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第一课 听取信息,Getting the Message through Listening,理论与技巧,听力训练:过滤零散信息,抓住关键信息(目的:听懂) 口译听力:听懂的基础上,全面把握信息的整体及细节,以便迅速、完整、流利地用目的语表达(目的:表达),口译理解,听取信息 理解会意 逻辑分析 练习方法:即席原语概述 中文概述:在没有压力的情况下,锻炼迅速组织材料并进行口语表达的能力 英文概述:提高英语听力和英语概述能力,概述难点:,信息组织凌乱 语言表达不连贯 内容漏记 应对策略: 不拘泥于原语的遣词造句 关注整段话的逻辑关系 抓住主干信息,技巧训练,Ways to address people by title: Mr. Present; Madam President; Mr. Chairman; Madam Chairperson,1.3 美国副总统复旦演讲,韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。 感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学99年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。,1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University,Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few.,As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton, “At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, its students have played a crucial role.”,I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonalds fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that todays seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.,译员须知礼仪常识,外在形象:大方得体 (正式场合下,男:西装领带、礼服;女:套装套裙、礼服) 坐姿站态、举手投足:落落大方,克制收敛 忌:过分紧张/过分放松 握手礼仪:等对方先伸手;简短有力;了解并尊重不同国家的传统见面礼节,交谈技巧 尽量避免长时间与一方交谈,怠慢另一方 停顿时简短解释,以免对方尴尬,甚至误解 会谈中的沉默或尴尬时刻,译员即兴引出话题,让谈话进行下去,日积月累-欢迎套语,我谨代表,欢迎大家来到 On behalf of,I am delighted to welcome all of you 我十分荣幸地欢迎大家来到 Im honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you 我非常高兴地欢迎各位出席 It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to 我谨代表,对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎 It is my pleasant duty to extend to you a cordial welcome on behalf of,我们非常荣幸的欢迎大家出席 It is a real honor and privilege for us to welcome you to 我代表,非常荣幸地欢迎大家的到来,尤其是来自的贵宾们 It is with a profound feeling of pleasure and privilege that, on behalf of, I extend a hearty welcome to you all, especially to the distinguished guests from 作为本届研讨会的主席,我十分高兴和荣幸地欢迎各位出席今天的大会。 As the chairperson of this symposium, I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this international meeting.,欢迎各位参加 May I welcome all of you to 我代表,对前来参加的各位朋友表示热烈地欢迎 On behalf of,I bid a warm welcome to you all gathered here to participate 首先,我对各位朋友的到来表示欢迎 May I begin by welcoming you to,Learn:,pluck moisture hairy divert arch-shaped irritate frown to name but a few,Assignment,1.5 Speech at inauguration of new facility,各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好! 欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动! 我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!” 公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。,新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。 各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使我们的业务更上一层楼。 各位经销商,我们将继续向你们提供尖端的高质量产品,以协助你们做好客户支持,改善中国和东南亚许许多多人士的生活。 各位邻居和朋友,我们将成为良好的企业公民,与各位同行一起维护在中国开展业务的规范性。 最后,我们承诺给员工们提供一个安全、舒适的工作环境。 再次感谢各位与我们共同庆祝今天的典礼!,Fat Tuesday,路易斯安那州的油腻星期二(Fat Tuesday) 那个城市拥有最着名的油腻星期二庆典?纽奥良。Mardi Gras即法文的油腻星期二之意,它于圣灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)的前一个星期二举办,是一个大型的庆祝活动。圣灰星期三是大斋期(Lent)的第一天,而大斋期则是许多基督徒进行绝食及悔过的象征性的时期。油腻星期二的前二个星期是节庆的峰期。当地的第一个嘉年华团体krewes创始于1857年,负责举办一连串的舞会及游行。