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Ascaris. lumbricoides(似蚓蛔线虫),一、morhpology(形态),1531cm,Adult Ascaris worms: Female and male Ascaris lumbricoides,Male:the posterior end is curved ventrad,2019,-,1,This worm is a female, as evidenced by the size and gonopore(生殖孔).,2019,-,2,“品”,A scanning electron micrograph of the anterior end of Ascaris showing the three prominent lips .,2019,-,3,fertilized egg-infective (受精卵),Fertilized eggs are oval to round, 45-75m long by 35-50m wide, with a thick, lumpy outer shell (mamillated, uterine, or proteinaceous layer) that is contributed by the uterine wall. When the eggs are passed in the feces, the mamillated layer is bile stained to a golden brown.,Crescent-shaped gap,zygote,2019,-,4,unfertilized egg -not infective (未受精卵),An unfertilized female one in early stages of oviposition commonly deposits unfertilized eggs that are longer and narrower, measuring 88 to 94m long by 44m wide.,2019,-,5,A “decorticated“ fertilized egg (脱蛋白质膜受精卵),It is colorless,2019,-,6,2019,-,7,二、life cycle (生活史),2019,-,8,感染期卵,基本发育过程:,adult,fertilized egg,infective egg,(Adult worms inhabit the lumen of the small intestine ),eggs are passed with host feces.,The zygote within the eggshell develops in moist soil at optimal temperatures( about 25) and oxygen levels.,After being ingested by a human, eggs containing infective larvae hatch in the duodenum and reach the parasite location after a complex migratory process.,Development process :,2019,-,9,侵入肠粘膜的小V、小L,Larva migration route (幼虫移行途径):,The larvae actively burrow into the mucosal lining -the portal circulation the liverthe right side of the heartthe lungs the alveoli (molting twice) the bronchus the trachea the epiglottis - they be coughed up, swallowed, and passed again to the small intestine.,via the circulatory system,2019,-,10,生活史的特点:,1.Parasitic location: 2.Infective stage: 3.Infection atrium:,small intestine,infective egg,Mouth(eating contaminated food or water ),4.Adult female can produce 200,000 eggs per day.,2019,-,11,三、 signs and symptoms,录 像,1、幼虫致病,2、成虫致病,蛔虫性哮喘、肺炎,掠夺营养,变态反应 哮喘,荨麻疹,2019,-,12,并发症 (国内报告 8468例),胆道蛔虫症 4556例(53.8%) 蛔虫性肠梗阻 2337例(27.6%) 蛔虫性阑尾炎 143例 蛔虫性胰腺炎 17例 蛔虫性哮喘 1352例 蛔虫性肝脓肿 33例,2019,-,13,A large mass of Ascaris lumbricoides live in the intestinal tract and can cause intestinal obstruction.,2019,-,14,direct smear method (粪便直接涂片法),四、 diagnosis(诊断),流行,五、 Endemity and Prevention (流行与防治),防治,2019,-,15,Whipworm One of the most common parasites of humans Distributed throughout the world in the same areas where ascaris and hookworm are found.,Trichuris trichiura (毛首鞭形线虫),2019,-,16,The anterior portion of the body is long and slender, posterior portion widens and thickens, like bullwhip Female is longer than male, 35-50 millimeter (mm).,2019,-,17,Eggs measure 50 to 54 m by 22 to 23 m. typically barrel-shaped(纺锤状), with two opercular plug(盖塞),Trichuris trichiura egg,2019,-,18,感染期卵,基本发育过程:,adult,fertilized egg,infective egg,(Adults inhabit the colon but also the appendix and rectum. ),eggs are passed with host feces.,The zygote within the eggshell develops in moist soil at optimal temperatures( about 25) and oxygen levels.,Human become infected when these embryonated eggs are ingested with