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Interpretation,Note-taking skills,记忆方法的训练,一、 脑记。 先听一段,然后用原文复述,不要求逐字逐句过耳成诵,只要讲出大意即可。这有助于训练抓住逻辑主线的能力。强记要注重捕捉语句间的逻辑关系,而不能让字词牵着鼻子,二、 笔记。确实应当在脑记比较成熟的基础上进行。如果你对自己的强记能力很有信心,那么笔记就是一种补充,主要是为了记下一连串的数字及各种名称。这时,因为你有自信,所以不会发慌,听到的东西也不会突然消失。当然,随着年龄的增长,也可在脑记为主的基础上适当增加笔记的份量。在捕捉逻辑关系的同时,凭语感将语句划为若干意群,每个意群一个关键词就够了。注意在讲话人结束讲话前尽量记得多一点,因为往往越到最后记忆越容易出岔。,注意,总之,无论脑记还是笔记,起码得有其中一项让你充满自信。如果你还不到30,增加脑记训练还是必要的。否则,不妨考虑全速练笔,在飞笔中摸索出提炼关键词的规律。假以时日,没什么做不到的。,Note-taking 训练要点,Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.,Symbols helpful in math - these are commonly used in texts and references. S = sum f = frequency Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department,Use entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable. pres = presentation subj = subject ind = individual Use only the first syllable of a word. pol = politics dem = democracy lib = liberal cap = capitalism,Eliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation. assoc = associate biol = biology info = information ach = achievement chem = chemistry max = maximum intro = introduction conc = concentration min = minimum rep = repetition,Omit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word. ppd = prepared prblm = problem estmt = estimate bkgd = background gvt = government,Form the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s. chpts = chapters egs = examples fs = frequencies intros = introductions Use g to represent ing endings. ckg = checking estg = establishing decrg = decreasing exptg = experimenting,2 . Spell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key. Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand. 3. Leave out unimportant words. Leave out the words a and the,4. If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.,5. Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words. & = and w/ = with w/o = without vs = against = therefore = = is or equal at 2 to 4 for resulting in - and / also + equal to / same as = following ff most importantly * less than ,+ 还有,和,此外,而且,以及 - 减少, 不会,没有 = 等于, 相当于 大过,超过,优越于 少于,小于,比不上 减少,下降 增加,上升,上报 逐步增加 逐步下降,减少 向前发展,Ps =提出建议 Pp =提出计划 =跨越 =因为 =所以 =属于 =更加 =总额 =不是;不等于 =波折 =全面, =显著增长、上升、上涨 =显著下降、下跌、滑坡 =来自于、源自、从 =导致、产生 =逐步、缓慢增长 =逐步、缓慢下降 =永恒;永远;一直 =支持 =关于 =过去 =将来 =强势 =困难, 所以, 于是 因为,由于 正确, 同意,好 调换,对调,交流 错误,不行,没有 停止,停泻 国家 国内 ! 注意,警惕 ? 疑问,问题,试验性 - 下划线表示强调。,6. Use technical symbols where applicable. zb = German, for example ibid = Latin, the same work H2O = water,at =advanced technology 先进技术 1/O =import and export 进出口贸易 sc =strengthen the cooperation 加强合作 e/c =exchange and cooperation 交流与合作 pc =promote cooperation 促进合作 scd =sustainable coordinated development 可持续协调发展 ft =foreign trade 外贸 aex =according to the experts 据专家说 em =effective measure 有效措施 nm =new measure/method 新的举措 im =important measure/method 重要举措、方式 rex =rich experience 丰富的经验,Dc =developed countries 发达国家 dc =developing countries 发展中国家 edl =educational level 教育水平 inl =investment level 投资水平 H =health 建康 C =be conducive to 对促进。有积极作用,二、 字母、图像 Z 表示“人”people/person,因为“Z”看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:JZ。 C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, government。governmental official 可以表示为 CZ P 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political。那么politician就可以表示为 PZ E 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. E 数学符号表示总值。 G 表示效率:efficient, effective。G为效率符号,Q 表示“通货膨胀”:inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。 A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。 B 表示商业:business。 C 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation“C”中的“”表示反对,字母“C”将反对的概念缩小为conflict 和 confrontation。 W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它是work的第一个字母。所以WZ就可以用来表示worker, 而W(Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示employee)。 i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。,U U 看酷似一个酒杯,在笔记中表示合同、协议(treaty, agreement)一般只有在谈判成功、协议成交后才会表示“举杯祝贺”。如果在U内填入2,就可以表示为bilateral(双边的), 填入3表示为trilateral(三边的)。填入在U中填入1表示: Unilateralism(单边主义),填入m (multiple) 表示多边主义。如果在U上加一个“/”表示谈判破裂。 O 表示“国家”、“民族”、“领土”等:country, state, nation, etc. gO表示进口,Og表示出口 T 表示“领导人”:leader, head那么head of government, head of company 便可以表示为 CT, 圆圈表示一个圆桌,中间一点表示一盆花,这个符号就可以表示会议、开会等:meeting,conference, negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium k 这个符号看上像条鱼,所以表示“捕鱼业”等合fishery 有关的词汇。 O 圆圈代表地球,横线表示赤道,所以这个符号就可以表示国际的、世界的、全球的等: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc. J 表示开心:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc. L 表示不满、生气unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sad, etc. EO 表示听到、总所周之:as we all know, as is known to all, as you have already heard of, etc. O 表示漠不关心、无动于衷:indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, dont care much, etc.,数学符号 + 表示“多”: many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. +(+2) 表示“多”的比较级:more +3 表示“多”的最高级:most 表示“少”: little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc. 表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念:wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc. 表示“多于”概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc. 表示“高” 概念:superior to,surpass, etc. 表示“少于”概念:less/smaller,etc. 表示“低”概念:inferior to,etc.,= 表示“同等”概念:means,that is to say, in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc. 表示“对手”概念:a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc. ( ) 表示“在之间”:among, within, etc. 表示“不同”概念:be different from, etc. 表示“无敌”概念:matchless, peerless, etc. 表示“大约”概念:about/around,or so, approximately, etc. / 表示“否定”,“消除”等概念:cross out, eliminate, etc,标点等 : 表示各种各样“说”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc. ? 表示“问题”:question,issue,例如:台湾问题:tw? . (dot) 这个“.”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样“.d”表示yesterday, “.y”表示last year, “.2m”表示two month ago。“y”表示this year, “y2.” two year later“next week”, 可以表示为“wk.” 表示转折, 表示“好的“状态,right/good,famous/well-known,etc. 表示“同意”状态,stand up for,support, agree with sb, certain/ affirmative, etc. 表示“重要的”状态:important,exemplary(模范的) best,outstanding,brilliant,etc. n 表示“交流”状态:exchange,mutual, etc. & 表示“和”,“与”:and,together with,along with, accompany,along with,further more,etc. 表示“结束”:end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc.,Example,(1) As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management between Chinese and Americans. / We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due


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