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高考提能练(四十二) Module 6The Worlds Cultural Heritage.阅读理解2019济南市针对性练习Many people traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada during January 5th to 8th, 2017 for the 50th Consumer Electronics Show, or CES. The show is said to have the largest collection of new electronic devices in the world.The show had many examples of “smart home” devices. “Smart home” technology is designed to make life easier for people by letting computers control many things inside their homes. One such device actually begins working outside the home, when someone arrives and rings the doorbell.“When someone comes to your front door and rings the doorbell, the light can turn on immediately. I get a notification when Im halfway around the world that someone came, and I can start talking to the person whos at my front door, and I can say, Oh, here let me let you in. I can unlock the door for him very easily,” said Vivint, a smart home service provider.One electronics maker launched a device that lets people see and interact with their animals when they are away. The device, from Petcube, lets you remotely watch and talk to your pet through a personal device, according to a company official. It can even give the pet a treat if you approve and order it.For heating or cooling, there is a smart thermostat. This device can also send you a message if a big storm causes leaks or flooding. “Were trying to catch it with just a few drips before it becomes a real big problem,” said Mike Sale of iDevices.A concern for many homeowners is the possibility that someone else might find a way to attack these smart home devices. An official from Vivint said his company is sure that only owners of the home can gain use of information on the devices. Warren Katz from iDevices said his company employs engineers from the defense industry to help prevent hacking.体裁:说明文题材:科技与生活主题:消费类电子产品展览会【解题导语】内华达州的拉斯维加斯于2017年1月5日至8日举办了第50届消费类电子产品展览会,其中的智能家居设备令人耳目一新。【难句分析】A concern for many homeowners is the possibility that someone else might find a way to attack these smart home devices.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“that someone else might find a way to attack these smart home devices”为that引导的同位语从句,解释说明possibility的具体内容。译文:许多房主担心的是,可能会有人找到攻击这些智能家居设备的方法。1What can be learned about the show?AIt created much attraction to consumers.BIt has been held in Las Vegas many times.CIt only exhibited smart home devices.DIt is the largest show ever held.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第一段“Many people traveled to Las Vegas,Nevada during January 5th to 8th,2017 for the 50th Consumer Electronics Show,or CES.The show is said to have the largest collection of new electronic devices in the world”可知,许多人前往内华达州的拉斯维加斯参加第50届消费类电子产品展览会,据说该展览展出了世界上最多的新型电子设备;结合下文介绍的“电子门铃”“智能恒温器”等可知,该展览会创造了很多吸引顾客的亮点,故A项正确。2Whats the purpose of Paragraph 3?ATo explain how to answer the door.BTo illustrate a smart home device.CTo tell a story about nice devices.DTo introduce a home service provider.答案与解析:B考查目的意图。