而有幸参与花车游行者会穿上他们的主题服饰,然后自精心设计的花车上向旁观者丢掷许多珠串项炼及其他的首饰。Laissez les bon temps rouler!是庆典中最常听到的一句法国话,它的意思是让欢乐时光继续下去吧(Let the good times roll!)。,第2课 逻辑分析,纵向分析:分清关键信息和辅助信息,找出逻辑层次 横向分析:明确各信息点之间的逻辑关系,如因果关系、对比关系、举例说明等。 逻辑分析的目的是为了透彻理解,对信息的点(details)、线(relationship)、和面(complete impression)进行全面的把握,以便于记忆和表达。,纵向分析要求进行逻辑分层训练,听完一篇讲话后首先概括讲话的中心内容,这是逻辑的最上层(main ideas)。围绕这一中心问题谈了哪几方面的内容(topic sentence);每个方面的具体内容是什么(details)。 横向分析要求找逻辑关系。逻辑关系模式有概括(generalization)、分类(classification)、因果(cause-effect)、对比对照(compare & contrast),按顺序(squencing)、例举(simple listing)、提出问题-解决问题(problem-solution)。 找线索词汇(见课本) 练习2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.3 大提琴家马友友,今天将与我们见面的是我们这个时代最伟大的大提琴家-马友友。作为大提琴演奏家,马友友的职业生涯已经横跨了20多个年头,期间他发布了50多张专辑。他的音乐获得过许多奖项,其中包括令人叹服的14项格莱美大奖。他也曾经在许多重要的场合演奏,如格莱美的颁奖仪式和奥运会的庆典活动。 马友友是出生在法国的华裔,父母都是音乐家,母亲是歌唱家,父亲是作曲家。第一次正式登台演出的时候,马友友只有5岁。随后他随家人迁居到了美国。4年后,年仅9岁的马友友就在纽约极具声望的卡耐基音乐大厅登台演出了。后来马友友进入朱莉亚音乐学院学习提琴演奏。从那儿他转入哈佛大学,并获得人类学学位。他在哈佛的求学经历以及多元的文化背景都造就了今天的马友友。 而今,马友友仍在继续他的音乐之路,并且积极地与来自世界各地的各种流派的音乐家合作。他的音乐灵感受到人和大自然的激发。在马友友看来,大提琴是他声带的延伸。他演奏时最重要的一点就是全时全情地投入,并且努力将音乐的内容传递给现场观众。,2.4 CNN Interview with Jet Li,CNN 记者:祝贺英雄所取得的成功。请问您在英雄里扮演的角色是否与你通常演的角色很相似呢? JL: It is a very special part and a very special movie. I think its one of the most important action movies in my life. CNN 记者:为什么你会这样说呢?你演过近30部电影,而英雄是如何与其他影片不同的呢? JL: Usually action films have a formula: a child whose parents have been murdered by the bad guys tries hard to learn martial arts and he grows up into an outstanding Kongfu master. He takes revenge and kills the bad guys. But “Hero” has a much broader theme.,CNN 记者:就比如很像卧虎藏龙? JL: No, its totally different. I think Ang Lee is a very talented director. He uses martial arts to talk about love and girls, you know But Zhang Yimou tries to tell about Chinese culture, Chinese thinking and their hopes through martial arts. CNN 记者:含义的确很深。我们知道您的处女作是1979年拍摄的少林寺,那时你还是个十几岁的少年。影片在亚洲引起了轰动,并且还加拍了两部续集。我想问的是,您是如何从一位武术冠军成为一名好莱坞的动作明星的? JL: I think the most important thing is that when I was young, I learnt martial arts, that is my special key. I can use my unique martial arts skills in the film. But after a few years, I really want to do something different like using martial arts to talk about peace and achieve peace.,CNN 记者:这听起来似乎是矛盾的,对吗?您是一个打斗专家,但您却要谈和平? JL: Thats right, because Chinese culture is not just martial arts. Thats only the physical part. Its not true that the Chinese people are all Kongfu masters and can just beat up people; and that they have no brains, no thoughts. As a matter of fact, we have a deep, strong and sophisticated philosophy. I feel I have the responsibility to share this information with the worldwide audience.,第3课 口译记忆的难点,长时记忆(long-term memory) 短时记忆(short-term memory) 工作记忆(working memory) 短时记忆和长时记忆的结合,以短时记忆为主,加上长时记忆中被激活的部分。,口译记忆困难的原因,1.短时记忆的局限(7个左右的信息单位chunk, 保留时间短) 2.长时记忆中储存的信息处于不活跃状态。如果口译中碰到的是熟悉的内容,长时记忆容易被激活,如果是比较生疏的则理解就会费时费力,记忆效果也会大打折扣。,3.心理压力大(stage fright) 对策: 1.集中精力,积极的听对信息进行深度加工。 2.进行口译前做好充分的准备,与大会组织者保持联络,索取尽可能多的与会议有关的材料,提前做好准备。 3.在实践中逐渐提高心理素质,3.3 史蒂夫 福布斯谈福布斯,我祖父20世纪初来到美国。他离开英格兰时身上没什么钱。连他在内兄弟姐妹10人,不过他自小就受到很好的教育。像许多人一样,他也是满怀憧憬和理想来到美国的。他创办了福布斯杂志,报道那些实干家,那些改变商业社会的人。 我祖父常说,做生意不是堆积百万财富,而是为带来幸福快乐。