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,使用镍基焊材的高效焊接 High Efficiency Welding With Nickel Based Consumables,Evan Hinshaw, IWE Sam Kiser David Ma SMC国际超合金集团 焊接产品公司 Special Metals Welding Products Co.,铸铁焊接也可以高效吗? High Efficiency Cast Iron Welding?,以前的铸铁焊接技术 Previous Cast Iron Welding Techniques,铸铁冶炼技术的进步改善了这种材料的可焊性 Advances in Cast Iron Metallurgy Improving the Weldability,以前铸铁材料的等级 Previous Cast Iron Material Grades 可锻铸铁 Malleable Iron 灰口铸铁或片状碳素铸铁Gray Cast Iron or Flake Graphite Cast Iron 白口铸铁 White Cast Iron 新型铸铁 Newer Grades of Cast Iron 塑性铁铸铁或球墨铸铁 *Ductile Iron Cast Iron or Nodular Cast Iron 高硅钼塑性铸铁 Silicon Molybdenum Ductile Irons 国际镍公司(INCO)49年专利 Intl Nickel Company (INCO) 1949 Patent SMC国际超合金公司是以前INCO公司的一个分部Special Metals was formerly an INCO Company,球墨铸铁(在铁素体片中的球状碳素) Nodular Cast Iron (Spheroidal Graphite in a Ferritic Matrix),铸铁焊材的演变与发展 Evolution of the Cast Iron Consumable,氧/乙炔焊材:Oxyacetylene Welding Consumables - 铜基钎焊材料 Copper Based Brazing Consumables 手工电弧焊(MMA)Manual Metal Arc (MMA) - 含重量百分比为95%镍的焊条NI-ROD99 95 wt% Nickel Covered Electrodes “NI-ROD 99” 药芯焊丝的焊接 Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 埋弧焊(SAW)Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) - 含重量百分比5%-55%镍,其余部分为铁的焊条NI-ROD FC 55 50 to 55 wt% Nickel balance Iron “NI-ROD FC 55” 气体保护焊 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) - 含重量百分比为44%镍,其余部分为铁的NI-ROD 44和44HT 44 wt% Nickel balance Iron “NI-ROD 44 & 44HT”,铸铁产品 CAST IRON PRODUCTS 一般化学成分(按重量百分比计算) NOMINAL CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (wt%),用比重百分比为44%的镍焊材进行全自动焊接 Fully Automated Welding with 44 wt% Nickel GMAW Consumables,汽车排气系统的应用 Automotive Exhaust Applications,汽车排气系统的应用 Automotive Exhaust Applications,汽车排气系统的应用 Automotive Exhaust Applications,其他全自动和半自动铸铁焊接的应用 Other Automated & Semi-Automated Cast Iron WeldingApplications,排水管道环型锁紧接头 Sewer Pipe Locking Collar Tabs 驱动轮道支架的装配 Drive Train to Yoke Assemblies 糖鼓的堆焊层 Sugar Drum Overlays 起重机的提升鼓 Crane Hoist Drums 铸铁管和管板(法兰板)的焊接 Cast Iron Pipe to Flange Welds,电站锅炉“水冷壁”的堆焊 Power Boiler “Water-Wall” Overlays,循环流动床锅炉用INCONEL FM 625 Recirculating Fluidised Bed Boilers INCONEL FM 625,垃圾焚烧炉用的INCONEL FM 72,52,53MD,625和622填充 金属 Waste to Energy Boilers INCONEL FM 72, 52, 53MD,625 and 622 Filler Metals,燃煤低氮氧化物锅炉用的 INCONEL FM 622 Coal Fired Low NOx Boilers INCONEL FM 622,燃烧高效锅炉 Coal-Fired Utility Boiler,燃烧区,烟气排出,625合金气体保护弧焊焊接复合锅炉管(横截面图),自动“沃尔特壁”堆焊工艺 Automated Walter-Wall Overlay Process,典型的“水冷壁”堆焊 Typical Water-Wall Overlay,形成一致且稳定的焊弧所需焊丝(盘状焊丝)的关键性能 Key Wire Properties for Consistent and Stable Welding Arc (Spooled Wire),良好的屈服和拉伸性能 Optimized Yield & Tensile Properties 浇铸并形成螺旋状 Cast & Helix 清洁(内部和外部)Cleanliness (External & Internal) 表面粗糙度或摩擦力,这会影响焊丝进入送线管和焊炬内腔的能力。Surface Roughness or Friction which affects the ability of the wire to be fed through the cable and torch liners. 