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B级辅导,题型及分值,听力15% 语法15% 阅读35% 翻译20% 写作15%,测试项目、内容、题型及时间分配表,听力技巧,1. keep listening 2. listen for key words 3. think about the situation and ask yourself these questions: Who is speaking? What is the relationship between the speakers? What are they talking about? Where are they? How do they feel? 4. Dont worry about hearing every word.,听力技能,1. 多听 多听是提高听力水平的前提。通过多听,我们可以熟悉各种讲话人的语音,并使自己的思维反应能力跟上。只有这样,才能听懂材料内容并快速做出正确的选择判断。 2.听重点,分主次 听力测试要求考生能分清主次,边听边思考,抓住重要信息,排除次要信息。一般情况下重要信息会出现在篇首或篇末。另外,在录音中某些词的重读、音量的提高、语调的变化都暗示这些是重要信息。学生在此基础上做综合归纳、判断推理。,3.短期记忆能力的培养 听力考试要求学生在很短的时间内记住听到的重要信息,这需要很强的短期记忆能力。为加强短期记忆,学生可掌握一些速记的方法。比如利用缩略词、符号、首字母等记下重要的数字、时间、地点、中心词等。 如: New YorkNY dollar because therefore 学生也可自己拟定一些记忆符号,但要记清、记熟,以免用时混淆搞错。,4、应试技巧 A. 树立信心,沉着冷静 一些学生在考试中带有恐惧心理。紧张心情使精神不能集中,甚至使原来很熟悉的信息都变得陌生,影响正常水平的发挥。因此学生务必保持沉着冷静,使自己充满信心,排除一切心理负担,积极主动地迎接考试。 B. 浏览题目,预见内容 学生在拿到试卷后,要利用正式放音前的一段时间和录音间的停顿,迅速“浏览“问题和选项,找出关键词,预见一下录音的内容,确定要听的重点。 通过浏览试卷上的问题和选项,学生划出关键词,并预见一下对话内容,从而确定了要听的重点。,C. 当机立断,勇敢选择 听力考试中录音只能听一次,答题时间都很短,需要学生迅速做出判断,选择答案。 D. 预读 首先应扫视问题并在脑中记住这个问题,这样在听音时就可以有的放矢地捕捉所需要的信息,接着速读四个选项。四个选项中多次重复的词,通常是原对话中的关键词,应加以注意。也可根据选项的内容做一个合理的联想与猜测。,E. 排除干扰项 答案的4个选择项中3个为干扰项。在遇到难题无法抉择时,利用排除干扰项法来选择不失为上策。 方法如下: (1)排除与原文读音相似或字形相似的选择项。 (2)排除不合情理、不合逻辑的选项。 (3)排除与主题无关的选项。,单项选择题解题技巧,排除法 1、排除提干中的冗余信息 插入语,定语从句,伴随状语等 2、排除选项中的错误选项 可先对选项进行分类,命题者有意地在一个句子中间插入一个从句或插入语,造成主谓隔离。如果将题干中的从句或插入语去掉,题干就会变得很简单。如:,1、去掉从句或插入语,John plays football _, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as,The days we looked forward to _at last. A.comes B.to come C.came D.coming,B,c,Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening. A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking,分析:首先根据句意,“小吉姆是被带到剧院”,应用被动结构,故排除B、D;其次 love to do相当于 like to do(一次性的喜欢),love doing相当于like doing(经常性的喜欢),可排除C,2、排除选项中的错误选项,A,还原法,2、将倒装句还原成陈述句,3、将感叹句还原为陈述句,4、将被动句还原为主动句,5、将省略句还原为一个完整的句子,1、将疑问句还原成陈述句,由于疑问句的使用,句子的结构变得陌生,对于这类题,可将题干还原成一个陈述句。如:,1.Whom would you rather have _with you ? A.to go B. go C. gone D. going,分析:本题题干改成陈述句,则应是: You would rather have whom_with you .,1、将疑问句还原成陈述句,B,have,get,make等词用法,have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 have sb. doing sth.使某人做某事(一直做) have sth. done 使别人做某事 eg. He make her waiting for him. He have her write the letter for him. He get his hair washed.,Never _time come back again. A. will lose B. will lost C. will losing D. will to lose,如果将这个句子改为陈述句后我们便可以很容易地看出其结构为: Lost time will never come back again.,2、将倒装句还原成陈述句,B,Oh, John. _ you gave us! A. How a pleasant surprise B. How pleasant surprise C. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant surprise,分析:先把题干还原为陈述句:Oh, John. You gave us a pleasant surprise!,3、将感叹句还原为陈述句,C,由于被动句的使用,句子的结构相对于主动句来说就没有那么清楚。我们如果将其改为主动句,这类题就会变得清楚的多。如:,1.Time should be made good use of _our lessons well. A. learning B. learned C. to learn D. learns,分析:将题干改写为主动句则: We should make good use of time _our lesson well。,4、将被动句还原为主动句,C,省略句使考生不易看清句子的结构。对于这类试题,可恢复被省略的成分,使句子的结构变得明朗,进而选择合适的答案。