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Unit 15 Learning 课下能力提升(十二).单词拼写1Im going to start my research in biochemistry (生物化学) next month.2Tears came to her eyes when she accepted the certificate(证书) granted by the president.3Maths and English are compulsory (必修的) for all students.4Reading helps children to develop an appreciation (鉴赏力) of literature.5A fairly narrow range of people are responsible for key decisions.6Slang vocabulary often consists of regular vocabulary used in specific ways.7Forgiveness is beneficial to your physical and mental health.8These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.选词填空1This playground will be of great benefit to the community as_a_whole.2Everything depends on how the country adapts itself to the new era.3He is practising hard every day, in_preparation_for the 2022 BeijingZhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games. 4Preparations would need at_least 2 hours.5The student has a_wide_range_of interests.完形填空There was a boy in India who was sent by his parents to a boarding school. Before being sent away this boy was the _1_ student in his class. He was at the top in every _2_. He was a champion.But the boy _3_ after leaving home and attending the boarding school. His _4_ started dropping. He hated being in a group. He was _5_ all the time. And there were especially dark times when he felt like _6_ himself. All of this was because he felt _7_ and that no one loved him.His _8_ started worrying about the boy. But _9_ they did not know what was wrong with him. _10_ his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and talk with him.They sat _11_ the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him _12_ questions about his classes, teachers and _13_. After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, _14_ I am here today?”The boy _15_, “to check my grades?”“No, no,” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for me. I want to see you happy. I dont care about grades. I care about _16_. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY _17_.”These words caused the boys eyes to fill with tears. He _18_ his dad. They didnt say anything to each other for a long time.Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on this _19_ who cared for him deeply. He _20_ the world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him sad!语篇解读:本文讲述了是父亲对儿子的爱促使儿子最终在学习上名列前茅。1A.richest BprettiestClaziest Dbrightest解析:选D由下文中的“He was at the top .”和“He was a champion”可知,这个男孩是“最聪明的(brightest)”。2A.game BschoolCcompetition Dgroup解析:选C由“He was a champion”可知这个男孩在每一次竞赛中都拔得头筹。3A.changed BdiedCarrived Dregretted解析:选A紧接着提到他“. started dropping”“hated being in a group”,这都表明他发生了改变。4A.hair BtearsClove Dgrades解析:选D此处指的是变化之一:成绩下降。5A.worried BcarelessClonely Dbusy解析:选C上一句说“他不合群(He hated being in a group)”,因此感到“孤独(lonely)”。6A.teaching BkillingChelping Denjoying解析:选B称得上dark times的是“他想自杀(killing himself)”的时候。7A.cold BworthlessCwell Dsick解析:选Bcold, well和sick都只是生理上的感觉,与“(felt) that no one loved him”同类的感觉是“felt worthless”。8A.parents BclassmatesCteachers Dcompanions解析:选A下文提到男孩的父亲来到学校了解情况,由此可知“开始担心男孩”的是他的父母。9A.even BnowCyet Dthen解析:选A此处表示递进关系,用even承接上文。10A.And BButCOr DSo解析:选D因为不知道儿子出了什么问题,所以父亲决定去学校和他谈谈。11A.toward BalongCopposite Don解析:选D父子俩坐在河边聊天。此处用on与bank搭配,符合题意。12A.serious BcasualCpersonal Ddifficult解析:选B由下文可知,父亲只是问了儿子一些“随意的”问题。13A.work BstudyCsports Deducation解析:选C从父亲后面的话可知,他问儿子的问题并没有涉及学习上的事。关于sports的问题属于“随意的问题”。14A.when BwhereChow Dwhy解析:选D从男孩的答话“to check my grades?”可以判断出父亲问的问题是“why I am here today?”。15A.turned away Banswered backCwhispered softly Dcried out解析:选B男孩的回答用的是疑问语气,由此可判断他只是对父亲的问题进行了询问式的回答。16A.it ByouCmyself Dus解析:选B父亲说他“不关心成绩,只关心你的幸福,”所以这两句话中间应该是“我只关心你”。17A.LIFE BANXIETYCCARE DNEED解析:选A父亲想看到自己的儿子快乐,所以符合其心境的表达是“YOU ARE MY LIFE”。18A.forgave BhitChugged Dbegged解析:选C父亲的话令儿子感动,最能表达其感动的举动是“拥抱”父亲。19A.side BearthCtrip Dday解析:选Bon this earth in this world意为“在这个世界上”,符合文意。20A.meant BowedCmoved Dleft解析:选Amean意为“意味着”;owe与to连用表示“将归功于”;move意为“移动;感动”;leave意为“留下”。mean the world to someone意为“对某人来说意味着整个世界”,这正是男孩在其父亲心目中的地位,所以符合文意。.阅读理解There is something that appeals to me about the characteristics of wolves. Do you think that strange? Let me explain. What is unique about them is that they mate (结伴) for life, play on a daily basis with each other, and look after any sick member of the pack. Recently, these special qualities reminded me of a couple of people who fit well into these qualities.The people, of whom I speak, dont conform (顺从) to the usual trappings of their friends. They dont follow the beat of a drum. They dance to their own tune, and always find ways to engage in friendly jokes, tease each other in playful ways, and come out of each with even more vitality than they started with.This couple has continued to mirror some of the qualities of wolves over the years including staying together, playing their own unique games, and looking after each other and their son in times of hardship, illness and setbacks. But they remain strong and committed just like wolves do. Is there something to be learned after all from the behavior of wolves and this couple?For many of us, we seem to have lost the art of play as we move into our adult years. We seem to forget that part of our humanity is taking time to engage in play and reinspire our own special qualities. And some of these qualities also mean that we look after our own family through all the difficulties that come our way during a lifetime. Is it time, right now, to become wolflike?语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。狼在一般人的眼里是凶残的动物,但是它们也有人类需要学习的品质。1What can we learn about the couple?AThey care nothing about friends.BThey have their own way of life.CThey are unfriendly to their friends.DThey are different from normal people.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段“They dance to their own tune”可知,他们不落俗套,也不特立独行,他们有自己的节奏,也就是说他们的生活方式和朋友们的都不太一样。2What does the underlined word “each” refer to?AA friendly joke. BA special tune.CA unique way. DA usual trapping.解析:选A推理判断题。根据画线词前后内容可知,他们有自己的步调,总是会找到方法开一些无伤大雅的玩笑,用游戏的方式嘲弄对方,而且每次都会比逗弄之前更有活力,此句话中的“each”应该指无伤大雅的玩笑,这样更符合前后语境。3What quality of wolves does the text mainly talk about?AMating for life.BGoing through hardships.CLooking after sick members.DPlaying on a daily basis with each other.解析:选D细节理解题。根据全文,尤其是最后一段可知,大部分人成年后缺少玩的品质,而这些品质正是我们幸福生活的一种催化剂,它可以增加人们生活的乐趣,帮助我们度过生活中的艰难岁月,作者希望人们向狼和这对夫妇学习,把玩当成日常生活的一部分。.短文改错Dear Kate,Im sorry that you have troubles with yo


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