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专题1.5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero【测试与练习】第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIm seventeen. I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angeles. People came to the counter and you put things in their bags for them and carried things to their cars. It was hard work.While working, you wear a plate with your name on it. I once met someone I knew years ago. I remembered his name and said, “Mr Castle, how are you?” We talked about this and that. As he left, he said, “It was nice talking to you, Brett.” I felt great, for he remembered me. Then I looked down at my name plate. Oh, no. He didnt remember me at all; he just read the name plate. I wish I had put “Irving” down on my name plate. If hed have said, “Oh yes, Irving, how could I forget you?” Id have been ready for him. Theres nothing personal here.The manager and everyone else who were a step above the box boys often shouted orders. One of these was: you couldnt accept tips. Okay, Im outside and I put the bags in the car. For a lot of people, the natural reaction is to take a quarter and give it to me. Id say, “Im sorry, I cant.” Theyd get angry. When you give someone a tip, youre sort of being polite. You take a quarter and you put it in their hand and you expect them to say, “Oh, thanks a lot.” When you say, “Im sorry, I cant.” They feel a little put_down. They say, “No one will know.” And they put it in your pocket. You say, “I really cant.” It gets to a point where you almost have to hurt a person physically to prevent him from tipping you. It was not in agreement with the stores belief in being friendly. Accepting tips was a friendly thing and made the customer feel good. I just couldnt understand the strangeness of some peoples ideas.One lady actually put it in my pocket, got in the car, and drove away. I would have had to throw the quarter at her or eaten it or something.I had decided that one year was enough. Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed. I guess I had the means and could afford to hate it and give it up.1What can be the best title for this text?AHow Hard Life Is for Box BoysBGetting along with CustomersCWhy I Gave up My JobDThe Art of Taking Tips解析:选C标题归纳题。通过阅读全文可知,作者在超市工作时有顾客给小费,他认为接受小费是一种礼貌行为;但是经理不允许他收小费,这使得作者很为难,最后作者放弃了这份工作。C项概括了全文主旨,适合做本文的标题。2From the second paragraph, we can infer that _.Athe writer didnt like the impersonal part of his jobBwith a name plate, people can easily start talkingCMr Castle mistook Irving for BrettDIrving was the writers real name3The box boy refused to accept tips because _.Acustomers only gave small tipsBsome customers had strange ideas about tippingCthe store didnt allow the box boys to take tipsDhe didnt want to fight with the customers解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“One of these was: you couldnt accept tips.”可知,公司不允许接受小费,所以作者拒绝收客人的小费。故选C。4The underlined phrase “put down” in the third paragraph probably means “_”AmisunderstoodBdefeatedChateful DhurtBMany experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.He was known for making movies that offered sharp social comment. Wilder was one of the first directors to do this. Between the middle 1930s and the 1980s, Billy Wilder made almost fifty movies. During that time he received more than twenty nominations (提名) from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He won six of the Oscar awards. His movies have been seen by people around the world.In 1944, Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors. Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945. Ray Milland plays the part of an alcoholic writer in the movie. It shows that alcohol rules his life, yet he does not admit it. He hides alcohol in his home and says he is not drinking.In 1950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevard. This movie told of an aging actress in silent movies. She plans to return to movies though facing many problems. In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilders first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was Seven Year Itch. In this movie, a married mailman wants to cheat on his wife with some of his friends. In 1959, Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. It was Some Like It Hot. It tells about two jazz musicians being chased by criminals. They decide to wear womens clothes and join a band in which all the musicians were women.Wilder died in March, 2002. He was ninetyfive. A current Hollywood producer said: “Billy Wilder made movies that people will never forget.”