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专题四完形填空考点二十四记叙文Cloze 1限时12分钟My First Parttime JobIts been a month since the summer vacation started We had a long holiday, _1_ most of us planned to find a parttime job in order to kill the boring time Ive been _2_ to take a parttime job since I was in junior high school, more to get some valuable _3_ than moneyLots of my friends have had some work experiences and have a more _4_ life as a result They always share their work experiences with me In their work life, they met many _5_, but those setbacks made them stronger and everything easier afterwards _6_, they would also try to do something on their own in their work I felt somehow _7_ of myself because I depended on my parents for everything For this _8_, I took a parttime job together with my friends Our _9_ was demanding (费力的) Sometimes we felt disappointed, made many complaints, and _10_ thought about giving up But we _11_ doing itWhile working, I met some really _12_ people There was a warmhearted old man, who was a security guard He took good care of us, which made us feel _13_ in another city We were very grateful to him _14_, I got a bad headache and a high temperature when I was planning to go back That was _15_ the hot weather and the hard work When I was ill, my friends _16_ me, as if my mother was around They made me feel deeply about the importance of _17_When I got the first salary of my life, I _18_ how difficult it is to make _19_ Now, my first work experience in life is over I _20_ lots of things Its been meaningful1Abut Bor Cso Dbecause答案:C根据上下文可知,我们有一个长长的假期,因此我们中大部分人计划找一份兼职工作消磨枯燥的时间。故选C。2Awanting Bchoosing Cmanaging Dremembering答案:A根据下文“more to get some valuable _3_ than money”可知,此处指自从上初中时,“我”就想要一份兼职工作,比起赚钱“我”更想拥有一些珍贵的经历。故选A。3Ahelp Bideas Cinformation Dexperiences答案:D根据下文“Lots of my friends have had some work experiences”可知,自从上初中时,“我”就想要一份兼职工作,比起赚钱“我”更想拥有一些珍贵的经历。故选D。4Asimilar Bindependent Crelaxing Dunpleasant答案:B根据上文“Lots of my friends have had some work experiences”和下文的“as a result”可推断,“我”的许多朋友有工作经历,结果过着更加独立的生活。故选B。5Achances Bchanges Cdifficulties Dsecrets答案:C根据下文提到的“but those setbacks”可知,在他们的兼职工作中,他们遇到许多困难。故选C。6ABesides BInstead CHowever DTherefore答案:A根据下文“they would also try to do something on their own in their work”可知,此外,他们也总是努力在工作中独自做一些事情。故选A。7Aafraid Bproud Cglad Dashamed答案:D根据下文“because I depended on my parents for everything”,并结合“我”的很多朋友做兼职工作,独立生活可知,“我”为“我”自己感到羞愧,因为“我”在所有的事情上都依靠“我”的父母。故选D。8Arule Breason Cpurpose Dadvantage答案:B根据语境可知,因为这个理由,“我”和“我”的朋友一起做兼职工作。故选B。9Awork Bstudy Cpreparation Dperformance答案:A根据上文可知,“我”和朋友一起做兼职工作。因此推断此处讲的是:我们的工作是费力的。故选A。10Astill Bagain Ceven Djust答案:C根据上文“Sometimes we felt disappointed, made many complaints”可推断,有时候,我们感到失望,经常抱怨,甚至考虑放弃。故选C。11Arisked Bavoided Cwaited for Dkept on答案:D根据句首的“But”可推断,但是我们坚持下来了。故选D。12Alucky Bnice Cfunny Dstrange答案:B根据下文“There was a warmhearted old man”可推断,“我”工作时,遇到一些真正善良的人。故选B。13Ahappy Bfree Cbrave Dpeaceful答案:A根据上文“He took good care of us”可推断,他非常照顾我们,这让我们在另一个城市感到幸福。故选A。14AClearly BImportantly CUnfortunately DUndoubtedly答案:C由下文可知,不幸的是,“我”得了重感冒,发高烧,这时候“我”计划回去。故选C。15Aup to Balong with Caccording to Dbecause of答案:D此处That指代上文提到的“我感冒发高烧”这件事,因此推断,那是因为炎热的天气和繁重的工作所致。