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倡导“任务型”的教学途径, 培养学生综合语言运用能力,任务型教学,TASK-BASED LANGUAGE LEARNING,The Task-Based Approach to Language Learning,“教学途径”的理解,Approach, Method and Technique,Approach, Method and Technique,Language teaching is usually discussed in terms of three related aspects: Approach, Method and Technique.,Approach,An approach (路子,途径)is the perception, essential concept and basic guiding principle about how languages are taught and learned. In other words, it is the theory, philosophy and principles underlying a particular set of teaching practices.,There have been the following approaches:,The natural approach The cognitive code approach The functional-notional approach The communicative approach The task-based approach,Method,There have been the following methods: The grammar-translation method The direct method The audiolingual method The sentence-pattern method The situational method The total physical response method The immersion method,Teaching techniques include:,playing games, singing songs, acting, tongue twister, reciting dialogues, filling in blanks, multiple choice, matching of words with pictures, cloze test, sentence making, translating, etc. drills, role play, pair work, group discussion, retelling, etc.,所探讨的问题,一、任务定义 二、任务类型 三、任务的组成成分 四、任务型教学的定义 五、任务型教学的理论基础 七、任务型教学的原则 八、任务的特征 九、教师的角色 十、课堂任务与作业设计的建议 十一、任务的案例 十二、任务型教学实施的步骤,一、什么是任务,阅读以下的各种行为指令,你认为他们中有多少项可称的上是“任务”呢?,1.painting a fence; 2.buying a pair of shoes; 3.leaving a message on somebodys answer machine; 4.writing a check; 5.drawing a map while listening to the telephone; 6.constructing the floor plan of a house from a description; 7.telling the time from a clock face; 8.selecting trains appropriate to given needs; 9.comparing given pictures to identify differences; 10.Writing a report after a questionnaire survey of studentsfavorite past time;,任务的定义,阅读多位国外语言教育专家对“任务”的界定,比较他们的异同。,(A task is) a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. Thus, examples of task include painting a fence,dressing a child, filling out a form, buying a pair of shoes, making an airline reservation, borrowing a library book, taking a driving test,typing a letter, weighing a patient,sorting letters,taking a hotel reservation, writing a cheque, finding a street destination and helping someone across a road.In others, by “task” is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between. (摘自M.Long,1985:89.转引自D.Nunan,1989:10),(Task in language teaching is) an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language (i.e.as a response), listening to an instruction and performing a command, may be referred to as tasks. Tasks may or may not involve the production of language. A task usually requires the teacher to specify what will be regarded as successfully completion of the task. The use of a variety of different kinds of tasks in language teaching is said to make language teaching more communicative since