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Unit 5Rhythm课时加强练(一)阅读理解提速练练速度 (限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2017河南省六市高三第一次联考)Weve all had a bad feeling soon after a hearty lunch.You cant stay focused,your energy level falls,and you wish you possessed a warm blanket so you could curl up under your desk for a quick nap.But you have important things to dolike completing that project or leading a team meeting in less than an hour.You dont have to suffer that_fate anymore.I have four foods that will get your focus back on track so that you can finish your workday stronger than you started.Keep these products handy in your office,and youll never suffer from that 2 pm mental slog ever again.Green TeaWhile coffee is an important afternoon pickmeup,green tea should not be overlooked.The unique combination of the amino acid thiamine (硫胺素) and caffeine has been shown across several studies to improve creativity,ability to multitask,and reaction time.Try some amazing tea recipes to get started.AlmondsAlmonds are a great afternoon recharger and research from Purdue University shows they will also aid in your weightloss efforts.This is because almonds provide sustained energy:a mix of fat,fiber,and protein.Those elements allow almonds to offer a convenient snack that gives you a smooth shot of energy that comes from controlling your blood sugar levels.Plus,research shows that people who regularly eat nuts have as much as a 50 percent reduced risk of having a heart attack.Greek YogurtResearch from the University of Missouri shows that protein helps your body into better blood sugar control by stimulating the release of the hormone glucagon (胰高血糖素)Aim for a cup that has 20 to 23 grams of protein for your snack.Dark ChocolateDespite often being viewed as a bad dietary food,dark chocolate can help fight off that urge to take a nap in the middle of the day.While dark chocolate does contain small amounts of caffeine,its real power comes from phenethylamine (苯乙胺)Research from Middlesex University in London shows that just smelling chocolate can shift brain activity towards greater attention.语篇解读午餐太过丰盛常导致下午注意力不集中和工作效率下降。文章介绍了几种可以防止此现象发生的餐后小吃。1The underlined expression “that fate” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”Astaying focusedBpossessing low energy levelChaving a slow napDcurling up under your desk解析:考查词义猜测。根据该句中的“You dont have to suffer”和第一段第二句中的“You cant stay focused,your energy level falls”可知,午餐吃得过丰盛会让人产生不舒适的情况;据此可知,画线词指“注意力不集中,精力下降”,故B项正确。画线词后一句中的“get your focus back on track”也是提示。答案:B2Which of the following statements is true?AWhite coffee cant help us stay focused in the afternoon.BEating almonds regularly can help us lose weight.CDark chocolate can help us have a good nap in the afternoon.DHaving no lunch can help us stay focused in the afternoon.解析:考查细节理解。根据第四段的第一句“Almonds are a great.will also aid in your weightloss efforts”可知,常吃杏仁有利于减肥,故B项正确。答案:B3The passage mainly talks about_.Afoods that fight off an afternoon depressionBfeelings that we have after we have a delicious lunchCtips that we should follow to keep healthyDthings that we can do in our office after a good lunch解析:考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文第二段的第二句“I have four foods that will get your focus back on track so that you can finish your workday stronger than you started”为文章的主题句,结合下文介绍的四种食品可知,本文主要介绍了几种能帮助抵制午后消沉,恢复下午工作能力的食物,故A项正确。B项仅为文章的细节之一;C项与文意无关;D项概括太宽泛,范围太广。答案:AB(2017海口调研)The Polish take great pride in their culture.Our culture has many different customs and traditions.I will discuss three of these traditions and customs.The Polish will say “Dziekuje (thank you)” only after receiving their change.What I mean by this is that when you are in Poland,you should wait to say “thank you” until after you have been given your change back.If you do not,you are telling cashiers that they can “keep the change”Often,people visiting Poland will feel that things are very expensive,until they learn that they are giving the store clerk permission to keep the money that would have been given back.Polish people break “bread” with their families during their Christmas Eve meal.The Christmas Eve celebration starts with the breaking of the Oplatek,which is a thin piece of “bread”In my family,the eldest in the family (my grandfather) takes the big Oplatek and breaks it into large pieces that he