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单元强化练(一).阅读理解A(2019绵阳诊断)Road tripMotorhome delivery offers great family holidays.For just $1 a day,you can hire a fullyequipped motorhome,which delivers you to a specific destination within some days and kilometers.You then hire another one to get home or take a bus or train.Your only other expense will be fuel and about $20 a day for parking fees.To learn more,visit .Plan aheadFor a comfortable break,flexibility with times,dates and places helps lower the cost.Find a few hotels you like,ask about their vacant rooms,then wait a few weeks and call again.If they still have rooms,youre at an advantage to ask for a better price.Lots of lastminute deals are online.Watif(.au)has deals on hotels that have dropped their prices so low.You dont know where youre staying until its booked,but anywhere with four or five stars has to be fairly good.Back to natureWild camping appeals to nature lovers and costs nothing.This is forbidden on beaches and parks in most urban areas,but you can turn up in more distant areas as long as nobody owns the land.Youll need to take everything with you and may need to shop on eBay(.au)If youre a camping beginner,be aware of safety measures and get your questions answered on the Internet.Swap meetHow about a home swap?For a $250 yearly joining cost,you can stay in someones home in an international place of your choice while they or someone else stays in yours.Find out more at .au.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了几种便利且实惠的出游住宿方式。1Where can you get the information about motorhomes?A.B.au.C.au.D.au.A细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“To learn more,visit ”可知,在这个网站可以了解到更多关于motorhomes的信息,故选A。2What helps to pay less for rooms in a hotel?AChoosing hotels with four or five stars.BBargaining prices through the Internet.CWaiting for some time before booking.DDeciding on rooms as early as possible.C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句和第三句“Find a few hotels you like.youre at an advantage to ask for a better price”可知,在预订前等一段时间有可能会使你支付更少的房间费用,故选C。3Whats the advice for camping beginners?AKeep in touch with eBay.BWatch out for possible dangers.CStay away from nomansland.DTake only what you need.B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If youre a camping beginner,be aware of safety measures and get your questions answered on the Internet”可知,对于野外露营的新手,要特别关注安全问题,故选B。4Whats the purpose of the text?ATo teach the importance of running away from work.BTo introduce new destinations for nature lovers.CTo show the advantages of online services.DTo help people have fun at less expense.D写作意图题。根据文章的整体内容可知,本文主要介绍了几种便利且实惠的出游住宿方式,故选D。B(2019成都摸底测试)The world record holder for the number of university degrees is a 70yearold Italian.Mr.Luciano Baietti lives in the town of Velletri near Rome and spends his days walking around his small house and garden.But every morning as early as 3 oclock,he pulls out his textbooks and starts studying.He now holds 15 bachelors or masters degrees from universities across Italy,and is already attempting his 16th.“Thanks to books,I feel free,”he tells the BBC journalists.“After all,the words share the same root,”he says,referring to the Italian words libro(book)and libero(free)The certificates proving his talent hang on the walls of his study,showing people that he was writing new pages in the Guinness Book of Records.In 2002 he got his eighth degree in motor skills.And before that he already had degrees in sociology,literature,law,political science and philosophy,most from Romes famous La Sapienza University,one of the oldest in the world.Since then,he has added seven other degrees to his list,including one in criminology(犯罪学),one in military strategies and the latest one in tourism in February 2017.All of these three were from online universities.“Each time I set myself a new challenge to see how far my body and my brain can go,”says Mr.Baietti.【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。来自意大利的70岁的Luciano Baietti先生是已获得大学学位总数最多的世界纪录保持者。5What can we know about Mr.Baietti from the passage?AHe has a wide range of learning.BHe is the oldest world record holder.CHe has got crazy about getting degrees.DHe got all his degrees by going to school.A推理判断题。根据第三至五段可以推断Luciano Baietti先生的学习范围非常广泛。a wide range of意思是“广泛的,多种多样的”,所以选项A正确。6Why has Mr.Baietti tried to get so many degrees?ATo show his talent. BTo challenge himself.CTo become popular.DTo break the world record.B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Each time I set myself a new challenge to see how far my body and my brain can go”可知选项B正确。7Where does this passage most probably come from?AA newspaper. BA biography.CA travel magazine.DA story book.A推理判断题。根据全文尤其是第四段Luciano Baietti先生接受BBC采访的信息可以推断本文应该是一篇新闻报道。所以选项A正确。