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长春市实验中学2018-2019学年下学期期末考试高二英语试卷考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分第I卷第一部分 听力(120小题)在笔试结束后进行。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AHave you traveled abroad this year? Overseas travel has become a trend in China. The China Tourism Academy released a report on Sept 8. It said that last year, Chinese mainlanders (大陆人) made 117 million trips overseas. The number will possibly hit 133 million this year, said the report.Countries and areas near the Chinese mainland were their favorites. Hong Kong, Macao and Thailand were the top three choices for visitors. United States, ranking No 8, was the most popular country outside of Asia.21. As for travelling, which is Chinese mainlanders favourite destination abroad?A. Hong Kong.B. Thailand.C. United States.D. Australia.22. The underlined word “hit” in Para1 can be probably replaced by _.A. decreaseB. reachC. completeD. occur23. Which statement is True according to the text?A. 117 million Chinese people travelled abroad last year.B. It costs the largest amount of money to travel to Australia.C. The majority of Chinese mainlanders prefer distant journeys.D. More and more oversea trips will be made by Chinese mainlanders.BThe Coral Sea is home to an amazing variety of turtles, sharks, whales, dolphins, large fish, birds, corals, plants, and many other species. Many of these species are endangered elsewhere in the world, but still survive in the healthy environment of the Coral Sea.The Coral Sea is a large series of coral reefs (礁) located off the northeast coast of Australia. This area is three times larger than Australias famous Great Barrier Reef, which the Coral Sea borders.The Coral Sea is one of the few coral reef environments that have remained largely undamaged by over-fishing, oil and gas exploration and pollution. However, statistics show that coral reefs around the world are disappearing five times faster than rainforests. It is very likely that in the near future the Coral Sea will face the same threats to its existence.The Australian government is currently looking at options for protecting the Coral Sea but has made no decisions. Environmentalists are pushing for laws to declare the Coral Sea area a marine (海洋的) protected area. This would mean a large “no-take zone” for fishermen, a no-exploration zone for gas and oil companies and a no-dump zone for pollution. This would make the Coral Sea a marine park larger than any in the world.We can write letters to Australian leaders, Australian environmental protection agencies, and Australian friends, to let them know that people worldwide support this protection of the Coral Sea. To lose this last great marine wildness would be a loss for the whole world.24. The Coral Sea is located _. A. around Australia B. next to Great Barrier Reef C. far from Great Barrier Reef D. in the northwest of Australia25. What can we learn from Para 3?A. Coral reefs will survive longer than rainforests.B. The Coral Sea is completely in its original condition.C. Over-fishing is one of the main factors that damage the sea. D. There is no need to worry about the Coral Sea disappearing.26. What is the authors attitude towards the situation of the Coral Sea? A. Concerned.B. Negative. C. Indifferent.D. Doubtful.27. The author wrote this passage to _? A. introduce the resources of the Coral Sea. B. show the amazing features of the Coral Sea. C. recommend people not to visit the Coral Sea. D. call for the public awareness to protect the Coral Sea.CWhen a special occasion arrives, a colorful gift bag or a box often finds its way to a doorstep (门口), an office desk or a mailbox. But once in a while, a present arrives at an unexpected moment as a reminder that someone is thinking about us.Wanda Anderson of Richland, US, remembers such a gift.Seeing roses always brings to mind Wandas childhood memories. To this young girl, those flowers were a luxury. “We never had money to buy extra things, so even a tired rose was something to cherish,” Wanda said.Nowadays, to have a backyard filled with many different roses is pure enjoyment. Wanda especially loves the very first blooms. Her husband, Dale, devotedly tends (照顾) the roses and knows this little fact about his wife. On a particular morning, he picked the very first flowers of spring, fresh from the garden. But as Dale came back into the house, he was met by a neighbor who had stopped in for a quick visit. As the woman turned to go, Dale graciously (有风度地) handed the roses to her. Knowing her very precious first blooms go out the door filled her with regret, and a bit of selfishness. Throughout the rest of the morning, Wanda argued with herself, knowing logically it was “better to give than to receive.” Nevertheless, she wished she could have kept the roses for herself. vLater that day, the couple headed to the post office, where Wanda waited outside in the car. Then, without warning, an older woman suddenly appeared at the cars open window, with a bunch of multicolored roses in her arms. “These are for you,” she said, giving the flowers to Wanda. “Theyre my first blooms this spring.” Totally surprised and overwhelmed (不知所措的), Wanda thanked the woman and