故选D。16Aplayed Blooked after Ccaught up with Dwalked away from答案:B根据下文“as if my mother was around”可推断,“我”生病的时候,“我”的朋友照顾“我”,好像“我”妈妈在身边一样。故选B。17Ateamwork Btrust Cfriendship Dkindness答案:C此处They指代“我的朋友们”,因此推断句意是:我的朋友们让我深深地感觉到友谊的重要性。故选C。18Arealized Bnoticed Cproved Dagreed答案:A根据上文的内容可推断,当“我”第一次拿到工资的时候,“我”意识到赚钱的不容易。故选A。19Atime Beffort Cprogress Dmoney答案:D根据该段首句可知,当“我”第一次拿到工资的时候,“我”意识到赚钱的不容易。故选D。20Aaccepted Blearned Cdiscovered Dexpected答案:B根据下文“Its been meaningful”可推断,“我”学到了很多东西,它是有意义的。故选B。Cloze 2限时12分钟Sarah Hott had fought against weight all her life, and when she had trouble walking down the school bus aisle (过道) for her ride to work, she knew she had to _1_ “I was _2_Readers Digest, and the people in an article seemed so _3_,” said the 43yearold teaching assistant She decided to try the 21day _4_ She first _5_healthy food and good habits, and then went on to _6_18 pounds in three weeks, then 73 pounds in eight months Then chores arent _7_ anymore for her “Last year, my _8_hurt so bad that I couldnt climb on a chair to change a light bulb,” Sarah said “Now I feel _9_” “Best of all,” she_10_,“my three daughters love to play Frisbee (弗里斯比飞盘) and swim, and I can _11_ with them now”Recently, the students in Sarahs class brought “Ms Sarah” a special_12_for her birthday But the kids didnt provide her with cupcakes _13_rich calories or cookies with much sugar _14_, they brought her favorite parfait (冻糕)Sarahs success has_15_her friends to start the diet “A few weeks ago, I took a friend to go food shopping for the plan” Her _16_ was felt at home, too She called her husband “a potato chip connoisseur (行家)”,_17_ almonds (杏仁) in front of the televisionSarah makes some changes for her own_18_ She changes the master _19_by using half a banana and half a cup of apple juice “I _20_the diet food in the fridge and eat them with a spoon,” she said Now Sarah is trying to change her diet plan in many different ways and encouraging more and more people around her to join her plan1Apush BchangeCstop Dclimb答案:B根据下文“18 pounds in three weeks, then 73 pounds in eight months”以及最后一段第一句中的“Sarah makes some changes”可知,当她发现自己过校车的过道都困难的时候,她认识到自己必须作出改变了,故选B项。2Alooking through Blooking downClooking into Dlooking up答案:A由下文中的“Readers Digest”及书中的人物故事和经历可知,Sarah浏览了读者文摘,故选A项。3Aincredible BbelievableCrude Dstubborn答案:B根据下文的“She decided to try”可知,此处表示文章里的人物看起来很“可信”。故选B项。4Atest BraceCplan Dtrip答案:C此处表示21天节食计划,故plan “计划”符合题意,且下文多次提到的plan与之呼应。5Apicked up Bgave upCslowed down Dcentred on答案:D此处表示她最初以健康的食物和好习惯为中心。故选D项。6Aachieve BbuyClose Dgain答案:C根据第一段中的“fought against weight all her life”可知,此处指的是她三周“减掉”18磅。故选C项。7Aextra BsimpleCeasy Dhard答案:D此处chore意为“家庭杂务”。因为她八个月就减掉了73磅,可以说家庭杂务对于她来说不难了,故选D项。8Aknees BhandsCfeelings Dteeth答案:A根据下文“I couldnt climb on a chair to change a light bulb”可知,她的“膝盖”疼得厉害,故选A项。9Aconvenient BpainfulChurt Dcomfortable答案:D这是减肥后的一个变化,之前她不能爬上椅子换灯泡,而现在她感觉“舒服”了,故选D项。10Aanswered BaddedCshouted Dexplained答案:B下文还是Sarah所说的话,表示她进一步补充说,故用added。11Acare for Bjoin inCapply for Dcatch up答案:BSarah的三个女儿都喜欢玩弗里斯比飞盘和游泳,她现在能加入她们了。join in “加入”符合题意。12Atreat BcakeCparty Dreward答案:A根据下文孩子们给她的生日礼物是冻糕可知,这是“a special treat”。