C(2019安徽省重点中学联考)Some of the questions you ask your human resources(HR)(人力资源) department could soon be answered by,well,nonhumans.Thats the concept behind Talla,a Bostonarea startup that has developed a chatbot(一种聊天程序) to do some of the tasks that HR departments carry out,including explaining company policy,surveying employees,collecting information or training new hires.The Talla bot operates inside enterprise group messaging software,such as Slack,HipChat or Microsoft Teams,which has increasingly become an alternative to email as a method of digital communication within companies.Some 1,200 companies have brought in Talla,about a quarter of whom use the service regularly,said Tallas founder Rob May.Robots promise to be a violent force in the global economy.Some scientists expect they will undoubtedly replace lowwage workers,such as drivers and factory labor.As artificial intelligence continues to become more developed,robots may eventually do work instead of humans in many fields.Already,bots are being employed in fields as varied as law,journalism,medicine and engineering.Does that mean HR will depend only on bots?“Maybe,but not for several decades.”predicts by May.In fact,he says the introduction of chatbots to HR allows the human staff to focus on tasks that require a greater degree of intellect.“Whats actually going to happen is that youre going to allow the HR department to be more human by automating(使自动化) a lot of their repeated work,”he said.“HR spends a lot of time doing these lowlevel,monotonous tasks,”May continued.“What youll find is that more of the work that does not need communicating with other humans is the kind of work that will be automated.”【语篇解读】本文属于科普说明文,主要介绍了Rob May的公司Talla开发的聊天程序,它用来帮助人力资源部做那些重复性的、不需要与人交流的单调工作。8What do we know about chatbots?AThey can increase human staffs intelligence.BThey help companies advance their service.CThey are welcomed in many companies.DThey will get less and less human.C细节理解题。第二段中的“Some 1,200 companies have brought in Talla.regularly”说明Talla开发的chatbot被很多公司运用。9What will HR do according to May?AUse chatbots instead of robots.BCommunicate more with chatbots.CLet chatbots replace them completely soon.DFree themselves from less significant tasks.D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“the introduction of chatbots to HR allows the human staff to focus on tasks that require a greater degree of intellect”和最后一段中的“What youll find is that more of the work that does not need communicating with other humans is the kind of work that will be automated”可知,Rob May认为人力资源部的那些任务难度相对小的、重复性的、不需要与人交流的、不太重要的工作会自动化,这样人力资源部的人就可以抽身去做其他更有意义的工作。10What does the underlined word“monotonous”in the last paragraph probably mean?AHard. BBoring.CHopeless.DWorthless.B词义猜测题。本句前一句谈到通过自动化,人力资源部就无需再做那些重复性的工作。结合该段,由于是重复性的、无需与他人交流的工作,故可推知这些工作“单调乏味”。故选B项。11What does the text mainly focus on?AChatbots role and HR.BRobots and chatbots.CHRs heavy work.DChatbots future.A主旨大意题。本文主要讲了Rob May的公司Talla开发的聊天程序chatbot运用到了人力资源行业,帮助做一些人力资源行业中单调乏味的工作。因此选A。D(2019江西名校检测)A new study has identified pollution as the worlds No.1 killer.Study organizers say pollution is responsible for more premature deaths than war,terrorism,natural disasters,smoking and disease.By saying premature death,the researchers mean dying before the average age of death within a population group.Many of these deaths can be prevented.A report on the study was published in the medical journal The Lancet.The researchers looked at pollution levels,both inside enclosed(封闭的) buildings and in the world around us.They concluded that pollution killed about 9 million people in 2015That would represent one of every six deaths worldwide.Karti Sandilya helped to prepare the report.He said,“Pollution damages fundamental human rights,such as the right to life,health,wellbeing,safe work as well as the protection of children and the most vulnerable(易受伤害的)”The report said the large majority of pollutionrelated deaths take place in developing countries.The researchers say leaders in those countries are more concerned about building their economics and public services than environmental controls.Some of the most affected countries are Bangladesh,China,Haiti,India,Pakistan,North Korea and South Sudan.But Richard Fuller,another writer of the report,said pollution is tied to slow economic development in both rich and poor nations.He said,“Finance ministers still hold firmly that you have to let industry pollution or else you wont develop.What people dont realize is that people who are sick or dead cannot contribute to the economy.They need to be looked after.”The report said that 9 million premature deaths a year is only a conservative figure.It said the actual number is likely to be much higher.A separate study by the World Bank said reducing pollution must be a top goal.It said that settling this problem would lead to approaches to other dangers,including poor nutrition(营养) and rising temperatures on the Earths surface.