如今我们讲到公司、经营,文章中会用到许多数字,但焦点一直放在人上面。对公司来说,最重要的是人,而不是资产负债表。以前我祖父是这样看的,我们现在也是这样看的。 当前的世界信息泛滥,足以将人淹没,人们迫切需要一本刊物来解读这些信息,告诉读者哪些重要,哪些不重要。这就是福布斯的价值所在。我们提供额外的视角和判断。我们从不停留于表面,总想看看公司到底是如何经营的,正是当今芜杂繁多的信息使得福布斯日益重要。,3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company,Distinguished guests, dear friends, I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference. Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts. Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50; now the figure is 1,700. Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of 4,500 square meters; now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters. These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success.,Our leading products are various architectural exotic European cathedrals, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the Pentagon in the U.S., along with cartoon animal toys and Christmas gifts with a variety of designs. Our designs have become trend setters in the industry. Nowadays, our products are sold worldwide in more than twenty countries including Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany. They are well received by both local importers and customers. For fifteen years our output value has manifested an annual growth rate of 30%.,3.5 财富500强,45年来,财富杂志一直给美国的大公司排名,这就是一年一度的“财富500强”,有时也将前面的100名成为“财富100强”。上榜的公司基本上都是头年收入名列前茅的美国本土公司。财富杂志根据上市公司的公开数据来计算收入,未上市的公司没有列入,因为它们的股票没有公开发行。国外公司在美国的分公司也不参与排名。 “财富500强”公司是美国规模最大、利润最多、实力最强的公司。论收入,即使500强排名最后的公司也是才大气粗,如去年排名最末的公司收入也超过30亿美圆。 除了介绍美国公司的“财富500强”之外,财富杂志还推出了“全球500强”,给各国的上市公司排名。当然,由于美国经济在全球经济中的主导地位,许多“财富500强”的美国公司也高居“全球500强”排行榜。 财富杂志也推出其他排名,如“100家受雇条件最佳公司”、“100家增长最快的公司”等。比较各种排名看看哪些公司重复上榜,是很有意思的事情。比如,在“100家受雇条件最佳公司”榜上排名第一的公司可能根本不在“财富500强”之列,而排在“财富500强”和“全球500强”前列的公司,却上不了“最受人尊敬的公司”排行榜。也许甲壳虫乐队说得对爱是不能用金钱买来的。,提高口译记忆效率,对信息进行逻辑分析。信息逻辑化的方法对分析、论证、推理的语篇尤其有效。 信息视觉化:人类的记忆信息中70%-80%的信息是视觉性的,视觉化要求我们在脑中形成对信息的整体图像,不仅用耳朵“听”到信息,而且彷佛同时“看”到了语言所描述的内容。视觉化也是一种缩小信息占用记忆空间的有效办法,它将信息细节完整地糅合起来,把对零散文字的记忆变成对一个整体图像的记忆,记忆负担因此能够得到很大的缓解,记忆也能更加深刻。对描述性、叙述性的语篇,视觉化的方法尤其有效。,4.3 西敏斯特大学介绍,非常感谢你们的盛情款待,我们很高兴来到这里。今天很不巧,校长没法来,我谨代表他介绍一下我校的情况。 西敏斯特大学成立于1838年,是英国第一所工科大学,所以我们学校有着悠久的历史。我们的主校区位于英国首都伦敦的中心地带。目前我们的学生来自132个不同国家,人数超过22,700. 所以西敏斯特大学是全英最受国际学生欢迎的15所大学之一。 我们有教师700多人,还有来自各国的客座讲师1000余人。学校的国际环境为学生日后将要面临的职业生涯打下良好的基础,我们的目标是提供国内和国际环境下高品质的教育和科研。 我们是一所现代大学,在传播、文化和媒体研究、法律、亚洲研究、语言学、艺术设计(包括音乐)、电子工程、政治与国际关系方面占据领先地位,我们的主要学科均获得高度认可。 我们真诚希望与贵校建立交流合作项目。,4.4 Preserve core values of the Lunar New Year,To people of Chinese descent around the world, the Lunar New Year (also called Spring Festival) is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. Dating back 3,000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and welcomes a new year. The reunion dinner, eaten on New Years Eve, is the most special, with members of the extended family gathering for the most significant meal of the year. Even the absent members will endeavor to return home in time for it. It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aims at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.,The way people celebrate the New Year embodies two important core values. The first