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*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,THE CORE OF UNIGARDEN 我们的远景使命价值观,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,文化建设规划与步骤,搭建和完善企业文化系统框架,在培养凝聚力、提高员工对价值观的基本理解等方面初步达成共识,工作初见成效,企业文化建设对于UNIGARDEN 价值观的形成维护和员工满意度的提高起到明显成效,企业文化建设为企业发展与规范管理起到明显的支撑带动和推进作用,2009年-2010年,2010年-2011年,2012年及以后,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,我们的核心理念,我们的未来 行业标杆,世界品牌。 品位设计,品味生活。 成为品质、品格、品位的代名词。 装饰精品,世界品牌。,我们的人才观 产品就是人品 说到做到,只讲功劳。 勇担责任,严己宽人 我们忠诚使命,目标明确,全力以赴,永不言败。,我们的使命 让客户“越品味,越品位” 让员工“我家尚,我骄傲” 为客户创造价值,在行业树立标杆。让家尚人以家尚为荣。我们注重环保,热心公益,回报社会。,我们的共同利益 我与大我的平衡。 向市场要发展,向业绩要薪酬。 以客户为中心,追求消费者客户股东员工供应商社会的共同利益。,我们的发展愿景 OUR VISION,我们专注于室内陈设灯饰的创意产业,努力提升自身的设计开发、品质控制、市场营销、资源整合等四种核心能力,利用五至十年的时间,实现营收翻五番,跨地区、跨行业的可持续发展,逐步成为国际一流的灯饰及装饰艺术品上市企业,创造更好效益,实现股东员工的共同发展、共同富裕,公司未来的事业领域、规模及核心能力,坚持灯饰及室内陈设艺术品设计生产销售的创意产业 行业标杆,上市企业,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,我们的使命 OUR MISSION,我们要打破中国制造,质低价廉的怪圈,成为高品质、更佳设计、更高工艺水准的代名词,以设计原创为本,以经典艺术结合时尚生活,成为更具艺术价值的陈设艺术品品牌。我们以公司的更大发展为国家/社会/家庭做出贡献、注重环保、热心公益、回报社会。,我们公司存在的价值和意义,为客户提供具艺术价值、更独特、优质的灯饰及装饰艺术品 提高人们的生活品质及艺术内涵 一盏灯,一个家,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,我们的三个追求,产品就是人品,对外以客户为本,充分了解客户的现实需求与潜在需求,提供满足客户需要的设计和更好的优质的产品及服务; 员工的发展就是企业的发展,崇尚学习,尊重人才,共同创造更广阔的发展空间; 品格就是品牌,对外诚信,争取政府、供应商、客户、金融机构、消费者的充分信赖;对内诚信,保持良好的团队协作关系,实事求是,精准求实。追求消费者客户股东员工供应商社会的共同体利益最大化。 品味通过产品创新、市场创新、管理创新和资源创新,全面提升公司的经营管理水平和技术水平,提高企业的经营活力和凝聚力;,Our Value/Principle/Core,品质,品格,品味,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,服务意识,专业意识,环保意识,敬业意识,成本意识,规范意识,团队意识,乐业意识,基本价值体系,我们的基本价值体系,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,欣赏自己/敬业意识,敬业,就是尊崇自己的职业。 如果一个人以一种尊敬、虔诚的心灵对待职业,甚至对职业有一种敬畏的态度,他就已经具有了敬业精神。 歌德曾经说过:“你要欣赏自己的价值,就得给世界增加价值。” 只要你依然是企业的一部分,就不要诽谤它,不要伤害它轻视自己的企业就等于轻视你自己。如果看到缺点就抱怨,不顾大局,不讲团结,并在不知不觉中养成了抱怨环境、不思改善的习惯,最大的受害者就是自己。 