必修1英语Unit 1 课时(四) Lesson 4 (含答案)和高考满分作文:智慧知识与德行(47)_第1页
必修1英语Unit 1 课时(四) Lesson 4 (含答案)和高考满分作文:智慧知识与德行(47)_第2页
必修1英语Unit 1 课时(四) Lesson 4 (含答案)和高考满分作文:智慧知识与德行(47)_第3页
必修1英语Unit 1 课时(四) Lesson 4 (含答案)和高考满分作文:智慧知识与德行(47)_第4页
必修1英语Unit 1 课时(四) Lesson 4 (含答案)和高考满分作文:智慧知识与德行(47)_第5页
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必修1英语Unit1课时(四)Lesson4(含答案)和高考满分作文:智慧,知识与德行(47)课时跟踪练(四) Lesson 4一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1She works as an accountant (会计师) in a big company and she deals with figures all day long.2The bus is so crowded (拥挤的) that there is no room to stand.3His sickness (疾病) made him stay in hospital for four weeks!4After the accident, the driver was sent to a nearby (附近的) hospital at once.5Right now Tom is studying Chinese by distance (远程) learning.6He was having a meeting, otherwise (否则) he would have come over to help us.7I heard on the TV that day that there was a forecast (预报) for rain the next day.8Surprisingly, the man died of lung (肺) cancer, but he never smoked.单句语法填空1Church bells rang in the distance; the sound could be easily heard at a distance of two miles.2Its not as hard as I thought.3I met my old friend by chance while shopping there.4What struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.5The doctor thought it would be good for you to have a good rest.6As a matter of fact, all the boys are not interested in playing (play) football.7Dave is such a smart boy that we all like to play with him.8Jims very fond of telling other people what to do.选词填空far away from, be fond of, set free, play with, take a chance, make sure of, crowd in, in the distance1The factory where his father works is far_away_from my hometown.2When traveling in Yunnan Province, visitors always see mountains covered by white snow in_the_distance.3He was_fond_of drawing when he was a child.4He is just taking_a_chance to walk on such a thin rope now.5She tried to sleep, but too many thoughts crowded_in on her.6He said he had done it, but we couldnt make_sure_of it.7All the war prisoners have been set_free.8After he had finished the homework, the boy went out to play_with his little fellows.课文语法填空Debbie is an accountant in a large company in London. She often travels to work by tube. Usually, it is so crowded (crowd) that she cant find anywhere to sit. She often spends all morning checking (check) numbers. For lunch she often gets a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop. She often attends dance classes and goes to the gym in order to get enough exercise. At the weekend she sometimes drives to the countryside with her friends if the weather forecast is good. Debbie and her friends like to go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube. And the fresh air is so good for her lungs.She loves it.Paul lives in a small village in the north of England. He lives and works on the farm. There are many things to do on the farm all day. He works hard to make sure the cows, sheep, pigs and chickens on his farm are free of sickness (sick). In the evening he likes to play with his children. Now he is_studying (study) Chinese by distance learning. When Paul and his family are in London he likes to buy a few cigars. Unfortunately, his wife isnt as fond of them as he is.His children love to ride on Londons red buses and they especially (especial) love to go on the tube!.