value is the sense of family togetherness; members of multi-generation families are all there to have a big reunion dinner. Everyone will follow this custom. The female members are always held responsible for preparing the dinner, and some rich families may take on extra hands. The second value lies in the happy visits mutually made between friends and relatives, a good way to strengthen kinship and friendship.,However, economic development has resulted in some changes in lifestyles. After a busy year, people are tired of preparing for the reunion dinner, and would rather hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs. The festival door-to door visits have given way to New Year greetings via telephone or text messages. Some families even go to such extremes as to travel and seek temporary refuge in a hotel so as to avoid being visited.,Some tradition-minded people regard the reunion dinner and visits to relatives and close friends during the New Year as core values, without which the holiday would lose much of its significance. Some pessimists contend that, as the popularity of western culture grows, Chinese traditional festivals gradually lose their original meaning and degenerate into commercial festivals like Christmas. The Spring Festival is an important part of the Chinese cultural heritage, and it will continue to be celebrated. The modes of celebration may change, but the core value should be sustained: that of respect for kinship and friendship.,4.5 中英教育交流,Q: My question is about educational exchanges. You mentioned in your speech that there are large numbers of Chinese students studying in Britain. As we know, it is extremely difficult to get a scholarship in a British university. But the tuition fees for international students far exceed these for home students. So we can not help wondering about the motivation of British universities in enrolling Chinese students. Is it to promote educational exchanges with China and to liven up campus life in Britain, or just for a commercial purpose? Thank you.,A: 这实际上是出于多种考虑。我不否认有商业考虑,办大学也要花钱,不过教育交流是主要目的。奖学金难申请是因为钱要政府出,有时候纳税人有意见,说政府应该把奖学金给本国学生而不是外国学生。所以很困难。 但我们现在已经在扩大奖学金范围。事实上,过去几年,中国学生来英国留学生人数大大增加了,这说明奖学金难归难,你们还是有办法来留学的。 我想教育交流在未来会非常重要,我也希望,每一次外国学生来英国学习,回去时就像是一个英国大使,到他的国家为我们宣传,不管是在中国,俄罗斯还是哪个国家。所以我们在扩大教育规模,吸收更多海外留学生。所以你们继续申请奖学金,我们会尽力帮助的。,Q: Mr. Blair, welcome to Tsinghua University. I was deeply impressed by your support for Sino-British educational exchanges, but I was also sorry to learn that some universities in northeastern Britain have decided to cancel the major of Chinese Culture and Language, among them the University of Durham. Will this affect cultural and educational cooperation between our two countries? If so, what is your solution?,A: 讲到学校的课程,既然我听说了这件事,我打算回去看看究竟,不过大学做出这样的决定原因很多,也许是经济原因,或者是他们面临某种困难,这也是时有的事。要把想做的事都办成,钱总是不够的。不过我可以向你保证,我们会一如既往地欢迎中国学生来英国学习,就算杜伦大学没有合适的专业,其他大学也肯定有。,口译笔记技巧,口译笔译的技巧是译员应该掌握的一项核心技能。 1.为什么记? 口语发布速度快,信息量大,转瞬即逝, 短时记忆容量有限,持续时间短。即使是记忆力异常出色的译员,也无法长时间地单纯依靠记忆来记住信息,因此必须要借助于笔记。,2.口译笔记的功能是什么? 口译笔记是译员记忆的延伸和补充,记录得当的笔记能减轻译员工作时的记忆负担,保证工作质量,确保信息的完整、准确。 3.脑记与笔记的关系? 译员在口译过程中应以脑记为主,笔记为辅,笔记不应也不可能取代笔记。