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单元检测(十四)Developing and Developed Countries.阅读理解ALike many young people around the world, Emmanuel dreamed of getting a university education in the United States. The 26yearold is an undocumented immigrant. This means he does not have the official permission needed to enter, live in, or work in the US. Emmanuel came to America from Mexico five years ago, when he discovered that he had to learn English and his dream was much more difficult to achieve. The major difficulty he realized was that there were very few opportunities for him to really receive a formal education.Federal laws do not prevent immigrants from going to college. But laws do ban illegal immigrants from receiving government financial aid. The average cost of a fouryear degree at a public university is 9,410. By comparison, the average cost at a private university is 32,405.Many immigrants come to the US. with little money, so they usually cant afford the expensive education. Emmanuel read about University of the People which has no tuition fee. The classes and teaching materials are all free online. All the teachers are volunteers. But students must be at least 18 years old and have completed high school. The university just requires students to pay a 50 application fee when they are admitted and a 100 test fee when they complete a class.Shai Reshef is the president of University of the People. He was born in Israel. He decided to create a tuitionfree university after visiting several poor countries, where people had limited higher education opportunities. He notes that University of the People is a model to show universities and governments that the issue can be solved. Higher education can be affordable, can be highquality and shouldnt leave anyone behind.Currently, there are more than 2,500 students studying with the University of the People. It only provides degrees in computer science and business administration. The university expects the student number to double next year. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。伊曼纽尔梦想着在美国接受大学教育,他从墨西哥非法移民来到了美国,却发现自己的梦想比想象的更加难以实现,幸运的是他找到了美国人民大学。1Whats the biggest problem for Emmanuel?AHe didnt understand English at all.BIt took him several years to find a job.CIt was hard for him to receive education.DHe missed his native country very much.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,最大的困难是像他这样的非法移民很难有机会在美国真正接受正规教育。2Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 2?AIts against the US. laws for immigrants to get a college education.BThe cost of public universities is higher than that of private ones.CPeople pay 32,405 each year for learning at a private university.DThe US. government doesnt offer illegal immigrants money help.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段可知,美国联邦法律未禁止移民上大学,但是法律禁止非法移民获得政府的财政援助。3What does Shai Reshef think about higher education?AIt is difficult in Israel.BThe cost of it needs to be increased.CIt should be accessible to everybody.DPeople in poor countries dont need to receive it.解析:选C推理判断题。由第四段可知,校长沙伊瑞希夫指出,美国人民大学是一个典范,向各个大学和政府表明高等教育问题是可以解决的。高等教育是可以负担得起、可以高质量的,而且不应该抛弃任何人。4What do we know about the University of the People?AIt is enjoying a good market.BThere are a wide variety of courses.CStudents need to pay nothing to study there.DAnybody over the age of 18 will be accepted.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段“The university expects the student number to double next year.”可知,美国人民大学预计明年的人数将翻番,即这个学校很有市场。根据第三段可知,C、D两项错误。BWhen Adan Gonzalez was a high school student in a poor neighborhood in Dallas, TX, he had dreamed of going to college. But first he needed to get through high school. Then he needed to apply for college.At one time, Adan shared one bedroom with six others while his father worked long hours as a custodian (看门人) and his mother held parttime jobs to help feed the family. Unlike many other students in America there was no Internet in his apartment, and too often no electricity. To complete homework requiring online access, he would walk late at night, after sports practices, to a McDonalds or Starbucks to catch enough of WiFi signals to finish his homework on a borrowed laptop. When he had to research and apply for college, he hit the streets in search of a signal that didnt have a password attached to it.Fortunately, Adan was resourceful, hardworking and patient to jump over this_gap_in_technology which traps