根据第三段中的“When someone comes to your front door and rings the doorbell,the light can turn on immediately.I get a notification when Im halfway around the world that someone came, and I can start talking to the person whos at my front door”可知,当有人来到你的前门按门铃时,灯就会立刻亮起来;当我不在家的时候,我收到了一个通知,通知我有人来了,我可以开始和在我家前门的人说话。据此可知,该段旨在说明一种智能家居设备,故B项正确。3What may happen in the future according to the given examples?AComputers may replace human workers one day.BA stranger can come into your house even if youre out.CThe house can repair for itself if a storm causes damage.DYou can take good care of your animals while youre away.答案与解析:D考查推理判断。根据第四段第一句“One electronics maker launched a device that lets people see and interact with their animals when they are away”可知,一家电子产品制造商推出了一款设备,让人们不在家时也可以看到他们的动物,并与它们互动。据此可以推断,将来如果使用这种设备,你可以不在家时也能照颐好你的动物,故D项正确。4What can be inferred about the smart home device from the last paragraph?AInformation on the devices is easy to get.BMany of the devices are not available now.CHomeowners are concerned about its operation.DIts safety can be guaranteed at present.答案与解析:D考查推理判断。根据最后一段第二句“An official from Vivint said his company is sure that only owners of the home can gain use of information on the devices”可知,智能家居设备公司确保只有房屋所有者才能使用这些设备上的信息。据此可以推断,目前这款智能家居设备是确保安全的,故D项正确。.完形填空2019长沙市阶段测评We made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up cupcakes for my daughter Norahs fourth birthday. As an older gentleman walked by, Norah _1_ and waved, “Hi old person! Its my birthday today!” I apologized to him embarrassedly for her _2_.“Hello little lady! And how old are you today?” he asked. They _3_ for a couple of minutes, with Norah _4_ him in on the details of her birthday, and we went our _5_ ways. But a few minutes later, Norah _6_ she really wanted a _7_ with him. Uh, my cutest baby!We back found him at the _8_. “Excuse me, sir?Shed like to know if youd take a photo with her,” I asked, _9_ the man to be annoyed at my daughters strange request. _10_, I got the completely opposite response!He looked _11_. “A photo? With me?” So they posed together and then they _12_ each other like they were long lost friends. The precious scene _13_ other shoppers, but no one cared.We _14_ Mr. Dan (I knew his name later on) for his _15_. His eyes filled with tears and he said, “No, thank YOU. It is YOU who made me _16_.”Now, Norah and Mr. Dan are more than just friends. We make _17_ visits to see him because she worries about his being _18_. Mr. Dan says that his friendship with Norah helped to _19_ his broken heart for his wifes sudden death.Sometimes talking to _20_ turns into the most beautiful thing in the world.体裁:记叙文题材:人生经历主题:小女孩的忘年交【语篇解读】本文讲述了一个温馨的故事:Norah在商店对一个她不认识的老人说“今天是我的生日”,随后还要求与老人一起合影,后来他们竟然成了忘年交,Norah给这个因妻子突然离世而伤心的老人带来了慰藉和欢乐。1A.communicatedBrespondedCsmiled Descaped答案与解析:C考查动词。根据故事情节,Norah非常喜欢这位老人,所以当看到老人走过时,她向他微笑(smiled)并挥手致意。2A.noise BsorrowCinterruption Dimpoliteness答案与解析:D考查名词。Norah对着老人喊“嘿,老头儿”,这在作者看来是对老人的不礼貌(impoliteness),所以作者尴尬地向老人道歉。3A.chatted BstoodCwaited Ddiscussed答案与解析:A考查动词。根据下文中的“him in on the details of her birthday”可知,他们闲聊(chatted)了几分钟。4A.dropping BfillingCcalling Dputting答案与解析:B考查动词。在他们的交谈中,Norah 一直在告诉老人有关她的生日的细节。fill sb. in(on sth.)“向某人提供(情况)”为固定用法。5A.separate BnarrowClong Dcrowded答案与解析:A考查形容词。