13Aover BinCwith Dby答案:C根据下文“cookies with much sugar”可知,本空选择with,表示“带有;具有”。14AStill BOtherwiseCBesides DInstead答案:D上文谈到“didnt provide her with cupcakes”,下文谈到“they brought her favorite parfait (冻糕)”可知,上下文是转折关系,所填词意为“相反;而”,故用Instead。15Ainspired BcheatedCpersuaded Dprevented答案:A此处指Sarah成功减肥的经历激励了她的朋友们也开始节食,故用inspired。16Adevotion BinfluenceCattention Dcomment答案:B根据下文提到她的丈夫可知,她减肥成功也影响了她的家人,故选B项。17Aswallowing BenjoyingCwatching Dabsorbing答案:B用enjoy “享受”来说明Sarah减肥成功后对丈夫的影响。18Apayment BeducationCpreference Dappearance答案:C根据下文可知,本句指的是她根据自己的偏好进行了一些改变。故选C项。19Achef BcookerCbill Drecipe答案:D根据下文的“using half a banana and half a cup of apple juice”可知, 本空用recipe “食谱”。20Afreeze BpurchaseCput Dboil答案:A根据生活常识及语境可知,此处表示她把食物放在冰箱里冷冻好,然后用勺子吃。Cloze 3限时13分钟As my train was delayed for two hours, I had plenty of time to spare After buying some newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way to the _1_ office to collect my heavy suitcase I had _2_ there three days before There were only a few people _3_, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case The receipt didnt seem to be where I had left it I _4_ the contents, and railway tickets, money, scraps of paper and photos fell out of it; but no matter how _5_ I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be foundWhen my turn came, I _6_ the situation sorrowfully to the assistant The man looked at me _7_ as if to say that he had _8_ this kind of story many times and asked me to _9_ the case I told him that it was an old brownlooking _10_ no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves The assistant then gave me a _11_ and told me to _12_ of the chief contents of the case If they were _13_, he said, I could take the case away I tried to _14_ all the articles I had _15_ packed into the case and wrote them down as they came to me After I had done this, I went to _16_ among the shelves There were hundreds of cases there For one dreadful moment, it _17_ to me that if someone had _18_ the receipt up he could have easily claimed (认领) the case already This hadnt happened _19_, for after a time I found the case lying in a corner After examining the articles inside, the assistant was _20_ and told me I could take the case away1Aposting BworkingCluggage Dmanagers答案:Cluggage office “行李寄存处”,根据后文作者去领取手提箱可知,他是去行李寄存处。2Aleft BforgottenCfound Dbought答案:A这里表示三天前把行李留在行李寄存处。故选A。3Astanding BcrowdingCtalking Dwaiting答案:D由第二段开头的“When my turn came(轮到我的时候)”可知,在行李寄存处已经有人在排队等候了。4Athrew BputClooked Demptied答案:D由空格前的句子可知,作者提取行李的票据没找到,故作者把钱包里的东西全部倒出来,寻找寄存物品的收据。empty “掏空;倒空”。故选D。5Aoften BmuchChard Dsoon答案:C这里表示无论作者怎样努力寻找,就是找不到收据。故选C。6Asaid BsearchedCspoke Dexplained答案:D由于收据没有找到,作者只好向管理员解释(explained)情况。7Anow and then Bup and downChere and there Dback and forth答案:Bnow and then “不时地”;up and down “上上下下”;here and there “到处”;back and forth “来回地”。根据语境可知,管理员不相信作者,所以是上上下下地打量了他一番。故选B。8Aknew BrealizedCheard Dseen答案:C由前文中作者向这位管理员解释了情况可知,这里指管理员以前经常听到这种故事。故选C。9Adescribe BdrawCtake out Dshow答案:A根据后一句中作者描述他的手提箱的样子可知,管理员要求作者描述他的手提箱。故选A。10Aobject BmatterCsubject Dwallet答案:A根据上文可知,本句是在描述手提箱。object本意为“物体”,这里指代手提箱,故选A。11Apaper BnoteCmessage Dform答案:Dpaper “报纸;试卷/论文”(paper意为“纸”时,是不可数名词);note “便条”;message “信息”;form “表格”。