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课时达标(二十三) Unit 3 Life in the future (见学用课时P53) 阅读理解A课标话题人与社会科技发展与信息技术创新体裁应用文词数 283难度 (2019四川棠湖中学月考)Located in Los Angeles, University of Southern California is in the heart of a leading city. Although LA ranks highly in The Economists Safe Cities Index, navigating and city calls for certain safety precautions(预防措施) along with practicing common sense.Mobile Safety App Powered by LiveSafeThe Mobile Safety App powered by LiveSafe, managed by the USC Department of Public Safety and the USC Department of Emergency Planning, is a free downloadable app that mobile users can use to initiate contact with emergency responders around the campus. Features include: immediate “push button” calls to DPS, easy reporting for suspicious activities or crimes in progress, and location services to notify friends of your route through campus.Blue Light Phone LocationsThe University Park has multiple blue light phones that are strategically placed throughout campus. Take note of where the closest ones are on your route. They come in handy in case you lose your phone or in an emergency. These phones are directly connected to USC Department of Public Safetys 24hour communications center. Besides emergency needs, it can also be used to report suspicious activities, request for an escort(护送) if you feel unsafe and to report a crime.TrojansAlertTrojansAlert is an emergency notification system that allows university officials to contact you during an emergency by sending messages via text messages or email. When an emergency occurs, authorized USC senders will instantly notify you of realtime updates, instructions on where to go, what to do (or what not to do), whom to contact and other important information. All members of the USC community, as well as parents and regular visitors to campus, are strongly encouraged to sign up for TrojansAlert.语篇导读本文主要介绍了洛杉矶南加利福尼亚大学(USC)在校园里采取的一系列安全预防措施。1What do blue light phones do for students?AGuide students through campus.BAlert students to crime activities.CLight up the way if students feel unsafe.DConnect them with the safety department.解析 D细节理解题。根据第三段第四句可知,这些蓝光电话和该大学公共安全部24小时连线,故选D项。2How does USC send out instructions during an emergency?AWith blue light phones.BVia text messages or email.CThrough Mobile Safe App.DBy calling all USC members.解析 B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,当发生紧急情况时,TrojansAlert将通过短信或电子邮件来发出指令,故选B项。3What is the purpose of the text?ATo encourage students to fight crime.BTo introduce USCs safety department.CTo provide safety services for USC students.DTo inform parents of safety risks on campus.解析 C写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了USC为学生们提供的安全服务,故选C项。B课标话题人与社会科技发展与信息技术创新体裁说明文词数 350难度 (2019绍兴诊断)I started my journey at the Cadillac House, drove out of the city and got on the 195 toward Washington, DC. Its about a fourhour drive.As soon as I jumped on the highway, I sped up to about 70 miles per hour and entered standard cruise control. A small indicator on the instrument panel(仪表盘) showed the car was ready to engage selfdriving mode. I pushed a button on the steering wheel to begin, initiating Super Cruise mode.A green light bar at the top of my steering wheel showed that Super Cruise was on. There were no shake, no sudden speed changes or anything like that. The car remained perfectly steady. It uses a combination of cameras, radar sensors, and GPS to find the center of the lane. The car found it, like a train on a track.I had to admit that I was little worried about letting the car take over at first. I kept my hands near the wheel and my eyes locked on the road. After about ten minutes, I finally started to trust the cars judgment. It soon became clear that it could easily drive itself in light traffic, braking when necessary and keeping a steady speed.Then we hit a bottleneck. There was a standstill traffic outside of Baltimore, and things could have easily gone wrong, but this is where Super Cruise really shined. The vehicle came to a complete stop to avoid crashing into traffic, and then sped up when cars started moving again. It was really impressive, and something that sets the 2018 Cadillac CT6 apart from all competitors.I eventually turned off the highway and headed into Washington,DC. To turn Super Cruise off, I simply hit the button on the steering wheel again. The green light at the top of the wheel turned off, and I took control of the car.The CT6 had no problem bringing me from New York to Washington,DC., in Super Cruise mode practically all by itself. It makes me hopeful for a future where Ill never need to touch a steering wheel again.