it provides a purpose for a classroom activity which goes beyond the practice of language for its own sake.,A task is an activity in which _meaning is primary; _there is some communication problem to solve; _there is some sort of relationship to comparable real world activities; _task completion has some priority; _the assessment of the task is in terms of outcome. (摘自 P.Skehan,1998:959:10),(The communicative task as ) a piece of comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form. (摘自 D. Nunan, 1989:10),A task as an activity where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome. (摘自J. Willis,1996:23),综上所述:任务的定义?,外语教学中的任务是指: 1.任务是一项语言运用活动, 2.任务是一项有明确目的的活动, 3.该活动注重意义而非形式 4.注重任务的完成和用结果评价任务的完成情况. 5.与真实世界有着某种联系的。 以真实世界为参照,以形成语言意义为主旨的,有明确目的的语言运用活动。该活动有某项某项任务要完成,并以任务的结果来评价任务完成的好坏。,二、任务的分类,真实型任务 教学型任务,识别真实性的交际任务,阅读下面的八项任务,判断哪些是真实性(real world) 的交际任务(既学生会在现实生活中有可能要运用英语做的事情),哪些是其他种类的任务.,识别真实性的交际任务,1 听电台的天气预报,决定是否带雨具或外套出门。 2 听一段录音后,使用一个句字去描述其中心意思。 3 阅读有关出租房子的广告,寻找能按你的租用目的和经济条件租用的房子。 4 阅读有关出租房子的广告,回答有关的问题。 5(假如你在英国留学)向英国警察或行人询问如何从唐人街(China Town)步行到大钟楼(Big Ben) 参观。 6(拿着某城市的地图)用英语向你的同学解释如何从你的学校步行到某一广场。 7 写信给美国一所中学的学生希望能在那里找到笔友。 8 给你的英语老师用英语写一张病假条,告诉他你因感冒不能回学校学习,需要请假两天。 (选引自Junior English for China, 1996. Students Book3: 85),识别教学型的交际任务,阅读以下 Bangalore Project 中的一些交际任务,按 D.Nunan 对交际任务的分类,思考:这些任务应属于何种类型?其中哪些任务对你的教学有参考价值?你能否采纳或自己改变其中的一些任务用于你的教学中?,识别教学型的交际任务,1.图表和表格 按指令用数字或字母表示图表的部分名称. 在游戏的表格中,填上数字和字母. 2.画画 按照口头指令画出集合图形或表格. 比较图形或插图,识别他们的相同点和差异之处. 3.钟面 按钟面说出时间. 移动时钟的指针以表示某一时刻. 根据一个12小时刻度和24小时刻度的钟说出时间. 4.月历 计算日子和星期的长度(在旅游或假期中).,识别教学型的交际任务,5.地图 找出并说出某一地点在地图上的位置. 6.学校时间表 按指令和描述编出上课时间表. 根据某些班级的时间表去编 出某科任课教师的时间表. 7.方案和实施计划 从描述或从需要构想旅行计划. 从工作,旅行等需要出发,定出个人约会的可行时间.,识别教学型的交际任务,8.火车时间表 解释火车时间表. 按定出的要求选择合适的火车班次. 9.年龄和出生时间 从年龄算出出生年份. 把年龄与出生年份与某些与年龄有关的要求相连. 10.金钱 计算出要买一组物品的钱数. 决定如何使用定量的钱去购买想买的物品.,识别教学型的交际任务,11.图表信息 解释图表出现的信息. 12.距离 按地图的比例算出两个地方的距离. 13.规章/规定 解释规定,如学生月票等. 把规定应用与某种情况. 14.邮政系统 从邮政编码去推算某地方的位置. (参考N. S. Prabhu, 1987: 引自 D. Nunan, 1989),三、“任务”的组成成分,阅读以下学者对任务型教学的分析框架以了解任务的组成部分. D. Nunan(1989) 提出的分析交际任务的框架.他认为交际任务可从五个方面进行分析,它们分别是: (1) 任务的目标(goal); (2) 构成任务内容的输入材料(input); (3) 基于输入材料的各种活动(activities); (4) 教师和学习者在任务中的作用(teacher role and learner role); (5) 任务实施的环境(settings).,这一框架可由下图表示(引自 D.Nunan, 1989: 11),如何选择任务的输入材料,假如要设计一项学习英语食品广告的任务,你认为应该从哪里收集有关的材料,请把它们列举出来.再阅读以下文段,看看能否有些启发.,构成听说任务的内容输入材料可以选自: -newspaper extracts -recipe -picture stories -bus (train) time table -menu-note -high school year book -hotel brochures -weather forecast -street map -note to a friend -menu -housing request form,构成读写任务的内容输入材料可以选自: -articles for newspapers, magazines and journals -news stories and reports -short stories, poems and plays -research reports -replies to letters and other forms of correspondence (转引自:D.Nunan, 1989: 53 54 ),描述任务的组成成分,阅读以下两项任务的描述,按照上述 D.Nunan 的交际任务结构框架,指出其任务的目标,构成任务内容的输入材料,构成任务的活动,教师和学生在任务中的作用和任务实施的环境.,个案1 初二学生刚学完有关食物的英文名称(如Junior English for China Book2 Unit20),教师布置学生作一个小型调查,用英语询问并记录班中各个学生最喜欢的食物,各小组汇总调查情况后用统计表的形式表示调查结果,然后各个用英文写一篇简短的调查报告.,个案2 教师把自己收集的英语食品广告和文体用品广告分发给学生,然后教师在课堂上要求学生说出印象最深的广告和引导学生分析广告中英语用语和句法的特点.