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,参考答案,Good morning, everyone! Im on duty today. It s May 6 th,2008. Its fine. Everyone is here. Now I will say something about Fuzhou. Fuzhou is in the east of Fujian. Its very beautiful. Its a city with a long history and has a population of 6.7 million. Great changes have taken place these years. We have built many tall buildings and wide roads. There are many places of interest, such as Mount Gu, Three Hills and Two Pagodas and so on. I hope my hometown will be more and more beautiful. Thats all. Thank you.,中考对书面表达的考察与要求,中考对书面表达的考察主要集中在以下几个方面: 能运用所学词汇、语法和句型造简单的句子,能仿造学过的题材或话题利用所给的提示,按照交际要求写出一篇60-80单词左右的文段。 书面表达的文段应该符合下列要求: 1、语言通顺,语句连贯,层次清楚,意思正确. 2、用词基本恰当,句子结构完整,语法正确. 3、书写规范,字迹工整,格式符合要求.,重视英语句子的表达,培养学生英语思维 学生的作文主要有以下几个方面的问题: 第一、英语底子太薄。 第二、词汇量太小,且对已学词汇记忆不清。 第三、表达思想不清楚。表达思想不清楚的主要原因是考生作文中严重的中文思维和汉化的英语。此外,语言错误的普遍性和严重性十分惊人,比如,主谓不一致,名词单复数不分,动词时态语态滥用,常用词拼写错误比比皆是。这些严重地影响了思想的表达。多数考生在写作上主要欠缺系统的写作理论和方法,以及最基本的单句写作能力。好多考生写作成绩长期得不到明显提高的主要原因是欠缺写好单句的能力。,一篇作文由句子组成,一个句子由单词组成,词,句子,作文,Is writing hard?,先热身一下吧!,互动读写: Sentence lengthening exercises,英语写作扩句练习,1. Sentence lengthening exercises,Go for a picnic! Go for a picnic with me! Go for a picnic with me on the beach! Go for a picnic with me on the beach tomorrow! If you are free, go for a picnic with me on the beach tomorrow!,Hes swimming. Hes swimming in the river. Hes swimming in the river with Tim. Hes swimming in the river with Tim at the moment.,2.Sentence lengthening exercises,3. Sentence lengthening exercises,Wheres the watch? Wheres the watch I put in my bag? Wheres the watch I put in my bag to take to the shop? Wheres the watch I put in my bag to take to the shop because it had stopped?,4. Sentence lengthening exercises,He searched and searched. He searched and searched for the bird. He searched and searched for the bird he heard. He searched and searched for the bird he heard in the church.,He sells books. He sells the most popular books. He sells the most popular books at the school gate. He sells the most popular books at the school gate once a week.,5.Sentence lengthening exercises,连词成句练习,时态互动,1.Key word: 关键动词,2.Tense(时态):,造句:,now,sing,现在进行时,Miss QQ is singing now.,Model,Miss QQ,1.Key word: sing,yesterday,2.Tense(时态):,造句:,一般过去时,She sang yesterday.,1.Key word: sing,2.Tense(时态):,tomorrow,造句:,一般将来时,She will sing tomorrow.,Model:,now,1.Key word:,2.Tense(时态):,造句:,run,现在进行时,She is running now.,1.Key word:,2.Tense(时态):,造句:,run,every day,一般现在时,Miss. QQ/ She runs every day.,1.Key word: run,2.Tense(时态):,造句:,造句:,Last Sunday,一般过去时,Mr. QQ ran last Sunday. He ran last Sunday.,Last Sunday,Miss QQ ran last Sunday. She ran last Sunday.,Mr. QQ,sometimes,1.Key word: run,2.Tense:,一般现在时,造句:,Mr. QQ and Miss QQ run sometimes. They run sometimes.,1.Key word:,2.Tense:,造句:,1.Key word:,2.Tense:,造句:,next evening,at eight last night,dance,过去进行时,He