语篇导读本文介绍了凯迪拉克CT6超级巡航模式的自驾体验。4What is the text mainly about?AA report comparing different cars performance.BA description of an adventurous journey.CAn advertizement of a new type of car.DAn account of a selfdriving experience.解析 D主旨大意题。根据文章内容,尤其是最后一段可知,本文主要描述了一款车的自驾体验,故选D项。5What does the underlined word “initiating” in Paragraph 2 mean?ATaking in.BTurning on.CMaking out. DComing off.解析 B词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句可知,一个绿灯表示超级巡航模式在运行,所以“我”应该是“打开”超级巡航模式。take in吸收;turn on打开;make out理解,辨认;come off脱离,成功,故选B项。6.What did the writer think of the selfdriving mode at the beginning of the journey?ADoubtful. BExciting. CBoring. DReliable.解析 A观点态度题。根据第四段第一句可知,作者最初对自动驾驶模式感到有些担忧,即持怀疑态度,故选A项。7What is the competitive advantage of the writers car compared to similar ones?AThere is no need to touch the steering wheel all the way.BThe builtin facilities help the car remain steady.CThe car can adjust its speed according to traffic conditions.DThe operation of the Super Cruise mode is quite simple.解析 C推理判断题。根据第五段可推知,这款汽车可根据交通情况调整车速,这是其与同类竞品相比的优势,故选C项。 完形填空课标话题人与自我学校生活体裁记叙文词数 305难度 (2019吉林重点中学协作体联考)I am not a class president or a homecoming queen. However, I hope to believe that I may still be _1_ for the smiles. I may have entered high school _2_,_but I am leaving high school a strong, confident, and determined young lady.I am a(n) _3_ who spends too much time thinking about the future and not _4_ time thinking about today. I am a perfectionist who spends too much time worrying about the _5_ and not enough time looking at the big picture. I am a writer who makes _6_ flow more smoothly through her pen than through her voice. I am a bookworm who gets too _7_ to fictional characters.In addition to my _8_ as a person, I have taken many of the AP classes(大学先修课) that my school offers, specialized in the science and healthrelated classes, and have _9_ my hardest in all I have done. However, it in no way _10_ me from the thousands of extraordinarily talented applicants that I am being _11_ to. What I hope sets me apart is that, in high school, not only did I concentrate on becoming an _12_ individual, but I also have tried to grow to be a well _13_ person in all areas of my life.When _14_ the past four years of high school, I am equally _15_ and shocked by my growth as an individual. And now, as this chapter of my life comes to a(n) _16_,_I cant help but look forward to and be excited by the new challenges and adventures that _17_ has to offer me. These _18_ experiences in the college will continue my individual development and further my love of _19_. This next step in my life is one that I am _20_ for and excited to take.1Achallenged BthankedCinformed Dappreciated2A.quickly Bquietly Ccarefully Dpatiently3A.teacher Breporter Cdreamer Dorganizer4A.previous Badequate Cspecific Dproper5A.details Bgoals Ccomments Dmethods6A.hopes Bliquid Cwords Ddifficulty7A.similar BcloseCaccustomed Dattached8A.growth BresponsibilityCrequest Dfigure9A.checked Bmeasured Cused Dtried10A.prevents Bconcludes Cseparates Dprotects11A.referred BcomparedCchanged Dconnected12A.interested BimportantCenergetic Deducated13A.understood BimpressedCrounded Dpreserved14A.using up Blooking back onClooking down on Dtaking down15A.relaxed BembarrassedCpleased Dalarmed16A.end Bterm Cidea Dresult17A.status Bwork Cfamily Dcollege18A.new Bsame Cusual Dcomplex19A.acting Blearning Cjudging Dchoosing20A.ready Bfamous Canxious Dgrateful语篇导读通过努力“我”成为自信坚强全面发展的女孩,在高中即将毕业之际,回忆了自己的高中生活,并已经准备好迎接大学生活的新挑战。1解析 D根据语境可知,“我”既不是班长,也不是返校日皇后,可是仍然希望自己的微笑被别人欣赏(appreciate),故选D项。2解析 B根据表转折的but可知,空处与“坚强、自信、坚定”的意义相反,由此推知,“我”当初进入高中时,可能悄无声息(quietly),故选B项。3解析 C根据空后的who spends too much time thinking about the future可知,“我”是一个梦想家(dreamer),故选C项。4解析 B根据空前的spends too much time thinking about the future可知,“我”花了太多的时间幻想未来,反倒没有足够的(adequate)时间考虑现在,故选B项。5解析 A根据空后的not enough time looking at the big picture(没有足够的时间关注大局)可知,空处应与“大局”形成对比,detail细节,符合语境,故选A项。6解析 C根据空前的writer可知,此处应该是“让文字(words)从笔端流淌出来”,故选C项。7解析 D根据空前的bookworm(书虫)可知,“我”沉迷于书中的角色。be attached to对非常喜欢,符合语境


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