



Unit 2 This is my sister.I. 单项填空。1. Are these his cousins?_.They are his brothers. A. Yes, they areB. No,these arentC. Yes,these areD. No,they arent2. Those _ her friends.They are his friends. A. isB. are notC. is notD. are3. This _ my quilt.These _ my books. A.is; isB.is; areC.are; areD.are; is4. Is that your mother, Dave?Yes, _ is. A.thatB.heC.itD.this5. _ is my sister. _ name is Kelsey. A.This; HerB.Her; Her C.This; SheD.Her; She6. Tom is my friend.Mona is _ sister. A.hesB.heC.hisD.shes7. My uncles daughters are my _. A.parentsB.sistersC.brothersD.cousins8. Here are my _! A.pencil caseB.pictures C.sonD.watch9. My mothers sister is my _.A.grandmotherB.sister C.cousinD.aunt10. _ your books.A. Here areB. Here is C. Are hereD. Is here11. _ is Alice? She is my cousin.A.WhoB.What C.What colorD.How12. My parents _ at home. A.amB.isC.areD.be13. They _ good friends. A.areB.isC.amD.be14. Boys and girls,today is Sunday(星期天).Have a good day._A. Thank you! You, too. B. We wont be happy.C. Yes. D. No, you dont say it.15. Look! This is a _ of my friend.She used to(过去常常) have short hair(短发). A. photoB. nameC. setD. auntII. 完形填空。Look! Here is a photo 1 my family. I have(有)a big family. My 2 are very old now. My grandfather is 70 years old and my grandmother 3 69 years old. This is my 4 . Hes my fathers 5 .These are my two 6 . Theyre my mothers sisters. I have 7 cousins a boy and a girl. They are my uncles 8 and daughter. I have a sister, too, but(但是) she 9 in the photo.I am in a nice 10 . I love my family. 1. A.atB.ofC.inD.on2. A.grandparentsB.parentsC.grandfatherD.grandmother3. A.amB.areC.beD.is4. A.eraserB.orange C.uncleD.aunt5. A.brotherB.fatherC.sisterD.friend6. A.sonsB.aunts C.brothersD.uncles7. A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four8. A.boyB.girlC.sonD.daughter9. A.isntB.areC.isD.arent10. A.schoolB.backpack C.pencil-caseD.familyIII. 阅读理解。AThis is a picture of Mr.Greens family. There are four people in the family. They are Mr.Green, Mrs.Green, Jim and Kate. Look at the picture. We can see Jim is behind Mr.Green. Kate is behind Mrs.Green. Jim and Kate are students. They go to the same school. Mr.Green and Mrs.Green are teachers. They are good teachers. They go to work by car.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Jim is Mrs.Greens son.2. There are four people in Mr.Greens family.3. Jim and Kate are not students.4. Jim and Kate are in the same school.5. Mr.and Mrs.Green go to work by bus.BIm Danny. I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. My grandpa and my grandma are very old. They like cakes very much.My father is a teacher. My mother is a nurse (护士). They always work hard. I am a student in Grade One. I love my family!根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。6. There are three people in Dannys family.7. Dannys mother is a doctor.8. Danny is a student in Grade One.9. Danny has a brother.10. Dannys grandfather likes cakes.CLook! This is a picture of my family. My mother is a doctor. My father is a teacher. This is my brother. His name is Harry. Hes twelve. Hes a student. That is my grandmother. Ah, this is me. My name is May. Im ten. Im a student. Harry and I are in the same school.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。11. This is a picture of Mays family.12. Mays mother is a teacher.13. Harry is Mays brother.14. Harry is twenty.15. Harry and May are in the same school.DA: Look, it is a picture of my family.B: Oh, it is a nice picture, Tom. Who is this man?A: Its my father.B: Is the girl your sister?A: Yes, she is.B: How old is she?A: Shes ten.B: Are you in the same school?A: No, we are not.B: Is the woman your mother?A: Yes, shes a teacher.B: She looks young(年轻的).A: I look like her.B: Whos that?A: Who? The baby(婴儿)?B: Yes.A: Guess(猜).B: Is it your brother?A: No.B: I know(知道) its you.A: Thats right. I look lovely(可爱的).16. What photo is it?A. A photo of a boy.B. A photo of a family.C. A photo of a room.D. A photo of people.17. How old is the sister?A. 7. B. 6.C. 9.D. 10. 18. What is her mother?A. She is a doctor.B. She is a teacher.C. She is a nurse.D. She is a worker.19. Are Tom and his sister in the same school?A. Yes,he is.B. No,he is not.C. Yes,they are.D. No,they are not.20. How many people are there in the family? A. Four.B. Five.C. Three.D. Two. IV. 阅读下面短文,完成短文中缺少的单词。Come and meet the family. This 1 a picture 2 my family. The man is my father. 3 is a policeman. The woman is 4 mother. She is 5 English teacher. They have a son 6 a daughter. The son is me. My 7 is Lin Tao. Im eleven.Im a student. The girl in a hat 8 my sister. Her name is Lin Ying. Shes eleven, 9 . Were twins. We look the same. Were in the same class. We are good students. We love(爱) our 10 . V. 基础填空。用所给词的适当形式填空1. That is _ (she) bike. 2. Whats this in English?_ (its) is a watch. 3. They are my _ (grandparent). 4. _ (my) am Gina. 5. _ (these) is a picture. 6. _ (her)is my aunt. 7. That is _ (Mike) book. 8. _ (it) are hi


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