如:,6、将省略句还原为一个完整的句子,What made her mother so angry? _the exam. A.Because she did nt pass B.Her not passing C.She did nt pass D.Because her not passing,分析;将答语部分补全应为: _the exam made her mother so angry.,B,在实际的语境中,选择一个最佳的,最得体的,最地道的选项。要认真读懂题干,仔细分析题干所提供的语境,注意挖掘其中的隐藏信息。 - I dont like him, _? - No, I dont at all. A. do I B. do you C. dont I D. does she,语境观察法,B,将所有选项代入空格,选取最合语感的选项。这种方法对于判断句子之间的关系,填关系连词或代词最适合。 eg. Well have to continue the discussion tomorrow _ we can make a final decision today. A. unless B. because C. when D. since,代入法,A,互为相反者指形式相反或意义相反的两个并列选项。只要理解上稍出差错,即可使思维误入歧途,从而得出完全相反的结果。但实质上也已明显透露了答案就在两者之中,非此即彼。例如: _ my glasses ? Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago. Do you see Had you seen Would you see Have you seen,互为相反者先,D,词汇及语法结构部分专项练习,1. It is the general manager who makes the _ decisions in business. A. beginning B. finishing C. first D. final 2. Never such a good boss before I came to this company. A. do I meet B. had I met C.I met D. I had met 3. If the machine should , call this number immediately. A. break down B. set out C. put on D. go up,“过去的过去”用过去完成时,坏了,停止工作,4. The manager showed the new employee to find the supplies. A. what B. where C. that D. which 5. Look at the clock! Its time work. A. we started B. well start C. were starting D. we have started 6. The sales department was required to a plan in three weeks. A. turn up B. get up C. come up with D. put up with,It is (hight) time that (从句中用一般过去式),意为“是的时候了”,提出,拿出,忍受,出现,7. Price is not the only thing customers consider before _ what to buy. A. deciding B. decided C. to decide D. having decided 8. All the traveling are paid by the company if you travel on business. A. charges B. money C. prices D. expenses 9. Sorry, we cannot you the job because you dont have any work experience. A. make B. send C. offer D. prepare 10. This article is well written because special attention _ to the choice of words and style of writing. A. had been paid B. has been paid C. will be paid D. will have been paid,花费,收费,“现在的过去”用现在完成式 “过去的过去”用过去完成式,11. My impression of the service in the hotel was that it had really . A. improved B. implied C. imported D. imagined 12. The policeman stopped the driver and found that he alcohol. A. drinks B. has drunk C. is drinking D. had drunk 13. There are three colors in the British flag, red, white and blue. A. rarely B. namely C. really D. naturally 14. I cant find the key to my office, I have lost it on my way home. A. would B. should C. must D. ought to,“过去的过去”用过去完成时,should have done 本应该做但没有做,应该(有义务),must have done 一定是(过去),15. David has much work to do that he is staying late at his office. A. such B. so C. very D. enough 16. I tried hard, but I couldnt find the to the problem. A. solution B. help C. reply D. demand 17. writing a letter to the manager, he decided to talk to him in person. A. Due to B. Because of C. As for D. Instead of 18. As far as Im concerned, I dont like in that way. A. to be treated B. to treat