



Unit 2 This is my sister.【学习目标】1.能够介绍家庭成员2.熟练运用以下句式: This/That is Is/this/that? These are Yes, she/he is. No, he/she isnt. 3.掌握以下词汇: son, cousin, daughter, uncle, aunt 【学习过程】Step 1: 自主学习-明确目标 自学文本1. 请同学们课前上平台阅读思考本节导学案,明确本节课的学习任务和目标。2. 对照课本后面96页Unit 2单词表跟读单词录音。要求:根据录音及单词音标,首先会读单词接着边读边写记单词,注意中英文的转换,最后默写单词。3. 独立认真地预习Unit 2 Section B (1a-2c)(第10-11页)面的课文。要求:听Unit 2 Section B 1a-1c的课文录音3遍,试着完成听力练习,仔细阅读11页2b的小短文2遍,并翻译,标出不认识的单词和不理解的句子.准备一张全家福。4. 在线上对照导学案本课时完成探究归纳部分的预习。5. 请大家带着问题自学本课时的两个微课视频。Step 2: 自学检测-在线测学 质疑思学1. 学生独立完成导学案上的自学检测。2. 学生在线上提交客观题的答案。3. 对照正确的答案对错题进行反思,质疑。1. 通过自学完成下列任务:自学检测题用括号里的词正确形式填空My familyHi, Im Jenny. Here (be) two nice (photo) of my family.My grandfather and grandmother (be) in the first photo.These (be) my parents,Alan and Mary. In the next picture (be) my brothers, Bob And Eric. These two girls(be) my sister and my cousin Helen. Coco (be) in My family, too.Step3: 自展提升-合作探究 展示交流通过老师和同学的一起合作交流,解决学生自学中的疑问1)Work on 1a-1c2)Work on 1d: (“These are/This is”等学生在活动中有可能会用到的句型。小组竞赛的形式,看哪个小组说的句子最多,以活跃课堂气氛。)3)Work on 2b.Before reading(阅读前)Who are they?_While-reading(阅读中)Read about Jennys family and circle the names.after reading(阅读后)Read the passage again and complete the sentences.1.My name is _.2.Alan and Mary are my _.3.Bob and Eric are my _.4.Cindy is my _.5.Helen is my _.6._ is the name of my dog.Read the passage again and answer the questions.1.Who is Alan? _2.Whats the name of Jennys mother? _3.Who are Bob and Eric? _4.Is Cindy Jennys sister? _5.What is the name of Jennys cousin? _6.Is Coco a boy? _总结本课自己的收获,小组内交流。 _Step 4: 自评巩固-自主测评 当堂巩固1. 独立认真完成自评巩固训练。(纸质学案上完成)2. 线上提交当堂测评客观题答案。3. 对照上传的解析,弄清错题原因,掌握正确的解题思路及方法。4. 在线下在纸质学案上订正。5. 下课后将纸质学案交给老师进行批阅。【随堂检测】一、按要求写出相应的词1.this(反义词)_ 2.these(反义词)_ 3.it(复数形式)_ 4.that(复数形式)_ 5.picture(复数形式)_ 6.brother(复数形式) 7.cousin(复数形式)_ 8.friend(复数形式)_ 9.son(对应词)_ 10.sister(对应词)_ 二、根据句意及首字母写出单词1.My fathers mother is my g _. 2.My fathers father is my g _. 3.My fathers sisters are my a _. 4.My fathers brothers are my u _. 5.My uncles children are my c _. 6.My parentsd _ is my sister. 7.I am a boy. Im my parents _. 8.This is my f _ photo. These are my parents and this is me. 9.T _ for your help(帮助)! 10.We like English very m _.三、选项中选择正确答语。A: No, she is my mother B: He is Jim Green. C: Yes, they are.D: They are English books. E: Its a baseball.( )1. What are these?( )2.Is this your sister?( )3.Whats this in English?( )4. Whats his name?( )5.Are those her pencils?参考答案一、1that 2those 3they 4those 5photos 6pictures 7cousi


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