在此基础上,教师向学生提供一些食品和文体用品,要求学生以小组为单位为这些物品设计文字并加上图象的广告. (参考标准35-36,有改动),提示 (1) 任务的目标是隐性的还是显性的? (2) 每项任务中教师分别要求学生用英语做了多少件事? (3) 每一项任务是否只有一个目标? ( 4) 构成任务内容的输入材料出自何处?是来自现实世界以真实交际为目的的材料还是来自为教学目的而编写的材料? (5) 构成任务的活动是否与现实世界中以真实实际为目的的活动一样,还是以教学为目的而设计的活动? (6) 活动强调的是语言形式的获取还是语言技能的使用(意义的表达)?是口头交际活动还是书面交际活动? (7) 在完成任务的过程中,学生是被动的接受知识还是主动的获取知识?教师是知识的传授者还是活动的设计者,参与者? (8)任务实施的环境是在课堂上还是在课堂外?活动是仅限于课堂教学还是延伸到课余的学习和生活中?,四、任务型教学的定义,阅读以下两段对“任务型”教学途径(task-based approach)的描述,理解什么是“任务型”的教学途径。,One can, on the basis of these task characteristics, identify strong and weak forms of the task-based approach A strong form would argue that tasks should be the unit of language teaching, and that everything else should be subsidiary. In this view, the need to transact tasks is seen as adequate to drive forward language development, as though second language acquisition is the result of the same process of interaction as first language acquisition (Wells 1985). A weak form of task-based instruction would claim that tasks are a vital part of language instruction, but that they are necessary, but more complex pedagogic context. They are necessary, but may be preceded by focused instruction, and after use, may be followed by focused instruction which is contingent on task performance, This version of task-based instruction is clearly very close to general communicative language teaching. It could also be compatible with a traditional presentation, practice, production sequence, only with production based on tasks (as defined above),rather than more stilted and guided production activities. (W. Littlewood 1981. 转引自P. Skehan, 1996: 39),One can, on the basis of these task characteristics, identify strong and weak forms of the task-based approach,A strong form would argue that tasks should be the unit of language teaching, and that everything else should be subsidiary. In this view, the need to transact tasks is seen as adequate to drive forward language development, as though second language acquisition is the result of the same process of interaction as first language acquisition (Wells 1985).,In this view, the need to transact tasks is seen as adequate to drive forward language development 在任务驱动下促进语言发展 例如: 教学餐馆就餐对话 1)呈现新知,操练,交际练习 新知呈现时,被动接受 2) 任务(交际练习),新语言点呈现,练习! 为完成任务,遇到难题,想方设法解决,提供新知,“愤” “悱”后给予 “启” “发”。记得牢,能直接运用,日后在交际时遇到此类情境,容易回忆(当时百思不得其解时,在教师同学帮助下迎刃而解的,记忆忧新。),A weak form of task-based instruction would claim that tasks are a vital part of language instruction, but that they are necessary, but more complex pedagogic context. They are necessary, but may be preceded by focused instruction, and after use, may be followed by focused instruction which is contingent on task performance, This version of task-based instruction is clearly very close to general communicative language teaching. It could also be compatible with a traditional presentation, practice, production sequence, only with production based on tasks (as defined above),rather than more stilted and guided production activities.,倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力。