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集装箱电子标签系统 Container RIFD System,上海国际港务(集团)股份有限公司 Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd 包起帆 BAO Qifan,一、背景 Background,1 集装箱运输以其高效、便捷、安全的特点成为交通运输现代化的重要形式。上海港的集装箱吞吐量2006年已达到2171万TEU,连续4年保持世界第三。 Container shipping has become an important form of modern transportation due to its high efficiency, convenience and safety. Throughput of container in Shanghai Port in 2006 had reached 21,710,000 TEU, which is the third in the world for 4 years. 2 现代集装箱码头的信息化水平的高低已经成为制约集装箱运输的关键。目前,在集装箱运输中集装箱自身不载有信息。集装箱在运载过程中的信息传递还依赖于传统的方式。集装箱的流向、流转和识别基本上还是处于人工、半人工状态。 Informatization of modern container terminal has become a key to restrict container shipping. At present, there is no information along with container itself in container shipping any more. The information transmission during container shipping depends on the traditional way. Flowing direction, motion and identification of the container are still under manual or semi-manual condition on the whole.,一、背景 Background,3 国际上为了防恐的安全需要,美国和欧盟纷纷提出集装箱运输安全锁的概念,先后提出了许多解决方案,尝试把RFID技术应用于集装箱运输领域,但因技术和成本的原因,其发展多处于试验阶段。 To meet the requirements on antiterrorism, the USA and EU have suggested the concept of safety lock to container shipping in succession and made a lot of solutions, and try to use RFID technology in the container shipping field. But as reasons of technology and costs, its development still stays at test stage. 4 现代集装箱物流迫切需要一种能够实时记录箱、货、流信息,记录开关箱时间和地理位置信息的智能化电子标签,从而提升集装箱物流的整体水平。 It is exigent for the modern container logisitics that one kind of intelligent RIFD tag which can record the information of containers, goods and flow in real time as well as the information of time and geography of openning and closing the container is needed.,5 集装箱电子标签有着非常典型的行业特征。作业环境复杂、技术难度很大,提出的各项技术指标、工艺性指标、功能性需求都远不同于电子标签在其它领域的应用; Container RFID system has typical Industry property. Due to complex working environment and technological difficulties, its various technical criteria, process target, functional demand are further different the RFID applied in other fields; 集装箱电子标签的应用只能在一个巨大的、涉及范围十分广泛的物流信息网络环境下才能形成; Application of container RFID is only generated under a network with mass and wide logistics information; 集装箱电子标签的应用范围很广,涉及多个领域,对其整体协调和安全性、可靠性、经济性提出很高的要求。 Container RFID is widely used in many fields, which have higher requirements on whole coordination, safety, reliability and economical efficiency.,一、背景 Background,集装箱物流信息实时传递 Logistics information of container transfers in real time 1. 箱信息 information of container 2. 货物信息 information of cargo 3. 运输信息:如船信息,港口,货代 other information: information of ship, port, cargo agency 集装箱安全信息 Security information of container 1. 开关箱时间 on-off time of container 2. 开关箱时,箱所处的位置(与GPS相连) address of container when open/closed(connect with GPS) 3. 箱的温度、湿度等物理信息 physics information of container, such as temperature, humidity,系统功能 System Function,边检、商检 Inspection,海关Costom,港口port,船公司 Shipping company,货代、船代 Agency,物流公司 Logistics company,用户Consumer,服务对象 Service Objects,二、中国“两港一航”电子标签系统 “2 ports &1 line”Container RFID System in China,在2005年12月3日,我们开展了“两港一航” 工业性试验,中国第一条装有电子标签的集装箱航线“浙海325”轮从烟台正式起航,在上海港至烟台港这条航线上完全实现了集装箱运输环节的自动识别和实时信息交换,截至2006年1月19日,“两港一航”示范线箱量累计完成5294TEU。 