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武汉市洪山实验外国语学校Wuhan Hongshan Experimental Foreign Language School Unit 1 单元整体备课I. Teaching content: Unit 1II. Teaching goals:1. Basic language goals:Ss should master the usage of all words and expressions.Words: Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICTExpressions: Which school do you go to?How many pupils are there in your class?How many subjects do you have at school? What is your favorite subject?What do you like doing in English?2. Ability goal:Develop the abilities of listening, reading, speaking and writing. Introduce yourself by using I like/love doingI often3. Emotion goals:The pupils get fun and confidence in the class; define the development of the pupils composite language abilities.III. Main and difficult points.Listening: Listen and answer the questions or number the pictures.Speaking: Talk about the weather.Reading: Read the dialogues.Writing: Write about your plan for the new school year.IV. Teaching aids:Flash cards, CD, type-recorder.V. Time allotment: 9 periodsPart 1,2 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标: (一)知识与技能 能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,进行简单的交流。(二)过程与方法 直接导入法,交际法,全身反应法,合作学习法等(三)情感态度和价值观 乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重点:能灵活运用重点句型进行简单的交流。教学难点:能够简单的交流个人姓名等信息。课时安排:1教学准备:ppt, 配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注课堂导入1.Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2. Free talk about school life.e.g. Who is your Chinese/Maths/English teacher? How is he/she?3. Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions in Part 1.二、新授内容1.Presentations:1)Read about Lake School. 2)Read the sentences in Part 2b,tick true or false and correct them.3)Read the article again and check the answers. 2. Read the article aloud in different forms. (e.g. boys/girls, in groups, little train)3. Consolidation :How many subjects do you have at school?1) Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions about Mary Chen. 2) Show the Q&A.4. Application: What is your favorite subject?1. Try to say something about our school.2. Discuss and then try to write down.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、 课堂小结 Small teacher lead reading. Ask questions as a reporter. Do a quiz to test if the students acquired.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置1. Recite the subjects words and write them down, each word 8 times.2. Write the questions and answers on your workbook.五、板书设计 School is great fun! Which School do you go to? How many pupils are there in your class? How many subjects do you have at school? Whats your favourite subject?六、课后反思通过设置问题的回答,帮助学生进一步了解课文,理解文章,也给了学生用英语回答完整英语句子的锻炼的机会。Part 3 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标: (一)知识与技能 能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当反应。(二)过程与方法 交际法,情景教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观 激发学生的学习兴趣,并引导他们逐渐将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机。教学重点:能够根据提示说出并拼出单词,能利用句子进行自我表达。教学难点:能够灵活运用句子在不同情景中表达自己。课时安排:1教学准备:ppt, 配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1.Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talk about school life.e.g. Whats your favorite day?Whats your favorite subject?二、新授内容1.Show a picture of a timetable. Chinese2. Listen and try to understand the meaning of the words. Math3. Read the words after the teacher. Science4. Read the words in different forms (little teacher, group by group, little train and so on) 5.Describe the timetable of Wednesday and Thursday. History6. Design the timetable of Friday. PE=Physical Education7. Application ICT=information and Communication Technology Discuss about your favorite subject.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注二、 课堂小结Show the students designed timetable.Use a chant to chant students timetable on ppt.Rank out the best timetable.Ask students about their ideal timetable.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置1. Read P8 2a and recite it.2. Write about your school and favorite subject. 五、板书设计 School is great fun! I go to There are _ pupils/subjects. My favourite subject is_. Math English Chinese History Geography ICT PE French六、课后反思唱歌游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,提高学生的语音和语调。Part 4a,4b 第1课时 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语三年级起点,三年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标: (一)知识与技能能根据课程表具体哪天的课程,填出星期几。(二)过程与方法歌曲导入法,游戏教学法,动作教学法,活动教学法。(三)情感态度和价值观能谈论自己的课程表,交流哪天有哪些课程开始和结束时间,最喜欢什么课程,为什么。教学重点:能够学唱英语歌曲。教学难点:掌握单词 first second third fourth fifth,复习星期词汇,掌握fromto用法课时安排:1教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. 2. Free talk: e.g. What day is it? Whats your favorite subject/ day? What have you got on Monday? Do you like? Why?二、新授内容1. Open the book, turn to page 10, and look at the timetable.2. Listen and write the answers. Theyve got French and History.3. Read the words in the timetable. 4.Describe the timetable. 5. Play a game. I say you do.6. ConsolidationOne student describes the timetable, others guess what day it is. 7. Application:Play the game. Guess the day.