bent for a moment to inhale (吸入) the roses rich fragrance. When she looked back, the mysterious visitor was gone.To this day, that “special delivery” changed Wanda. Now, her very first blooms always go to someone else, as a reminder that someone is thinking of them.28. The underlined part “such a gift” refers to a gift that _.A. is well chosenB. is worth your gratitudeC. needs taking good care ofD. reminds you of something29. Why did Dale give the roses to the neighbour?A. Because Wanda didnt want to keep them.B. Because Dale wanted to show his friendliness.C. Because the neighbour liked the flowers more than Wanda. D. Because the colour of the flowers was not Wandas favourite.30. What can be concluded from the text?A. As a child, Wanda never cared about money.B. Wanda was impressed deeply by the neighbour.C. Wanda was willing to give the flowers to the neighbour.D. The neighbour presented Wanda with flowers in return for Wandas kindness.31. Why does Wanda always give her first blooms to others?A. To express her regard. B. To prove her selflessness.C. To satisfy people in need.D. To show off her talented gardening.DScientists in Argentina have created the worlds first cow with two human genes that will enable it to produce human-like milk.Genetic engineering was used to introduce the “mothers milk” genes into the animal before birth, according to the National Institute of Agribusiness Technology in Buenos Aires.As an adult, the cloned cow will produce milk that is similar to that of humans, which will prove a development of great importance for the nutrition of infants (婴儿). “The cloned cow, named Rosita ISA, is the first in the world with two human genes that contain the proteins present in human milk,” said the institute.In April, scientists in China published details of research showing that they had created dairy cows which produced milk containing proteins found in human breast milk. But the Argentine team said the Chinese only introduced one human gene, while their research involved two, meaning the milk will more closely resemble that of humans.“Our goal was to raise the nutrition value of cows milk by adding two human genes, which do good to the immune system of the infants,” said Adrian Mutto, from the National University of San Martin which worked with the institute.Cristina Kirchner, President of Argentina, said the scientific institute “makes all Argentines proud”. She also said that she had rejected the “honor” of having the cow named after her. “They came to tell me that the name is Cristina, but what woman would like to have a cow named after her? It appeared to me to be more proper to call it Rosita.”32. What is the passage mainly about? A. Ways to improve “mothers milk”.B. The importance of genetic engineering.C. A cloned cow to produce human-like milk.D. Advanced agricultural technology in Argentina.33. Which of the following can best replace “more closely resemble” in Para 4? A. have more advantages over B. be more similar to C. have more nutrition than D. be more different from34. The purpose of the study is to _. A. create cows that can produce more milk B. introduce some genes into cows after birth C. make cows milk more like that of humans D. help babies grow cleverer and stronger 35. What can be inferred from Cristina Kirchners statements? A. She felt it improper to be named after the cow. B. She considered it an honor to name the special cow. C. She was quite satisfied with the research done by the institute. D. She refused to give a name to the cow out of self-respect.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。VOLUNTEERING is a great way to support an organization and make a difference in your community. It can also be an opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. But how do you volunteer? What to consider and plan? 36 .Step 1: Think about why you want to volunteer. Do you want to help the world or your community? Do you want to build your own skills, make new friends, and learn? Do you want to share your gifts with others or give something back? Think about these sorts of questions, 37 .Step 2: Seek out an organization that suits your skills and interests. Of course, you can develop new skills and learn many things by volunteering, 38 .Step 3: 39 . If you already have a busy life, volunteer your time for an hour or two per week or perhaps one day per month. You might be surprised how much you can accomplish in even a little bit of time.Step 4: Have fun! You will accomplish more if you love what you do, 40 .A. Start smallB. Dream bigC. Heres a guide for beginnersD. The following tips can help you work out a planE. and chances are good that your enthusiasm will influence othersF. but your volunteer work can still be in agreement with your interestsG. and that can help you to choose the right direction for your volunteer work第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was 11 years old standing outside in just my 41 while I watched the house that I grew up in rapidly burn to the ground.A few minutes 42 I had been in bed when a scream woke me up. My grandmas bedroom was just next to mine and my brothers. A fire had 43 there and awakened her. Hearing her, my older brother had jumped into 44 , running from room to room 45 waking everyone in the house. The house, 46 , was over 50 years old and made of wood. 47 we could do anything the fire consumed it. We all 48 made it outside before the flames had taken 49 of every room.I stood there shivering (发抖) while the fire 50 my books, clothes, and toys. I watched 51 while my mom cried and my dad sighed (叹气). I wondered what was going to happen to us now that we had lost all of our things.As I looked around, though, I 52 something for the first time: The things that matter arent things. I saw my older brother running 53 the swinging bridge by our house to get help. I saw my oldest brother who was on crutches (拐杖) from an earlier accident standing unsteadily on one leg. I saw my grandma and dad 54 in each others arms and my mom holding our little dog. I realized at that moment that we were all alive. Everything that was essential had 55 the fire. Our lives would continue. We would survive without the “stuff” that was burning. We would all be around to love each other for many years to come. And that was all that 56 .I 57 think of that fire in the night. It helped me to become who I am today. It showed me for the very first time what is truly essential in this life. It helped me to learn that the love we 58 is far more important than the things we 59 .Live your life then for the things that matter, not for the things you own. Love others. Let the fire inside of you make this world a warmer place. Let your soul 60 bright.41. A. uniformB. hatC. underwearD. overcoat42. A. earlierB. laterC. soonerD. longer43. A. broken upB. broken outC. made upD. given out44. A. actionB. stepC. realityD. trouble45. A. slowlyB. quicklyC. regularlyD. angrily46. A. otherwiseB. thereforeC. insteadD. however47. A. BeforeB. AfterC. WhenD. Since48. A. hardlyB. trulyC. barelyD. rarely49. A. holdB. advantageC. placeD. notice50. A. damagedB. injuredC. destroyedD. hurt51. A. mindlesslyB. helplesslyC. carelesslyD. aimlessly52. A. rememberedB. remindedC. realizedD. recognized53. A. acrossB. throughC. onD. over54. A. buriedB. wrappedC. heldD. hidden55. A. avoidedB. defeatedC. survivedD. overcame56. A. matteredB. leftC. affectedD. occurred57. A. evenB. alreadyC. everD. still58. A. raiseB. shareC. keepD. ignore59. A. possessB. receiveC. believeD. doubt60. A. reflectB. appearC. shineD. light第II卷注意: 请将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。More UK students 61 (choose) to take Chinese than German in this years A-level test, 62 exam taken by UK senior students, reported Xinhua News Agency.A total of 3,334 teenagers took Chinese this year 63 (compare) to 3,058 students who took German. This is the first time that there 64 (be) more people taking Chinese than German, which makes Chinese the third most popular foreign language in the A-level test after French and Spanish.Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council, told CGTN that due 65 the economic power of Germany in the 1960s and 1970s, students were encouraged to study German, 66 China has since emerged (显露出) as the worlds 67 (fast) growing economy.To promote the learning of Chinese, the UK government set up the Mandarin Excellence Program in 2016, 68 aims to train 5,000 young Britons to become fluent in Mandarin by 2020.“It will give them a 69 (significance) advantage when competing in the global jobs market, and is 70 (particular) important as we prepare to leave the European Union,” Britains School Standards Minister Nick Gibb told Xinhua.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)71. Whatever the _(大多数) decided I was prepared to go along with. 72. Tom joined a group which campaigned against the physical _(惩罚) of children.73. British rail has indeed become more _(商业的) over the past decade.74. It would be nice to be able to afford _ to (退休) earlier.75. Economists are working on the _(假设) of an interest rate cut.76. Blacks have been hurt by _(种族的) inequalities in housing and education.77. It is highly _(推荐) that children should do their homework on their own.78. It seems that the _(电池) of the radio need replacing.79. The shy girl was called to step up the _(讲台) to give a speech.80. The truck rushed wildly down the _(狭窄的) mountain road.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是即将步入高三的学生李华,请你结合自己的学习生活,用英语给新高一的学弟学妹写一封建议信。要点包括:1. 努力学习2. 调整心态3. 锻炼身体4. 其他方面注意:1. 字数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好。Dear boys and girls,Im glad to have the chance to share something with you._ Yours, Li Hua英 语 听 力注意事项:英语听力共两节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分。第1部 分 听力 (共两节 满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How did the man get hurt? A. He fell off a chair.B. He was practicing sports.C. He fought with his classmate.2. What do the plants probably need according to the man? A. Water.B. Plant food.C. Sunlight.3. What is the woman doing? A. Taking a rest.B. Having a class. C. Buying a pencil.4. What time will the woman finish reading over the essay? A. At 1:00 p.m.B. At 11:30 a.m.C. At 11:00 a.m.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.Their future plans.B. Their family.C. Their work. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、


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