was dancing at eight last night.,cook,一般将来时,He will cook next evening.,1.Key word:,2.Tense:,造句:,at this moment,eat / have,现在进行时,The girl is eating/ having a meal at this moment.,1.Key word:,swim,2.Tense?,根据提示写英文日记: 1、4月1日天气晴朗 2、跟同学们骑车去海边 3、一个老人在海里游泳 4、虽然有点冷,但玩得很开心,2.Tense:,画线部分造句:,一般过去时,An old man swam in the sea.,1.Key word(画线部分):,swim,2.Tense:,假如你是班长,班里要举行一次活动 请根据提示写一份英语通知,一般将来时,画线部分造句:,We are going to /will swim in the sea.,We will go swimming in the sea.,1.Key word (画线部分): swim,根据以下有关Tom个人情况,写一篇 介绍他的短文。,姓名:Tom 年龄:16 国籍:英国 职业:学生 经常做的运动: 游泳 理想:当一个作家,2.Tense:,Tom often swims. He often goes swimming.,一般现在时,画线部分造句:,1.Key word: swim,Step 1:,Summary(总结): How to begin writing?,Look carefully and find the key words 仔细审题,找出关键动词,Decide which tense to use 确定时态、人称,Step 2:,真题解析,邮递员的一天,根据汉语提示,记叙一个邮递员 Mr. Smith的一天: 7:30 起床 刷牙洗脸 8:15 跟家人告别 公交车没赶上 一天的辛苦工作 4:00 回家,7:30 起床 刷牙洗脸 8:15 跟家人告别 公交车没赶上 一天的辛苦工作 4:00 回家,Key words:,get up,say goodbye,not catch/ miss,work hard,go home/ return home,brush / wash,邮递员的一天,How many mistakes can you find in this composition?,改错!,In a Monday morning. Mr. Smith got up at seven thirty and put up the clothes. He wished face and tooth. It was a quertar past eight. He said goodbye to his wife. He didnt catch the bus, because there were many people sat on the bus. He ran to work, he gave the letters to the people which waited for them. He goes home at four. He were tired, but he was happy.,In a Monday morning. Mr. Smith got up at seven thirty and put up the clothes. He wished face and tooth. It was a quertar past eight. He said goodbye to his wife. He didnt catch the bus, because there were many people sat on the bus. He ran to work, he gave the letters to the people which waited for them. He goes home at four. He were tired, but he was happy.,在早上/下午/晚上 the morning/ afternoon/ evening,在1991年,in 1991,在四月份,in April,在春天,in spring,在四月十三号,on April 13th,在周六,on Saturday,解析 in a Monday morning,wrong,on a Monday morning,扩展:in or on?,in,归纳:1.早上、下午、晚上前加 年、月、季节前加,2.具体某一天前用,on,注意:有形容词修饰的早上、下午、 晚上前加,on,在一个寒冷的早晨,on a cold morning,在四月的一个夜晚,on an evening in April,试试看:,in,in,词组搭配要牢记,put on,穿上,put up,张贴,put away,收拾,put off,推迟,Tips: 细心,仔细辨别哦,put up 改为,put on,Do you know the meanings?,标点,标点书写规范:英文的句号是实心 点“.” 逗号与中文一致“,”,注意:当介词短语,状语从句放在 句首或句中时,它们后面应用逗号,如:她到校时,课已经开始了。,When she got to school the class had begun.,. 改为,易混淆词:,1. 药: A. medichine B. machine C.medicine,2. 买(过去时): A. brought B. bought C. boght,3. 骄傲的: A. proud B. pround C. pound,wished-,washed,C,B,A,4. 疲劳的: A. tried B. tired C. tied,5. 天气: A. whether B. wheather C. weather,Tips: 平时记单词要精确,勿大意,B,C,名词变复数的特殊形式:,tooth-,teeth,foot-,feet,woman-,women,sheep-,sheep,child-,children,冠词勿忘,Tips: 一般情况下,一个单数的普通名词 前都要有冠词或物主代词,指示代词。,如:,苹果在桌上。,An apple is on the desk.,Apple is on desk.,wrong,face前加his,难词简化:,a quarter,fifteen minutes,例:他是一个邮递员,He is a postman.,如果忘记了postman怎么写, 换种方式:,His job is to send letters and newspapers.,quertar改成quarter,连词,及句子的连贯性,连接简单句表示并列或递进,连接的并列句表示转折,表示因果,注意:两个并列的单句之间一定要 有连词,如so, and, but等。