This subject team has formally started the industrial trial named as “2 ports & 1 line” on Dec 3, 2005 and the first line of containers with RFID-”Zhehai 325 Shipping” in China has been formally started. This line from Shanghai port to Yantai port has absolutely shown automatic identification and real-time information exchange in container shipping. By Jan 19, 2006, the container throughput of this demonstrative line has reached 5294TEU.,示范线总体框架 General frame of Application & demonstration line,集装箱电子标签自动识别系统 Container RFID automatic identification system,电子封条 E-seal,标签tag,读写器reader,电子标签 系统中间件 Middleware,“两港一航”应用示范线5000TEU Application & demonstration line of “2 ports & 1 line”5000TEU,信息实时交换系统 Information real-time exchange system,制定标准 Make out standard,天线antenna,整体方案图 “两港一航”集装箱电子标签示范线,Integral plan figure of the demonstrative line of “2 Ports & 1 line” container RFID system,第一艘载着贴电子标签的集装箱班轮“浙海325”轮从烟台开往上海 The first regular container ship ”Zhehai 325 Shipping ” with RFID drive to Shanghai from Yantai,浙海325停靠龙吴港成功卸船 Zhehai 325 Shipping stops at Longwu port for unload,龙吴港作业现场 Operating spot at Longwu port,烟台港作业现场 Operating spot at Yantai port,演示录像 Demonstrative Video,集装箱电子标签自动识别 系统 Container RFID Automatic Identification System,无线通信系统 Wireless Communication System,信息实时交换系统 Real-time Information Exchange System,装拆箱点的数据输入系统 Data Input System of Container Stuffing Point,自动识别应用系统体系结构 Structure of RFID automatic identification application system,基于电子标签自动识别系统的港口信息安全管理技术 Port safety management technology based on RFID automatic identification system,建设满足集装箱电子标签示范系统需求的多级安全性机制,建立安全认证系统和日志分析系统;Establish multi-level safety system as required by container RFID demonstration system and establish safety certification system and log analysis system; 研究保证电子标签和读写器之间空中接口的信息传输安全技术,实现信息的加密存储和传输,对电子标签实施写操作时的授权写入验证;Research on information transmission safety technology at aerial connector between tags and reader, realize information encrypt storage and transmission and identify authorized write when read-write operation to tags; 研究电子标签读写器和主机间的信息通信加密技术;Research on encrypt technology of information communication between the reader and host computer; 研究无线通信系统间的信息传输安全性保障技术; Research on safety insurance technology of information transmission between wireless communication systems 研究集装箱信息实时交换系统中的安全支撑系统。Research on safety supporting system in container information real-time exchange system.,主要关键技术和设备 Key Technology & Equipment,频段的选择 Choice on frequency range 防冲突性设计 Anti-impact design of RFID in container 读取可靠性分析 Reliability analysis on reader 集装箱电子标签 Container Tag 集装箱电子封条 Container E-seal 信息录入设备 Equipment for information transcription 基站式读写器 Fixed reader 无线式读写器 Wireless reader 电子哨兵 E-Sentinel 集装箱电子标签系统中间件 Middleware of RFID system in container,1. 频段的选择 Choice on frequency range,对于集装箱电子标签采用何种频段的讨论一直是个热点,主要焦点在于433MHz、916MHz和2.4GHz这三个频段哪个更适用于集装箱电子标签 。 Discussion on which frequency range RFID in container should adopt is always a hot, which focuses on which one in the three frequency ranges 433MHz, 916MHz and 2.4GHz is the most applicable for RFID in container. 频段选择时,考虑的主要性能参数: When choosing frequency range, consider the following chief parameters:,最大通信距离; Max communication distance 无线信号的传播; Transmission of wireless signal 功率限制 ; Power limit 工作时间; Working hours 调制方式。 Modulation mode,在模拟真实集装箱环境下,采用CTLESS仿真软件分析433MHz、916MHz和2.4GHz的射频信号在集装箱表面的发布 。国内外研究表明频段从技术角度来看不是关键问题。 Under simulative factual container environment, adopt CTLESS simulation software to analyze respective transmission of radio frequency signals 433MHz, 916MHz and 2.4GHz of on container surface. According to researches at home and abroad, radio frequency is not a key problem from the technical view.,2. 