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课时提能练(十).阅读理解(2019长沙质检)The artists in Madhubani district of India have been painting trees and leaves,with coats of lively colors describing pictures of Hindu deities(印度神)In the past three years since the painting campaign was started,many trees in that area which normally were the targets for local villagers have survived the axes(斧子)The tree art,in the style of the worldfamous Madhubani painting,has now made the entire area so beautiful that passersby cant resist taking photos.Madhubani painting,also known as Mithila painting,is a style of Indian painting practised in the northeastern region of Bihar which is done with fingers,brushes and even matchsticks using natural colors and is characterised by eyecatching patterns.There are paintings for various occasions and festivalssuch as births,marriagesand also about Hindu tales.“Normally,the Hindus almost stopped cutting trees down once we painted the tree trunks with different pictures of deities,” Siya Devi,one of the artists associated with the tree painting campaign,says.“Previously,the sight of people cutting roadside trees was quite common.Now it gives us much satisfaction to see the crowds of tourists paying visits to this particular area to see the painted trees and take photos.”The idea is the brainchild of a local villager Shashthi Nath Jha who has been working for Gram Vikas Parishad,a nongovernmental organization,which helps to protect the rights of women and child labor.“The sight of people cutting down trees with axes and saws always gave me a lot of pain.I tried to convince them this wasnt good for environment but they never took it seriously.So I finally thought of the plan to paint scenes from Hindu classics or pictures of Gods on the tree bark thinking it can work significantly,and yes,it has begun working now,” claims Jha.【语篇解读】该文主要讲述了印度马杜巴尼地区的艺术家在树木和叶子上画画,从而拯救了树木的故事。1What can we know about the tree art?AIt makes no use of artificial colors.BIt cannot be done without brushes.CIt is a style popular throughout India.DIt focuses on traditional Indian festivals.A细节理解题。根据第二段的关键信息“using natural colors”可知,这种艺术采用自然色彩而非人工颜料来绘画,故选A。2According to the text,Shashthi Nath Jha .Aworks in the governmentBis the creator of the campaignCis strongly against child laborDis the designer of a local villageB细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The idea is the brainchild of a local villager Shashthi Nath Jha who has been working for Gram Vikas Parishad,a nongovernmental organization,which helps to protect the rights of women and child labor”可知,Shashthi Nath Jha是这项运动的发起人,故选B。3What can be inferred about the plan from Jhas words?AIt has freed him from pain.BIt came quite easily to him.CIt is as effective as expected.DIt hasnt been taken seriously.C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“So I finally thought of the plan to paint scenes from Hindu classics or pictures of Gods on the tree bark thinking it can work significantly,and yes,it has begun working now”可推知,活动很成功,取得了预期的效果,故选C。4What can be the best title for the text?AA New Art FormTree ArtBMaking Better Use of TreesCHow to Increase the Value of TreesDPainting Campaign Helps Save TreesD标题判断题。文章的第一段开篇点题,印度马杜巴尼地区的艺术家在树木和叶子上画画,从而拯救了树木,再结合全文的整体内容可推知,本文主要讲的是绘画运动使树木免遭砍伐,故选D。.阅读七选五(2019福建质检)Many people think only professionalsengineers,accountants,teachers,etc.have careers. 1 Even if youve never had a paid job,you still have a career.Your career is the sum of your life and work.It includes all your activities and experiences.Your schooling,your volunteer work,and even your relationships with your family are all big parts of your career. 2 During your career,you will have a variety of jobs,occupations and roles.People used to think of a job as fulltime,permanent,paid work done for an employer at a work site.But in our changing world,a job is a set of duties or tasks.It can be paid or unpaid. 3 Even someone who is selfemployed has a job.An occupation is a group of jobs with similar responsibilities that require a common set of skills. 