C. treated D. treating,Sothat 如此以至于,19. Lisa was busy taking notes Mark was searching the Internet for the information. A. until B. unless C. while D. if 20. There was a heavy fog this morning, so none of the planes could . A. get through B. take off C. pull out D. break away 21. I am looking forward to from you as soon as possible. A. hear B. be hearing C. hearing D. have head 22. He that the people he works with are all very interested in their job. A. deals B. tries C. looks D. asks,hear from 收到的来信,22. _ , a friend of Mrs. Black found the watch she had lost two days before. A. Especially B. Usually C. Generally D. Fortunately 23. Few people applied for the position meet the requirements of the company. A. whom B. who C. what D. whose 24. Why didnt you that pencil which was on the floor? A. pick up B. bring up C. get up D. put up 25. Mary found extremely difficult to pass the examination. A. it B. this C. that D. what,find +宾+宾补(it 是形式宾语),27. She tried hard, but she still couldnt make us _ our mind. A. to change B. changed C. change D. changing 28. I was late for the interview because the bus on the way to London. A. got off B. brought in C. kept off D. broke down 29. The manager required that all the employees at the office before 9:00 in the morning. A. will arrive B. arrive C. arrived D. have arrived 30. She was talking about her as a nurse in a hospital, which we had never heard of. A. expenses B. excuses C. experiences D. expressions,Make,have,get同, make sb. do/doing, make sth. done,表示“命令、要求、建议”的词+ that从句,从句中用“(should +)动词原形”,词性转换的类型归纳 1、名词单数变复数; Edison is one of the greatest_ in the world.(invent) 2、数字基数词变序数词; We live on _floor.(twenty) 3、形容词变比较级 Lesson One is _than Lesson Two. (easy),inventors,the twentieth,easier,4、根据句子结构判断该填哪种词性的词; be /系动词 +adj. be动词、系动词后加形容词 adj.+ n. 形容词修饰名词 adv.+adj. 副词修饰形容词 adv.(, )(有时用逗号逗开)副词句首修饰句子 v. +adv. (adv. + v.) 副词修饰动词 prep + n. / doing介词后跟名词或动名词 prep +objective case介词后人称代词用宾格 v. + objective case 动词后人称代词用宾格,判断基本方法,系动词,也叫连系动词,本身有一定意义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与表语一起组成系表结构充当谓语,说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。共分四种,即“状态、感官、保态、变态”。 “状态”指第一类单纯表示一种特征、状态,如:be “感官”指感觉起来的状态,如 seem, appear, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, “保态”指保持原有状态,如:remain, keep , continue “变态”指改变原有状态,如:become, get, grow, come, go, turn, fall, prove,back,英语句子公式,(状语)(,)【定语】主语【定语】 (状语)谓语 【定语】 (宾语) 【定语】 (宾补)(状语),Look at the following examples be动词后作表语 Computers are _(wonder). 名词前作定语 The _(wound) soldier is brave. 不定代词后 Have you got anything_ to say?(importance) 系动词后作表语 The woman looked _(worry).,wonderful,wounded,important,worried,形容词在句中的位置,副词在句中的位置 句首修饰整个句子 _, Mary got the first prize.(luck) 频度副词放在助动词后行为动词前 We _(usual) have lunch at 11:45. 形容词前修饰形容词 The toys are _expensive.(real) 动词或动词词组后修饰动词 We went to school _(hurry),Luckily,usually,really,hurriedly,Have you focused the following? 名词注意单复数 动词注意时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词 形容词、副词注意比较级、最高级 核对句意看是否需用反义词 常见反义词,Tips,1. 