防冲突性设计 Anti-impact design of RFID in container,防冲突性研究 Anti-impact research of RFID 基于状态机的防冲突机制 Anti-impact system based on state machine 基于随机延迟的防冲突机制 Anti-impact system based on stochastic delay 多读写器协调 ColorWave防冲突算法 ColorWave Anti-impact calculation on harmonization of multi-reader,3. 读取可靠性分析 Reliability analysis on reader,龙门吊、桥吊、门机作业环境下对电子标签的读取可靠性分析 Reliability analysis on read of tags under the operation with gantry crane, bridge crane and portal hoist,4. 集装箱电子标签 Container tag,采用 ISM 2.4GHz工作频段 Adopt ISM 2.4GHz for working frequency range 有源电子标签,作用距离030米可调节,可读写,32K字节存储容量 Active tag, its operating distance 030m is adjustable and readable, memory capacity is 32k byte 独特的超低功耗技术,使用寿命可达10年 Unique super-low power consumption technology with a life span of 10 years 高安全性数据传输机制,采用非对称性加/解密 High safety data transmission system, dissymmetry encrypt/deciphering 固态封装,可靠防拆卸功能 Solid sealing and reliable anti-dismounting,5. 集装箱电子封条 Container E-seal,首次实现集装箱物流、信息流、安全流多源融合下的数据载体 First time to realize data carrier of multi-source amalgamation of container logistics, information flow and safety flow 采用ISM 2.4GHz工作频段 Adopt ISM 2.4GHz for working frequency range 支持集装箱非法侵入和开关门的自动监测及事件记录 Support trespass on and automatic monitoring & event record of door opening&closing 支持总线扩展温度、湿度、振动等其他传感单元 Support sensor units such as bus extended temperature, humidity, vibration,etc. 加密计算与认证,确保数据安全,防止链路窃听与数据破解 Encrypting calculation and certification to ensure data safety and prevent from wiretapping or data breaking 使用频道隔离技术,多个设备互不干扰 Adopt frequency range seclusion to avoid interferences among multiple equipment 先进的防碰撞技术,支持多封条读写 Advanced anti-collision technology 配置微波模块工作方式,发射功率软件可调 Possible to equip with microwave module working mode and radio frequency software is adjustable 集装箱箱门门缝处5秒无工具安装和拆卸 5-second mount and dismount without tools at container gate,采用便携式电脑或者手持式PDA读写器 Adopt portable computer or hand-held PDA,采用ISM 2.4GHz工作频段 Adopt ISM 2.4GHz for working frequency range 读写模块采用PCMAC接口方式和笔记本实现双向通讯,或者 CF接口方式和PDA实现双向通讯 Read/write module adopts PCMAC interface mode and notebook to realize both-way communication or adopts CF interface mode and PDA to realize both-way communication. 加密计算与认证 Encrypting calculation and certification 使用频道隔离技术,多个设备互不干扰 Adopt frequency range seclusion to avoid interferences among multiple equipment. 防碰撞技术,支持多标签读写 Anti-collision technology to support multi-label read and write 配置微波模块工作方式,发射功率软件可调 Possible to equip with microwave module working mode and radio frequency software is adjustable,6. 信息录入设备 Equipment for information transcription,7. 基站式读写器 Fixed reader,采用ISM 2.4GHz工作频段 Adopt ISM 2.4GHz for working frequency range 支持RS232/485方式与上位机通讯 Support RS232/485 wire mode and upper machine communication 加密计算与认证,确保数据安全,防止链路窃听与数据破解 Encrypting calculation and certification to ensure data safety and prevent from wiretapping or data breaking 防碰撞技术,支持多标签读写 Anti-collision technology to support multi-label read and write,Fixed reader,龙吴港道口处的基站式读写器 Fixed reader at Gate of Longwu port,读写器与天线,Reader & Antenna,烟台港道口处的基站式读写器和天线 Fixed reader at Gate of Yantai Port,8. 