本标准以学生“能做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用“任务型”的教学途径。 教学应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性的设计教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考,调查,讨论,交流和使用等方式,学习使用英语,完成学习任务。 (引自标准,2001:29),任务型教学的定义,任务型教学就是以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程。以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学成就的一种教学方式。在完成任务的过程中实现对主题的理解。,五、The theoretical basis of TBLL: 任务型教学法的理论基础,1.人本主义心理学基础 2. 语言学基础 3. 认知学习理论基础 4. 第二语言习得理论,1.人本主义心理学基础,* 人本主义的核心是尊重和强调人的价值观和人 自身具有的能动性。 * 教育的目的不是替学生获取意义,不是单纯的 掌握前人创造的知识,而是创造条件使学生自 己去发现或获取意义,发展人的能力和态度。 * 主张以学习者的直接经验为出发点组织学习, 并把交际法视为人本主义和经验学习的体现, 它反对和谴责把人塑造成毫无主观能动性和 创造力的机械人。,1.人本主义心理学基础,强调在增长学生知识的同时,要注意培养和发 展学生积极的态度,重视学生内在的动机和情感,以及师生间关系和学生间关系对学生学习的影响。 现代语言教学正是依据人本主义心理学的上述理论提出了“以人为本”、“以学生为中心”、“以任务为基础”的教学理念,强调学生在师生关系中的主体性地位和学生学习的主观能动性,达到素质的全面发展。这些品格都生动而丰富地融入在是任务型教学方法中。,2. 语言学基础,1)其具有代表性的是系统功能语言学,这一学说是 20世纪最有影响力的语言学理论之一。它从根本上区别于以前的结构主义语言学等传统理论。 * Functional view:Language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. 。,2. 语言学基础,系统功能语言学对第二语言教学的指导意义在于: * 语言教学要重视语言的社会属性,必须既关注形式又关注功能,并将对语言形式和功能的理解转化为具体而实际的语言运用能力,以此为语言教学的最终目的。 * 语言教学内容的选择应该关注功能、语义、环境等因素,以真实材料为主,培养学习者动态的语言意识。 这些正是任务型教学方法所能够体现的品性。,2. 语言学基础,2) 交互性语言学观interactional view: Language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. Learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them.,3. 认知学习理论基础,1). 瑞士心理学家Piaget的认知发展论。 它主要研究知识是如何形成和发展的。 * 认知的发展 = 获取知识 = 智力活动 包含一定的认知结构。 “同化”作用 : 环境刺激 整合于自己的认知结构中, “顺应”作用: 重组新的认知结构 达到与周围环境新的平衡。 学习是一个能动的过程 学习者主动理解与建构 * Piaget的同化顺化论的核心是相互作用观,强调学习是一个能动的过程,它需要认知主体的积极参与,学习的发生取决于学习者个体与环境的相互作用,真正有效的学习建立在学习者主动理解以建造自己的认知结构的基础上。 对任务型教育有重大影响的学习理论,个体与 环境 相互作用,2). 美国心理学家Bruner的发现学习论 (Bruner是 Piaget的认知发展论的推行者和发展者) * 学习不是被机械地产生“刺激反应”联结,而是主动形成认知结构的过程,这一认知过程是通过主动的把进入感官的事物进行选择、转化、储存和应用而进行的。 * 发现学习论最重要的思想是让学习者在语言运用过程中去发现规则,其本质核心是强调认知主体在学习过程中的积极参与。,3). Ausbel的意义学习论: * 死记硬背获得的语言知识是难以提取的,机械性的学习是无效的,是没有意义的。 * 有意义的学习应该是,把学生的注意力引向语言的意义而非语言的形式,使新信息同学生原有的认知结构建立内在联系,内化为认知结构的组成部分。,这些理论无疑给教学者提供了要重视和尊重学生的主体性,要发挥学生的认知能力;对学生在语言学习中犯的语言错误,不要采取见错即纠的简单方法,而要让学生在“互动”的学习过程中不断构建和完善自己的认知结构;强调要调动学生自主学习的积极性,在教学中体现“以学生为中心”的地位等积极的教育思想,而这些思想在任务教学方法中都能得到生动的体现。,4. 第二语言习得理论,1)第二语言习得的研究和发现 孤立的语言知识点的学习+积累=/= 语言系统的建立+对语言流利和得体的使用 不同情景中反复接触包含这些语言点的整体的语言+在不同的情景中反复尝试的语言实践机会=真正学会语言 大量的可理解的语言输入+大量的创造性的语言输出=真正习得语言 动态过程,2) 中介语理论 。第二语言的习得过程就是学习者的中介语系统不断向目的语系统过渡、靠近的过程。 * 中介语的特点: a. 系统性; b. 可渗透性;c.过渡性; d. 僵化现象,中介语理论在理论导向上实现了从“教学中心”观点向“学习中心”观点的根本性转变,把语言教学的关注点从“教师教什么”、“怎么教”转移到“学生学什么”、“怎么学”上。它对任务型教学方法的重要指导作用在于: * 任务型教学法从实践上很好地回应了教学理念上的这一重要转变,把关注学生学,促进学生学为出发点去设计和组织教学作为施教的原则。 * 体验语言和尝试语言,以达到构建和扩展中介语,逐步向目的语过渡的目的。,任务型教学法的理论基础给我们的启示:,任务型教学方法具有广泛而坚实的科学理论支持,它不是主观臆造的,而是具有科学性和可行性的。因此,我们应该积极地推广和应用。,六、任务型教学的原则,学习标准及国外文献中有关“任务型”教学活动设计的建议,思考任务型教学的原则。