残余元素控制(关键!)Residual Elements Control (KEY!),镍基焊接消耗材料堆焊的化学分析(重量百分比) Chemical Analysis (Wt%)of Overlay Nickel Based Consumables,腐蚀速率的比较 Corrosion Rate Measurements,550oC 烟灰中的含量 Ash Content 20.0% 氯化锌 ZnCl2 40.9% 氯化铅 PbCl2 21.9% 氯化钾 KCl 17.2% 氯化钠 NaCl Net 41.7% 铬 Cl-,样品暴露在氮气+10%氧气+10%二氧化碳+20%水+1500ppm氯化氢+300ppm二氧化硫共336小时 Exposure for 336 Hours in N2-10%O2-10%CO2-20%H2O-1500ppm HCl-300 ppm SO2,烟气脱硫 Flue Gas De-Sulphurization (气体洗涤设备) (Gas Scrubbing Equipment),典型的烟气流程 Typical Flue Gas Schematic,烟气,湿石灰石洗涤,商业级石膏,补水,增压器,过滤设备,储罐,石膏,回收水箱,废水处理,空气,带烟气处理设备的电厂 Power Plant with Flue Gas Equipment,早期的尝试 Early Attempts 使用非金属衬里 Using Non-Metallic Linings,橡胶衬里粘贴性较差,同时在维修钢结构时易燃 Rubber Linings Lacked Adhesion and were Flammable During Repair of the Structural Steel 丙烯酸基涂料由于粘贴力差以及与钢的热膨胀系数不同而逐渐被淘汰 Acrylic Based Coating Eventually Failed by Poor Adhesion & Differences in Coefficient of Expansion Properties of the Steel,目前使用的复合金属做衬里 Current Methods of Cladding Metallic Linings,在维修结构钢时没有可燃物质 No Flammable Issues When Repairing Structural Steel. 高效的气保焊和钨极氩弧焊以及新开发的材料使得在FGD安装和更新中使用镍基合金更符合经济原则 Highly Efficient Metallic Lining Methods GMAW & GTAW with Materials that have been Developed which Provide Improved Cost Effectiveness of Nickel Alloys for FGD installations and retrofits.,原子能工业 Nuclear Power Industry,INCONEL FM 82 INCONEL WE 182 INCONEL FM 52 INCONEL WE 152 INCONEL FM 52M INCONEL WE 152M,新产品的发展过程 Progression of Product Innovation,从上世纪50年代到80年代,使用INCONEL 600&600T的合金材料以及INCONEL 82填充金属和182焊条。 1950s 1980s INCONEL 600 & 600T as well as INCONEL Filler Metal 82 & Welding Electrode 182 70年代末发现了晶间应力腐蚀开裂的问题,以及开始研究解决的方案。 Late 1970s intergranular stress-corrosion-cracking (IGSCC) was encountered & researched. Corriean,Briant&Hall,EPRI开始研究铬和防开裂能力之间的关系。 Corrieau, Briant & Hall, EPRI researched the relationship of chromium vs. cracking resistance.,SMC公司用含30%铬的合金来解决应力开裂的难题 Special Metals Solves the Stress Corrosion Cracking with 30% Cr Alloys,含30%铬的INCONEL690合金被推向市场 INCONEL alloy 690 with 30% Chromium was introduced. 90年代SMC公司开始推广INCONEL52填充金属和152焊条 1990s Special Metals Welding Products Company introduced INCONEL Filler Metal 52 and Welding Electrode 152 90年代末期,美国海军研究小组在使用30%铬焊丝时发现不寻常的固态开裂 Late 1990s USA Naval research team discovered unusual solid-state cracking with 30% Cr welding wire . (“冷开裂”或者“延展性下跌开裂”) (“cold cracking” or ductility dip cracking),最新发展出一种能具有更强大防开裂能力的含30%铬的焊接材料。Newly Developed More Crack Resistant 30% Chromium Welding Products,可以用于钨极氩弧焊,气保焊和埋弧焊工艺的INCONEL 52M 填充金属 INCONEL Filler Metal 52M for GTAW, GMAW, and SAW processes 可用于手工弧焊的INCONEL 152M 焊条 INCONEL Welding Electrode 152M for MMA Welding,SMC公司最新改进的30%铬焊丝的优点Benefits of the New Modified 30% Cr Special Metals Welding Products,从根本上增强了防止冷开裂或延展性下跌引来的开裂 Substantially more resistance to cold cracking or DDC 具有更强的防止根部开裂的能力 Much more resistant to root cracking 超卓的防止热(固化)开裂的能力 Excellent hot (solidification) cracking resistance 极大的减少了漂移物,掺杂物,和产生裂隙的情形。 Significantly reduced “floaters”, inclusions, & porosity.,在油、气工业中的应用 Oil & Gas Industry Applications,潜水球阀 Subsea Ball Valves 法兰面堵塞 Flange Face Build-up 复合管生产中的内外径的堆焊 I.D. & O.D. Pipe Overlays for Production of Clad Pipe 井口使用的仪器和工具 Well Head Instrumentation and Tooling 石油钻探设备张开吊杠和配水管 Oil Rig Flare Booms and Service Water Piping,镍合金高效焊接中的关键点 KEY POINTS for High Efficiency Welding with Nickel Alloys,焊接工艺的选择与所使用的焊接耗材密切相关 Welding Process is only as good as the


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