做真正敬业的人,在工作上少一些计较,多一些奉献,少一些抱怨,多一些责任,少一些懒惰,多一些上进心;珍惜自己的工作,并抱着知足、感恩、努力的态度,把工作做得尽善尽美,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,艺无止境/专业意识,专业精神是一种专注、敬业的精神。 对于具有专业主义精神的人来说,专业精神就意味着精益求精、孜孜不倦, 意味着专业技能的不断提高。我们通过专注于装饰艺术领域,对工艺钻深钻透, 使自己成为“工艺精湛”,不可替代的艺术专才。 专业精神还是一种不断创新、不断追求卓越的精神。 行政职务的空间是有限的,专业化的空间却是广阔的, 你尽可以通过自身努力、持续性创新成为某方面的专家, 如财务专家、市场营销专家、产品开发专家, 超越一般的专业水准,形成每个人的核心竞争力与差异化优势。 专业精神更意味着团队整体能力的有效搭配和整合。 只有协作才能实现系统的正常运转。 这正如雷锋所说:“机器由许许多多的螺丝钉连接和固定,才成了一个整体, 才能运转自如,发挥巨大的工作能量”。,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,自得其乐/乐业意识,是什么让你脱颖而出? 心态决定一切!一个人在工作上的态度和思维,对他自己、对企业的影响,甚至超出了他工作技能和经验的影响。 保持快乐! 我们通常仅仅把工作当作自己谋生的手段。就可能会消极怠工,应付差事,很难在工作中保持快乐,也很难真正地、全身心地投入到工作中去。这不但使我们难以全力以赴,也大大限制了我们的创造性和成功的潜力,最终沦为平庸之辈。 寻找工作的乐趣!结合自己的特点和特长,并且尽力把工作做到尽善尽美,才能找到工作的真义并发挥最大的潜能。真正让自己的工作变成一件快乐的事,就会有持续前进的动力。有了乐业思维,令我们对工作充满激情,不断挑战艰巨的任务,使自己的知识和技能持续得到快速提升,最终获得事业上的成功,成就企业以及自己共同的“伟业”!,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,众志成城/团队意识,上下一心,团队是金! 团队不是一个简单的群体,而是具有共同目标、共同责任、共同观念的一支队伍。 主动沟通,积极协作,团队的价值在于:“1+12”;因此每个员工都要有团队精神,在努力完成任务的同时,加强相互间的合作与配合,确保各项业务协调发展。 群策群力,共创佳绩 培养团队观念,实质上是培养整个公司的合作精神和服务精神,以及深层次上的凝聚力。,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,把事情做对/规范意识,规范改变一切!先把事情做对,再作对的事情 我们企业的通病之一就是有令不行、有禁不止、效率低下,互相推诿、互相扯皮现象严重。 改善企业经营就要从领导做起,以高层为表率;强调规范/流程/计划与时间表,按规范/流程作业,减少异常,减少失误,认真做好每一步,精打细算每一分钟;严明纪律,言出必行,对行的结果要审查;必要时应进行机构和组织的调整,从结构上遏制异常/失误/浪费/低效率的产生。 一次规范/高效率的行为很容易,但持续性、习惯性的规范/高效率则需要组织、制度的共同支持,需要管理层长期、不断的监督和督促,直至形成习惯。,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,客户是上帝/服务意识,为他人解决问题就是服务! 我们作为一个制造型企业,只有最具竞争力的成本/最优质产品/最准时的交货及服务才能够吸引并留住客户。 在全员中树立客户观念,即上道工序是下道工序的客户,基层部门是管理部门的客户,我们共同为客户服务。 企业里的每一名员工都应将其它员工当成自己的客户,应该以希望别人对待自己的态度同样地去对待别人。