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学校生活与 课外活动,2012高考英语书面表达精品课件:话题作文3,指在校学习的课程,学校、班级或学生会等举行的各项比赛或课外活动,包括聚会、野餐、烧烤、春游等课外活动;也包括学生的穿着、发型,还包括预习、复习、讨论、归纳等学习活动或教师的教学方法。,课标解读,命题者可能会要求考生就某项比赛或课外活动等写一份通知,或就具体的聚会、野餐、烧烤、春游等课外活动写一份通知或写活动后的日记。 可能要求考生就学生的穿着、发型、行为举止等发表看法;就预习、复习、讨论、归纳等课堂学习活动和教师教学方法等发表看法;就学生对任课教师开展评教活动发表看法;学校在节假日该不该补课;学生该不该参加校外各种形式的特长训练,如钢琴培训、外语培训、勤工俭学等。,命题预测,1.常用单词 (1)campus校园 (2)canteen餐厅 (3)laboratory/lab实验室 (4)dining hall食堂 (5)dormitory宿舍 (6) club俱乐部 (7)competition竞赛 (8)rewards奖励 (9)achievement/result成绩 (10) marks/grades/scores分数,必备语汇,2.常用短语 (1)school dining hall学生食堂 (2)teaching building教学楼 (3)lecture theatre阶梯教室 (4)the Students Union学生会 (5)social practice 社会实践 (6)part-time jobs业余工作 (7)vacation jobs假期工作 (8)prepare lessons 备课 (9)have lessons上课 (10)miss a lesson误一节课 (11)prepare for lessons预习功课 (12)stay away from school旷课,(13)work hard at 努力做(学) (14)put ones heart into专心于 (15)concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于 (16)graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 (17)English evening 英语晚会 (18)after-school/extracurricular activities课外活动,(19)social investigation社会调查 (20)voluntary labor义务劳动 (21)physical activities 体育活动 (22)see the sights of看景点 (23)have a picnic/barbecue去野餐/烧烤 (24)have a party举行晚会,(25)hold a sports meeting举行运动会 (26)have an outing at the seashore在海边郊游,(27)learn. by heart记住 (28)keep. in mind记住 (29)work out 计算出 (30)make progress in . 在方面取得进步 (31)have a good command of精通于 (32)pass the examination通过考试 (33)get full mark for得满分 (34)cheat in the exam考试作弊 (35) fail (in) the math test数学测验不及格 (36)win the first (prize) in maths competition数学竞赛第一名 (37)get /take the first place in the English speech contest英语口语竞赛第一名 (36)lay a good foundation in在方面打下良好的基础,3.参考语句 (1)A child poor at math may be talented for painting.一个数学差的小孩,可能是艺术天才。 (2)I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。 (3)The extracurricular activity is a necessary part of the school lives.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。,基础写作:就“如何才能提高英语口语”的采访 你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况:,专题练析,时间:上星期五 对象:语言学家(linguist)张教授 主题:怎样才能提高英语口语 基本信息:(1)朗读能提高口语能力,有助于英语听说读写语言技能的培养;(2)朗读是记忆的基础,会使词语的音、形、义得到加强和巩固;(3)朗读是用清晰,响亮的声音,把书面文字转化为有声语言。 专家建议:(1)早上晨读30分钟1小时;(2)朗读单词、短文、诗歌、课文;诵读名言、格言、警句(epigram);唱英语歌曲;(3) 举办英语晚会,英文歌曲比赛,英文剧表演。,写作内容 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道,并包括如下内容: 1.采访的时间、对象和主题; 2.朗读的重要性; 3.朗读的时间、内容和实践活动。,基础写作:就“如何才能提高英语口语”的采访 Last Friday, I had an interview with Linguist Professor Zhang about How to Improve Our Oral English. According to Professor Zhang, reading English aloud can not only help us improve our oral ability but also develop our language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is because reading aloud, which is the basis of memory, can make the sound, form and meaning of an English word strengthened and consolidated.,Therefore, the linguist suggested that for thirty minutes or an hour in the morning we should read English words, passages, poems and texts, recite famous English sayings and mottos and even sing English songs. He also recommended that we should hold English evenings, English song competitions, and English drama performances.,读写任务:高中毕业后要不要上大学,写作内容 2009年月12日法制晚报报道“2009年834万应届毕业高中生,报名参加高考的只有750万,有84万人退出高考”,除了外国抢生源和别的原因外,但有些地方掀起了“上大学无用论”。针对这一话题,你班英语老师给你推荐了这篇故事,读后你很受启发,想写一篇演讲稿在班上演讲。 1.以约30个词概括Rose老人上大学的经历; 2.然后以约120个词就“上大学”这个话题进行讨论,内容包括: (1)你觉得究竟是什么鼓励着Rose读完了大学; (2)你对上大学深造的看法; (3)你对中学毕业后的打算。,读写任务:高中毕业后要不要上大学 Rose realized her dream of getting a college education at 87. She became a campus icon, finished the college degree and graduated. She stayed young by finding the opportunity in change. She left no regrets. (35 words) I wonder why Rose couldnt go to college at a younger age, but actually she reached her original dream at 87. Laughing and finding humor, she became a campus icon. Finding every opportunity in change, she finished the college degree. All this lies in her taking such an active attitude towards her life.,For students who finish high school,one of the choices they will have to make is whether to continue higher education. Different people will have different choices of their own,but for me,I think I should attend u


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