无线式读写器 Wireless reader,采用ISM 2.4GHz工作频段 Adopt ISM 2.4GHz for working frequency range 支持无线方式与上位机通讯,与集装箱电子标签桥接器配对使用 Support wireless mode and upper machine communication, match with bridge of container RFID system for use 支持哨兵模式下的局域空间无线访问 Support wireless visiting in local area space under sentinel mode 加密计算与认证,确保数据安全,防止链路窃听与数据破解 Encrypting calculation and certification to ensure data safety and prevent from wiretapping or data breaking,使用频道隔离技术,多个设备互不干扰 Adopt frequency range seclusion to avoid interferences among multiple equipment 防碰撞技术,支持多标签读写 Anti-collision technology 配置微波模块工作方式,发射功率软件可调 Possible to equip with microwave module working mode and radio frequency oftware is adjustable,9. 电子哨兵 ESentinel,利用无源电子标签的工作原理,通过电磁波供电激活集装箱电子标签中的125KHz低频电路工作 Under the working principle of passive RFID, activate 125k low frequency circuit in RFID in container through electromagnetic wave power supply 支持非工作状态的休眠模式和快速唤醒启动的模式切换 Support switch between dormancy mode and rapid awaking /startup mode under non-operating state 支持工作状态的自动侦测和自动模式切换 Support automatic detection and automatic mode switch 先进的防碰撞技术,支持多标签读写 Anti-collision technology 整体低功耗设计 Unique integral low power consumption design 场强可测量,且发射功率软件可调 Field intensity is mensurable and ratio frequency software is adjustable,哨兵无线读写器,Sentinel + wireless reader,10. 集装箱电子标签系统中间件 Middleware of container RFID system,中间件体系结构 System structure of Middleware,Application process Afford logical data and event,Middleware Receive original REID data Realize filtration, release and message,Reader Visit tags,Wireless channel,Tags ID, content & message,在大量工业性实验和数据整理的基础上,完成了三个与港口集装箱电子标签相关的技术标准。 Based on mass industrial experiments and data collection, the three technical standards related to port RFID in container has been completed.,相关技术标准 Related technical standards,2006年,我们已取得中国国家标委会批准,开展“内贸集装箱电子标签技术规范”的起草(20067084-T-469)。我们将把经过实践检验的技术制定成国家标准。 We are authorized by National Standard committee of China to draft out “Container RFID Technology Criterionin domestic trade” (20067084-T-469). We will establish the National Standards based on the practical and proof-tested data of the trials.,1. 集装箱电子标签技术规范(草案) Technical specifications on RFID in container 2. 集装箱电子标签存储信息编码规范(草案) Specification of memory information coding of container RFID 3. 内贸集装箱运输信息技术规范(草案) Technical specification of container shipping information in domestic trade,三、新一代智能集装箱电子标签系统 New generation intelligent container RFID system,在上海至烟台“两港一航”集装箱电子标签系统工业性试验成功后,我们开展了进一步的研究,并联合美国Savannah港和国际著名公司,共同推动新一代智能集装箱电子标签系统在集装箱运输中的应用,提升集装箱物流整体水平。 After the success of the industrial trial “2 ports & 1 line” from Shanghai port to Yantai port, we have been making further research. Cooperating with Savannah Port in the USA and many International famouse companies, we joint to promote the application of new generation intelligent container RFID system in container shipping to improve the whole level of container logistics.,我们的计划 Our Plan,计划于2007年6月,开展“中国上海美国Savannah” 中美集装箱航线上电子标签系统的应用;此项目已得到中国国家科技支撑计划项目“现代港口物流服务示范工程”(2006BAH02A17)支持。 We plan to start “Shanghai port in China - Savannah port in the USA” container RFID application line in June,2007, which is supported by the project “Logistics Service Demonstration Appliction of Modern Port” (2006BAH02A17) of National Key Technology R&D Program of China. 计划于2007年7月,开通集装箱电子标签系统“上海重庆”的长江航线。此项目已得到中国交通部西部交通建设科技项目“集装箱电子标签技术开发及应用”的支持。 We plan to start “Shanghai port - Chongqing port ” container RFID application line in July,2007, which is supported by the project “Container RFID Technology Development and Application” of National Westward Construct Program of Ministry of Communication of China. 计划于2007年下半年,开展“中国上海欧洲”中欧集装箱航线上电子标签系统的应用。 We plan to st


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