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Logic Rectification,False Friends & Typical Chinese Expressions,长期生活在种种压力之下在很大程度上将损害个体完成工作的持久性,并导致自我约束行为的失衡。 People who constantly live under these stressors will to a large extent suffer from lessened persistence in accomplishing tasks and an imbalance in the self-restraining of behaviors.,更为重要的是,自我贬低的心理状态严重制约了个体智能和创新性的发展,并进而损害了社会整体的创新能力和福祉,贫困群体不但不能实现自身应有的价值,反而因过度的自我贬低导致其他异常的心理和生理疾病,甚至发展为病态的意识和行为,成为潜在的不安定因素。 Whats worse, the psychological state characteristic of devalued self-images has severe negative effects on individual development in both intelligence and innovation capacity and on the overall capacity of the society in innovation and welfare.,这种不安全感常常导致贫困群体在做出判断和选择时更倾向于保守和谨慎,在参与社会交往和社区活动时则不容易信任他人,也损害了他们承担更多社会责任的意愿。 The poor who are in such a feeling of insecurity tend to be more cautious and conservative while making judgment and decisions, less likely to trust others in social communications and community activities, and thus more frustrated in undertaking more social responsibilities.,而这种忧惧感反过来进一步降低了人们对当下生活的满足程度,也损害了人们努力奋斗、摆脱贫苦的信心与意念。 As a result, the dread about future further reduces peoples sense of satisfaction on their present life and frustrates them to work hard to eliminate poverty. undermines their confidence in and determination of lifting themselves out of poverty by working hard. Undermine: to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages, sometimes tending toward a sudden dramatic effect. to attack by indirect, secret, or underhand means; attempt to subvert by stealth.,对社会救助的长期依赖将极大地损害这部分人群的自主性,使他们通过勤奋学习和努力工作摆脱贫困的意愿降低,造成贫困的累积和代际延续效应。 Besides devastated initiative, long-term reliance on social helping will also lead to heavy reluctance to eliminate poverty via studying and working diligently and finally accumulation of poverty and continual generation effect. Long-term reliance on social helping is detrimental to their self-motivated efforts to get rid of poverty, leads to reluctance to lift themselves out of poverty by studying and working diligently and finally makes it a worse problem for themselves and their children.,贫困的普遍存在和加剧以及不断扩大的贫富差距也成为阻碍我国社会经济进一步发展的重要结构性问题,迫切需要对其成因、现象、特性及规则进行系统的解构,从而增加各种旨在缓解贫困、消除贫困的政策措施的针对性与有效性。 The prevailing serious poverty and the increasingly wider polarization of wealth in China have become key structural obstacles to further social and economical development. Consequently, it is urgent to make a systematic and structural analysis on a range of issues concerning the causes, phenomenon, characteristics and rules of poverty so as to formulate more specific and effective policies and measures to alleviate and finally eliminate poverty.,长期处于贫困这一充满限制与约束 的状态中,个体的认知能力、注意力、自我控制力及感知力都将出现明显的下降趋势,并有较大可能衍生出一种相应的对抗性,形成特定的心理机制。 An individual who suffers from long-term poverty that is restrictive and inhibiting will suffer significant decline in cognition, attention, self-control and perception and will most probably present psychological confrontation and even specific psychological mechanisms.,贫困不仅仅是经济意义上的贫困,也代表了社会参与机会及社会权利行使的严重缺失。 Poverty not only means being impoverished in terms of economic capabilities but also a serious denial of access to social activities and social rights.,因以上两类心理制约因素的存在,贫困群体大多对未来持有一种悲观而忧惧的态度,在描述个人未来生活时倾向于使用“不幸、担忧、迷茫、无可奈何、无能为力”等负面消极的词汇。 The negative psychological factors hereinabove also give rise to pessimistic and worried attitude among most impoverished people, who tend to handle negative wording like “misfortune, worry, wander, unavoidable or incapable“ while describing their future.,经济贫困使贫困群体天然地丧失了与社会其他阶层在同一水平进行竞争的前提和条件,也使贫困群体丧失了绝大部分获得学校教育、专业培训和优越工作以及建立人脉资源、社交网络的机会,由此导致了严重的能力贫困,并反作用于经济贫困,使之进一步恶化。 People in economic poverty have to suffer from a natural deprivation of the premises and conditions to compete with people of other social classes on an equal basis and a consequent deprivation of the opportunities to receive school education, acquire professional training, have privileged jobs and estab


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