,He ran to work , he gave the letters 改为:He ran to work and he gave the letters,and,but,so,天黑了,她回了家。,It was dark, she went home.,wrong,It was dark, so/and she went home.,which-,who,如果没有把握用复合句,就难句化简,尽量 用简单句。先求准确,再求文采。,例:Jim给了我一本他在上海买的书。,Jim gave me a book which he bought in Shanghai.,Jim gave me a book. He bought it in Shanghai.,化简后:,Tips:慎用there be 句型,例:很少人懂英语。,There are few people know English.,wrong,改为:1. There are few people knowing English.,2. Few people know English.,把sat去掉,时态一致,例:He read a book and takes some notes.,分析: read - 一般过去时 takes- 一般现在时,改为:He read a book and took some notes.,He goes home.-,He went home.,主谓一致:,He were tired.-,He was tired.,易错点:,Tom with his friends football every day. (play),plays,Tips:区分真正的主语,造句: 在回家的路上,他发生了事故。,On his way home, he happened an accident.,1.On his way home, he had an accident,wrong,Chinglish (中国英语),Tips: 用自己熟练的地道表达方式, 不要生硬编造。,2.On his way home, an accident happened to him.,It was seven thirty yesterday morning. Mr. Smith got up. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. At eight fifteen, he said goodbye to his family. Then he went to the bus stop. But when he got there, the bus had gone. So he had to walk to the post office. He worked very hard. At four, he came back home.,简洁明了型:,Mr. Smith got up at half past seven on a Monday morning. After the breakfast, he said goodbye to his family and left home. Unluckily, by the time he arrived at the bus stop, the bus had already gone. So he had to walk to the post office and got letters which he should send. In the daytime, he was busy sending letters and newspapers from house to house. He didnt return home until four oclock. He was tired but happy.,难度较大:,英文写作四步(中文表述):,仔细审题,找出关键动词,确定基调:时态、人称等,列提纲,认真检查,Step 1:,Step 2:,Step 3:,Step 4:,第五步 誊写,书写规范 卷面整洁,卷面潦草一定要扣分!,1. 多用简单句,注意时态语态,2. 化难为易,化繁为简,3. 此路不通,绕道迂回,4. 字迹工整,留好印象,5. 卷面整洁,Gold tips:,Beijing,2008年北京要举行奥运会。因此很多外国人会来北京。请根据以下要点向外国人简单介绍北京。(80词左右) 1.北京是中国的首都。 2.北京人民非常友好。 3.北京是个非常漂亮的大城市,古色古香,有许多的名胜。(the Great Wall, the Summer Palace , Tiananmen Square) 4.北京的食物非常美味,特别是北京烤鸭世界闻名。,Tense(时态):,The Simple Present Tense (一般现在时),Key information(要点),Capital, people, big and old city, food, Beijing duck,Beijing duck,capital,people,delicious,places of interest,big,old,friendly,Key Words,Key sentences,Beijing is the capital of China.,People in Beijing are very friendly.,It is a big and old city.,It has many places of interest.,The food in Beijing is very delicious.,Beijing Duck is very famous.,Paragraph,Beijing is the capital of China. It is a big and old city. Its very beautiful. It has many places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square and so on.People in Beijing are very frie


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