根据下文中的“We back found him”可知,作者他们和老人分路而行。separate“分开的”,go ones separate ways“分路而行,分道扬镳”为固定用法。6A.reminded BpredictedCdecided Dremembered答案与解析:C考查动词。Norah决定(decided)要与老人一起合影。7A.talk BreunionCmoment Dpicture答案与解析:D考查名词。参见上题解析。从下文中的“Shed like to know if youd take a photo with her”可知选picture。8A.street BstoreCrestaurant Dcommunity答案与解析:B考查名词。从第一段中的“at the grocery store”和下文中的“other shoppers”可知,作者他们在商店(store)找到了老人。9A.expecting BallowingCrequiring Dcausing答案与解析:A考查动词。作者考虑到之前Norah已经对老人不礼貌了,现在还想与老人合影,于是预料(expecting)老人可能会生气。10A.Lastly BBesidesCInstead DSuddenly答案与解析:C考查副词。作者预料老人可能会生气,而下文谈到作者得到的是完全相反的回应老人很高兴。由此可知,本空应选Instead“相反”。11A.annoyed BdelightedCdisappointed Dprepared答案与解析:B考查形容词。参见上题解析。12A.greeted BhuggedCsupported Dencouraged答案与解析:B考查动词。空前谈到了他们一起拍照,空后说他们像多年不见的老朋友,所以hugged符合此情此景。13A.educated BattractedCdelayed Dblocked答案与解析:D考查动词。他们在商店里合影,势必会挡住(blocked)其他购物者,但是没有人在意。14A.memorized BpaidCthanked Dexcited答案与解析:C考查动词。作者和女儿因老人愿意抽出时间(time)合影而向他表示感谢(thanked)。15A.time BpermissionCfriendship Dexperience答案与解析:A考查名词。参见上题解析。16A.cheer up Bget alongCtake off Dhold on答案与解析:A动词短语。根据空前的“thank YOU”可知,老人很感谢作者他们,因为是他们让老人高兴起来(cheer up)的。17A.special BnewCquick Dregular答案与解析:D考查形容词。空前谈到老人和Norah成了忘年交,所以作者他们定期(regular)去看望老人,因为Norah担心老人孤单(lonely)。18A.tired BbusyClonely Dill答案与解析:C考查形容词。参见上题解析。19A.attend BsewCopen Dtouch答案与解析:B考查动词。老人说他和Norah的忘年交情帮助抚慰了他因妻子突然离世而受伤的心。此处表示“缝补(sew)一颗破碎的心”,即抚慰一颗受伤的心。20A.shoppers BfriendsCpassengers Dstrangers答案与解析:D考查名词。Norah与不认识的老人发起对话,然后就发生了后来的温馨故事,所以作者在这里感慨:有时与陌生人(strangers)交流会变成世界上最美好的事。.语法填空2015全国卷The adobe dwellings (土坯房) _1_ (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even _2_ most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their _3_ (able) to “air condition” a house without _4_ (use) electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat _5_ (slow) during cool nights, thus warming the house. When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough _6_ (cool) the house during the hot day; _7_ the same time, they warm up again for the night. This cycle _8_ (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures. As _9_ (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly _10_ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.【解题导语】本文重点介绍了美国Pueblo印第安人所建土坯房独特的调节室温的特点。1答案与解析:built该句中已有谓语动词are admired,故此处应用非谓语动词。build与其逻辑主语The adobe dwellings之间为动宾关系,空格后的by引出了动作的发出者,故用build的过去分词形式built,作后置定语。2答案与解析:the根据空后的最高级标志词most可知此处填定冠词the。句意为:由美国西南部的普韦布洛印第安人建造的土坯房受到了最前卫的建筑师和工程师的青睐。3答案与解析:ability空格前有作定语的形容词性物主代词their修饰,所以用able的名词形式ability,意为“能力”。句意为:除了朴素之美以外,这些土坯房令人赞叹之处是它们不使用电气设备而自动进行空气调节的能力。4答案与解析:usingwithout为介词,故此处用动名词形式作宾语。5答案与解析:slowly句意为:土坯墙在炎热的白天吸收太阳的热量,在凉爽的夜晚再把热量缓慢地释放出来,这样就使房子变得温暖。空格处修饰动词短语give out,应用副词形式slowly。6答案与解析:to cool此处用作目的状语,要用动词不定式。7答案与解析:atat the same time是固定词组,意为“与此同时”。8答案与解析:goes根据上下文时态,可知此处应用一般现在时。9答案与解析:natural空格处修饰名词architects,应用形容词形式。10答案与解析:how根据句子结构和空格后的形容词thick可知,此处应用how引导宾语从句,表示“弄清楚到底土坯墙需要多厚”。.书面表达2019南昌模拟假定你是李华,计划申请去英国的一所学校学习,希望你的英国朋友Tony帮忙推荐学校,请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1自我情况介绍;2期望推荐学校;3表示感谢。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【范文赏读】Dear Tony,How is everything going? Im pla


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