根据第15空后的“wrote them down”可知,管理员是让作者填一张表格。故选D。12Asign names Bmake a listCwrite down Ddraw a picture答案:B因为没有收据,管理员就要求作者把他箱子里的主要物品列一份清单,以便证实该手提箱是作者本人的。sign names “签名”;make a list “列一份清单”;write down “写下”;draw a picture “画幅画”。空后有介词of,所以排除C。根据语境可知选B。13Aeverything BwrongCcorrect Dready答案:C只有当清单上东西的名称与手提箱内的物品相吻合时,才能取走手提箱。故选C。14Adraw BrememberCread Dremind答案:B要写清单,就必须努力回忆手提箱里所放的物品。remember “回忆”。故选B。15Acarelessly BsuddenlyChurriedly Dimmediately答案:C“I had _15_ packed into the case”是定语从句,修饰articles。根据前文作者需要尽力回忆箱内物品可以推知,作者出发给行李装箱时比较匆忙,hurriedly “匆忙地”,与语境相符。16Asee BwatchCfind Dlook答案:Dlook “看”,强调看的动作。这里指“我”去看架子上的东西。故选D。17Ahappened BoccurredCappeared Dseemed答案:BIt occurred to sb that 为固定句型,意为“某人突然想到”。故选B。18Apicked BcollectedCtaken Dstolen答案:A这里指作者突然想到,要是收据被别人捡到,他很轻易就可以把手提箱认领走。pick up “拾起;捡起”。故选A。19Afortunately BunluckilyCby chance Dpresently答案:A根据下文可知,作者在角落里找到了箱子,并被允许取走箱子,所以应该是幸运的。故选A。20Adisappointed BsurprisedCsatisfied Dworried答案:C这里指经过核对箱内物品与清单,管理员确信了手提箱是作者的,因此表示很满意,并让作者把手提箱领走了。satisfied “满意的”。故选C。Cloze 4限时12分钟I was 14 years old I was angry and rebellious, with _1_ regard for anything my parents had to say, _2_ if it had nothing to do with me Like so many _3_, I struggled to escape from anything that didnt _4_ my picture of the world As a “brilliant without need of guidance” kid, I rejected any obvious _5_ of love In fact, I got angry at the _6_ of the word “love”One _7_, after an extremely difficult day, I _8_ into my room, shut the door loudly and fell down onto my bed heavily As I lay down in the privacy of my _9_, my hands placed under my pillow There was an envelope I pulled it out and on the envelope it said, “To _10_ when youre alone”_11_ I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not So I opened it It said, “Mike, I know life is _12_ right now, I know you are frustrated and I know we dont do everything right I also know that I love you _13_ and nothing you do or say will ever change that I am here for you if you ever need to talk If you dont, thats also _14_ Just know that no matter where you go or whatever you do in your life, I will always love you and be _15_ that you are my son Im here for you and I love youthat will never _16_ Love you, Mom”Every night as I went to bed, I would put my hands under my _17_, and I remember the _18_ I felt every time I got a letter During my teen years, the letters were the calm assurance that I still could be loved _19_ my anger and rudeness Just before I fell _20_ I became grateful that my mom knew what I, an angry teenager, needed1Alittle BallCfull Dhigh答案:A由前面的“angry and rebellious”可推断出在叛逆期的作者几乎不考虑父母说的任何事,故选A,“with little regard for ”意为“几乎不顾及”。2Aseldom BsometimesCcurrently Dparticularly答案:D句意:我总爱发脾气而且叛逆,几乎不考虑我父母说的任何事情,尤其是与我无关的事情。故选D。3Afamilies BadultsCpeople Dteenagers答案:D由后面的主语I及该段的第一句可知,此处应选teenagers (青少年)。4Ahang up Blift upCagree with Ddeal with答案:C此处讲的是“我”努力挣脱一切与“我”的世界观不一致的东西。hang up “挂断电话;挂起”;lift up “升起;抬起”;agree with “同意;与一致”;deal with “处理”。故选C。5Aattempt BofferCrequest Dadvice答案:B句意:作为一个“不需要引导的聪明的”小孩,我拒绝任何人以直白的方式给我的爱。offer “(主动)提供”,符合语境。故选B。6Arisk BproposalCmention Dpoint答案:C此处表示事实上“我”听到“爱”这个字眼被提到时都会生气。at the mention of “提及/说起”。