4 Programmers may have permanent or temporary jobs working for specific employers,be selfemployed,work fulltime or parttime,be paid for their work or volunteer their services.They may change jobs or hold several jobs at one time but,until they change the type of duties or tasks they perform,they are still computer programmers. 5 We all play a number of roles in our lives and our roles often change over time.For example,Kris works four days a week as a receptionist in a clinic and takes evening courses in social work.She also sews gymnastic wear for her neighbor who sells it at summer markets.Now Kris has at least three roles.AA role is a part you play.BActually everyone has a career.CIn other words,your career is your life story.DFor example,a computer programmer is an occupation.EAs a matter of fact,a job is different from a role in some way.FIt can be completed at a work site,at home,or somewhere else.GThe following is about your work,your family,and your life story.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了每个人都有自己的事业。在事业生涯中,每个人都会从事各种各样的工作、职业,担任各种各样的角色。1B空处的前一句“很多人认为只有像工程师、会计、老师等专业人员才有事业”,B项“实际上每个人都有一份事业”对前一句进行转折且与下一句“即使你从来没有一份有报酬的工作,你仍然有一份事业”衔接自然,故选B。2C根据前一句“你的教育,你的志愿者工作,甚至你和你的家人的关系都是你事业的重要组成部分”可知,C选项“换句话说,你的事业就是你的生活故事”是对上文的总结,故选C。3F根据上文中的“But in our changing world,a job is a set of duties or tasks.It can be paid or unpaid”可知,在不断变化的世界里,我们对工作的认识有所变化,且根据空前“It can be paid or unpaid”的句式结构可知选F。4D根据空处前一句“职业是一组具有相似职责的工作,需要一套共同的技能”和空处后对“Programmers”的工作介绍可知,D项符合语境,起到承上启下的作用,为下文举例说明什么是职业做好铺垫。5A根据文章的结构以及空处的位置可知,本空应该是本段的主题句,即对下文内容的概括和总结。下文举例说明我们在生活中扮演不同的角色且随着时间的流逝,我们的角色在不断地变化,故选A。.语法填空(2019福州联考)China is in mourning after its most famous and oldest captive(被圈养的) panda Basi died 1. (age) thirtyseven.Basi was born in the wild in 1980.At the age of four,she fell into an icy river and was 2. (fortune) rescued by some local villagers 3. (live) in Baoxing County in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province.The locals handed her over to the Strait Panda Research and Exchange Centre in Fuzhou,where she lived the rest of her life.Basi came to fame shortly 4. she was chosen as the model for Pan Pan,the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing.Basi never bred(繁殖) but overcame several severe 5. (ill) to live for more than 6. (two)the 15year life expectancy of wild pandas.Basi 7. (confirm) to be the worlds oldest captive panda by Guinness World Records in August.Captive pandas tend to live 8. (long) due to better nutrition and living conditions.Word has come 9. Basis body will be put in Basi Museum,which is 10. construction at present for people to remember her forever and share the spirit of the harmonious development between humans and nature.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。中国年龄最大的圈养大熊猫巴斯在37岁时去世。她曾在4岁时因落水被救,然后得到圈养;是1990年北京亚运会吉祥物盼盼的原形。为了纪念巴斯,人们为她建起了博物馆。1aged考查形容词。该处指大熊猫巴斯在37岁时死亡。分析句子结构可知,此处应用形容词作状语,故填aged。2fortunately考查副词。空处修饰动词rescued,故用副词形式。3living考查现在分词。名词villagers和动词live之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。4after考查连词。根据该句“Basi came to fame shortly she was chosen as the model for Pan Pan,the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing”并结合语境可知用连词after。5illnesses考查名词。根据空前的形容词“severe”可知,该形容词修饰空处,故空处应用名词形式;再根据空前的“several”可知,空处应用名词复数形式。6twice考查副词。根据第一段第一句中的“panda Basi died (age)thirtyseven”可知,大熊猫巴斯在37岁去世;结合空后的“the 15year life expectancy of wild pandas”可知,她的寿命是野生大熊猫预期寿命的两倍还长,故用twice。7was confirmed考查时态和语态。通读全文可知,本文讲述了大熊猫巴斯生前的情况,故用一般过去时;该句主语是Basi,和动词confirm之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,表示“被确认”。8longer考查比较级。根据该句中的“better nutrition and living conditions”可知,由于有更好的营养和生活条件,圈养大熊猫的寿命更长。故用比较级。9that考查同位语从句。分析该句结构可知,空处引导同位语从句,抽象名词Word和从句Basis body will be put in Basi Museum为同位关系,且从句意义与成分完整,故用that引导该同位语从句。10under考查固定搭配。under construction为固定搭配,意为“在建造中”。故填under。.短文改错(2019武汉调研)I once had a bad experience.One day several years ago,I went shop with my friends.As I entered a small shoe store,but I saw two women selecti


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