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毕业班闽教版小学英语复习卷(一)Units1-2I把下列单词补充完整或在括号里写出中文意思。(20分) se_s_de : 海边 w _ dd _ ng : 婚礼 m _ t : meet的过去式cl _ ssm _t _ : 同学 b _ tt _ _ : well的过去式 l _ ss _ n :功课 w_ _th _r :天气 s _ nn _:晴朗的 c _ ld :寒冷的 w_rm :暖和的 English ( ) math ( ) Chinese ( ) PE ( ) art ( ) computer ( ) music ( ) science( ) snowy( ) hot( )A. some interesting booksB. New Year programsC. the ice carvings D. snowmenE. a flower showF. your winter vacationG. a mountainH. EnglishI. at the seasideJ. at homeII 请在题号前写出正确的词组或对话的序号。(40分)( )watch ( )make( )read( )see ( )spend( )see( )play( )stay( )climb( )learnK. I read some interesting books.L. Im much better.M. Dont worry. I can help you with your math.N. English.O. Shes Chen Ling.P. Yes, I do.Q. Chen Ling.R. I went to Shandong.S. I climbed a mountain.T. It was sunny and warm.( )How was the weather there?( )How did you spend your winter vacation?( )Where were you in the winter vacation?( )What did you do there?( )How are you today?( )Im worried about my lessons.( )Whats your favorite subject?( )Whos this girl?( )Do you like your class?( )Who often helps you with your lessons?III选词填空。(20分)I went to Hainan _(in/with/at) my family.Im worried _(in/with/about) my lessons.I often teach _(she/her/hers) English._(What/How/Where) is the weather there?I often _(go/goes/went) to school at seven oclock. Sally _(go/goes/went) to school at seven oclock every day.I _(go/goes/went) to school at seven oclock yesterday.I _(go/goes/went) to school with Sally yesterday morning.We are good _(friend/friends).Wang Tao is my _(friend/friends).I have many _(friend/friends).We have _(a/an) art class in the morning.Its very _(hot/cold) in winter.I like _(draw/drawing).Dont _(worry/worried).I can help Wang Tao with _(my/her/his/your) lessons.I can help you with _(my/her/his/your) lessons.I can help Li Hong with _(my/her/his/your) lessons.Chen Ling can help me with _(my/her/his/your) English.I often do _(my/her/his/your) homework after dinner.IV选择题。(20分)( ) I _ to Guangzhou to see a flower show.A. go B. went C. come( ) I went to _ to see the ice carvings.A. flower B. Guangzhou C. Harbin( ) I watched New Year programs on _ .A. FJTV B. CCTV C. ZJTV( ) I _ some interesting books.A. watched B. looked C. read( ) Its very _ in Shenyang in winter. A. warm B. cold C. cool( ) I _ up early this morning. A. get B. getting C. got( ) Wang Tao went to Harbin by _. A. plane B. taxi C. train( ) Wang Tao and his friends made a big _. A. snowman B. snowmen C. the snowmen( ) I looked _ the window. A. on B. in C. out of( ) My classmates _ very nice. A. is B. am C. are( ) She often _me with my math.A. help B. helps C. helping( ) This is a photo _ my family.A. of B. in C. at( ) _ this girl? Shes my sister.A. Whats B. Whos C. Wheres( ) _ did you spend your winter vacation?A. How B. Who C. Why( ) Whats your _ subject?A. favorite B. like C. love( ) 当你想跟朋友说:“我可以帮你学英语。”用英语你怎么翻译:A. I can help you with your English. B. I can help you. ( ) “今天是星期三。”应该怎么翻译:A. Its Tuesday today. B. Its Wednesday today. ( ) “我们今天上午有音乐课。”应该翻译为:A. We have a music class this morning. B. We have an art class this morning. ( ) 选出正确的句子。A. I teach she English. B. I teach her English. ( ) 选出正确语序的句子。A. We played at the seaside. B. We at the seaside played. 3毕业班闽教版小学英语复习卷(一)Units3-4I把下列单词补充完整或在括号里写出中文意思。