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社会创新与社会组织发展 Social Innovation and Development of NGOs,王 名 Wang Ming,2008.12.4,要 点 Outline,社会改革和社会创新面临的问题 The problems faced by social reform and social innovation 社会组织的发展过程和发展趋势 The development history and trend of NGOs,社会改革和社会创新面临的问题 The problems faced by social reform and social innovation,社会改革的必然性 Inevitability of social reform 社会创新的基本命题 Basic propositions of social innovation 社会改革和社会创新面临的难题 Difficulties in social reform and social innovation,1.1 社会改革的必然性 Inevitability of Social Reform,社会改革 Social reform,Political reform,Economic reform,社会改革 Social reform,1.2 社会创新的基本命题 Basic Propositions of Social Innovation,单位体制瓦解 Disintegration of organization system 事业单位改革 Reform of public institutions 社会团体改革 Reform of social organizations 人民团体改革 Reform of peoples groups 后门关系失灵 Failure of backdoor practices 社会诚信丧失 Loss of social creditability,社会重组 Social reconstruction 社会组织发育 Development of NGOs 社区建设 Community building 公民参与 Citizens participation,Abolish the old,Establish the new,Abolish the old system of social governance,Abolish the old mode of social organization,Abolish the old form of social capital,Adapt to the development of market economy,Adapt to the orientation of political reform,Adapt to the needs of civil society,1.3 社会改革和社会创新面临的难题 Difficulties in Social Reform and Innovation,旧体制已适应市场经济 The old system has already adapted to the market economy,适应市场经济的旧体制处于寡头垄断地位 The old system that has adapted to the market economy holds an oligarchic position,旧而不破 It is old but hard to be abolished; 新而不立 It is new but hard to be established; 新溶于旧 The new then mixes with the old; 新而无创 Hence no innovation is made,Difficulties in abolishing the old,Difficulties in establishing the new,Difficulties in innovation,社会组织的发展过程和发展趋势 Development Process and Trend of NGOs,社会组织的界定与公民社会的含义 The definition of NGO and meanings of civil society 中国社会组织的发展历程 The development history of Chinese NGOs 中国民间组织发育和发展的社会基础 The social basis for the growth and development of Chinese NGOs 中国走向公民社会的发展道路 The development path of China toward civil society,一.社会组织的界定与公民社会的含义 1. The definition of NGO and Meanings of Civil Society,社会组织定义 The definition of NGO 社会组织概念图示 Illustration of the concept of NGO 社会组织基本属性 Basic properties of NGO 社会组织一般分类 General classification of NGO 公民社会含义 Meanings of civil society,社会组织定义 The Definition of NGO,概称在社会转型过程中由各个不同社会阶层的公民自发成立的、在一定程度上具有非营利性、非政府性和社会性特征的各种组织形式及其网络形态。这些组织中通常包括各种冠以“学会”、“研究会”、“协会”、“商会”、“促进会”、“联合会”等名称的会员制组织,以及包括基金会和各种民办学校、民办医院、民办社会福利设施等各类公益服务实体在内的非会员制组织。 NGO refers to various organization forms and their networks which are established by various social classes and are non-profit, non-governmental and social to some extent. They include the membership organizations which are titled society, academy, association, chamber of commerce, promotion council or federation and non-membership organizations such as foundations, private schools, private hospitals and private social welfare facilities, etc.,社会组织概念图示 Illustration of the Concept of NGO,State,Market,Society,NGO in the broad sense 1 Including: Grassroots community organizations Rural professional cooperatives Registered NPCs Foreign NGCs in China,NGO in the broad sense 2 Including: peoples groups public institutions,NGO in the broad sense 3 Including: Social Enterprises,NGO in the narrow sense Including: social groups Foundations Private non-enterprise organizations Chamber of commerce,社会组织基本属性 Basic Properties of NGO,非营利性 Non-profit 不分配约束:不得从财产及运作中获得利益; Non-distribution: obtaining no benefit from assets and operation; 非牟利控制:具备有效规避较高风险与较高回报的自我控制机制; Non-profit: having self-regulatory mechanism which can avoid relatively high risks and gain relatively high returns effectively; 财产保全限制:不得以捐赠以外的其它方式变更财产及其产权结构。 Asset preservation: prohibited from modifying the assets and ownership structure by other means than donation. 非政府性 Non-governmental 自主、自治和独立性,是自主决策、自治管理的独立实体; Self-determined, self-governed and independent: they are independent entities enjoying independent decision-making power and autonomous governance. 民主、公开和社会性,是民主治理、公开透明的开放组织; Democracy, openness and sociality: they are open, transparent and democratically governed organizations. 非垄断的市场竞争性,是追求核心竞争力、在市场中优胜劣汰的实力组织。 Non-monopolistic market competitiveness: they are organizations pursuing core competitiveness and subject to the market rule of “survival of the best”. 社会性 Sociality 资源的社会性,资源主要来自社会,包括募捐、接受捐赠、申请资助、收取会费等社会资源,以及志愿者等人力资源; Sociality of resources: their resources, including such human resources as volunteers, derive mainly from society by way of soliciting donations, accepting donations, applying for funding, collecting membership fees, etc. 产出的社会性,提供的产品或服务具有较强的利他或公益导向,其受益对象或是不特定多数的社会成员,或是社会上的弱势群体或边缘群体; Sociality of output: their products or services are altruistic and non-profit to a very high degree; their beneficiaries are either disadvantaged groups or vulnerable groups. 