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结1. Small teacher lead-reading.2.Talk about your timetable.3.Make up an English timetable.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置1. Make up an English timetable.2. Chant the timetable.三、 板书设计 School is great fun! On the Timetable Subjects: English Math Chinese History Science PE ICT Theyve got _ and_. Its_.六、课后反思在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。Part 5 第1课时 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标: (一)知识与技能 能根据不同的答句,猜出学科,能对句子进行人称转换。(二)过程与方法 歌曲导入法,活动教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观 有兴趣的表达学科,猜一猜学科,用第三人称表达教学重点:能够灵活表达自己对学科喜爱原因;教学难点:掌握句型What do you like doing in_? I like_.课时安排:1教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?2.Free talk: e.g. What have you got on Monday?二、新授内容1. Open the book, turn to page 11, read and guess: What subjects do the children in 5 loves? 2. Read and write the answers What do they often do?3. Ask and answer, then check the answers. Pay attention:I like/ love doing What do they like doing?Read the texts after the teacher.4. Read the texts in different forms.5. Consolidation Describe your favorite subject and ask three questions about the “subject”.6.Application Describe your favorite subject, one asks and one answer.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结1. Open the books to P11 and read the dialogue sentence by sentence. Change it into third person. 2. Write questions according to the answers.3. Answer questions in pair-work.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置 Listen to the tape and try to say the dialogues three times.Describe the subjects. 四、 板书设计 School is great fun! What do you have on Monday? We have What do you often do on_ class? I often_ on _class. I love _. Subjects: Chinese math English PE六、课后反思让学生学会用关键词的方式背诵英语文章的同时,也让他们知道转述是有人称的变化的。Part 6a & 6b 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标:(一)知识与技能 能表述自己喜欢学科,并转换成第三人称。(二)过程与方法交际法,游戏教学法,游戏教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观认识自己学习的优势与不足,乐于与他人合作,养成健康向上的品格。教学重点:能用适当的用语互相问候,询问别人喜欢的学科,并能用文中句子进行自我表达。教学难点:能掌握课文我最喜欢的学科,并写出来。课时安排:1教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talk e.g. What have you got on Monday? Do you like? Why?二、新授内容1. Open the book, turn to page 12, and read and answer the questions: What are Sandra and Marions favorite subjects?2. Listen and answer the question: What do they like doing?3. Listen again and complete the sentences of 6b.4. Listen and check the answers. 5. Read the texts follow the teacher.6. Read the texts in different forms.7. Show time:Describe your school life. 时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结 1. Fill in the blanks on Page 12. 2. Write your own passage. 3. Share it with your classmates.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置 1. Recite 6a, parents signature. 2.Write your own passage. 五、板书设计 School is great fun! Subjects: Whats your/her/his favorite subjects,why? Sandra has got She likes She thinks六、课后反思本堂课是一个阅读教学课,阅读内容比较贴近学生的生活,学生掌握得也还不错。全篇通过问题来贯穿全文,并且问题的答案是开放性的答案,这样可以引导学生多说。Part 7a & 7b 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标:(一)知识与技能 能表述自己英语学科的喜爱以及原因。(二)过程与方法交际法,游戏教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观乐于与他人合作,养成喜欢用英语表达的习惯和思维。教学重点:能用适当的用语询问别人喜欢的学科,并能用文中句子进行自我表达。教学难点:能掌握课文我最喜欢的英语课,以及英语课上喜欢干什么。课时安排:1教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talk e.g. What have you got on Monday? Do you like? Why?二、新授内容1. Teacher ask “What can we do in English?”, and lead in sing songs, work in groups, practice dialogues, learn new words, say chants, read stories, watch cartoons, act in plays and so on.2. Turn to page 13, and answer the question.3. Pay attention “I like doing” and “the third person singular form”4. Read the sentences after the teacher.5. Read the sentences in different forms.6. Talk about what can you do in English?7.consolidation:Three students in a group, one asks and one answer, and the other describe with the third person singular form.8.Show time时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结 1. Talk about what do you like doing in English. 2. Small teacher lead-reading. 3. Be a reporter to interview your classmates.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置 1. Recite 7a. 2.Copy the words and sentences four times. 五、板书设计 School is great fun! What do you like doing in Englilsh? In English, I like singing songs. Working in groups. Practicing dialogues. Learning new words. Saying chants. Reading stories. Watching cartoons. Acting in plays.六、课后反思本课重点是让学生进行句型操练。先学会听懂句型,再进行复述句型,最后灵活运用这几句话进行交谈。Part 8 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标:(一)知识与技能 能表述自己英语学科的喜爱以及原因。(二)过程与方法交际法,游戏教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观乐于与他人合作,养成喜欢用英语表达的习惯和思维。教学重点:能用适当的用语询问别人喜欢的学科,并能用文中句子进行自我表达。教学难点:能掌握课文我最喜欢的英语课,以及英语课上喜欢干什么。课时安排:1教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talk e.g. What day is it? Whats your favorite subject/ day? What have you got on Monday? Do you like? Why?