then hands down to each of his four children (my aunt,uncles,and father)Then,these family members break their pieces into smaller sizes and pass them out to their own children.Once the last piece is passed down to the youngest,we say a prayer and eat the piece of thin bread.Polish people celebrate “Imieniny”,or Names Day.This day is more important than ones birthday.They often name their children after a saint (圣徒) whose birthday is closest to the date.The birth date of the saint that they were named after becomes their “new” birthday.On Names Day,families and friends gather together and enjoy a variety of food,drinking and dancing.As you can see,Poland has a few very unique traditions and customs.I honor my Polish culture and will pass it on to my own children because it is important to know ones own culture.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要向读者介绍了波兰文化当中的一些习俗和传统。4When you do shopping in Poland,_.Ayour change may be kept by cashiersByour change will be given to you certainlyCyou neednt wait to be servedDyou will get some cheap goods解析:细节理解题。If you do not,you are telling cashiers that they can “keep the change”(第二段第三句)译文:如果你不这么做,你就是在暗示收银员他们可以不用找零钱。可知,如果你不懂波兰文化,在购物时不等收银员把零钱找给你之后再向他(她)说“谢谢”,他们往往就会以为你在暗示他们可以将零钱“据为己有”。答案:A5When breaking “bread”,_will pass the Oplatek to the author directly.Ahis grandfatherBhis auntChis uncle Dhis father解析:推理判断题。Then,these family members break their pieces into smaller sizes and pass them out to their own children.(第三段倒数第二句)译文:然后,这些家庭成员把他们的面包分成更小的几份,并把它们分发给自己的孩子。可知,作者的面包很明显来自作者的父亲。答案:D6In Poland,“Imieniny” is a day to_.Acelebrate ChristmasBmiss families and friendsCcelebrate ones new birthdayDcelebrate an anniversary解析:细节理解题。The birth date of the saint that they were named after becomes their “new” birthday.On Names Day,families and friends gather together and enjoy a variety of food,drinking and dancing.(倒数第二段最后两句)译文:被用来给他们命名的圣人的诞生日就会成为他们的新生日。在命名日那天,家人和朋友聚在一起,分享食物并喝酒、跳舞。根据上文和倒数第二段第一句中的“Imieniny,or Names Day”可知,在波兰,“Imieniny”是用来庆祝某人的新生日的。答案:C7Whats the authors attitude towards Polish culture?AIndifferent. BNegative.CWorried. DSupportive.解析:观点态度题。I honor my Polish culture and will pass it on to my own children because it is important to know ones own culture.(最后一段最后一句)译文:我以波兰文化为荣,并且会将波兰文化传给我的孩子,因为了解自己国家的文化很重要。故可知,作者支持波兰的文化。故答案选D。答案:DC(2016河南省普通高中毕业班高考适应性测试)Last Friday,6yearold Landon Johnson went to the RiverTown Crossings Mall in Grandville with his family.While there,the boy and his cousins took turns chatting with Santa,sharing their Christmas desires.After telling the man in red he wanted a Wii,a toy dinosaur and a remote control car,Landon hopped off Santas lap to rejoin his family.But a few moments later,he raced back to Santas side:hed forgotten to tell him something important.Specifically,Landon shared his worry with Santa that his autism (自闭症) would land him on the “naughty list”His mom,Naomi Johnson,explained to WOODTV this week that Landon is often told hes “naughty” by people who mistake his autism for bad behavior.“You get the stares when youre at the grocery store if hes too loud,” Johnson said.“Hes been told by other people before,You dont need to be so naughty,orWhy are you naughty?”Johnson says Santa took the time to listen to Landons worries,and held the boys hands all the while.“Santa sat him next to him and took Landons hands in his and started rubbing them,calming them down.Santa asked Landon if it bothered,him,having Autism?Landon said yes,sometimes.Then Santa told him it shouldnt.It shouldnt bother him to be who he is,” Johnson said.Landon told Santa that he sometimes “gets in trouble at school and its hard for people to understand that he has autism”,but that hes “not a naughty boy”“You know I love you and the reindeer love you and its OK.Youre a good boy,” Santa told WOODTV about the chat with Landon.“Youre a good boy,you know.”Johnson said she was incredibly moved by Santas thoughtful words.“This stranger in a red suit told my son the same message Ive been trying to get through to him for a while nowthat hes special and I love him just the way he was made,” the mom told T.“Seeing Landons face light up in that moment was just incredible.I couldnt stop crying.He was the real Santa Claus.”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。Landon是个患有自闭症的孩子,于是经常被认为是“淘气的孩子”,他因此很苦恼。在一次和圣诞老人聊天时,圣诞老人告诉他不必烦恼,要做自己。Landon听后面露喜色。