语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章介绍了美国著名的电影导演Billy Wilder(比利怀尔德)的电影制作成就。5The text is mainly about _.Athe background of American moviesBthe development of American moviesCWilders attitude to American moviesDWilders achievements in American movies解析:选D主旨大意题。根据文章首段和各段的首句可知,本文主要介绍的是美国电影导演Billy Wilder的电影制作成就。6What was Wilder famous for according to Para. 2?AHis unique style of making movies.BSharp remarks on society in his movies.CMore than twenty awards he received.DAlmost fifty movies he produced himself.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知Billy Wilder擅长制作尖锐评论社会的电影,这是他出名的原因。7Which of the following made Wilder among the greatest Hollywood directors?ADouble Indemnity.BSunset Boulevard.CThe Lost Weekend. DSome Like It Hot.8The text is developed mainly by _.Afollowing time order Bmaking comparisonsCanalyzing exact data Dgiving instructions解析:选A篇章结构题。根据各段的年份可知,本文是按时间顺序来组织的。C(In the US, the potato is one of the most widely consumed crops. French fries are commonly found in typical American fastfood burger joints and cafeterias. French fries were introduced to the US when Thomas Jefferson served them in the White House during his presidency from 1801 to 1809. Potato chips are popular with consumers as well.The humble potato is more than just a kind of food. In many ways its part of American pop culture. Lets take a look at some pop culture potatoes.Mashed Potato danceThe Mashed Potato dance is a craze that began in 1962. The name of the dance came from the song it accompanies, Mashed Potato Time, performed by American R&B singer Dee Dee Sharp. The move vaguely resembles that of the Twist dance style, by Sharps fellow, Philadelphian, Chubby Checker.Hot PotatoHot Potato is an action puzzle video game released in 2001. In the game the player must drive a bus and clear the road of alien potato beings. The potato beings are either red or blue; when two samecolor potatoes touch each other, they disappear. Over the years, Hot Potato has received mostly positive reception from critics.Mr. Potato HeadMr. Potato Head is an American toy invented by George Lerner in 1949. The toy consists of a plastic potato model and a variety of plastic parts like hands, feet, ears and mouths. In 1952, Mr. Potato Head became the first toy advertised on television. This commercial revolutionized marketing and caused a boom that solidified this toys place in American pop culture.9Which is the newest to American pop culture?AFrench fries. BMashed Potato dance.CHot Potato. DMr. Potato Head.10What can we infer from the text?AFrench fries were popular in the US when first served in the White House.BMashed Potato Time came from Mashed Potato dance.CPlayers can play Hot Potato on their phone.DMr. Potato Head can be taken apart.解析:选D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“The toy consists of a plastic potato model and a variety of plastic parts like hands, feet, ears and mouths.”可推知,Mr. Potato Head可以被拆分,因此应选择D。11Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AEnjoy American Fast FoodBHave Fun with PotatoesCDifferent Uses of PotatoesDAmerican Food CultureD“A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website” is the definition of “selfie” in the Oxford English Dictionary. In fact, it wasnt even in the dictionary until August of 2013. It earned its place there because people are now so obsessed with (对痴迷) selfies we take them when we try on a new hat, play with our pets or when we meet a friend whom we havent seen in a while.But is there any scientific explanation for this obsession? Well, you should probably ask James Kilner, a neuroscientist (神经系统科学家) at University College London.Through our lifetime we become experts at recognizing and interpreting other peoples faces and facial expressions. In contrast, according