二、新授内容1. Open the book, turn to page 13, and write down the timetable.2. Check the answers according to the timetable of the class.3. Read the words of the timetable.4. Describe the timetable of everyday 5. Read the words of the timetable.6. Describe the timetable of everyday.7. Write down your ideal timetable.8. Describe your ideal timetable.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结 1. Chant the timetable. 2. Share the timetable. 3. Make a dialogue according to your timetable.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置 1.Make up a dialogue. 2.Read your books of Unit 1 three times. 五、板书设计 School is great fun! Whats your favorite subject? When is your English class? Its from _and_. Timetable: Subjects: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th六、课后反思本课时主要是词汇,在课堂上教师要掌握优美的英语语调,提升自己的教学魅力。新知导入时,可让学生描述教师,或进行一些口头拼读练习。学生在操练时,要注意让他们使用所学的新知识。Revision Unit 1 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标:(一)知识与技能 复习学科词汇和相关句型。(二)过程与方法交际法,游戏教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观乐于与他人合作,养成喜欢用英语表达的习惯和思维。教学重点:能用适当的用语询问别人喜欢的学科,并能用文中句子进行自我表达。教学难点:能掌握并描述自己喜欢的学科,和在该学科里最喜欢什么。课时安排:2教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talk e.g. What day is it? Whats your favorite subject/ day? What have you got on Monday? Do you like? Why?二、新授内容1. Read the main words of Unit1 have dictation.2. Read and recite the texts of Unit1.3. Ask and answer about your favourite subject and why?4. Read the words, phrases and sentences in different ways.5. Read the texts in different ways.6. Pair work.7. Write about your school life.8. Showtime时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结 1. Correct the dictation paper. 2. Quiz to see the weakness. 3. Read and recite one by one.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置 1.Recite the passage on QQ. 2.Read your books of Unit 1 three times. 五、板书设计 School is great fun! Which School do you go to? How many pupils are there in your class? How many subjects do you have at school? Whats your favourite subject? Subjects: Timetable: 六、课后反思本课时主要是词汇,在课堂上教师要掌握优美的英语语调,提升自己的教学魅力。新知导入时,可让学生描述教师,或进行一些口头拼读练习。学生在操练时,要注意让他们使用所学的新知识。Revision Unit 1 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标:(一)知识与技能 复习学科词汇和相关句型。(二)过程与方法交际法,游戏教学法,合作学习法。(三)情感态度和价值观乐于与他人合作,养成喜欢用英语表达的习惯和思维。教学重点:能用适当的用语询问别人喜欢的学科,并能用文中句子进行自我表达。教学难点:能掌握并描述自己喜欢的学科,和在该学科里最喜欢什么。课时安排:2教学准备:ppt,配套音频文件第2课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一、课堂导入1. Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you doing?2. Free talk e.g. What day is it? Whats your favorite subject/ day? What have you got on Monday? Do you like? Why?二、新授内容1. Read the main words of Unit1 have dictation.2. Do the quiz of Unit1.3. Explain the questions and answers.4. Explain skills of how to solve the problems.5. Read the correct answers.6. Pair work.7. Write about your favorite subject and what do you like doing in a special subject.8. Showtime时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注三、课堂小结 1. Revise the dictation paper. 2. Revise the quiz. 3. Read and recite one by one.时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注四、作业布置 1.Recite the passage on QQ. 2.Read your books of Unit 1 three times. 五、板书设计 School is great fun! Which School do you go to? How many pupils are there in your class? How many subjects do you have at school? Whats your favorite subject? Subjects: Chinese English Math French Science PE ICT What do you like doing in English? I like 六、课后反思经过一个单元的学习,大家充分掌握了学科词汇,能达到会拼写,能利用基本句型进行自我表达。能较好完成相关题型训练,能对变型的题型灵活变通。Unit 2 单元整体备课I. Teaching content: Unit 2II. Teaching goals:4. Basic language goals:Ss should master the usage of all words and expressions.Words: The Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the White House, the Smithsonian Castle, capital.Expressions: Beijing is the capital of China.Excuse me, where is the church?Go straight ahead. Take the first / second / third left / right.5. Ability goal:6. Develop the abilities of listening, reading, speaking and writing; know the capital and famous places of some countries; describe the way to some places. 7. Emotion goals:They are interested in learning English; They like taking part in the activities in the class; The pupils get fun and confidence in the class; Define the development of the pupils composite language abilities.III. Main and difficult points.Listening: Listen and answer the questions or match the capital cities.Speaking: Talk about the big cities.Reading: Read the dialogues.Writing: Write about a special scenic spot.IV. Teaching aids:Flash cards, CD, type-recorder.V. Time allotment: 9 periodsPart 1a 教学设计查阅资料:义务教育教科书 英语六年级起点,六年级上册及相关的教师用书教学目标: (一)知识与技能 能在图片、文字的提醒下,描述城市,能说出特定国家的首都。(二)过程与方法 直接导入法,交际法,全身反应法,合作学习法等(三)情感态度和价值观 乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。教学重点:能灵活运用重点句型进行表达国家的首都,描述城市的景点。教学难点:能够简单的描述中外城市及介绍其景点。课时安排:1教学准备:ppt, 配套音频文件第1课时时间节点教学过程(教学内容、步骤)教学方法教学备注一 课堂导入1.Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2. Free talk about school life. e.g. Whats your favorite day? Whats your favorite subject? 二、新授内容1.Presentations:1) Show some pictures of Part1a. 2) Read the words of Part 1a.3) Listen and point. 2. Read the article aloud in different forms. (e.g. boys/girls, in groups, little train)


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