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秭归二中英语组 黄发理,湖北省秭归县,English Writing (课件),主备人:黄发理 授课人:黄发理 教学目标 一、知识和能力 Guide the students use what they learn to write. Appreciate the passage. 二、过程和方法 Reading, understanding, appreciating, reciting 三、情感、态度和价值观 By reading some passages, the students get to know the required standard and try to make it and appeal to the judges,The key and difficult points Understand the passages and recite some beautiful sentences and get to know the required standard. Solutions Reading, understanding, explaining 课时安排 1课时 Teaching procedures Lead-in: There is a long way to go for our English writing,一、学生自学 发现问题,开心农场(Happy Farm)是一个比较热门的网络游戏。在一个属于你的农场里,你可以种植各种蔬菜和瓜果,还可以养家畜和宠物。偶尔,你还可以采摘别人的果子,享受不劳而获的乐趣。最近,你们班同学就加入开心农场的利弊进行了讨论。结果如下:,请结合以上素材写一篇100词左右的英语短文,介绍这次讨论的结果,并发表个人看法,二、生生交流 合作学习 1.要求学生以讨论的形式把本篇文章可能用到的已学过的短语列举出来(强化学以致用的理念),正方,反方,relax entertain ourselve keep in touch with net friends be not harmful to do no harm to,a waste of time and energy be bad for ruin our health notbut . have a bad effect/influence on,2. Write an outline and do the teamwork 三、师生交流 探究点拨 1.教师点拨:议论文的主题时态一般现在时 文章结构:三段式 2议论文常用表达: 支持:be for approve of be in favor of 反对:be against disapprove of object to be opposed to 总述:We have a discussion about Different people hold different opinions on the problem. Opinions are divided. Sb hold the view that,3.本篇文章可模仿句型结构: (1) cellphones ,or mobile phones,make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. 引出句型:sb/sth think (feel /consider/find/make.)it+名词/ 形容词for sb to do sth. 套用:A:邀请到你的聚会,我认为是一件荣耀的事情。 I think it an honour to be invited to your party. B:(套用到本文中),(2Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature,thus creating a stable environment. 引出:简单 句,(thus)doing 或 分词,简单句 套用:A: 一棵大树倒在路上,这样就阻塞了我们的路。 A big tree fell onto the road,thus blocking our way. B:(套用到本文),(3) A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train ,which is environmentally friendly. 引出:简单句,which/where 等非限定性从句 套用: (4)Dressed in her most beautiful clothes, the girl tried to make herself noticed at the party.引出:分词短语或形容词作状语 套用:,例如:穿着白色的衣服,他看上去像个厨师。 Dressed in white,he looks like a cook. (5)It was not until after the the war that he made his most important discovery 引出:强调句 套用:,6)What interested her most was the longitude line. 引出:名从等复合句 套用: 四、练习反馈 1.要求学生交换作文,品读并纠正错误。 2.请2至3名学生为全班朗读他们的作文,边读边指出自己作文中的亮点。,五、纠错释疑 1.Correct the mistakes in the above passage. 2. Explain some sentences and points. 六、拓展延伸 1.指出范文中的亮点,范文: With Happy Farm becoming more and more popular ,many teenagers have joined the game. Recently ,our class have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of playing the game.some students are for playing the game.The reasons are as follows:,First, it is an excellent means to relax and entertain ourselves in th game,thus leading us to work and study more efficiently.Second,we can keep in touch with our net friends in this way. Third,playing the game does no harm to society.,However, some students hold the view that playing the game is a waste of time and energy,which is bad for our health.Besides,it is not true pleasure but virtual pleasure that we can get.Whats worse, “picking othersfruit” may have a negative influence on the development of our personality.,In addition,addicted to playing the game,we will lose the opportunity to live our dream. In my opinion, as for students,whats the most important is that we should devote our energy to working hard.,2. 完成以下句子,以巩固本篇文章引出的句型结构 (1)We _(认为很方便) to go shopping online.(consider) (2)We can look through a variety of goods in such a short time,_ (这就提供给我们)a wide range of choice(offer) (3)_(相比较)the goods of the reality shops,the price of the goods online is more reasonable.(compare),Consider it convenient,Which offers us,Compared to,(4)We learn about the goods mainly by looking at the pictures on the Internet,_(那里的商品可能) slightly different from the real goods.(be) (5 ) Sometimes it will take a long time to convey the goods to us ,_(在此期间)the goods are easily broken.(during) (6)As far as Iam concerned, _(仔细又谨慎),we are likely to buy what we want.(cautious),Where the goods are,d


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