to Kilner, we have a very poor understanding of our own faces since we have little experience of looking at them we just feel them most of the time. This has been proved in previous studies, according to the BBC.Kilner found that most people chose the more attractive picture. This suggests that we tend to think of ourselves as betterlooking than we actually are. To further test how we actually perceive our own faces, Kilner carried out another study. He showed people different versions of their own portrait the original, one that had been edited to look less attractive and one that was made more attractive and asked them to pick the version which they thought looked most like them. They chose the more attractive version.But what does it say about selfies? Well, isnt that obvious? Selfies give us the power to create a photograph by taking it from various angles, with different poses, using filters (滤色镜) and so on that better matches our expectations with our actual faces.“You suddenly have control in a way that you dont have in nonvirtual (非虚拟的) interactions,” Kilner told the Canadabased CTV News. Selfies allow you “to keep taking pictures until you manage to take one youre happy with”, he explained.12What is the passage mainly about?AThe definition and fun of taking selfies.BA study of why people love taking selfies.CHow taking selfies influences peoples daily lives.DHow to interpret peoples facial expressions in their selfies.解析:选B主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章从不同角度分析了人们喜欢自拍的原因。故B项正确。13The underlined word “perceive” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “_”AinterpretBbeautifyCchoose Dexplain14What did Kilner discover from his researches?APeople interpret others facial expressions worse than their own.BPeople tend to spend more time looking at their faces than at others.CPeople tend to believe they look more attractive than they actually are.DPeople who like taking selfies know more about their facial expressions.解析:选C细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“He showed people . more attractive version.”可知,人们往往认为自己的容貌要比实际上有魅力得多。故C项正确。15According to Kilner, people like taking selfies probably because they think _.Ait is a good chance to learn more about their actual facesBit is a way to respond to others facial expressions correctlyCit enables them to interact with their friends in social mediaDit allows them to satisfy their expectations with their appearances解析:选D细节理解题。根据最后两段中的“that better matches our expectations with our actual faces”和“Selfies allow you to keep taking pictures until you manage to take one youre happy with”可知,自拍能够让我们实际的容貌与期望的一致,即满足对于自我容貌的期待。故D项正确。第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“What do you think of the extraordinary achievements of your life?” Queen Victoria of Britain asked Helen Keller. “You are _1_ and deaf, but how can you make such great achievements?” Ms. Kellers answer was the _2_ for her teacher, “If there were no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be known.”When Anne was little, she suffered a great _3_. A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood, and she was diagnosed as a hopeless “lunatic”(疯子) by the doctor. She was locked in the basement of a mental hospital in Boston. Sometimes, little Anne _4_ attacked anyone who approached her. She _5_ everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time._6_, an old nurse believed that little Anne had hope and asked to _7_ the task of looking after the girl. She went to see little Anne every day. The child ignored her most of the time, but the old nurse didnt _8_ seeing her every day in the basement. The kindhearted lady left cookies to little Anne and spoke words full of love and _9_ to her. She believed that _10_ she showed love, little Anne would be able to _11_.Finally, the doctor _12_ changes in little Anne. Anne, who was always full of anger and hostility, showed _13_ and goodwill she had never had before. They transferred her upstairs and her _14_ continued improving. Then the last day came, and she _15_ the mental hospital.After she grew up, Anne Sullivan hoped to help _16_, just as the kind old nurse helped her. She saw great _17_ in Helen Keller. She cared for her, _18_ her strictly, encouraged her, played with her and worked with her. Anne Sullivan _19_ a miracle(奇迹) in the life of Helen Keller. But first it was a kind nurse who had full _20_ in little Anne that turned a silent child into a kind teacher.