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THIS IS ENGLISH 1 开放英语1,期末辅导课,开放英语系列教材由中央电大和英国开放大学合作,为我国英语学习者编写的一套适合自学的多种媒体英语教材。开放英语系列教材共6册。每册教材由主、副文字教材,录音、录象和计算机多种媒体构成。开放英语1为该教材的第一册,主要供已经具有初级英语水平的成人自学者使用。教材的起点是600个单词。本着以学生为中心的原则,充分考虑成人学习的特点,对内容进行全面设计,尽心的选取,合理的编排,力求从低起点开始,通过大量的口、笔头练习和反复实践,引导学习这一步一个脚印地迈向学习目标。,教学媒体介绍: 一:教材:中央电大出版社 刘黛琳主编 开放英语1。 二:学习指导:开放英语练习册1。 三:录象及光盘,网上资源 教学设计:1,用1-2小时介绍教科书框架,学习媒体,面授计划做以指导。 2,英语辅导采用导学系统辅导型。 3,将本书内容串讲,对相似语法对照学习。 4,最后用6小时对练习册和作业进行指导。 5,将本人的电话、邮箱等联系方式告知学员,进行电话答疑和网上辅导。 6,引导学员上网学习,提供权威网站,帮助学员搜集网上资源,并对多数学员疑惑问题给予解答。,UNIT one,Learn how to give information about yourself Learn how to ask someone about themselves Learn how to talk about leisure activities Learn how to give information about travel arrangement,Self-introduction,Im My name is /My name s I work for I live in ,Asking someone some information,The name The job The birth place The family The nationality,Language points,Work +prep. :work with /work for /work at /work in P3 Different jobs: a worker/a clerk /a doctor /a solider P3 Different sports: bungee jumping /dancing P3,Expressing likeness,I like swimming /dancing I dont like doing sth I like to do sth,Grammar focus,名词的单复数:规则和不规则变化 规则变化:1)加 - s ,如jobs 2)加 -es , 如buses 3)辅音字母加Y结尾去y 变i 加es 如 4)去 f/fe 变 v 加 es 如wolves 不规则变化要记忆.,Grammar focus,A/an/ the 1)定冠词的用法:特指,说话双方都明白的事情,世界上独一无二的的事物,乐器前, 2)不定冠词的用法:泛指,一个,可以指一类事物,UNIT two,Learn to say more about yourself Learn to make offers and requests Learn to check into a hotel The expression of time,The expressions of the greeting,Hi / Hello -Hi /Hello How do you do?-How do you do ? How are you ?-Fine,thank you not very well,and you ?,The usage of the prep.,On below,Under,beside,above,In,near,The expressions of time,12 小时表达法: 1)半小时以前:9:25 直接说出数字或者用past 2)半小时以后:9:55- 可以直接说出或者用to 3)一刻钟及其倍数:a quarter /three quarters 4) 半小时整,eg.half past ten 5) In the morning -am 6) In the afternoon-pm,The expression of prep. of time,In 用于月份及其年份前:in June ,in 1996 On 用于具体的一天on May 1st At 用于时刻前:at 5 oclock For 用于一段时间:for 2 hours Fromto 表示从某点到另一点的持续时间: from 8 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon,Unit three,Making introduction Making offer Describe building and offers,Introduction,This is 介绍别人时候需要注意的事项: 把男士介绍给女士 地位低的介绍给地位高的 年轻的介绍给年长的,Making offers,Would you like sth ? Would you like to do sth? -yes ,please . -Id like -Ill do sth,Language points,The difference between B.E and A.E B.E A.E 一楼 the ground the 1st floor 二楼 the 1st floor the 2nd floor 电影 film movie 电梯 elevator lift,Grammar focus,“There be” and “have /has” e.g There is a book on the table We have a big room 前者是表示存在有,后者表示所属有,基数词和序数词,One -first / 1st Two -second/2nd Threethird/3rd P.34,指示代词,This /these/that /those等 1)可以单独使用也可以与名词相连 2) 此代词表达对比:This is my coffee 3)用于强调:That is really stupid!,Unit four,Learn how to describe families Learn to describe work roles,Talking about the work,介绍工作领域用介词She is in medicine. 询问别人的工作:What do you do ?/What does Tom do ? 工作地点:work in / work at 注意不要问及别人的薪水,在西方属于隐私,Language points,To have / to have got ( P48) 他们的疑问用法和否定用法不同 表示“拥有”时他们的意思是相同的,grammar,汉语中的“正在”英语中用“现在进行时态” Be +verb 的现在分词 e.g Im writing . Jane is crying . My mother is sewing . they are reading.,Unit five,Learn how to describe accommodation: Bathroom / toilet / kitchen/ living room /study /garden /garage /dining room /hall /bedroom/ Making suggestions,Making suggestions,What about +v-ing How about +v-ing Why dont you +verb? 