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writing,summary,这篇文章主要告诉我们许多到北京的航班由于雾霾在周末被延误或被转移到其他机场。,The passage mainly tell us that a number of flights were delayed or diverted to other airports over the weekend due to heavy smog. (thanks to 慎用),Body 原因,There are many factors that may account for There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon. Firstly ,Secondly,( In addition), On top of ,The main reason why smog is so serious is that more private cars are running on the roads with the development of economy. The carbon dioxide that they give out made the visibility go from bad to worse.,另外,人们忽视环境保护。 Besides, people ignore environmental protection. Additionally, peoles ignorance of environmental protection also contributes to smog. The awareness of environmental protection seems much more important in the cause of smog.,有些工厂为了经济利益随意排放工业废弃物进入河流,或将有毒气体排放到大气中。 Some factories pour chemical waste carelessly into rivers and give out poisonous gases into the atmosphere just for the sake of economic profit.,结尾,为了减少雾霾,政府首先应该采取一些有效的措施,例如,鼓励人们多多种树来缓解现在存在的问题。 In a gesture to reduce smog , firstly , the government should take some proper measures, such as calling on people to plant more trees to ease the existing problems.,考虑到交通问题的严重性,是时候采取一些有效措施解决这个问题。 Considering the seriousness/gravity of smog, it is high time that more effective measures should be taken to solve it.,第二,制定更加严格的法规来惩罚那些违反交通法规的人。 Secondly, stricter laws and regulations should be made to punish those plants that pollute the environment.,最后但同样重要的是,提高人们的环保意识才是正真重要的。 Last but not least , it is raising peoples awareness of environmental protection that really counts.,第三,作为学生,我们应该一起努力提高公众的环保意识,号召每个人为了所有人的健康都保护环境。 Thirdly,as a senior student, we should make joint efforts to enhance peoples awareness towards environmental protection and call on everyone to preserve the environment for ourselves and for our generations to c


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