8What did Landon do after he raced back to Santa?AHe shared Christmas desires with Santa.BHe checked if he was the real Santa Claus.CHe told Santa how his autism had bothered him.DHe asked for a toy dinosaur and a remote control car.解析:细节理解题。Specifically,Landon shared his worry with Santa that his autism (自闭症) would land him on the “naughty list”(第二段最后一句)译文:具体地说,Landon同圣诞老人分享了他的烦恼他的自闭症使他被列入了“淘气者”之列。由此可知,Landon飞奔到圣诞老人那里,和他分享了自己的烦恼,即他的自闭症。答案:C9What did Santa tell Landon to do?AAvoid those who mistake him.BRemain what he is.CTry to change the way he behaves.DTell others about his autism.解析:细节理解题。It shouldnt bother him to be who he is.(第四段最后一句)译文:做自己不应该让他不安由此可知,圣诞老人告诉Landon不必烦恼,要做自己。答案:B10What can we infer from the text?AEvery child is quite possible to be bothered by autism.BChatting with Santa was a special Christmas gift for Landon.CSanta Claus is always popular with children and their parents.DNaughty boys are hard to understand because of their bad behaviors.解析:推理判断题。While there,the boy and his cousins took turns chatting with Santa,sharing their Christmas desires.(第一段最后一句)译文:在那里,Landon和他的堂兄弟轮流和圣诞老人聊天,分享他们的圣诞愿望。由此可知,圣诞老人的话使Landon的脸上露出了喜色。由此可推知,和圣诞老人聊天对Landon来说是份特殊的圣诞礼物。答案:B11Whats the best title for the text?AIts OK to be you BAutism is really a problemCFind time to chat with SantaDDont stay with naughty boys解析:标题概括题。通读全文可知,本文的主要内容是:Landon是个患有自闭症的孩子,因此他经常被认为是“淘气的孩子”,这使得Landon很苦恼。一次在和圣诞老人聊天时,圣诞老人告诉他不必烦恼,要做自己。Landon听后面露喜色。A项“做自己很好”揭示了本文的主旨,适合作标题,故选A。答案:AD(2017武汉市武昌区高三调研考试)Our planet is home to about seven billion people.Since the 1990s,population experts have predicted the number would grow to nine billion before it begins to slow down and possibly decrease.But a new report predicts the worlds population is likely to increase to almost 11 billion by 2100.Based on the most modern statistical tools, the new report makes use of government records and considers expert predictions,including death rates,birthrates and international migration,or people moving across borders.The report says during the rest of this century,Africas population will grow from about 3.5 billion to 5.1 billion over the next 85 years.John is director of the United Nations Population Division.He says that in the past,researchers thought population growth in Africa would be similar to that of other areas.They expected slower growth rates as birth control use became more widespread.But he says those ideas were wrong.“The level of contraception_use has continued to increase but slowlymore slowly than expected,and birthrate therefore has been falling less rapidly than expected,and the population therefore continues to grow somewhat more rapidly than we expected.” The new findings are based on a joint research project of the United Nations and the University of Washington.The researchers believe the population of Asia will reach five billion by 2050.That is up from the current 4.4 billion.And then it begins to decline.The researchers also believe that North America,Europe,Latin America and the Caribbean area will have a total population of below one billion.John says the pressure of feeding the rising population is likely to be less than that might be expected.“The relatively good news is that the world has been winning the race between population growth and food production.If you look back historically over the last 50 years,certainly for the world as a whole and for many most individual countries and regions,the increase in food production has outpaced the increase of population.”语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一份预测未来世界人口增长趋势的报告。12Which area will experience the largest increase in population at the end of the century?AAsia.BAfrica.CEurope. DNorth America.解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段的最后一句可知,非洲人口会增长1.6 billion;根据第五段的第一、二句可知,亚洲人口到2050年会增长0.6 billion,接着会下降;根据第五段的最后一句可知,欧洲、北美、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区总人口不到1 billion。答案:B13“Contraception use” in the fourth paragraph refers to_.Aa method of expert predictionsBa way of avoiding growth in populationCa joint research into the rising populationDa potential technology for food production解析:考查词义猜测。根据第三段的第三句可知,他们预计避孕措施的普及会使人口出生率的速度减慢,故下文画线短语的意思是“避免人口增长的方法”,选B。