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。研究人员发现,污染是当今世界的第一大杀手,减少污染必须成为人类的首要目标。12Which is mainly to blame for pollution according to the report?APoor countries. BRich countries.CCommon people.DThe government.D细节理解题。根据第四、第五段内容可知,在国家层面上,为污染负主要责任的是政府。文中的“leaders in those countries are more concerned about building their economics and public services than environmental controls”和“Finance ministers still hold firmly that you have to let industry pollution or else you wont develop”都充分说明了这一点。13What does another resercher find?APollution is serious in both rich and poor countries.BPremature deaths cannot be prevented worldwide.CPollution has something to do with slow development.DPollution has caused more premature deaths than expected.C细节理解题。根据文章的第四、五两段特别是第五段第一句“But Richard Fuller,another writer of the report,said pollution is tied to slow economic development in both rich and poor nations”可知,应选C项。14Why is“A separate study”mentioned in the last paragraph?ATo provide more information about pollution.BTo make the findings of the first study more convincing.CTo offer more specific approaches to deal with pollution.DTo emphasize the relationship between pollution and global warming.B推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要说明了污染是当今世界的第一大杀手这一事实以及存在的错误观念,而文中最后一段中的“A separate study by the World Bank said reducing pollution must be a top goal”也正暗示了这一事实的严重性和解决此问题的紧迫性,所以可推断出“A separate study”在这里的作用是使上文提到的研究更加具有说服力。15Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?APollution Is the Worlds Number One KillerBPollution Is Becoming Increasingly SeriousCWhat Makes Pollution Increasingly SeriousDHow People Deal with Pollution WorldwideA标题判断题。文章开头的第一句“A new study has identified pollution as the worlds No.1 killer”指出污染是当今世界的第一大杀手,接下来谈到的与污染相关的其他方面也都是围绕污染对人类生命造成威胁这一主题展开的。故答案为A。.阅读七选五(2019广州检测)Mary went through a personal experience 40 years ago that changed her life path and established her connection with Chinese herbal medicine.Still childless after 13 years of marriage,Mary longed to become a mother.For years she travelled from country to country and visited top experts in the field,but without success. 1 However,her Chinese herbalist grandmother gave her hope through a herbal treatment.After three and a half years she became pregnant. 2 The expectant mothers delight was shared by the rest of her family too.This was the point when she made up her mind to carry on her grandmothers work and devote her life to herbal medicine research,development and promotion.To this end,she invested in a large herbal garden in the suburbs of Jakarta,where more than 30,000 plants are grown. 3 Through the application of great effort and resources over many,many years,Marys career has developed vigorously,as has her garden. 4 When she was asked whether it was worthwhile to have devoted so much of her life to this research,she firmly responded.“What I have done is to fulfill a promise I once made.More importantly,I want to bring Chinese herbal medicine to all those in need. 5 ”AMore than 7,000 of these can be used as medicine.BThe moment the news was confirmed,she burst into tears of happiness.CI believe it can help relieve pain and enable the sick to regain their hope of life.DMary decided to make great contributions to the development of Chinese herbal medicine.EThe heartbreak and disappointment was so great that she came close to giving up.FIm so happy that the local people like to use Chinese herbal medicine for treatment.GAlthough she is now 80 years old,she is still committed to the study of Chinese herbal medicine.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了玛丽和中草药结下不解之缘的励志故事。1E根据上文中的“Still childless after 13 years of marriage,Mary longed to become a mother.For years she travelled from country to country and visited top experts in the field,but without success”可推知,多年来求子无果的经历让玛丽很是伤心和失望,所以E项符合语境。E项承接上文且与空后一句形成转折。2B根据下文中的“The expectant mothers delight was shared by the rest of her family too”可知,通过中草药疗法,多年不孕的玛丽终于怀孕了,梦想达成,自然是喜出望外,所以选B。3A根据上文中的“devote her life to herbal medicine research”及“To this end,she invested in a large herbal garden in the suburbs of Jakarta,where more than 30,000 plants are grown”可推知,玛丽决定致力于中草药研究工作,这些植物很多可以用作中草药,所以A项符合语境。4G根据下文中的“When she was asked whether it was worthwhile to have devoted so much of her life to this research,she firmly responded”可推知,玛丽后来多年一直致力于中草药的研究工作,所以选G。5C根据上文中的“More importantly,I want to bring Chinese herbal medicine to all those in need”并结合玛丽自身的经历可知,玛丽认为中草药能帮助有需要的人,所以C项承接上文,符合语境。.短文改错(2019合肥质检)Last Saturday our class went hiking in a countryside.We meet at our school gate and set off at 8:00 am.On the way,we were singing and laughing happily while a girl


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