,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,什么是成本意识?,洗手间漏水、没关水龙头、没关灯、浪费物料、有库存又采购、食堂水龙头漏水 大量呆料、物料浪费、螺丝乱丢、满地油漆、饭堂未实行凭卡打饭,打饭未划饭卡、排队太久、插队现象、有家属统一同楼层、改线路、样品间支架浪费、需清理出来转呆料、设施损坏、卷闸门等人为损坏、门锁损坏、买物料要讲质量、如锁质量太差、饭的质量更好可以减少浪费、F2楼水龙头漏水、包装部物料垫片等浪费、纸箱故意损坏、纸箱浪费、乱扔、造成补料、保利龙故意损坏、多料乱扔、 物料乱摆放、找不到重新采购、调油房油漆未封盖造成干固浪费、天拿水浪费、 乱放、保管不善、造成安全隐患、天拿水倒进厕所、布条浪费、报废品未加控制 无单报废、菜价高、出入库管理、E栋热水器浪费、员工用于洗锅碗、洗衣、洗拖把等、污水随意倒、办公室空调不关、包装部损坏电梯门、员工无法上D栋4楼、供应商经生产部上2楼、F栋3/6F路灯开通宵、生产部乱扔物料手套、产品等进化粪池堵塞、栈板需维修,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,工作生活中如何省钱?/成本意识,开源节流,提高效益 开源包括扩大客户群,增加提高交货速度,提高产品质量,提高服务水平和提高产品附加价值等等。节流是指在保证业务健康发展的情况下,节约每一笔可以节约的费用开支。 对于UNIGARDEN来说,开源与节流同样重要,都是进行企业发展的重要法宝。 企业要取得良好的效益,不仅管理者要有强烈的成本意识,员工也必须具备这种意识,并且体现在所有的日常工作和行为当中。 在为汶川地震的捐款中,台湾台塑集团慷慨捐赠1亿人民币,而台塑总裁王永庆却是出名的“小气鬼”曾在多个场合多次强调“节省一元钱等于净赚一元钱”。这就是被业界奉为经典的“王永庆法则”。这种小处节约资源的要求,让台塑集团追求用“较低成本提供更好服务”。 我们的哪些行为在增加成本?我们的哪些行为在降低成本?,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,环境污染/雪灾/海啸/地震/环保意识,人类哪些行为在污染环境? 人类对工业高度发达的负面影响预料不够,预防不利,导致了全球性的 三大危机 : 资源短缺、环境污染、生态破坏 . 人类不断的向环境排放污染物质。 但由于大气、水、土壤等的扩散、稀释、氧化还原、生物降解等的作用。污染物质的浓度和毒性会自然降低,这种现象叫做 环境自净 。如果排放的物质超过了环境的自净能力,环境质量就会发生不良变化,危害人类健康和生存,造成严重环境污染 。 环境污染的分类: 按环境要素分 :大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染。 按人类活动分:工业环境污染、城市环境污染、农业环境污染。 按造成环境污染的性质、来源分:化学污染、生物污染、物理污染(噪声污染、放射性、电磁波)固体废物污染、能源污染。,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,污染/雪灾/海啸/地震/环保意识,环境污染会给生态系统造成直接的破坏和影响,如沙漠化、森林破坏、也会给生态系统和人类社会造成间接的危害,而间接的环境效应的危害比当时造成的直接危害更大,也更难消除。 全球暖化、温室效应、酸雨、和臭氧层破坏就是由大气污染衍生出的环境效应。这 种由环境污染衍生的环境效应具有滞后性,往往在污染发生的当时不易被察觉或预料到,然而一旦发生就表示环境污染已经发展到相当严重的地步。 人类生存环境的质量下降,影响人类的生活质量、身体健康和生产活动。城市的空气污染造成空气污浊,人们的发病率上升等等;水污染使水环境质量恶化,饮用水源的质量普遍下降,威胁人的身体健康,引起胎儿早产或畸形等等。 严重的污染事件带来健康问题,也造成社会问题。随着污染的加剧和人们环境意识的提高,由于污染引起 的人群纠纷和冲突逐年增加。如癌症村/毒奶粉/废料村。 我们有哪些行为正在污染环境?,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,工作理念和模式是工作开展的依据,企业管理,市场营销,业务管理,质量管理,人力资源管理,品牌管理,客户服务,工作理念,工作模式,品质是我们发展的基础,客户就是我们的依靠,未来是从每一张订单开始的,我们生存的基础是质量,说到做到才是人才、 