7Anight BdayCmorning Dafternoon答案:A由后文中的“after an extremely difficult day”“fell down onto my bed”“pillow”可知,此处指的是一天晚上,故选A。8Aslipped BstormedCsank Dslid答案:Bslip “滑倒;悄悄地走”;storm作动词讲时,可表示“气冲冲地疾走”;sink “下沉”;slide “悄悄移动”。根据空格后面的“shut the door loudly and fell down onto my bed heavily”描述的情景可知,“我”是气冲冲地进入房间。故选B。9Abed BfloorCcloset Dchair答案:A根据上下文可知,此处指“我”躺在床上。故选A。10Aanswer BsealCread Dtear答案:C根据下文的“whether I read it or not”可知,此处应该选C,属于词汇复现。11AIf BWhenCThough DSince答案:D句意:既然我是一个人,那我读不读它就没有人知道。since “既然;由于”,表示原因。故选D。12Aserious BawfulCamazing Dexciting答案:B根据后面“I know you are frustrated and I know we dont do everything right(我知道你遇到了挫折,我知道我们有些事没做好)”可知,前面在说“我知道目前的生活是糟糕的”。故选B。13Aentirely BgentlyCheavily Dpersonally答案:A由后面的“nothing you do or say will ever change that”可知,母亲全心爱着“我”,“我”所做的和所说的永远不会改变那一点。entirely “完全地;彻底地”,符合语境。14Aimpossible BterribleCright Dokay答案:D第14空前一句表示“如果你需要谈话,我在这里”。而14空所在句表示如果你不需要谈话的情况,由此可知,这是两种相反的情况,空处应该表示“没问题”。故选D。15Anervous BsorryCproud Dsure答案:C由“no matter where you go or whatever you do”可体会到母亲为儿子骄傲的情感。故选C。句意:你只要知道,生活中,不管你去哪里,或者不管你做什么事,我会一直爱你并为你是我的儿子而骄傲。16Alast BchangeChappen Dstart答案:B由第13空所在句子中的“nothing you do or say will ever change that”可判断此处选B。句意:我在这里(陪你)并且我爱你,它从来不会改变。17Apillow BbookCdesk Ddoor答案:A由第二段中的“ my hands placed under my pillow There was an envelope”可知此处应选A,属于词汇复现。18Arelaxation BsadnessCrelief Dthrill答案:C由下一句中的“the letters were the calm assurance”可知,母亲的信是使“我”平静下来的保证,因此每当“我”从枕头下面摸到一封信的时候都会如释重负。故选C。19Ain spite of Binstead ofCahead of Din need of答案:A根据语境可知,这里表示让步,in spite of “尽管”,符合语境。句意:在我的青少年时期,尽管我愤怒、粗鲁,但那些信仍然是我被爱的可靠保证。20Aill BdownCsilent Dasleep答案:D由前文可知“我”每次在睡前都能从枕头下摸到母亲写给“我”的信,看完信后,“我”都是带着对母亲的感激而入睡,因为母亲知道“我”这样一个易怒的青少年需要的是什么。fall asleep “入睡”。故选D。Cloze 1限时12分钟(2018全国卷)Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since Id _1_ seen him So imagine my _2_ when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit meI was _3_! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to _4_ The bay was _5_ in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore Getting a little _6_, I realized one kayak (皮划艇) was in _7_ “Somethings not _8_!” I took off my Tshirt and _9_ into the water I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle He was _10_ violently Linking arms with one of the instructors, I helped _11_ the young man out of the water He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something _12_ to me Those brown eyes were very _13_ “Whats his name?” I asked the instructor “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I _14_ That stranger was my son!The instructors called for an ambulance _15_, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to _16_ and later the family met up for dinner We chatted about everything and then Ben _17_ to me “I just want to say thank you,” he said “You _18_ my life!”I still cant believe what a _19_ it was Im just so glad I was there _20_ to help my son1Aalso Boften Ceven Dlast答案:D根据上文可知,儿子在三岁的时候离开,到现在已经13年了。由此可以暗示出是上一次见面。 last作副词,意为“上一次”,符合语境。2Adelight Brelief Canger Dworry答案:A根据上下文可知,作者13年没有见到自己的儿子,突然收到儿子的电子邮件,说要来看望自己。由此可以推知,作者很快乐、开心。delight “高兴;愉快”。故选A项。3Asca


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