串点成篇微表达大学毕业(graduate)之后,我的表妹露茜没有回自己的家乡,也没在附近的(nearby)城市工作,而是选择了远离(far away from)家乡的大都市上海就职。换句话说,她的工作地点和她的家乡有很长的一段距离(distance)。因此,她很可能(chances are that)不会经常回去看望自己的父母。最令她感到难过的是(what makes her upset most),每年春节都不能和她父母一起度过。但她真的很喜欢(be fond of)这份工作,要不然(otherwise)她也不会一直待在这个拥挤的(crowded)城市里。After_graduating_from_University,_my_cousin,_Lucy,didn t_go_back_to_her_hometown or_worked_in_the_nearby_cities._She_chose_to_work_in_Shanghai_which_is_far_away_from_her_hometown._In_other_words,_there_is_a_long_distance_between_her_workplace_and_hometown.So_chances_are_that_she_can t_visit_her_parents_very_ often. _What_ makes_her_upset_mostis_that_she_can t_return_to_spend_Spring_Festival_with_her_parents_every_year.She_is_really fond_of_her_job,_otherwise_she_wont_stay_in_the_crowded_city_all_the_time.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空The Town of Pressure and the Town of Pleasure were neighbors but had nothing in common. Residents built walls to_1_ influence from the other town.In Pressure, _2_ struggled to be the very best. When women gave birth, they would _3_ to have the baby with the loudest cry. There was violent competition in every aspect of life. Because _4_ was the index (指数) of success, people were _5_ busy making money, with _6_ for relaxation. Some young people couldnt bear the intensity (强度) and resorted to drink or drugs to escape._7_, in Pleasure, the motto was “As long as you like it, do it.” People grew up without _8_ and _9_ do anything they liked. Children played computer games day and night. At school, teachers didnt _10_ whether students showed up or not. Workers might sit around _11_ sipping coffee and doing nothing. _12_ the lack of regulations, nobody worried about losing their jobs. It was _13_ that mattered. No one had the _14_ thought of moving forward, either for themselves or for the town. The computers they used were the _15_ models from Pressure. Some of the young were addicted to _16_ because of the meaninglessness of their lives.Then, people in the two towns began asking themselves, “What is _17_ for?” But, just before life in the two towns completely _18_, there came a saint Mr Reason. He went from door to door, talking with people and giving advice. People in Pressure learnt to be _19_ with what they had, while people in Pleasure began to make plans. They _20_ the walls between them and built a road to connect the two towns. The towns people came to realise the truth there is no space between Pressure and Pleasure if they dont go to extremes.语篇解读:本文介绍了Pressure小镇和Pleasure小镇两种不同的生活方式,从而说明两个小镇的人们只有互相取长补短,才会拥有真正健康的生活方式。1A.connectBkeepCkeep out Dprevent解析:选C居民们在两个小镇之间建起了墙以阻挡来自另一个小镇的影响。connect表示“连接”,与文意不符,可排除。注意此处的from并非固定短语keep . from .或prevent . from . 中的from,据此可排除B、D两项。keep out指“把挡在外面”,符合语境。2A.everyone BanyoneCnobody Dsomebody解析:选A从下文“There was violent competition in every aspect of life.”及所举的例子可以看出,竞争无处不在,人人都参与竞争。3A.have BlikeCcompete Dtry解析:选C单从搭配来看,四个选项均可与动词不定式结构搭配。但考虑语境可发现,这里的动词不定式表目的,排除A、B两项。因为这是一个处处充满竞争的小镇,所以女人们生孩子时也“竞争谁的孩子哭声最大”,故排除try。4A.health BjoyCchildren Dwealth解析:选D从下文的“busy making money”可推断出,这个镇上的人们以财富的多少作为衡量成功的标准。5A.seldom BalwaysChardly Dsometimes解析:选B从下文“Some young people couldnt bear the intensity .”