答案:B14Why is the pressure of feeding the rising population less than expected according to John?AExpert predictions are not exactly like what the facts happen.BBirthrates have always been falling less rapidly than we expected.CThe population grows less rapidly than population experts expected.DThe increase in food production has outpaced the increase of population.解析:考查细节理解。根据第七段的“the increase in food production has outpaced the increase of population”可知,食物产量的增长超过了人口的增长,故选D项。答案:D15What can be inferred from the passage?AThe worlds population will increase constantly.BThe population of Asia will rise by 5 billion by 2050.CJohn is optimistic about feeding the rising population.DPopulation growth in Africa was much slower than expected.解析:考查推理判断。根据第七段的内容可知,约翰对于人口增长这个问题是保持比较积极乐观的态度的。答案:C.七选五(2017山东潍坊高三统一考试)Holiday gift buying can feel a little empty,when all of those endless lists,long lines at the shopping center and dollars spent lead to a 5minute excitement of flying wrapping paper._1_The following tips can help make gift giving more meaningful for both the giver and the receiver.1Know the personThe most important thing in the exchanging of gifts is that it shows you really know the person well,and you really care about him._2_2Donate in their name_3_Research suggests that happier people give more to others, and that giving more makes people happier.Moreover,charityrelated happiness is highest when people give in a way that promotes social connection.So,try giving to the less fortunate in someones name this holiday season.3Give handmade goods or handmedowns_4_A study suggests that people feel that homemade items show more love,and love is what they want to express to the gift receiver.Family heirlooms (传家宝) may be another good gift option.A 2009 study found that when families hand down even a very depersonalized thingmoneyto the generations,the symbolic value of the cash is greater than the numerical value alone.4Provide chances for participationIf theres a golden rule of gifts,though,its this:_5_People who receive experiential gifts,such as concert tickets or a zoo membership,feel more connected to the gift giver than people who received material gifts.ABut it doesnt have to be that way.BGive experiences rather than objects.CThe new and storebought is not always best.DThat is always beyond their expectation.EThat means catering to anothers pleasure.FGiving gifts to friends or to charity is linked to happiness.GStart listing every person you plan to give a holiday gift.语篇解读本文主要介绍了让送礼物变得更加有意义的方法和策略。1解析:根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系,所以选A项。答案:A2解析:由本段标题“1.Know the person”和本段的整体内容可推知,了解对方,那么送的礼物就会迎合对方的心意,所以选E项。cater to意为“迎合”。答案:E3解析:根据本段标题“2.Donate in their name”和文中的“charityrelated happiness”可知,选F项。答案:F4解析:根据本段标题“3.Give handmade goods or handmedowns”可推知,从商店里买的新礼物并不一定是最好的,手工制作的东西会显得更有爱,所以选C项。答案:C5解析:根据下文的“People who receive experiential gifts,such as concert tickets or a zoo membership,feel more connected to the gift giver than people who received material gifts”可知,让收礼物的人去体验比送实物的效果更好,所以选B项。答案:B课时加强练(二)英语知识运用板块练练准度 (限时:25分钟).完形填空(2017临沂3月模拟)A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.Her mum came in and_1_asked her little daughter with a smile,“My sweetie,could you give your mum one of your two apples?” The girl looked _2_at her mum for some seconds,then she suddenly took a quick_3_on one apple,and then quickly on the other.The mum felt the smile on her face_4_.She tried hard not to show her_5_.Then the little girl handed one of her_6_apples to her mum,and said,“Mummy,here you are.This is the_7_one.”No matter who you are,how experienced you are,and how knowledgeable you think you are,always_8_judgment.Give others the privilege to_9_themselves.What you see may not be the _10_.Never conclude for others,which is why we should never only_11_the surface and judge others without understanding them_12_.Those who like to pay the bill,do so not because they are loaded,but because they value_13_above money.Those who _14_first after a fight,do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.Those who often text you,do so not because they have_15_better to do but because you are in their heart.One day,all of us will get _16_from each other;we will miss our conversations of everything & nothing;the _17_that we had.Days will pass by,months,years,_18_this contact becomes rare.One day our children will see our_19_and ask “Who are these people?”And we will smile with invisible tears because a heart is touc


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