要表示对建议的反映可用: well, I dont know. Yes ,Thats a good idea.,Asking the prices,How much does it cost? How much is the flat? How much are they? 各国的钱币的符号不同:英国 ,p 美国$ 中国,The meaning of the sentences,What does mean? -what does it mean? It means Does mean?,Unit seven,Study the language for criticizing How do we make a call How to make an appointment,Language points,时间的花费表达: 1) to take : It takes sb some time to do stn 2) sb spend some time in doing sth,Making a call,Hello,this is _ speaking .can I speak to _? Is that you ,Mary ? One moment ,please Sorry , she/he is not in Sorry ,wrong number Can I take a massage to sb?,Making an appointment,Are you free on Sunday? Is okay? _(time ) is fine . O.k, see you at _(time )on ,Unit 8,Asking for and give permission. Describing a city Talking about the weather Expressing a command,Sth about the weather,Sunday /cloudy /foggy /rainy / snowy /windy Whats the weather like today /in Beijing ? In spring /summer /fall /winter,Asking permission,You can do sth You cant do sth Can I do sth here? 附情态动词:may /can /may /must /及其过去时态,Describing the city,Beautiful /busy /big /clean /crowed /modern /safe /expensive /quiet /well-organized p101,The prep.of place,On /in /under /above /next to /in front of /behind Furniture:CD player /lamp /laptop /sofa /table/,unit 9,How to ask for and give basic directions The multi-word verbs How to describe peoples physical appearance and character,Asking the way,where( the place) is how can I get to( the place) Would you please tell me the way to (the place),短语动词,Get up /get on /get off /get about /get down Work out /work off Come across/ come in /come off/ Ring up /wait for P115,Talking about peoples appearance,What does he look like ? -He is tall ,brown wavy hair whats he like? -He is very nice and kind,Unit 10,Making offers Study food vocabulary Talk about different quantities,Making offers,+ 名词 + to + 动词 Would you like + 代词+动词 I will +动词原形,可数与不可数名词,可数名词的变化形式: 1)-s boyboys 2) es bus-buses -ves knife-knives -ies hobby-hobbies 不可数名词的变化见一个记一个如: Child-children,Unit 11,How to talk about interests and hobbies How to give opinions How to give instructions,Asking others opinion,What do you think of ? Do you think of ? -I think (the parks are lovely) -so do I/so have I/ so am I / Me too -Neither do I/Neither am I?Neither have I,Expressing hobbies,Love to do /doing Like to do/doing Hate to do/doing Prefer A to B Enjoying doing To be interesting in To be keen on /to be good at,Unit 13,How to write letter Describe the emotions The usage of “to be”,The expression of emotions,Boring / interesting /exciting /worrying /frightening / depressing / tiring -ing 与-ed 形式情感形容词的区别: 前者通常带有主动的意味 后者通常带有被动的意味,Unit 14,How to make comparisons The present continuous tense to talk about future arrangement,现在进行时态与一般将来时态表示将来,She isnt staying in Taiwan. When is she flying for Paris? Is she coming back to London on Thursday. 这种用法含有“意图”或者“打算”,“安排”,“计划” 的含义 That will be 50. Molly will be here.,Unit 15,复合宾语和双宾语 Talking about duties and obligations,The verbs that takes two objections,They ask me to do the exercise. He take me an umbrella . 前者是复合宾


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