,六、任务型教学的原则 标准中有关“任务型”教学活动设计的建议:,1. 活动要有明确的目的并且具有可操作性; 2. 活动要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,内容和方式要尽量真实; 3. 活动要有利于学生学习英语知识,发展英语技能,从而提高实际运用语言的能力; 4. 活动应该积极促进英语学科和其他学科之间的相互渗透和联系,使学生的思维和想象力,审美情趣和艺术感受,协作和创新精神等综合素质得到发展; 5. 活动要能够促使学生获取,处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流,发展用英语解决实际问题的能力; 6. 活动不应该仅限于课堂教学,而要延伸的课堂之外的学习和生活中。 -(转引自标准,2001:29),六、任务型教学的原则 国外文献中有关“任务型”教学活动设计的建议,This then excludes from consideration activities such as traditional grammar exercises, which require a primary focus on form (but could include language awareness activities which involve learners discovering and discussing linguistic phenomena from evidence provided for them). (摘自R.Ellis, 1998: 226 - 227),六、任务型教学的原则,1.任务完整与整体性原则 2.任务相依性原则 3.任务设计的层次性原则 4.语言、情景真实性原则 5.在做中学原则 6.搭脚手架原则 7.设计的任务应结合教材中的重点、难点、学习目标 8.教学应有使用语言的机会 - 中学英语课程与教学论王来喜P137,1.任务完整与整体性原则(围绕大任务设计各个小任务),任务型活动应有系列性和完整性,我们的任务活动是围绕课文所提供的语言素材展开的,即在同一个目标下,在不同的阶段开展活动的,因而下一个活动是在上一个活动中产生,渐进性发展性的任务设计,2.任务相依性原则,各个小任务之间相互衔接,前为后铺垫,3.任务设计的层次性原则(任务由简而难),任务的布置要有层次:教学过程本身是一个由浅入深,由表及里的循序过程,欲速则不达,切不可一步到位,否则会挫伤学生的积极性。,4.语言、情景真实性原则,真实性,现实性。这样能引起学生的兴趣 任务型教学要注意真实性,贴近学生生活的实际,5.在做中学原则,Learning by doing Doing in learning Learning for doing Learning in interacting,7.三是设计的任务应结合 教材中的重点、难点,完成任务的过程 就是运用语言表达的过程, 同时也是学生理解 各种语言形式的过程。,8.教学应有使用语言的机会,能用语言进行交流,完成任务,并延伸的课堂之外的学习和生活中。,七、The Features of TBLL:,1. Learning a language by doing things with it 2. The situations should be as real as possible 3. Language activities should always be integrated with culture 4. Language activities should be for expressing ideas instead of parroting things 5. There should not be an identical answer to a question or identical outcome of an activity 6. Student-centered, not teacher-centered 7. Students are encouraged to use language creatively 8. Activities of different skills should be integrated,Tasks & Exercises,Exercises are mainly for: 1. Checking the command of language knowledge 2. Reviewing and consolidating language knowledge 3. Drilling on language forms 4. Working on separate words or sentences without a context 5. Working for separate language skills 6. Working in rather mechanical drills, such as filling blanks, matching, choosing the right answer, translating separate sentences, checking answers, locating the right sound, etc. 7. Arriving at one unified answer for the question,Tasks are mainly for:,1. Arousing students interest 2. Doing things 3. Communicating ideas 4. Conveying information 5. Solving problems 6. Working in context 7. Involving more than one language knowledge or skill 8. Analyzing, discussing, negotiating 9. Working in pairs or groups 10. Allowing different end-products,Kinds of Tasks,Language learning tasks & Real Life (Real world) Tasks,What is the Real World?,The student him/herself His/Her family members and home His/Her teachers and classmates The school, the campus The community, the neighbourhood The city, its parks, museums, libraries, etc The