问责的社会性,在其运作管理的过程中要受到来自社会及公共部门的问责与监督。 Sociality of accountability: their operation and management shall be subject to accountability and the supervision of society and the public sector.,社会组织一般分类 General Classification of NGO,三大类别 Three Types 社会团体:会员制组织,以人及其社会关系为基础; Social Groups: membership organizations based on people and their social relations; 基金会:非会员制组织,以捐赠及公益财产关系为基础; Foundations: non-membership organizations based on donation and public asset relationship; 民办非企业单位:实体服务机构,直接提供各类社会服务。 Private non-enterprise organizations: entity service organizations providing various social services directly. 最新分类及其含义 Latest Classification and Meanings 民政部参考国际通行统计分类体系并结合我国民间组织发展的特点,于2006年下半年提出了新的分类体系,并用于三类民间组织的年度检查工作。 By referring to the internationally accepted statistical classification system and linking with the development features of Chinese NGOs, the Ministry of Civil Affairs set forth in the second half of 2006 a new classification system, which has been applied to the annual inspection of the three types of NGOs.,2007年新分类图示 Illustration of the New Classification 2007,Sci-tech and research Eco-environment Education Health Social services Culture Sports Law Services for industry and commerce Religion Agriculture and rural development Occupation and employment org. International and foreign-related org. Others,公民社会的含义 Meanings of Civil Society,在一个社会中,各种形式的社会组织都能够得到较为充分的发展,它们作为公民自发和自主的结社形式能较容易地获得合法性支持,作为公民及其群体的社会表达形式能多渠道地进行沟通、对话、协商和博弈,作为公民参与社会公共事务的组织制度形式能在公平竞争的条件下得到来自公共部门的资源;公民及其群体因社会组织的存在而增加社会资本,企业等营利组织因社会组织的存在而富有社会责任,党和政府等公共部门因社会组织的存在而更加民主、高效和提高问责能力,整个社会因社会组织的存在而富有和谐性、包容性、多样化和承受力。这样的一种由社会组织的充分发展所带来的社会状态,我们称之为公民社会。 In a society, if all types of NGOs can fully develop, can obtain the legal support quite easily as a spontaneous and independent form of association among citizens, can communicate, talk, consult and compete with each other through multiple channels as a form of social expression of citizens and their groups, and can acquire resources from the public sector on fair and competitive conditions as a form of organization through which citizens participate in the public affairs, and if citizens and citizen groups can enjoy more social capital, such commercial organizations as enterprises can be more socially responsible, and such public sector organizations as the Party and government can be more democratic, efficient and can enhance the accountability, and the entire society can be more harmonious, tolerant, diversified and endurable, all due to the existence of NGOs. We call such kind of state of society which come into being with the significant development of NGO a civil society.,二. 社会组织的发展历程 2. Development History of NGO,30年的总体发展态势 Overall development trend in the past 30 years 第一阶段:民间组织兴起阶段 Stage 1: Emergence of NGO 第二阶段:民间组织的规范管理和新的发展高潮 Stage 2: Regularized management and new development climax of NGO,30年的总体发展态势 Overall Development Trend in the Past 30 Years,Foundations Private non-enterprise organizations Social groups,第一阶段:民间组织兴起阶段 Stage 1: Emergence of NGO,Foundations Associations Societies,第二阶段:民间组织的规范管理和新的发展高潮 Stage 2: Regularized Management and New Development Climax of Private Organizations,Foundations Associations Societies,三.中国民间组织发育和发展的社会基础 3. Social Basis for the Growth and Development of Chinese NGOs,体制变革:民间组织的发生学 Institutional change: Generation science of NGO 公共空间:民间组织发展的内在逻辑 Public space: Intrinsic logic of the development of NGO 集体行动:民间组织发展的阶层基础 Collective action: Social class basis for the development of NGO,体制变革:民间组织的发生学 Institutional Change: Generation Science of NGO,旧体制失灵 Failure of the old system 摸着石头过河 Feeling the way,学会 Societies 研究会 Association 科普协会 Popular science associations 农民专业研究会 Farmers professional assocaition 农村合作基金会 Rural cooperative foundations,Association encouraged,Household contracting,Create extra-system platforms,Let intellectuals play their role,explore extra-system market,Let farmers play their role,公共空间:民间组织发展的内在逻辑 Public Space:Intrinsic Logic of the Development of NGO,从边缘走向核心 From the margin to the core,从自上而下 到上下结合 再到自下而上 From top-down To combination of top and bottom To bottom-up,Margin of the market system,Margin of the state system,Social transformation gives birth to an increasingly big public space and needs,集体行动:民间组织发展的阶层基础 Collective Action: Social Class Basis for the Development of NGO,非主流 Non-mainstream,主 流 Mainstream,Stage 1 Civilians,Stage 2 Elites,Intellectuals,farmers,Political elites,Intellectual elites,Economic elites,四.中国走向公民社会的发展道路 4. Development Path of China toward Civil Society,未来发展的主要影响因素 Key factors that influence future development 中国公民社会的发展道路 Development path of Chinas Civil Society,未来发展的主要影响因素 Key Factors that Influence Future Development,坚定不移推进改革 Unswerving advance of reform 持续稳定经济增长 Steady and stable economic growth 法律法规逐步完善 Gradual perfection of laws and regulations 市场经济走向成熟 Maturity of the mar


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