系动词后用adj. 2. 动词前用adv. 3. a/an/the /some/any/that/this等 + (adj.) +n. 4. 看到than,就要考虑比较级形式 5. 后面有by+n.,就要考虑被动形式 6. 句首单独一个词,一般用adv. 7. 情态动词后一定要用动词原形 8. 语法重点:各种动词形式填空(时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词等),Section B Of all the hotel in the city, this one is the (good)_. Yesterday they received a written (invite)_to a dinner from Mr. Black. That new film is worth (see) _for the second time. (general)_ speaking, he is a person that you can trust. The new machine ought to ( test)_ before it is put to use.,best,invitation,seeing,Generally,be tested,冠词a/an, the后一定要有名词,Worth doing sth. 值得,Generally speaking 一般来说,If your credit is good, you will be allowed (use)_ the credit card. It will be very ( help) _if each member present his or her own opinion at the meeting. The number of sales people who have left company (be) _ very small. It is well known that sports will (strength) _ the friendship between nations. The children looked ( health) _with bright smiles on their face.,to use,allow sb. to do sth./ allow doing sth.,helpful,is,strengthen,healthy,the number of 的数量,谓语动词用单数 a number of 的数量,谓语动词用复数,(work) _as a team the foreign and Chinese engineers cooperated closely and successfully. We were surprised at the (achieve) _ the young man had made in the last three years. The survey shows that green food is becoming (popular) _ than traditional food. The price of oil in the world market has ( great) _increased in recent month. I (work )_ in the Human Resources Department for five month since I join the company.,Working,achievement,more popular,greatly,have worked,The flexible working time system will enable the (employ)_ to work more efficiently Jane (praise) _ many times by the general manager when she was working as the office secretary. The railway station was crowded with people (say) _goodbye to their friends and relatives. The professor, as well as his assistant, (do)_ the experiment in the lab forty hours a week. Mary has just recovered from a serious (ill)_.,employees,had been praised,saying,does,illness,21.I wondered why Nancy (lie)_ about her age. 22. If I (have) _your phone number, I would have called you yesterday evening. 23. It is no use (argue) _ with him. He wont listen to you. 24. We shall let you know about it as soon as we come to an (agree)_. 25. Nobody except the guests from Beijing (allow)_ to attend the concert last Saturday.,lied,had had,arguing,agreement,was allowed,It is no +adj. +doing It is not +adj. +to do,26. David was so (disappoint) _ about the decision that he ran out of the classroom. 27.Singapore is (far)_ away from the south Pole than from the North Pole. 28.(unfortunate) _ , she has got bad cold and cant attend the conference. 29.Do you remember (introduce)_ Prof. Smith to Dr. Li during his fist visit to China? 30.If you intend (visit)_ the National Garden, please contact me soon.,disappointed,farther,unfortunately,introducing,to visit,阅读理解,做阅读理解题通常有两种方法, 一是先看文章后做题: 文章不很长,时间不很紧 二是先看题目, 后读文章, 最后再做题: 文章比较长,时间不很充裕 阅读的难点不一定是考试的重点;考试的内容不大可能覆盖文章的全部大小细节。