many other poor youths.In todays digital world, students cant learn as well without the Internet. Going forward into tomorrow, there will only be a bigger gap (差距) between the Internet haves and the havenots. As the havenots continue to struggle to keep up, our entire educational system will also struggle to keep up globally and later our workforce will struggle, too. And thats an even bigger problem in the near future.Recently, Adan has graduated from Georgetown University decorated with national awards, captain of the boxing team, and has engaged over 10,000 youths through his Si Se Puede Network. Yes, this is his story. And now we need to change it so others can have the same happy ending without as many struggles in the story.语篇解读:现在的高中生做家庭作业需要使用互联网,但是很多学生因贫穷无法使用互联网。5From Paragraph 2 we can learn that Adan Gonzalez _.Ahad to help feed his family Bhad a poor family backgroundCdidnt like living with his family Dused to turn off lights to save money解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段可知,Adan的爸爸是个看门人,妈妈做临时工补贴家用,家里7个孩子共用一个房间,家里没网且经常没电,他要上网的时候得去麦当劳或星巴克蹭网。由此可知,他的家庭比较贫困。6What does the underlined part “this gap in technology” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?AHaving no electricity.BHaving no laptops to use.CHaving no WiFi password.DHaving no Internet for homework.解析:选D词义猜测题。根据第二段内容可知,Adan无法连接互联网来完成家庭作业,“this gap in technology”指的就是这事。7Paragraph 4 mainly shows that _.Atodays educational system is strugglingBmany students struggle in this digital worldChaving Internet is important to todays studentsDthe whole countrys workforce will suffer one day解析:选C段落大意题。根据第四段中的“In todays digital world, students cant learn as well without the Internet”以及“As the havenots continue to struggle to keep up, our entire educational system will also struggle .”可知,这一段主要表明能够上网对于现在的学生来说很重要。8The text is most probably written to _.Ashare Adan Gonzalezs life storyBinspire readers with Adan Gonzalezs storyCshow todays world is unfair to poor studentsDinvite us to help poor students have access to the Internet解析:选D写作意图题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,本文旨在通过Adan的故事呼吁人们关注贫困学生使用互联网的情况。.完形填空Many years ago in a small Indian village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, _1_ the farmers beautiful daughter. So he proposed a(n) _2_. He said he would cancel the farmers debt _3_ he could marry his daughter.Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the _4_. So the cunning moneylender suggested that they let providence (天意) _5_ the matter. He told them that he would put a black stone and a white stone into a(n) _6_ moneybag. Then the girl would have to _7_ one stone from the bag. If she picked the black one, she would become his _8_ and her fathers debt would be forgiven. She need not marry him and her fathers debt would still be _9_, if she picked the white one. If she _10_ to pick a stone, her father would be thrown into jail.They were _11_ on a stone path in the farmers field. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two stones. As he picked them up, the sharpeyed girl noticed that he had picked up two _12_ stones and put them into the bag. He then _13_ the girl to pick a stone from the bag. The girl put her _14_ into the moneybag and drew out a stone. Without _15_ it, she let it fall onto the stone path where it _16_ became lost among all the other stones.“Oh, how _17_ of me!” she said. “But never mind. If you look into the bag for the one that is _18_, you will be able to tell which stone I picked.”The moneylender dared not admit his _19_. The girl changed what seemed a(n) _20_ situation into an extremely advantageous one.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。狡猾的放债者想要用计谋骗娶农夫的女儿,可是女孩的聪明和机智使局面转危为安。1A.adopted BhatedCworried Dliked解析:选D根据下文可知,放债者想要娶农夫的女儿,由此可推知,他喜欢(liked)她。2A.apology BshowCbargain Dcompetition解析:选C根据本空后的内容可知,放债者提出了一个协议(bargain)。3A.if Beven though Cunless Das if解析:选A如果(if)他能够娶到农夫的女儿,农夫的债务就可以被免除。4A.suggestion BcallCprize Danswer解析:选A农夫和女儿对放债者所提出的建议(suggestion)感到非常害怕。第2空前的proposed和本空后的suggested是提示。5A.discover BproveCdecide Dexplain解析:选C下文叙述了放债者的具体方法,他的意思是想让天意决定(decide)这件事情。6A.full Bempty Cheavy Dharmful解析:选B根据第18空前的“If you look into the bag for the one”等语境可知,此处指把石头放到空的(empty)钱袋子里。7A.throw Bbreak Ccontrol Dpick解析:选D女孩将从袋子里挑选(pick)一块石头。8A.wife BservantCsecretary Dfriend解析:选A放债者的要求是:如果拿到黑色石头,她就要成为他的妻子(wife)。9A.prepared BhuntedCcancelled


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