(20分) wr _ ng: 不舒服 t _ _ thache: 牙疼 h _ _ dache: 头疼 f _ ver: 发烧 h _ sp _ t _ l : 医院 c _ ld :感冒 m _ mm _ l :哺乳类动物 f_ _d :喂养 b _ by :婴儿 wh _ le : 鲸鱼 b _ t : 蝙蝠 l _ nd : 陆地 enough ( ) medicine ( ) bird ( ) umbrella ( ) pet( ) tree( ) water( ) egg( )A. enough clothesB. a toothacheC. aboutD. likeE. with milkF. to their youngG. in bedH. eggsI. a lot of waterJ. in waterII请在题号前写出正确的词组或对话的序号。(40分)( )have( )wear( )give birth( )stay( )feed their babies( )talk( )look( )live( )drink( )lay( )Can I go to school?K. Yes, they are.L. They live at the South Pole.M. No, you cant.N. I have a headache.O. They look like fish.P. I dont know.Q. No, they arent.R. Yes, they do.S. Peter.T. Thank you, doctor.( )Whats wrong with you?( )Are whales animals?( )What do they look like?( )Where do they live?( )Do you have a fever?( )Do they lay eggs?( )Are bats birds?( )Who cant go to school?( )Ill give you some medicine.III选词填空。(20分)They feed their babies_(in /with /on) milk.They look _( to/ in /like) fish._(What /When /Where) do they live?Do goldfish live _ (in water /in trees /on land)?_ are mammals.(Tigers /Chickens)Bats_ (can /cant ) lay eggs.Penguins live _ .(at the South Pole /at the zoo )Ducks are _.( mammals /birds )Cats feeds their babies with _.(milk /fish )Frogs live _. (in water / on land or in water)I went to Fuzhou _.(yesterday morning /tomorrow morning)I fly my kite _.(in the hospital / in the park )I often get up early _ .(in the morning / in the afternoon)_(Do /Are) whales mammals?What _(do it /do they) look like?We are talking _(about /with ) birds with the teacher.Whats wrong _( about /with) you?You must stay _(in /on ) bed.Ill give you some _.(medicine / medicines )Open your _(tooth / mouth) and say “Ah”.IV选择题。(15分)( )Ben is ill, and he is _ bed now. A. in B. on C. at( )Bats _ birds. A. looks like B. look like C. look for( )Do bats lay eggs?-_ A. Yes, bats do. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they dont.( )-Where do the monkeys live?-_. A. In water B. In the water C. In the forest( )When we have a fever. We must _. A. drink tea B. eat much food C. drink a lot of water.( )Penguins cant fly . But they are _. A. people B. birds C. mammals( )-Are sheep mammals ?-_ . A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, they lay eggs.( )-Can birds lay eggs?-_ A. Yes, they cant. B. Yes, they can. C. Yes, it can.( )Do dogs give birth to their young?- _. A. No, they dont. B. Yes, they do. C. Yes, they are.( )-What do bats look like?- _. A. Fish B. Birds C. Eggs( )当你看到朋友身体不舒服,你应该怎么问? A. What are you doing? B. Whats wrong with you? ( )你想知道现在几点,你应当问: _ A. Whats this? B. Whats the time? ( )你想知道朋友住在哪里,你可以问:_ A. Where do you live? B. Where are you? ( )早上见到老师和同学,你应当说 _ A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning. ( )我感冒了,怎么翻译成英语:_ A.I have a cold. B.I have a fever. V 选择正确句子的序号,并填在横线上。(5分) A. have a headache B. have a fever C. stay in bedD. some medicine E. a lot of water(In the hospital)D=Doctor M=Mom J=JimD: Whats wrong with you? J: I _. (头疼)D: Oh, Jim. You _ . (发烧)J:Can I go to school, Mom?M: No, you cant.D: You must _. (躺在床上) And Ill give you _(一些药) and you must drink_.(许多水) Then you ll be all right.M&J: Thank you, Doctor.毕业班闽教版小学英语复习卷(一)Units5-6I把下列单词补充完整或在括号里写出中文意思。(20分)s _ l_ d : 色拉 s _ _ p : 汤 p _ t _ t _ :马铃薯b_ _f : 牛肉 r _ _ st : 烤 w _ fe :妻子,夫人w _ tch :手表 dr _ ss 女服,连衣裙 h _ ndb _ g :手提包 r _ staur_ nt :餐馆 ring( ) want( ) beautiful( ) pink( ) short( ) orange( ) vegetable( ) juice( ) noodles( ) carrot( )P. Orange juice, please.Q. Thank you.R. I want to buy a dress for my wife.S. Yes. Roast duck, please.T. Good idea.II请在题号前写出正确的词组或对话的序号。