



书面表达针对练(三)电子邮件/普通书信题目要求(2017云南八校区联考)假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter得知你家三世同堂,对这种生活方式很不理解。你就此给他回复一封电子邮件。要点包括:1陪伴;2照顾;3其他。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter,_Yours,Li Hua四步作文法第一步审题谋篇1体裁电子邮件2时态一般现在时3人称第三人称第二步要点要全1很正常你不理解祖父母与我们一起生活。It_is_normal_that_you_cant_understand why my grandparents are living with us.2众所周知,老人常常感到孤独,我祖父母也同样。As_we_all_know,_old_people_always_feel_lonely. My grandparents feel lonely too.3当我父母忙于工作时,我祖父母可以陪伴我。When my parents are_busy_with_their_work,_my grandparents will keep me company.4更重要的是,他们身体状况不好,因此需要照顾,只有用这种方式我们才能彼此相互照顾。Most_importantly,_they are in poor health, so they need looking after. Only in this way can we take good care of each other.5事实上,在中国几代人乐意一起生活。Actually, in China generations are_willing_to_live_together.6照顾老人在中国文化中被认为是一种美德。Caring for the old is_considered_as_a_virtue in Chinese culture.7在你们的传统文化中是如何善养老人的?How about your culture of supporting_your_elders?第三步句式要美1句2合并升级so引导的倒装句式As_we_all_know,_old_people_always_feel_lonely,_so_do_my_grandparents.2句4升级为what引导的主语从句What_is_most_important_is_that_they_are_in_poor_health,_so_they_need_looking_after._Only_in_this_way_can_we_take_good_care_of_each_other.第四步衔接要顺Dear_Peter,How are you getting along these days? It is normal that you can not understand why my grandparents are living with us. Here is something about it.As we all know, old people always feel lonely, so do my grandparents. Besides, when my parents are busy with their work, my grandparents will keep me company. What is most important is that they are in poor health, so they need looking after. Only in this way can we take good care of each other. Actually, in China generations are willing to live together. Caring for the old is considered as a virtue in Chinese culture.How about your culture of supporting your elders? Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li_Hua改写两用这是根据本题目学生完成的一篇习作,文中有10处错误,请改正。Dear Peter,I have received your letter, which say you cant understand my grandparents live with us. Therefore, its a very common phenomenon which three generations live under the same roof. The reason are as follows.Firstly, it is wellknown that old people often feel lonely, included my grandparents. They are willing to live with us about company. More importantly, they need to looked after considering our poor health. We live together so that we can know everything about their mental and physically health. Last but not least, it is an tradition and virtue to respect and take good care of the old in China.Im wondering how you support your elders. Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear Peter,I have received your letter, which you cant understand my grandparents live with us. , its a very common phenomenon three generations live under the same roof. The are as follows.Firstly, it is wellknown that old people often feel lonely, my grandparents. They are willing to live with us company. More importantly, they need to looked after considering poor health. We live together so that we can know everything about their mental and health. Last but not least, it is trad


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