



Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus4c)主备内容Section A (Grammar Focus4c)教学目标【知识目标】Important words:passport,chalk,blackboard,northern,coast,season,knock,eastern,worth,mannerImportant phrases:clean the chalk off the blackboard,northern coast,pack warm clothes,take off the gloves,social situations,be worth the trouble,table mannersImportant sentences:1.Am I supposed to wear jeans?No,you are expected to wear a suit and tie. 2Its very impolite to keep others waiting.3Its important to be on time.4When you go abroad,it is important to bring your passport.5If there are people in the meeting room,you are supposed to knock before entering.6In many eastern European countries,you are expected to take off your gloves before shaking hands.【能力目标】1教会学生掌握be supposed to的用法。2教会学生根据所学内容,学会谈论各国的风俗、礼仪以及应该做什么,不应该做什么。【情感目标】指导学生通过学习,培养学生尊重不同国家的文化,养成良好的行为习惯。教学重难点重点:学会使用be supposed to来谈论应该做什么,不应该做什么。难点:掌握be supposed to的用法。教法学法小组合作学习;分组讨论归纳Step 1自主学习【新词自查】根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1Carmen found she had left her _passport_(护照) at home just before getting on the plane. 2The teacher asked me to get some _chalk_(粉笔) for her in the office. 3We found there was no _blackboard_(黑板) in the classroom on the first day in school. 4On this island,there is only one _season_(季节),its spring. 5You should pay attention to your table _manners_(礼仪) when you are living with a foreign family. Step 2情景导入参考案例回顾:复习不同国家见面问候的礼仪习惯。(4分钟)T:What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time? S1:Theyre supposed to kiss.T:What are people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time? S2:Theyre supposed to bow.设计意图:通过课前的一个师生问答互动引入新课的话题。Step 3畅通Grammar Focus回顾语法重点【操作案例】要求学生分角色问答并翻译表格中的句子。说出be supposed to do句型结构的用法。并能造出相仿的句子。(4分钟)Step 4完成教材4a4c的任务【操作案例】1要求学生翻开课本P76,选择4a方框中所给的be supposed to,be expected to,be important to 完成句子。然后请5组同学朗读句子,全班集体核对答案。(5分钟)2根据4b的要求,用括号中所给单词的恰当形式完成短文。然后请1名同学朗读短文,全班集体核对答案。(5分钟)3依照4c方框中的提示,给即将第一次来中国作交换生的外国学生提一些建议。(3分钟)4小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时纠正。(2分钟)设计意图:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。知识点拨worth作形容词,意为“值得;有价值的”,与be构成系表结构,常在句中作表语。后可接名词、代词、数字或动词ing形式。如:The zoo is worth a visit.这家动物园值得参观。This watch is worth $30.这块手表值30美元。This book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。take off意为“脱下”,其反义词组为put on(穿上)。它还可以表示“(飞机等)起飞”。如:Its too hot outside.Why not take off your coat?外面太热了。为什么不脱掉你的外套呢?巩固提升Step 5完成名师测控配套练习。板书设计Section A (Grammar Focus4c)Important sentences:1Am I supposed to wear jeans?No,you are expected to wear a suit and tie. 2Its very impolite to keep others waiting.3Its important to be on time.4When you go abroad,it is important to bring your passport.5If there are people in the meeting room,you are supposed to knock before entering.6In many eastern European countries,you are expected to


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