(40分)( )Are you ready to order?( )Can I help you, sir?( )What about Beijing roast duck?( )Any drinks?( )Here is the menu, sir.III选词填空。(20分)Do you want any _?(potato/potatoes)The Millers are _(at/in) a nice restaurant.This is an American food:_(Dumplings/Hamburgers)-Any drinks?-_, please.(Salad/Carrot juice)The green handbag is _ than the red one.(big/bigger)Li Hongs shirt is _ Chen Lings.(nicer/nice)My coat is _ than yours.(short/shorter)The blue bag is _ than the white one.(good/better)Ben _(will/is) buy her a ball.She will make a card _(for/to) him.What about some _?(soup/soups )At the restaurant, we need a _.(menu/pen )We buy some clothes in the _.(hospital/shopping center)So many nice _!(kite/kites)Mom _ (likes/like) yellow color.I _ (wants/want) to buy a pen.They want to give some _ (presents/present) to their mother.The moon is _ (bigger/smaller) than the sun.Ill _ (to buy/buy) the yellow dress._ (Mothers Day/mothers day) is coming.IV选择题。(15分)( )Do you want to _ with me? Sure.A. come B. came C. coming( )Ill buy _ a handbag. A. she B. her C. hers( )Wow, so many beautiful _.A. dress B. a dress C. dresses( )We have blue, yellow and green _.A. color B. colors C .a color( )What about some _? A. dumplings B. much food C. dumpling( )-Have some tea, please.-_. A. Thank. B. Thank you. C. Yes.( )Well go to _.A. the shopping center B. shopping center C. the shopping ( )-What about some pumpkin pie?-_. A. Yes, they are. B. Good idea. C. Thank you.( )-Any soup or vegetables? -_.A. Chicken soup and banana pie. B. Roast duck and vegetable salad. C. Chicken soup and vegetable salad.( )-Here is the_ , sir.- Thank you.A. nume B. menu C. nemu( )当你进入商店时,售货员应该怎么问? A. Can I help you? B. Whats wrong with you? ( )你想问售货员商品的价格,你应当问: _ A. Whats this? B. How much is it? ( )当你进入餐馆时,服务员应该怎么问? A. Are you ready to order? B. What do you want? ( )下面哪一句是正确的? A. I want to buy a dress to my wife. B. I want to buy my wife a dress. ( )“粉色的连衣裙比黑色更漂亮”,这句话怎么翻译:A. The pink dress than the black one is nicer. B. The pink dress is nicer than the black one. V 给句子重新排列顺序。(5分) ( )I want to buy a skirt.( )Eight yuan.( )Can I help you, madam?( )What about this one?( )Well, I like it. How much is it?毕业班闽教版小学英语复习卷(一)Units7-8I把下列单词补充完整或在括号里写出中文意思。(20分)a_rhostess : 空姐 h _ _ r : 小时 c_ _ k :厨师p_ r_ nt : 父母 _ ddr_ ss : 地址 pull( )kind( ) servant( ) turtle( ) poor( ) before( ) remember( ) show( ) farewell( ) free( ) true( ) different( ) dream( ) New York( ) middle school( )II请在题号前写出正确的词组汉语意思或对话的序号。(40分)K. 过儿童节L. 理想的工作M. 强壮和健康N. 一个告别聚会O. I want to be a pilot.P. She is my sister.Q. Im a policeman.R. He is a teacher.S. She is a singer.( )spend Childrens Day( )a farewell party( )dream job( )strong and healthy( )What does she do?( )What do you want to be?( )What is he ?( )Who is she?( )Whats your job? III选词填空。(20分)Lets make a birthday card _(to/for/of) Sally._( Whats/Whos/Whens) your favorite color?We can put our _(addresses/address/addressed) in the book.Sometimes he _( worked/works/work) day and night.We have _(a/an/the) art class on Wednesday._(A/An/the) airhostess has to work long hours._(A/An/the) pilot can take people to different places._(Do/Does/Are) you want to be a doctor? Yes, I do.Wang Tao (wants/want/wanted) to be a pilot.Lets (make/invite/give) her pa


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