aesop shouted to him again.The man got angry. He must be mad , he thought. And he walked away. Suddenly he heard Aesop shouting at him, You will get to town in two hours. The man was in great surprise ? He turned back and asked, Why didn t you tell me that before?How could I tell that before? answered Aesop, I didnt know how fast you could walk. ( ) 51. One day Aesop was _. A.stopping a man walking B. talking in town B.C. taking a walk in the country D. watching a man walking( ) 52. When the man asked Aesop the question, he _. A.didnt answer at first B. said that he couldn t answer it B.C. told him that he was clever D. shcok his head( ) 53. From the text we know that _. A. Aesop wasnt very clever B. the man didnt know that place well C. the man knew how soon he could get to town D. the man knew Aesop very well ( )54. The man got angry because _.A.Aesop said he wouldnt tell him anything B. he was very tired at that time C. he didnt get to know what he wanted D.it would take him two hours to get to town ( ) 55. We can guess that at last the man felt very _.A. pleased B.angry C.surprised D. hungryCMr Black worked for Mrs White. She was old, fat and rich. He worked in her garden . Mrs White did not know anything about the garden, but she always told him to do this or not to do that. This made Mr Black very angry . So he called her an elephant. Of course Mrs White was not pleased to hear that. She took Mr Black to the judge . The judge heard the story and said, Mr Black, it is wrong to call a lady an elephant. You must never do that again. Youre right, said Mr Black. Do you mean that I must not call this lady an elephant? Thats right, the judge answered. And can I call an elephant a lady? asked the man. Yes, you may, the judge answered.Mr Black looked at the lady. He still thought her to be an elephant, but he said, Good-bye, lady. ( ) 56 . Who wanted to go to the judge?A. Mrs White and Mr Black.B. Mr Black or Mrs White.C. Mrs White.D. Mr Black.( ) 57 . Who knew more about the garden work?A. The judge.B. The judge and Mr Black.C. Mrs White.D. Mr Black. ( ) 58. Is there an elephant in the womans garden?A. Yes, there is.B. No, there isnt.C. Maybe. D. I dont know ( ) 59. Why was Mr Black angry?A. Because Mrs White always told him to do a lot of garden work.B. Because Mrs White did not tell him to do the right thing.C. Because Mrs White called him an elephant.D. Because he did not like to work for Mrs White.( )60 . Which of the following is right?A. Mr Black knew it was wrong to call a lady an elephant and he was sorry.B. Mr Black said Good-bye, lady to Mrs White because he knew he was wrong.C. Mr Black said Good-bye, lady to Mrs White, but he thought her an elephant.D. Mrs White was very happy at last.第二卷(非选择题部分25分)第一节:第一节: 连词成句,注意标点的提示。(5分)61.been reading, you, have, how long_?62. will , go the party , have a great time, you ,if , you _.63.take it away , dont bring, the teacher, food to the class , will or_.64.skating , since ,seven years old , I, have been, was _.65.the UFO, you , what , landed, were , when , doing _.第二节:短文填词(10分)Mark Twain , the famous American w_(66) , was once travelling in France .He went to Dijion b_(67) train .He was very tired and wanted to sleep .So he asked the conductor to wake him up when the train came to Dijion .But first he explained that he was a very heavy sleeper . “I may possibly protest loudly when you try to w_ (68) me up ,”he said to the conductor .”But dont take notice . Just put me off the train anyway .”Then Mark Twain went to s_(69) .Later , when he woke up it was night time and the train had reached Paris already . He realized at o_(70) that the c_(71) had forgotten to wake him up at Dijion .He was so a_(72) that he ran up to the conductor and began to s_(73) at him.“I have never been so angry in all my l_(74) ,” Mark Twain said .The conductor looked at him calmly . “You are not half so angry as the American who I put o_(75) the train at Dijion” he said .第三节:书面表达(10分) 每个人都有自己的爱好,你的爱好是什么?请以My Hobby为题,写一篇短文,要求字数在60词左右。必须使用所学的语言项目。答题卡 姓名_班级_总分_选择题部分(75分)题号12345678910选项题号11121314151617181920选项题号21222324252627282930题号313233343536373839404142434445选项题号464748495051525354555657585960选项非选择题部分(25分)第一节: 连词成句,注意标点的提示。(5分)61.been reading, you, have, how long_?62. will , go the party , have a great time, you ,if , you _.63.take it away , dont bring, the teacher, food to the party , will_.64.skating , since ,seven years old , I, have been, was _.65.the UFO, you , what , landed, were , when , doing _.第二节: 短文填词(10分)66_67_68_69_70_71_72_73_74_75_第三节:书面表达 (10分)My Hobby第二学月考试听力材料及听力答案I 1My parents always argueIt makes me upset 2Maybe you should talk about this problem with your friends 3I have my own ideaDont worry! 4Dont lose your sports shoes again 5My clothes are out of styleI need to buy some new ones6I need a tutor to help me with my English 7Whats wrong with you,Peter?8Everyone is here except Li Ming 9Dont leave out anything here 10If I have problems,Ill call up Tom.11You should do your homework carefully 121 want to buy some school thingsMy friend asked me to borrow some money from Tom 13My classmate wears the same clothes as I do 14I find it hard to learn English well15There are a lot of thi


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