contaminated food or water or from fingers. The larvae hatch in the upper portions of the small intestine and quickly burrow into the cells of the intestinal villi near the crypts of Lieberkuhn, where they mature.It doesnt need migratory process.,Development process :,2019,-,19,(十二指肠钩口线虫),钩虫,(美洲板口线虫),Ancylostoma duodenale,Necator americanus,(Hookworm),2019,-,20,21,Differential characteristic of A.duodenale and N.americanus,size: A.duodenale is larger than N.americanus. Shape: A.duodenale likes the letter “C” N.americanus likes the letter “S”,2019,-,21,Scanning electron micrograph of the oral opening of Ancylostoma duodenale.Note the presence of four cutting “teeth,“ two on each side. Necator americanus: The oral opening of this species contains cutting “plates“ ,no “teeth.“,(十二指肠钩虫:两对钩齿),(美洲钩虫:一对板齿),Buccal capsule (口囊),2019,-,22,Bursa & dorsal ray,Long, wide and rounded, dorsal ray tripartite,Broader than long , dorsal ray small,bipartite,2019,-,23,与钩虫吸血有关的结构,口囊内有钩齿或板齿.,咽管壁肌肉发达.,虫体前端的腺体分泌一些酶, 抑制宿主的血液凝固.,2019,-,24,Hookworm egg:,medium size a thin eggshell, transparent 2-4 cells within egg (Uncleaved embryos),Eggs of A. duodenale and N. americanus are indistinguishable,钩虫卵,2019,-,25,Hookworm life cycle,(1) Eggs are passed in feces to the soil .,(2)The released rhabditiform larvae grow in the feces and/or the soil,(3) Rhabditiform become filariform (third-stage) larvae that are infective,(4)Filariform larvae penetrate the skin.,(5)Filariform larvae are carried through the veins to the heart and then to the lungs. They penetrate into the pulmonary alveoli, ascend the bronchial tree to the pharynx, and are swallowed.,(6)The larvae reach the small intestine, where they reside and mature into adults,2019,-,26,成虫,(小肠),卵,随粪入土,潮湿、荫蔽、 O2充足、温暖,杆状蚴,丝状蚴,(感染期幼虫),2次蜕皮,经皮肤、体内移行,2次蜕皮,adult,egg,(the small intestine ),eggs are passed with host feces,and develops in cool, humid soil,Development process :,rhabditiform larvae,filariform larvae,Filariform larvae penetrate the skin and reach the parasite location after a complex migratory process,then they mature there.,2019,-,27,侵入皮肤小V、小L,Migrantion path:,The larvae actively penetrate the skin -the portal circulation the liverthe right heartthe lungs the alveoli (molting twice) the bronchus the trachea the epiglottis - they are coughed up, swallowed, and passed to the small intestine.,via the circulatory system,2019,-,28,生活史的特点:,1、寄生部位: 2、感染期: 3、感染途径: 4、感染方式: 5、迁延移行: 6、丝状蚴特性: 7、转续宿主:,小肠,丝状蚴,皮肤、口、胎盘、乳汁等,接触泥土、生食蔬菜和转续宿主肉类、母婴传播等,向温性,猪、犬、灵猫等,停滞发育达200多天,2019,-,29,Clinical features of hookworm disease,Site,Symptoms,Pathogenesis,Cutaneous invasion and subcutaneous migration of larva,Pulmonary (呼吸系统),Gastro- intestinal (胃肠道),Hematologic (血液),Local erythema, macules, papules (ground itch),Dermal(皮肤),Bronchitis, pneumonitis and, sometimes, eosinophilia,Migration of larvae through lung, bronchi, and trachea,Anorexia, epigastric pain and gastro-intestinal hemorrhage,Attachment of adult worms and injury to upper intestinal mucosa,Iron deficiency anemia,Intestinal blood loss,录 像,Pathogenesis and Symptomatology,2019,-,30,贫血的原因:,边吸血边排血 咬附部位渗血 更换咬附位置,原伤口仍渗血 虫体活动造成组织、血管损伤引起失血.,Hookworm anemia(钩虫性贫血),2019,-,31,diagn


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