因此,在考试时采取第二种方法可能更为可取。具体地说,就是在阅读文章前,先将后面的题目看一下,带着这些问题去读文章。文章中的内容与考题有关系时仔细阅读,与题目无关时,可以置之不顾,很快跳越过去。这种方法在时间短、目的性明确的阅读任务中是比较有效的。,要学会抓文章的中心思想和主要内容。一般地说,一篇说明文的第一段和最后一段相当关键。第一段介绍文章的中心议题,最后一段对整篇文章进行总结。文章的中心思想和作者的主要观点一般都能在这两段中得到反映。在这两段的每个句子中,每一句和最后一句又显得格外重要,阅读时必须特别注意。 多数阅读理解题可以从文章中找到相应的段落、句子或词语。,抓主题句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。多数文段都有主题句,而且主题句一般出现在文章的开头和结尾。因为主题句往往对全文起提示、启迪、概括、归纳之作用,所以主旨大意题、归纳概括题、中心思想类的题目往往可直接从主题句中找到答案。 比如,请找出下面一段文章的主题句: The panda is a popular animal. Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children, and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.,询问主旨大意题,此类题型用以考查学生对文章主题或中心思想的领会和 理解能力。 一类题型为主题问题。 如:What is the main idea of this passage? What does the passage mainly talk about? What does the writer want to tell us? 另一类为标题问题。 如:Which title is the best title of this article? 寻找主题句往往是做好此类题的关键。因此,在做题时, 要注意每段的主题句(往往为第一句)。英文叫“Topic Sentence”, 它一般都用来表示一个段落的主旨大意,抓住主题句,就不难 确定文章的最佳标题。,题干类型及做题技巧,*这里介绍一下“寻找主题句”的技巧:,主题句的特点是: 1).相对于其他句子,它表达的意思比较概括; 2).主题句一般结构简单; 3).段落中其他句子必定是用来解释、支撑或发展相互题句所表达的思想的。,抓主题句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。多数文段都有主题句,而且主题句一般出现在文章的开头和结尾。因为主题句往往对全文起提示、启迪、概括、归纳之作用,所以主旨大意题、归纳概括题、中心思想类的题目往往可直接从主题句中找到答案。 比如,请找出下面一段文章的主题句: The panda is a popular animal. Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children, and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.,2、询问某个细节题或事实询问题,*下面介绍一下“理解细节”的技巧:,此类题型的问题以what、who、which、when、where、how 或者why等词引导,就文中某句、某段或某一具体细节进行提问 并要求考生回答。,1).明确题意,顺藤摸瓜。,2).按照要求,寻找答案来源。,3).找准关键词,明白其暗示作用。,4).多读原文,正确使用排除法。,推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含 意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展做正确 的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或 观点。这类试题常以如下句式发问: What can you conclude from this passage? Whats the authors attitude towards.? We can infer from the passage that. Which statement is(not) true? 首先,在阅读时,要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章 结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义。 其次,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机、事件中的 因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行 合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住 材料实质性的东西 。,3.推理判断题,4.经验常识题,此类题主要是考查学生应有的单项综合知识,包括: 社会知识、天文知识、史地知识、科普知识及对生活常识 的主观掌握程度。此类题往往与文章没有直接关系,学生 只能凭自己的常识进行判断,然后做出正确、符合这些规 律的选择。,翻译应试技巧,一、灵活推敲生词意思 如果题目中出现了比较生僻的单词,考生并不是无从下手,可以从选项中所给的对应的汉语意思推敲英语单词的含义,并结合整句话的含义进行选择。如: The police forced their way into the room, only to find the safe empty. A. 刚发现保险箱是空的,警察就进入了房间。 B. 为了找到那只空保险箱,警察强行进入了房间。 C. 警察破门而入,结果发现保险箱已经被洗劫一空。 D. 为了找到那只空保险箱,警察被迫进入通向房间的通道。,二、认真对比句型结构 由于英语应用能力考试针对的对象为高职高专院校的学生,其难度一般不会太大,在翻译题中,句型的结构一般也就比较简单,容易梳理。试看下面一道试题:Scientists are eager to talk with other scientists working on similar problem. A科学家热衷于与从事类似课题研究的其他科学家交流。 B科学家更容易与其他科学家谈话来解决相同的问题。 C科学家很乐意在解决类似问题时同其他科学家交流。 D科学家更容易就雷同的问题与其他科学家交谈。,三、灵活使用排除法 排除法是处理选择题的一种常用方法,其作用是不容忽视的。