country, its neighbouring countries The World, the nations, their histories, cultures The universe,Examples of Real World tasks:,1. Decorating the classroom with slogans in English 2. Writing simple captions for pictures for classroom decoration 3. Writing a notice to parents 4. Mock healthcare check mock court trial 6. Write a report about a sport match 7. Make a shopping list for a class party 8. Prepare a wall newspaper for the class 9. Make a survey of mistakes in the citys English signage and prepare a report,Examples of Language Learning Tasks:,1. Act out a sketch in the textbook 2. Listen to a talk and write out what you agree and dont agree 3. Look at the pictures in the textbook and write captions 4. Teacher puts four hats on the table and have students say how they are different (style, color, size, for man or woman, for young or old, etc.) 5. Students look at pictures of two persons and say how they are similar or different,八、The Role of teacher in TBLL,1. The designer of the tasks 2. The initiator of the tasks 3. The participant in the tasks 4. The negotiator in the tasks 5. The appraiser of the fulfillment of the tasks,九、 Some advice for teachers when designing activities for a class or a textbook,1. Be sure that the activities are task-based instead of being mechanical language exercises 2. Language tasks are necessary but real world tasks always arouse more interest and helpful 3. Set a definite aim for each task-based activity 4. Provide students with necessary reference materials, or guide them in finding them,九、 Some advice for teachers when designing activities for a class or a textbook,5. Give students some idea about the procedure for fulfilling the task 6. Define clearly the role of the student(s) 7. Define clearly the role of the teacher (or parents) 8. Set the time for the fulfillment of the task 9. Set the form of the feedback 10. Set the standard and form of the assessment of the performance,A Notice,Sometimes it is difficult to make a distinction between a Language Learning Task and a Real Life Task. In any case, the more creativity ability is required, the better is the activity.,十、Examples of Tasks,For Listening Skill 1. Listen to a story and answer questions 2. Listen to the descriptions of people in a picture and point out who is who 3. Listen to the description of a person and try to draw a picture of him(her) 4. Listen to the description of a room and try to draw a picture of it 5. Listen to the recording of an argument and try to write a report of it and give your own idea about the matter 6. Listen to the tape of a short story and make an oral report to the class about the content and give your ideas,For Speaking skill,1. Describe one of the students in the class 2. Teacher sets a question for a debate and lets two students prepare for it (by themselves separately) and debate before the class the next day


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