译员应切忌为了记笔记而记笔记,而将脑记的主导地位忘掉。 4.口译的笔记应该记什么? 译员应该在脑记的基础上将新信息,重要信息记录下来。 A.应记新信息(new information),而不是旧信息(given information),5.口译笔记的特点是什么? 即时,简短,个性化 6.口译的笔记应该怎么记? 1)结构安排 A. 采用纵向、阶梯式缩进结构。 B.结构要宽松,多分行 C.左右各留出一定边距。 D.横线明确结束。,2)记录方法 A. 多用符号和缩略语,用最少的符号代表尽量完整的意义。 口译的笔记应具有整体性的效果,符号和缩写应构成有意义的整体,而不是孤立的。笔记时切忌防止出现笔记欺主的现象出现。 常用缩略语: i. 汉字用最少笔画表示完整意义 改革开放-改 计划生育政策-计生 社会保障体系社保,ii.熟悉英语的缩略语 NPC全国人民代表大会 CPPCC政协 SOE-国有企业 GAC-General Administration of Customs海关总署 PICC中国人民保险公司 国际组织缩写 UN, UNESCO,UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会),APEC,OECD(经济合作与发展组织),ASEAN(东盟),EU,WTO,WHO, OPEC,GDP,GNP,CIF(cost,insurance,freight),FOB(free on board),IT(信息产业),FDI(foreign direct investment),FIE(foreign invested enterprises) 拉丁文缩写 Eg, etc.,ie,cf,esp,min,max,usu,ref,co, 常见单词缩写 Standard-std,professorprof,doctor-Dr, Industry-ind.,agriculture-ag,department-dept.,英语单词很长,尽量缩略,方法如下: i).只保留辅音字母(retain only its consonant letters) HotleHTL,becauseBCS, regardsRGDS, BelieveBLV ii). 只保留前几个字母 Attention-att, economyeco, prof, ag, ind, iii).抽取其中几个字母 Projectpj,roomrm,thankstks, switzerland-sz, singaporesg, sweedensd.,iv).根据单词发音缩写 You-u,are-r,through-thru,though-tho, 3Q v).简写一些单词的词尾 Ingg, able-bl, tion-tn,ment-mt,tivetv, Buildingbldg,shippingshpg, optionoptn, Agreementagrmt,effectiveefctv,competitivecmpttv, Meaningfulmngfl,worthless-wthls, Regardlessrgdls.,vi).用固定词组的首字母 ASAS-as soon as possible FYI-for your information AF-as follows ICO-in case of AFAC:as far as is concerned(就而言) LFT:look forward to iii. 在记录过程中既可以用原语也可以用目标语,最好是双语兼用 联合国大会-UN大, 中国政府-中G 中国对美国的出口增长了5%。 中us, 5%,其他常见缩写方法 纽约NY,上海SH, 北京BJ, 霉菌MJ, 优越性-优x,创造性创x, 先进性先x,现代化现h,国际化-国h, 政治家政j,企业家-企j, 四个现代化-4M, 第十一个五年计划(Five-year-plan)-11th 5yp,iv.口译笔记过程中常用符号 箭头 增长,进步等,如:increase,soar,mushroom,rocket,make progress 下降,退步,恶化等,如decrease,sink,slide,subside,plump,plunge,drop,degrade, deteriorate 回来,来自,源于,进口,收到(come from, originate in, import/receive from) 出口,输出,打入,出国,到达,前往(export,visit, arrive at, go to),长箭头回指重复出现的信息 数学符号 增加,越,更,高兴,男性,同意, happy,male,agree,many,+2=more,+3=most,beneficial,good,beautiful,great,gorgeous 悲伤,女性,不同意,减少等sad,female,disagree,little,few,-2=less,-3=least,lack of,short of 同意,正确等,如:agree,correct,right 双方同意加强合作。2 +coop. 不同意,错误,表示否定前缀如:disagree,incorrectunhappy- hap, not sell- sell, 否决了这个提案- proposal,多于,超过,比低一级等,如:more than,greater than,begger than,better than,superior to,surpass,transcend,overtake 少于,比低级等,如:less than,lower than,smaller than,inferior to 大约,如:approximately,about,around,some,nearly,almost, similar to 与同等,如:stand for,refer to,means,that is to say,in other words,be equal to,asas,same as 与不同,如:differ from,different from,distinct,unique,标点符号 ?问题,麻烦,障碍,对什么有疑问如:question,issue,difficult,hardship,barrier,obstacle :主观想法和说辞,think,consider,speak,say,talk,mark,announce,declare,hope,例:repeat或reaffirm。I believe our cooperation will go smoothly.-I:合+。 .表时间前后,如去年.y,昨天.d,上周.w,上个月.m,明年y.,明天d.,下周w.,后天d,前天d,两周后w。大约三周前,.3w,英语朗读法 1,234,567,891,234 tr b m th one trillion two hundred and thirty-four billion five hundred and sixty-seven million eight hundred and ninty-one thousand two hundred and th


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