试看以下试题: Todays young people generally have more purchasing power than their parents, and they are more prepared to use it. A如今年轻人的购买能力一般都超过他们父母,而且更乐意消费。 B总体上今天的年轻人赚的钱比父母更多,而且他们时刻准备消费掉。 C如今年轻人在消费上大都比父母大方,而且他们更做好了花钱的准备。 D今天的年轻人大都认为他们需要比父母多买东西,而且时刻准备这么做。,四、保守得分法 所谓保守得分法是指当应试者无法确定最佳答案的时候,通过自己能确定的句中部分内容的翻译,找出翻译有明显错误的答案,并将其排除,保证所选答案能够得分。这种方法对于英语基础较薄弱的考生来说是很实用的,因为只需要找出明显有误的翻译便可以排除错误选项。试看以下试题: His ignorance of the companys financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures. A他对公司财务状况豪不理会,自以为措施有效,以致失当。 B他对公司的财务状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效的措施。 C他采取的措施无效,使得公司的经营状况更加恶化了。 D他不了解公司的金融状况,结果采取的措施失效了。,翻译,(1)倍数的翻译 1)比较级表达倍数的译法:“甲+倍数词+than+乙”译为“甲比乙大多少倍”。“甲+倍数词+as+形容词+as+乙“译为“甲是乙的多少倍”或“甲比乙大(倍数词-1)倍”。 “甲+倍数词+名词+介词of+乙”译为“甲是乙的多少倍”。如: The earth is 48 times larger than the moon.(地球比月球大48倍。) The earth is 49 times as large as the moon.,2)动词表达倍数或数量的译法:“动词+倍数词”译为“增加或减少多少倍。”或译为“增加或减少了多少倍。”“动词+数量词”译为“增加或减少多少。” 或译为“增加或减少了多少。”如: Statistics shows that the export increased 2.5 times last year. (数据表明去年进口增长了二点五倍。) The government announced last week that industrial production rose 0.3% in March, after dropping 0.2% the previous month. (上星期政府宣布三月份工业生产量在前一个月下降千分之二以后,上升了千分之三。),(2)被动语态的翻译: 译成汉语的被动句:当英语被动句在语义上着重谓语动词本身的意义时,可用汉语的被动句来译,可在句中增添一些表被动的词,如“被、受、由、为所”等。如: The design will be examined by a special committee. (这次设计将由一个专门的委员会予以审查。) 译成汉语的无主句:英语中不带by短语并含情态动词的被动句都可译成汉语的无主句。如: Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. (发现了错误一定要改正。) 译成汉语的主动句。如: His house is located on the edge of the city. (他的房子坐落在市区的边缘。),(3)名词性从句的翻译:英语名词性从句主要包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句,其中表语从句和宾语从句考题中出现较多。在翻译这类从句时,多数可按照原文的语序翻译成汉语。如: The company estimated more than 700,000 copies of the yellow pages will be distributed. 据这家公司估计,将发放的黄页电话簿超过70万册。(宾语从句) (4)状语从句的翻译:英语状语从句表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、目的等,置于主句后面的较多,而汉语的状语从句用在主句前的较多,因此,翻译时应将状语从句放在主句前。如: We encourage cardholders to use the card as often as possible, and they will be awarded with prizes when their marks(积分) reach a certain amount. 我们鼓励持卡人尽量多使用本卡。当持卡人的积分达到一定数量时,他们将获得奖励。(时间状语从句),(5)定语从句的翻译: 定语从句的句法功能是作定语,起修饰限制先行词的作用。此时,可译为汉语中的前置定语“的”。如: Chances favor the minds that are prepared. 机会青睐有准备的人。 独立成句法:有些定语从句相当于一个并列句,可把它译为一个分句。如:It is my mother who received the phone that announced the death of my uncle. 是我妈妈接到的电话,说我叔叔去世了。 定语从句对先行词不起限制作用,只起描述、解释、补充、说明作用,翻译时可将其译为一个独立的句子。如: Galileo, who made the first telescope, died in 1642. 伽利略死于1642年。他制造了第一架望远镜。,(二)专项练习: TranslationEnglish into Chinese 1. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses A) 美国许多大学的全部工作,在一定程度上涉及36门课程。 B) 美国有许多大学,要读 36门课程才能毕业。 C) 在美国的许多大学,攻读学位总共要修完36门课程。 D) 在美国有许多大学,攻读学位至少要修完36门课程。,CBDA,2. Once you take the job, you can enjoy fourteen days paid leave a year. A)你一旦做这份工作,你能享受的就是每年14天的假期。 B)你一旦接受了这份工作,每年可以享受14天的带薪假期。 C)只要你接受了这份工作,每年会多付给你14天的薪金。 D)你曾经承担过这份工作,一年后离职就可以多拿14天的工资。,BACD,3. Not until recently did people in our


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