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第20课时九年级 Units 1112一、单项填空1(2018江苏扬州翠岗中学二模)I didnt have the to go out alone at night when I was a little child.Neither did I. But now Im brave enough.Acourage Bpower Cability Dchance2(2018江西模拟四)Its too late to invite more people now. we all know Tina hates to attend parties like this.AHowever BStill CInstead DBesides3(2018山东菏泽单县模拟测试二改编)Will Karen come to our party?She hasnt decided yet. She come.Amay Bmust Cneed Dcan4(2019原创)By the time of last week, the pupils more than 2,000 stamps.Wow!Ahave collected Bcollected Chad collected Dcollecting5(2019预测)I feel worried about my life in a foreign country. There is no reason to be. Youll get used to the things there. It takes time.Awidely Bwisely Cgradually Dpolitely 6(2019原创)You may have some strange disease that may not for 10 or 15 years.Atake up Bput upCshow up Dmake up7(2018山东青岛李沧一模)Maybe we can have a picnic tomorrow?But I would rather a football match on TV at home.Awatch Bto watchCwatching Dto watching8(2019原创)Nick was because he didnt obey the rules.Ataken off Bkicked offCturned off Dput off9(2019原创)Mary, I thought you have gone to Hong Kong.I my plan because of the bad weather.Awasted BcanceledCkept Dworried10(2019预测)Our teacher makes us more confident. Ato feel BfeelingCfeel Dfelt二、完形填空(2019预测)Let me tell you about the best day of my life! I got up early and ran to the kitchen in my pyjamas(睡衣). It was my thirteenth birthday and I was really 1 . In fact, I wasnt sleeping all night because I kept 2 all the presents I would get.I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face, 3 nobody looked up. Mom and Dad were reading their newspapers while my two older brothers were eating breakfast. 4 said a word! “They have forgotten about my birthday!” I said to myself. I turned around and walked out of the 5 . Suddenly, I heard a noise, so I went back to 6 what it was. I couldnt believe my eyes! There were lots of 7 on the kitchen table. “Surprise!” I heard 8 me. When I turned around, I saw Mom, Dad and my brothers! Mom was holding a huge 9 with candles and they were singing “Happy birthday” to me. We shared the cake and opened all the presents.They didnt 10 my birthday after all. It really was the best day of my life!1A.lonely Bexcited Csuccessful Dweak2A.thinking about Bpicking upCtaking out Dputting away3A.for Bso Cor Dbut4A.Nobody BAnybodyCSomebody DEverybody5A.garden BkitchenCbedroom Dstudy6A.see Btaste Cexplain Dchoose7A.newspapers BpresentsCmenus Drings8A.of Babove Cbehind Dfrom9A.picture Bbowl Cspoon Dcake10A.realize Benjoy Cforget Dcelebrate三、阅读理解A(2018四川乐山中考改编)Steve was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didntthe girl with a rose. She was his pen friend. She had helped him a lot both in study and life. They planned their first meeting for 7 pm. at Grand Central Station in New York.“Youll find me,” she wrote, “by the red rose Ill be wearing on my coat.” So at 7 pm. he was in the station looking for the girl with a red rose.A young woman was coming towards him. She was wearing a green coat and was everything that he hoped Miss Maynell would be. But there was no red rose. Then a plainlooking(相貌平平的) woman walked past. She was well past 40 years old. On her coat there was a red rose. He did not hesitate(犹豫). “Im Steve Blanchard, and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?” he asked.A kind smile appeared on the womans face. “I dont know what this is about, son,” she answered, “But the young lady in the green coat who just went by asked me to wear this rose on my coat. She said if you asked me out to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street. She said it was a kind of test!”1Why did Steve go to the Grand Central Station?ATo see his girlfriend. BTo meet his pen friend. CTo visit his online friend.DTo meet his parents.2How did Steve know that he met the right person?AThe girl wore a green coat.BThe woman was 40 years old.CThe girl wore a rose on the coat.DThe woman wore a red coat.3Miss Maynell asked the woman for help to see if Steve .Atreated people by their looksBwas young and handsomeCcould find her at onceDwas rich and handsome4From the last paragraph we learn that at last.Athe woman went to dinner with SteveBSteve invited Miss Maynell to dinnerCSteve had dinner with Miss MaynellDSteven didnt find the right person5Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AGirl with a Rose Tests KindnessBLooks Can Give People Wrong IdeasCFriendship Can Bring People a Surprise DRed Coat and Red RoseB(2018四川成都武侯二模改编)A police artist, Lin Yuhui, helped a Didi driver find his lost daughter. The good news has been reported on TV and newspapers around China. On January 8th, 1994, the driver, Wang Mingqing, was selling fruits with his wife near Jiuyanqiao Bridge in Chengdu. Unluckily, their 4yearold daughter Wang Qifeng was lost. From then on, they began to look for the little girl across Chengdu and their hometown. But there was no result. In 2014, Mr. Wang became a Didi driver. So he put up a notice for her missing daughter on the car and handed out the notices to each passenger. Though it seemed hopeless. In 2017, Xinhua News Agency reported Mr. Wangs story. And the police went to Henan and Guangdong to look for the girl, but they didnt succeed. The kind police artist, Mr. Lin, drew a picture by comparing little Qifengs photo with her younger sisters photo. Then he put the picture on the Internet. One day of 2018, a woman in Jilin found the photo was almost the same as herself. She called Wang Mingqing and found she was really their lost daughter in surprise. The family were together again this April 3rd.根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。6While Qifengs grandparents were selling fruits, she was lost.7Mr. Wang has handed out the notices for his daughter to each passenger since 2014.8The police failed to find the girl in Henan, Guangdong and Jilin in 2017.9Qifeng is the only child in the family.10The lost girl is about 24 years old now.四、根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1(2018内蒙古包头中考)Before reaching an , they had a heated discussion.(agree)2(2019原创)That was an situation for me.(embarrass)3(2019原创)We were all surprised at the news.(expect)4(2019原创)The of the baby at birth was just over seven pounds.(weigh)5(2018江苏扬州树人学校二模改编)The of the new medicine has saved millions of lives across the world.(discover)五、将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。1(2019原创)If we , we can finish it today.(通力合作)2(2019原创)I still wanted to Alison.(成为某人的朋友)3(2019原创)Tickets for tonights performance is completely .(售完)4(2019原创)In such a hot day, I prefer to stay at home have a trip outside.(而不是)5(2019原创)I want to form a good habit this semester.(在以前)六、书面表达(2018贵州遵义桐梓模拟改编)提示:幸福是什么?幸福是和父母、家人快乐生活,共进晚餐;幸福就是和老师、同学和睦相处,互相帮助;幸福就是得到别人的赞许请以“My Happiness”为题,写一件让你感到幸福的事情。要求:


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