牛津小学英语6A Unit 7 教学设计_第1页
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牛津小学英语6A Unit 7 教学设计 学情分析: 六年级学生刚学了U6 Holidays对Christmas已有所了解,但对西方国家的受礼知识知之甚少,对形容词性物主代词知之甚多,只是尚不知其名称。就大多数小学高年级学生而言,智力差异并不悬殊,本课希望通过小组活动引导学生在集体中捕捉自己的亮点,人性最深切的要求是渴望别人的欣赏,尽力发扬他们内在的精神力量去弥补自身的不足,增强集体荣誉感,这节课作为第一课时力求从生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。 教学内容:1. Look,read and say教学目标:知识目标:1能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组a wallet , ,a watch ,a calculator , a hairdryer, a teapot , a skateboard .2 初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , yours,ours的用法。3能听得懂、会说和会读 1 Whose is it / are they ? Its / Theyre mine / yours /his/hers /ours .2 Open it for me,please.3 Youre welcome.技能目标: 能运用所学交际用语进行围绕送礼物这一主题简单得体地交谈。情感目标: 感受西方人圣诞节的快乐,并积极地参与送礼与受礼的模拟氛围 感悟给予就是幸福。教学重点: 初步掌握名词性物主代词her , his , mine , ours , yours的用法。初步掌握句型Whose is it / are they ? Its / Theyre mine / yours /his/hers /ours .教学难点:理解并初步掌握名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别。 教学准备:实物(皮夹等),礼物(笔记本等),CAI 等教学过程:Step 1 Warming up A Listen to the song “ Merry Christmas”(设计意图:圣诞歌曲烘托,让学生浸润在英语的氛围,促使学生的学习热情升温) B Greetings and free talkT :What date is it today? What holiday is coming soon? What do people usually do at Christmas? What did you do last Christmas? Did you get a present last Christmas?T: Sorry, You didnt get one .Heres a present for you.S: Thank you very much.T : Not at all. Youre welcome. (设计意图:这是本课要学的三会句型,先在此提前渗透.让学生初步感知)T:Youd better open it at once. Open it, please.S(当场打开)Its a watch. T: Do you like it? S: Yes.T:Say out loudly.OK?S:Its a nice watch.T: Good job .在西方国家有个风俗,收到礼物一般当面打开,并表示感谢,当面表达喜爱之情,夸张一点不算过分.(设计意图:了解交际中的文化内涵和背景,对异国文化采取尊重和包容的态度。)Step2 Presentation 11教学新单词T: Boys and girls , there are a lot of Christmas presents on the desk . Lets see who can catch the new words ,who can get the present.T: Open it for me ,pleaseS:All right.T: Thanks.What is it? I like skating. I can use it to skate.who can have a try?( show the word and a skateboard on the screen skate.board ) S: Read out.T: Great. Its for you , its yours. Yours means your skateboard . The skateboard was mine just now ,its yours now.How to read the word? (Show two words nine/mine on the screen.What does “mine” mean?S: Mine means my skatboard.T: Clever , This is my watch, we can also say its mine .my purses we can say theyre mine too. Teach the word “hairdryer-hers,teapot-his” in the same way .T: Well done. Open it for him/her please.What is in it?S: 计算器 和一个皮夹T:Who can read out? Show these words on the screen.cat-excuse-late- doctor(设计意图:次单词是多音节单词,学生朗读极难,由熟悉的音节带出生词学生既容易上口,又便于背诵,还切身体验到成功的愉悦,学习英语的兴趣势必大增)同法教wallet show those words watch-litter2巩固所学单词及名词性物主代词T: Lets play a game “I say you say” I say this is my wallet , you say its mine.Eg:Thats his skatboard. Its his. These are our calculates.They are ours.S Work in pairs3 教学名词性物主单词。 T: Today I take some presents with me . Theyre for you . I ask a student to help me T:S1, come here ,please. Whose notebook is it ? S1: (惊讶地) Its my present . T: Yes, its your present, its yours . (板书:yours )1 观察板书,想一想两种物主代词的区别,再找一找规律。2 用两首儿歌来表示他们的不同:a.一变(my mine),二留( his his ,),剩余加“s”。b.形容词物主代词能力差,自己不能来当家,后面要把名词加。 名词性物主代词能力强,自己独来又独往,后面什么也不加。Step4 Presentation2T: Everone did good job just now .Everybody was great .(Show everybody on the screen)Now lets listen what Jims family got last Christmas?Open your English book please.S listen while reading the book.(设计意图:根据阅读目的确定不同的阅读策略)Read after the CAIT;Jim is telling David about his familys Christmas presents. Match the people with their presents.Join the dots.S Read while matching .Ask and answer about the exercise aboveTalk with a volunteer T: Whose watch is this? S1: Its Dads. Its his.Ss Talk show. Ask the students to read first then answer the questions about the passage.T: You can talk to your partners in the group of four.(设计意图:创设各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习、互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神)Q1 Where were Jims family? How about the presents?Q2 What present did Jim/Dad /Mum/Grandma/Grandpa get?Q3 Whose wallet/skateboard/ teapot/ hairdryer/ calculator is it?Ask the students to read the third time to fill in the blanks.Passage:Jims family w- in his grandpas house last C- D-. E- was e-.there were many p- under the Christmas tree. Jim g-a c-and a s-.Grandpa g-grandma a t-and s-.because she l-d-.The w-and the h- were from g-.How h- they were! (设计意图: 着重检测学生综合语言技能和语言应用能力、能从文章中获取主要信息并能摘录要点、能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述。)Then check .T: Well done.How happy we are.Everybody here is happy . Giving is happy!(show on the screen)Music is playing .正大综艺栏目的主题歌(设计意图:此时歌曲响起学生的学习热情达到了沸点,这利于引导学生形成健康的人生观,促进健康人格的发展,为他们的终身发展打下良好的基础。)Homework : 1 Copy the patterns and the phrases. 2 Listen to the tape three times then try to retell the passage frequently 3 Try to talk to your parents in English about Christmas.教学反思: 充分预设是精彩生成的前提,随着教学活动的展开,教师、学生的思想和教学文本曾不断碰撞,创造火花也不断迸发如在学生读第四边课文后,学生在这


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