来看,人们总是忙于挣钱。always“总是”,与语意相符。seldom“很少”;hardly“几乎不”;sometimes“有时”。6A.much time Bno reasonCmany reasons Dno time解析:选D从上文的描述可知,人们总是忙于挣钱,没有时间放松。7A.Meanwhile BOtherwiseCTherefore DBesides解析:选Ameanwhile“与此同时”;otherwise“否则的话”;therefore“因此”;besides“而且,此外”。文章描述的是同一时期两个小镇的不同状态,根据上下文语境应选A项。8A.pleasure BpressureCwork Dhappiness解析:选B从下文的描述可以看出,与Pressure小镇不同,Pleasure小镇是个完全没有压力的小镇。9A.must BneedCcould Ddare解析:选C此处表示“人们可以做任何他们想做的事情”。could“可以,能够”。10A.know BfindCrecognise Dcare解析:选D在学校,老师们不在乎学生来不来上学。care“关心,在乎”。11A.in the morning Bin the eveningCall day long Din the afternoon解析:选C本段是描述Pleasure小镇人人慵懒散漫的样子。工人们可能整天闲坐着喝咖啡,什么也不做。all day long意为“一整天”。12A.Thanks to BRegardless ofCOwe to DAccording to解析:选A从下文来看,他们不担心失去工作是由于没有规章制度。thanks to“由于,幸亏”,符合语境。regardless of“不管,不顾”;according to“根据”;owe to无法表示“由于”,应使用owing to。13A.money BtimeCpleasure Dstress解析:选C这句话使用了强调句型。matter在此处作动词,指“要紧,有关系”。对Pleasure小镇上的人来说,快乐(pleasure)是最重要的。14A.strongest BslightestCmost Dsmallest解析:选B从上文的描述及下文来看,Pleasure小镇上的人只注重追求快乐,全然没有一点儿要求进步的想法。strongest“最强大的”;slightest“最少量的”;most“最多的”;smallest“最小的”。15A.old BnewCbest Dsame解析:选APleasure小镇上的人没有上进心,所以,按照逻辑来推断,他们所用的电脑应该是Pressure小镇的人淘汰下来的。16A.books BworkCmoney Ddrugs解析:选Dbe addicted to“对上瘾”。通过上文的描述可以判断,Pleasure小镇的人不愿工作,不愿读书,不爱赚钱,据此可排除前三个选项。有些年轻人因为感觉生活没有意义而染上吸毒的恶习。17A.pressure BlifeCpleasure Dmoney解析:选B上文描述的是两个小镇的人截然相反的生活方式。结合下一句话中出现的life一词可确定本题的答案。18A.improved BfailedCsucceeded Dlived解析:选B从上文看,两个小镇的年轻人或游走在崩溃的边缘,或生活很茫然,几近失败。本句中的“But”标志着语意的转折。句意应理解为:但是,就在两个小镇的生活完全失败之前,一位名叫“理智”的圣人来到这里。19A.content BsurprisedCpatient Dangry解析:选Abe content with“对感到满意”;be surprised with“对感到吃惊”;be patient with“对有耐心”;be angry with“因而生气”。结合前文的描述,此处应理解为“Pressure小镇的人开始学着对自己所拥有的东西感到满足”,由此确定应选A项。20A.took up Bput downCpulled down Dset up解析:选C两个小镇的人们决定取长补短,因此应是拆除(pull down)两镇之间的墙。take up“占据”;put down“放下,写下”;set up“建立,设立”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about _1_ (be) late for school. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, _2_ some of them looked very anxious and _3_ (disappoint). When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next _4_ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike _5_ (catch) my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused _6_ (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept _7_ (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, “_8_ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear! Its _9_ (I)” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowd of strangers _10_ (sudden) became friendly to one another.答案:1.being2.and3.disappointed4.to5.caught6.to stop7.riding8.Did9.me/mine10.suddenly高考满分作文:智慧,知识与德行智慧是什么?仁者见仁更仁,智者见智更智。它是知识、记忆、能力、经验,它也有情感、逻辑、文化、操守、德行、境界。“刚健笃实,辉光乃新”,一个人的智慧就是培育气象和境界的过程,一个有智慧的人也必然是有着无限阔大的生命境界。智慧之人是由“知识我”、“德行我”再到“宇宙我”。孔子在河川上叹息“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜”;庄子品秋水而明悟“量无穷,时无止,分无常”;牛顿“上帝的苹果”而闻名遐迩;贝多芬一生磨难,而在他的葬礼上奥地利诗人格利尔巴的题词写道,“当你站在他的灵柩跟前的时候,笼罩着你的并不是志馁气丧,而是一种崇高的感情我们只有对他一个人才可以说:他完成了伟大的事业”;近期一位老人褚时健的褚橙大卖,而其背后所折射出的是“人生总有起落,精神终可传承”的智慧之悟。近几日的“东方之星”游轮倾覆,来自人民解放军的海军“蛙人”部队成了众多搜救力量中的尖兵,而蛙人中我的江苏东台乡友东海舰队某防救船大队一级军士长、潜水员丁春东,隐忍着丧父之痛,不顾儿子的高考,奔赴长江沉船救援现场,这不能不说是他的操守使然、道德使然。古今中外,“江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年”,哲人蔚起,智慧辈出。哲人的智慧牵动着芸芸众生之心弦,文人骚客的音符,捕捉着天地之万物,商人的故事又描述出人生之万象。智慧之人,当然需要知识。


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