只讲功劳才是激励,打造行业精品、树立金字招牌,关注客户需求、满足客户需求,加强制度化管理,与客户建立长期的伙伴关系,一切为客户服务,下一道工序就是顾客,建立合理科学的激励机制,维护品牌从每个人每一步做起,在第一时间里答复客户,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,发扬历史上传统文化中优良的作风,艰苦奋斗 爱岗敬业,企业成立初期,艰苦奋斗的优良传统都充分地体现了出来,在新的变革中还要继续发扬下去,严谨求实 稳健规范,出口制造行业特点及订单式生产管理使得我们形成了吃苦耐劳的文化氛围,这种踏实的工作作风是不可多得的财富,大局意识 集体主义精神,大局观念、集体主义精神深入人心,只是目前正逐渐被人们淡忘,这种团队意识应重新被召唤起来,纪律观念 克己服从,强调了纪律和服从的重要性,虽然有时甚至到了僵化的地步,但勿庸置疑的是纪律仍将是未来文化的要素之一,奉献精神,奉献精神仍然是要提倡的,但是同时也要考虑到对于奉献精神应给予报偿,这样才能调动更多人的奉献,安全意识,行业的特殊性要求我们时刻不忘安全的重要性,这一点在将来仍然是必须坚持的,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,改进不足与缺失部分 建立适应形势的文化,坚持不懈的 学习精神,灯饰及艺术装饰品行业的竞争本质是人才的竞争,而坚持学习与创新精神是新时代工艺人才的特点之一,居安思危的 危机意识,利益和短期的困难麻痹了部分员工的斗志,只有无时不在的危机意识才能够帮助我们正视面临的挑战,人才为本,在大部分同行企业硬件条件相差无几的竞争环境下,专才是决定胜负的关键,尊重人才,提供更好的发展空间,内部竞争与 外部竞争,培养竞争意识不仅是指在外部市场的竞争,同样指企业内部的人才竞争,能则上,不能则下,业绩决定地位。,客户第一的 服务精神,制造业从本质上说是一种服务业,只有牢记客户第一,才能不断创新地为客户提供增值服务,才能巩固自己的产业地位,从而推动企业快速发展,共同价值-六赢,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or disclosed in any form to any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Unigarden. Unigarden respects the intellectual property rights of others.,个人发展,总经办,业务2课 2,装配课 11,业务6课 2,设计课 2,业务5课 2,出纳 1,物业管理 课 8,业务3课 2,工程课 7,业务4课 3,样品室 1,总帐会计 1,销售部,业务1课 3,成本会计 1,人力资源 课 2,出货控制 课,业务7课 2,品质部,管理部,IPQC,QC,IQC,文控中心,开发部,财务部,QE,品保课,品管课,生管部,物料组,精品组 11,品质部组织结构图,股东会/董事会,总经理,中国市场部,专业地产部,总部职能部门,海外市场部,产品研发部,人力资源部,财务部,品牌推广部,ART&MORE GALLERY,加盟/代理商,SAVOIR FAIRE,HOMEXPO,GARDEN EXPO,BAIGUODONG ART DISTRICT,THE LAMPS FACTORY,ART&MORE USA,HOME CRAFTS,UNIGARDEN,物业管理部,生产部,出货船务部,品保部,ART&MORE CHAIN-STORE,UNIGARDEN RESORT,ART&MORE DUBAI,ART&MORE EUROPE,总经办,BECOMFORT HOME HOME,内外兼修 传承经典,*Copyright 2008 Unigarden Corporation. The designs are the property of Unigarden Corporation. They are for the sole use of designated employees of Unigarden as well as certain authorized business partners and shall not be reproduced, disseminated, or di


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