文章大意:本文主要介绍了Anne Sullivan的成长经历,以及Helen取得巨大成就的原因。1A.weak Blame Cthin Dblind2.A.prize Bpraise Ccourage Dmood答案:BKeller女士的回答是对她老师的赞美(praise)。prize“奖励”;courage“勇气”;mood“情绪”。故B项正确。3A.storm Baccident Cdisaster Dharm答案:C在Anne小的时候,她遭受了一次很大的灾难(disaster)。storm“暴风雨”;accident“(交通)事故”;harm“伤害,损害”。根据此空后的“A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood”可知,C项正确。4A.fiercely Bsilently Cobviously Dexactly答案:A有时,小Anne猛烈地(fiercely)攻击靠近她的任何人。silently“默默地”;obviously“明显地”;exactly“精确地”。故A项正确。5A.welcomed Bignored Ccheered Dchanged6A.Besides BThus CMoreover DHowever答案:D然而(However),一位年长的护士认为小Anne还有希望并且要求承担(take on)照顾这个女孩的任务。besides“除之外(还)”;thus“因此”;moreover“而且”。故D项正确。7A.take on Blook on Cgo on Dturn on答案:A参见上题解析。look on“旁观”;go on“持续”;turn on“打开”。故A项正确。8A.consider Bstop Cpermit Dcontinue答案:B但是这位年长的护士没有停止(stop)每天到地下室看她。consider“仔细考虑,认为”;permit“允许”;continue“继续”。故B项正确。9A.disappointment Bappreciation Cencouragement Dhate答案:C这位善良的女士给小Anne留下些曲奇饼干给她说些充满爱意和鼓励(encouragement)的话。disappointment“失望”;appreciation“感激”;hate“仇恨,厌恶”。故C项正确。10A.as soon as Beven though Cas if Dso long as答案:D她相信只要(so long as)她表现出爱意,小Anne就能够恢复(recover)。even though“尽管”;as if“好像”;as soon as“一就”。so long as引导条件状语从句,故D项正确。11A.grow Bwrite Crecover Dsuit答案:C参见上题解析。grow“成长”;write“写”;suit“适合”。故C项正确。12A.approved Bnoticed Cproposed Doperated答案:B最终,医生注意到(noticed)小Anne的一些变化。approve“同意”;propose“建议”;operate“操作”。故B项正确。13A.mildness Bsympathy Ccalm Dwisdom答案:A总是充满愤怒和敌意的Anne表现出了她以前从未有过的温和(mildness)和友善。根据语境可知,前后形成对比,且所填词与goodwill相近,故A项正确。sympathy“同情”;calm“平静的时期”;wisdom“智慧”。14A.experiment Bbelief Csight Dcondition答案:D他们把Anne转移到了楼上。她的健康状况(condition)在不断好转。experiment“实验”;belief“信仰”;sight“视力”。故D项正确。15A.escaped Bfinished Cleft Dsurvived答案:C她离开(left)了精神病院。escape“逃跑”;finish“完成”;survive“幸存”。故C项正确。16A.the others Banother Cother Dothers答案:DAnne长大以后,她希望像那位善良的年长的护士帮助她一样帮助其他人(others)。故D项正确。17A.potential Bstatus Caffection Dsatisfaction18A.committed Btrained Ccontrolled Draised答案:BAnne照顾她,严格地训练(trained)她。commit“承认”;control“控制”;raise“提升,征集,提起”。故B项正确。19A.created Bfound Cdeveloped Dspread答案:AAnne在Helen的人生里创造(created)了一个奇迹。find“发现”;develop“发展”;spread“传播”。故A项正确。20A.curiosity Bpromise Cconfidence Drelief答案:C但是首先是一位对小Anne充满信心(confidence)的善良的护士把一个沉默寡言的孩子变成了一个善良的老师。curiosity“好奇心”,promise“诺言”,relief“解脱,宽慰”,故C项正确。第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Lionel Messi, _1_ player from the South American country Argentina, is one of the greatest soccer players alive today. At a young age, he _2_ (move) to Spain and now plays _3_ (profession) for the FC Barcelona. Messi started playing soccer at the age of 5 for a small soccer team _4_ (own) by his father. Even as a young boy, he did very well. But when he was 11 years old, he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him from growing much _5_ (tall). There was a way to help him grow more, _6_ his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs. So, they looked around for a soccer club _7_ would be able to do this for them. The clubs in Argentina couldnt help him, but the famous FC Barcelona in Spain offered _8_ (accept) Messi on the junior team and pay for the bills. The Messi family happily took the offer and moved to Spain. In the FC Barcelona, Messi was one of the best _9_ (play) through his teen years. _10_ his incredible talent, Messi has surprised the world.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._文章大意:本文主要讲述了著名足球运动员Lionel Messi的成长故事。答案:1a考查冠词。player是可数名词,且第一次在文章中出现,故用不定冠词修饰。2moved考查动词的时态。根据时态状语“At a young age”可知,此处表示过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。7that/which考查定语从句。that或which引导限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词a soccer club。8to accept考查非谓语动词。此处是固定词组 offer to do sth.,不定式短语作宾语,符合语境。9players考查词性转换。根据提示the best和代词one可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。10. With考查介词。此处用with表示“具备,有”,其后跟名词、代词或动名词,符合语境。第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文


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